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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11759745 No.11759745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wala, dinner is served. bone apple tea

>> No.11759751

Based and burgerpilled

>> No.11759757

would have gay sex with

>> No.11759760

>mom, i posted it again
Fuck off.

>> No.11759832

context please

>> No.11759842

Government is shut down. A football team was visiting the White House and there’s no chefs working so Trump paid for them to have burgers. Based af.

>> No.11759843

orange man fat
orange fans mad

>> No.11759851


I like his coat


Id unironically suck his dick

>> No.11759857

no chefs at the white house because gov. shutdown
rather than hiring caterers cheeto in chief bought a bunch of fast food that no doubt went cold before it got to the white house

>> No.11759860

he couldn't have hired a restaurant to cater? isn't he supposed to be a billionaire?

>> No.11759866

They’re college kids. Stop acting like this isn’t exactly what they’d want

>> No.11759871

The only catering he knows is mcdonalds, friend

>> No.11759873

>he couldn't have hired a restaurant to cater?
That's exactly what he did, dumbfuck.

>> No.11759875

>college kid
>at the WH
>wanting a cold, soggy shitty burger with soggier fries
yeah nah you're a cunt

>> No.11759876

if he did, the media would have went ham on him for wasting taxpayer money on luxury food. there's not way to win with these kikes.

>> No.11759885

They're college football players in one of top programs in the country. I seriously doubt they're eating big macs for every meal. Nutrition is a huge part of being /fit/.

And even if it was, that's not an excuse to feed them garbage
Burger factories aren't restaurants, dumb fuck.
Which is why I mentioned him being a billionaire. He can't afford to cater out of his own pocket?

He also claims to have ordered 1000 burgers, which is a couple thousand dollars. You could easily get some actual decent food for that much.

>> No.11759892

he could've spent his own money, isn't he a billionaire
he could've made a point on doing so
of course, he's too much of a fucking retard to think that far ahead, and you trumptards are too much of fucking retards to keep defending this clown

>> No.11759897

>Get to go to White House to eat fine food and meet the President
>Instead you get room temperature McDonald's

>> No.11759898
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>> No.11759900

after beating the shit out of 'bama, you better believe they were shitfaced drunk for a week straight. it's not like nutrition should even be a factor there.

>> No.11759904
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>> No.11759907


>> No.11759909

wow, such a brave post. the people deserve the truth.

>> No.11759910
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he already gives away his salary to charities, the guy is working for F R E E. I guess giving away 3 to 5k in fast food just aint enough for you...

>> No.11759928

>the guy is working

>> No.11759929
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>> No.11759932

>the guy is working for F R E E
sure he is
> I guess giving away 3 to 5k in fast food just aint enough for you...
he is a BILLIONAIRE, too fucking cheap to spend more than 3k on what could've been a great photo OP
keep sucking that orange dick

>> No.11759943

what do you mean by "government shutdown?"

>> No.11759944

>/ck/ makes fun of this
>literally every other thread is about fast food
lmao just lmao

>> No.11759951


>going to the white house and having a good, but generic steak/chicken dinner

>going to the white house and eating BigMacs and Mcnuggets with the President

There is only 1 choice that people will remember. Theres only 1 reason we're even talking about it now.

>> No.11759953

imagine being furious all day every day about literally everything an elderly man who you will never meet and who has zero effect on your life does. This is an entire generation.

>> No.11759955
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>keep sucking that orange dick

holy shit, I can tell you'll be seething until 2025... it's not healthy to be consistently mad about everything the man does. TDS is a real thing.

>> No.11759964

Has anyone said how warm the burgers were? Cold fast food is disgusting.

>> No.11759968

>Burger factories aren't restaurants
Once again liberals do not know that words have meanings.

>> No.11759980

So we still getting a wall or a steel fence

>> No.11759989

the players loved it
chill out libtard

>> No.11759990

>all the football players are enjoying it clearly
>twitter and journalists are having a hissy fit over it

kek, trump knew exactly what they wanted.

>> No.11759992

A wall made of mud it seems

>> No.11759997

>elderly man who has zero effect on your life
oh no, it's retarded

>> No.11760003

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.11760004


>> No.11760005

the media and the zoomers would find a way to be mad at trump if he gave every american citizen 1000 dollars

>> No.11760011

>I-I'm sure the players LOVED driving all the way from Alabama to eat cold hamburgers and soggy fries
MAGAtards everyone

>> No.11760013

>people state facts
>”how should I react?”

>> No.11760018

>catered food isn't prepared and stored better than the shit from the drive thru
You're trying so hard but still look stupid, maybe just stop

>> No.11760020

retarded cultist opinions /=/ facts

>> No.11760025

post your fast when it turns out the president is doing fast food commericals for wendys and mcdonalds.

>> No.11760029
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>post your fast

>> No.11760030

literally nothing in my post had anything to do with /pol/ you fucking retard

>> No.11760032
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>> No.11760033

Lol this guy is such a fucking moron it's ridiculous

>> No.11760036

>an order of that size
>after being prepared, it had to be packaged, delivered, and presented at the table
>thinking it wouldn't be soggy and cold as fuck by the time its eaten

oh look, it's a MAGAtard trying hard to once again explain the retardation of the current WH

>> No.11760039


>> No.11760042

sorry anon, I was thinking about going fast, that I didn't even think while typing.

>> No.11760043

If I was in their shoes, I'd steal the silverware.

>> No.11760050

stay mad orange fans
your leader has donkey brains btw

>> No.11760052
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Just imagine for a moment getting worked up into a hissy fit sitting at your computer all night typing angry words because an old guy bought hamburgers for a bunch of kids who play football at their school on the weekends. Seriously, just imagine doing that.

>> No.11760053
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Look how angry they are!

>> No.11760056

but he trolls libruls EPIC STYLE

>> No.11760058

Big boomer brain right there.

>> No.11760061

It means both parties can't agree on or pass a budget and as a result they can't pay people yet, so they had to shutdown the government and furlough federal employees with the exception of jobs that are considered absolutely essential for public safety and health. It's been going on for a few weeks now. This isn't the first time this has happened either, although it's the first time it has gone on so long.

>> No.11760062

>gets mad at a black dude for wearing a tan suit and using non-shit tier mustard

>> No.11760067


>> No.11760090

Do you imagine some employee spit in that?

>we need 400 cheeseburgers for trump
*seething mexican burger flipper*

>> No.11760092

Trump couldn't get his dumb wall approved for 2 years despite having majorities of both houses of congress under his party's control, so now he's refusing to open the government unless the Democrats cave in to his dumb demands, which they aren't likely to do.

So non-essential government workers (like FDA food inspectors) aren't working at the moment. And essential government workers have to work, but aren't being paid. So they've been calling out sick in order to work side jobs, since they need to pay their families.
So the economy is getting fucked up, things aren't getting done, things are slowing down, etc like this: https://youtu.be/SVS7jvx5Ul4

The big boomer brain of it all is that they approved back pay, so the people who aren't working and not getting paid will come back to back pay, despite not working. So we won't even save any money from them not working PLUS all the damage done to the economy by things not getting done.

>> No.11760097

god, why does he have to be such a cuck at all times?

>> No.11760098

I don't see any doing that in the thread

>> No.11760100

>despite having majorities of both houses of congress under his party's control
he still needed nearly a dozen democrats votes you fucking brainlet

>> No.11760117

Given how spineless the Dems are it only speaks to his incompetence.

>> No.11760133
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Conservatives can conveniently forget about their collective retardation over Obama for 8 years if they want but it still happened. Why they're surprised the """other side""" is going full retard as well is beyond me when they and Fox invented scandalizing trivial shit like this.

>> No.11760143

but he makes the Best Deals™, I'm sure if he was as good as he claims, he could've convinced those 10 Dems and 2 GOP to back him. Of course, that is if you don't count the offer he got of $25 billion for the wall in exchange for DACA......

Surely if the Big Beautiful Wall was such as big deal he should've done something while he had both Houses, and not wait til the midterms.....

>> No.11760163

you're trying a little too hard

>> No.11760184

How so? the guys spent months bragging about his Art of the Deal crap, and he couldn't negotiate with 10 dems? lmfao. oh no muh rinos muh libshits whaaaa le god emperor's agenda is being cockblocked by soibois

Obama passed ACA with a GOP controlled House and Senate. If he can do it, why can't Drumpf?

>> No.11760191

He's right, though

>> No.11760193

come on, dude. orange man bad or not, look at the way those burgers are neatly arranged and stacked. That took several minutes, not to mention them having to be driven from bk/mcdonalds, going through WH security, in the middle of winter. those babies were room temp at BEST.

>> No.11760194

hes just daring the media to write about what a "poor meal" this is and further alienate themselves with the masses who actually eat this often

everything trump does is 4D chess, even this shutdown nonsense as the Dems own it all with their refusal to negotiate

>> No.11760197

It's brilliant.
Many of his voters eat like that because it's all they can afford, or think it's all they can afford. And that table looks good to them.
Anyone who complains about that food instantly looks like a snobby piece of shit and ostracises those voters.
Visiting the WH is not supposed to be about the food.

>> No.11760200

where are the fries though

and wheres the coke

>> No.11760201

well he was in DC all weekend working as opposed to the dems who were in puerto rico with donors

>> No.11760203

I eat that shit and I still think this is the dumbest thing I've seen so far in 2019.

>> No.11760205

>everything trump does is 4D chess

>> No.11760207

he isnt

>> No.11760210

explain why he isn't right

>> No.11760211

whew lad, spin that hard and your gonna develop vertigo

>> No.11760213

cant negotiate with people who are stuck in a resist and oppose mode for 2 years

>> No.11760215

he did win the election with 1/5 of hillary's staff numbers and 1/2 of her budget

>> No.11760220

because he is overlooking how corrupt Congress is in order to act like Trump somehow has control of the legislative branch

>> No.11760226

>it's ok if your leader acts like a ridiculous caricature in front of the entire world if the people having the food enjoy it

The absolute fucking state of mutts.

>> No.11760230

Imagine the smell

>> No.11760232

Who gives a shit.

>> No.11760234

>has a fancy meal
>media goes to town with how wasteful and extravagant it is while the gov is in shutdown and people arent getting paid

>has a normie meal
>media cant say anything about it without digging themselves further into the ground and be viewed as out of touch by the majority of americans

fastfood is quintessentially as american as soft drinks, baseball and apple pies

maybe he could have some homey diner foods instead like meatloaf etc but whatever

>> No.11760237

>cant negotiate with people who are stuck in a resist and oppose mode for 2 years
The GOP did it for 8 years
He is a shitty negotiator, no matter how you try to slice it.

Corrupted how? and what does that have to do with the fact that Trump couldn't get his wall done with a GOP controlled govt?

>> No.11760239


>Americunts finally admitting that the majority of their population regularly eats processes cow sphincters


>> No.11760240

I mean, the decor itself doesn't look like what his average voter sees when eating. Plus, you don't think a team who won a fucking championship deserve a little classier?

>> No.11760242

I would 100% be okay with eating McDonalds in the Whitehouse if only for the meme potential

>> No.11760244

It's ok, most of us are laughing at him. There are a few loud, inbred mouthbreathers who can't help but finger his butthole over every misstep he makes, for some reason.

>> No.11760245

>in exchange for DACA
Fuck that

>> No.11760247


Anyone who actually expects the leader of the free world to have some class and dignity?

>> No.11760248

Dude, why are you so buttblasted about the president buying food for other people?

>> No.11760257

Retarded or yuropoor?

>> No.11760258

>has a fancy meal
>media goes to town with how wasteful and extravagant it is while the gov is in shutdown and people arent getting paid

>has a normie meal
>media cant say anything about it without digging themselves further into the ground and be viewed as out of touch by the majority of americans
I agree

>serves ice cold burgers and fries
lol ithis guy is fuckin retarded

>> No.11760263

I don't care what it's made of so long as it stops the beaners.

>> No.11760265
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>class and dignity
So they can do whatever they want as long as they look good on camera and say nice things?

>> No.11760266

I think a team of college football players might be nervous and uncomfortable with lobster forks and the like.
Burgers take out a lot of the tension kids that age would feel eating a very fancy meal in a very fancy place.
And again; it sets up anyone who complains to look like an asshole who went to the WH for the food.

>> No.11760267

Yeah, I'm sure the only reason they went to the whitehouse was for the food.

>> No.11760271

Ehh, some faggot's views of the guy who runs the country doesn't effect me in the slightest. Why should I give a fuck? People will bitch about anything any president does anyway. Might as well just sit back and enjoy the show from time to time.

>> No.11760274

You think because Obama and Congress did what big Pharma and the Insurance companies wanted with the ACA that makes them good negotiators? How can you overlook the fact that there have been people within the GOP who are essentially DNC in everything but name only? Things arent as black and white as you try and make them out to be. Also these same types of corporations are against the border wall and look at where Congress is standing on the issue. Way to be a corporate stooge.

>> No.11760276
File: 61 KB, 1024x654, A360A44E-1D81-4801-8316-8F413B4C186A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this. This is my favorite thing Trump has done as president. People are getting mad because he bought some college kids hamburgers LMAO its fucking hilarious. The American public is literally fucking retarded

>> No.11760278

>Plus, you don't think a team who won a fucking championship deserve a little classier?
They got an invitation to the fucking Whitehouse

>> No.11760279

Why does it have to be either lobsters or burgers? Is there zero middle ground you can imagine between those two things, i.e. a normal fucking meal?

>> No.11760283
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Despite urban myths, they're used as sausage casings in minority communities. Any idiot with a brain can google-fu this shit.

>> No.11760284

>fast food
>not a normie meal

>> No.11760288

Congrats on being the least educated person on /ck/, retard. Maybe instead of feigning rage, you should try acting like your IQ is above 60.

>> No.11760290
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I'd eat cold tasteless oatmeal if it means I can shake hands with -The- God Emperor himself

also after shaking his hands I'd probably not wash them for 2 weeks like that one kid who didnt bathe for a long long time because Putin kissed his tummy

>> No.11760289

>boneless rectums
As opposed to... bone-in rectums?

>> No.11760292


That's one hell of a stretch from "serving big macs at a formal dinner makes you look like a cartoon character"...

>> No.11760294


>> No.11760296

Fucking jew

>> No.11760301


The fucking Whitehouse that served them the same slop they could have had down the street.

>> No.11760302

Me on the right

>> No.11760306

So you're mad at people you imagine are here.

Okay. That's healthy.

>> No.11760308

>he could've spent his own money, isn't he a billionaire

There are a SHITLOAD of dumb rules regarding how much someone can spend when in a position like that. Not to mention there is a no win situation here, if he got something fancy people would cry about poor people not eating or some shit

>> No.11760309
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>> No.11760315

>if King Nigger did it it would be alright but because Orange Man did it I'm mad

>> No.11760318
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lmaoing at all the yuropoors and commiefornians ITT. our god emperor, leader of the free world and of the best nation on earth, gave some kids some authentic and tasty national food out of his own pocket. and this is a bad thing because???? ill wait libtards.

>> No.11760319


As others have said, in your mind, is there no grey area in between "something famcy" and a pile of Big Macs?

>> No.11760320

I agree with reddit on this

>> No.11760321

Reddit complains about literally everything he does. It’s like that girl in high school who hates another girl, it’s all pointless babbling because 100% of it is negative.

>> No.11760323

>football players

mcdicks was more than they deserve

>> No.11760324

a reminder that king obamgo spent $65,000 of taxpayer money to fly in hotdogs and pizza from chicago

>> No.11760326

this is pretty much universally applicable

>> No.11760327

all dose poiple

all those hamboigahs

>> No.11760328

So? It's free and you get a tour of the fucking Whitehouse.

>> No.11760329

America has never had a dignified president, at least not one who got anything done

>> No.11760335


>processed cow eyelids is the US National food

>> No.11760337

>hot dogs and pizza
Yeah... sure...

>> No.11760338

There has literally never been a period in time where America was dignified

>> No.11760340

How about you go there and stay there then?

>> No.11760343

It seemed like you were implying there was a recent president with class and dignity for comparison.

>> No.11760344

I shook his hand at the Crippled America book signing in NYC.

Best handshake I've ever gotten

>> No.11760348


>> No.11760349

To cater to a fucking football team? Burgers and fries seems like a very reasonable meal to feed, not to mention looked like everyone there seemed to enjoy the food and have a meal at the white house.

>> No.11760351

So go back.

>> No.11760361

Nah, I'm good

>> No.11760362

What a stupid statement.

>> No.11760363
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>Michelle would have put out a stellar veggie plate

>> No.11760366

pick one

>> No.11760367
File: 99 KB, 565x500, REDDIT NIGGER FAG FAG FUCK OFF CUNTFAG FUCK FU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11760370


>they're a football team so there can be nothing else other than lobsters or a pile of Big Macs

>> No.11760375

Prove me wrong.

All our most effective presidents were banging slaves, banging whores, shit talking, occasionally killing people, and in general doing things considered "beneath the office" by the hoi-palloi.

>> No.11760385

This isn't every meal you stupid kike. It's a one time thing and nobody is complaining except faggots like you.

>> No.11760387

Reddit is historically illiterate.
What a surprise

>> No.11760390

>Government officials feed a team of minorities the dollar menu at McDonald's

Woah...really made me think...

>> No.11760391

It is fascinating to see a new NPC line being formed in real time.

ad nauseam

>> No.11760396

If trump ordered anything someone would complain
>orders fried chicken and fixings
>chinese/pf changs food

>> No.11760397

literally the first fucking president you utter mongoloid

>> No.11760399
File: 139 KB, 636x868, f51422ebf909bf37861a41778d2def64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they didn't have to tip

>> No.11760403

>Obama would have taken his suit jacket off to serve the McChickens, and he would have ordered a drone strike on Syrian children while doing it, where have the good times gone...

>> No.11760405

>turning your nose up at free food
well excuse me mr fancy pants I remember when I was in college and eating a big mac in the WH would have been amazing

>> No.11760407

would become his private fuckbody, not even joking

>> No.11760410

Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real.

>> No.11760415

Slave owner who bullshit his own highly literate slave to literally own her children.
Broke Posse Comitatus in his first term too.
Also you had to go back 44 presidents to find one you thought was clean.
Nice try though, retard.

>> No.11760419

>slave owner with dentures made from slave teeth
Slow down there anon

>> No.11760420


>it's free slop so it's good slop!

>> No.11760422

I like a McChicken too just sayin its funny seeing right NPCs get new script lines

>> No.11760423

He killed his own countrymen for better land deals and lower taxes my dude.

>> No.11760426

not american here, what does a government shutdown benefits?

>> No.11760429

Like I said Mr Gucci loafers, you need to check your privilege.

>> No.11760431

What if we just think it's really fucking funny and also not offensive in the least so seeing shitlibs get worked up over it only makes it better.

>> No.11760433

bruh, im eating with friends not with family, who wants fancy dinner when all i want is to eat without being judged?

>> No.11760436

boner petite, op

>> No.11760439

theres always the salad and sliced apples, right there in the middle of the photo.

>> No.11760440

Fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.11760441

>everyone who disagrees with me is reddit
Like clockwork.

>> No.11760445

Steamed Ham

>> No.11760447

Prove me wrong

>> No.11760448

actual autism

>Posse Comitatus
I assume youre referring to the Whiskey Rebellion, which yes, he quelled with zero bloodshed. Dignified considering this was shortly following a particularly bloody war.
>Slave owner who bullshit his own highly literate slave to literally own her children.
I'm not sure if this is even a sentence, but yeah salve ownership was normal during that time in the US

>> No.11760449

not that anon but there is also resetera and other shit holes, he just happened to be commenting about a reddit screen cap, but you knew that didnt you ;^)

>> No.11760454

You're the one making the claim. Back it up faggot.

>> No.11760455

Left out the whole "staged a violent rebellion over tax and land policies" bit but keep up the romantic fantasies about Washington you utter retard

>> No.11760457


>all I want is to eat without being judged
>while holding a formal dinner
>with photographers present

>> No.11760462

You know

>> No.11760463

Its a risky move to try and force your will on the other party. America has a lot of money so the numbers will always be big but the pundits say its cost ~11 billion dollars so far.
Plus ~800,000 furloughs (working without pay but with backpay when government reopens)

If you want to understand why this is even possible look into the debt ceiling and the perpetual battle were in about having to raise it all the time.

>> No.11760465

>he just happened to be commenting about a reddit screen cap
He was responding to >>11760247
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11760470

The president uses it as leverage to get the other side to crack. Its like playing chicken. The longer it stays shut down the angrier federal workers get. After awhile it will also effect the welfare niggers. Normal people rarely notice a shutdown though.

>> No.11760476

You seem -really- personally invested in not looking like you're from Reddit
On an anonymous Korean origami website

>> No.11760477

Your mum had one of those last night.


>> No.11760478

It was all in reference to the reddit screen cap, but you knew that. Why are leftists so dishonest bros?

>> No.11760483

Ok fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.11760484

Again, you are referring to a time of political and social turmoil following a revolution. Nothing he did detracted from his dignified status during that time. Literally every contemporary historian of that time regarded him as such. You don't get to compare the modern day landscape to a bygone era.

>keep up the romantic fantasies
Nobody here is living in a fantasy realm except for you

>> No.11760489
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>> No.11760492

Even if you were right, and you think chattel slavery is a dignified thing to do, you have to go back 44 presidents to find one you consider dignified.

And that somehow proves what, practically, in relation to the topic at hand?

>> No.11760493

I'm for too stupid to understand how to use reddit's interface. Why do you think I'm on a Taiwanese cat wrestling forum that's been basically unchanged for 15 years?

>> No.11760495

>N-no really guys I'm one of you!

>> No.11760497
File: 274 KB, 700x480, 1480234636718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old man buys hamburgers and fries
>Media, vegans, and effete faggots lose their shit
I'm sure those big black linebackers would love for you to spew spittle in their faces about how humiliated they should feel.

>> No.11760498

>taxpayer money
mate he paid for it out of pocket. when there's a trump restaurant closer than the nearest wendy's. when there's currently a 2 for $5 deal on big macs, quarter pounders and filet o fish which are conveniently the only mcdonald's items there.

>> No.11760503

Whatever you say anon.

>> No.11760504

Stay mad sheepy

>> No.11760508
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>> No.11760511

>that 3rd comment
This has to be a joke
>I feel Obama could have done it because I like his smile
>Also the shut down wouldn't have even been his fault

>> No.11760515

>I not NPC!
Time to restart, sweetie.

>> No.11760519

They're dead serious. This is what people mean when they talk about Reddit cancer, retards who unironically agree with those sort of opinions.

>> No.11760522

Like clockwork heh

>> No.11760523

people actually working the border want the closely spaced steel pylon wall

>> No.11760529

>/ck is 60% fast food threads
>seething when orange man gets some fast food
Explain this.

>> No.11760531

I guess an NPC knows all about machinery right?

>> No.11760533

NPC mental gymnastics

obama is a snake in a suit, looks good, talks good (with teleprompter) but actually did very little and drones kids all day. 10/10 presentation but 1/10 everything else

>> No.11760540

Redditards are the biggest hypocrites you can imagine. See>>11760309. People are literally saying they wouldn't be mad if Obongo had done it.

>> No.11760546

so is just to put pressure on people who don't agree with you? but of course this only affects people whose jobs are related to federals?

>> No.11760552

Yes and no. It applies pressure to your opponents but it also applies pressure to the president. It's a giant game of chicken.

>> No.11760553

You are forgetting that 94% of gvt workers voted for Hillary.

>> No.11760554

imagine spending your whole night on 4channel talking shit about a guy who bought some hamburgers lmao just lmfao

>> No.11760563

damn and how long it usually supposed to last?

>> No.11760564

Take a gander on that 'smile' on his face. Even the Orange Baboon knows this is cringe worthy.

>> No.11760566

This is the longest one in American history.

>> No.11760567

What's the big deal? Everyone likes macdonalds.

>> No.11760571


>> No.11760573

Everyone knows that, redditards are mad because Orange Man did something.

>> No.11760575

It isnt supposed to last, this is the longest in history iirc. Dems refuse to negotiate until gvt is opened but that's the bargaining chip so they are basically saying for him to give up. If it opens up again it's back to the status quo.

>> No.11760578

well i wish you american the best and hope this doesn't go out of hand

>> No.11760581
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>> No.11760582

only nogs and government leeches are affected, it would take forever for things like police/fire to get seriously broken

>> No.11760583

Fair enough, I don't see any mcvegan there. But there's the fish burger for the semi-vegetarians.

>> No.11760589

It's a US college football team so I doubt there are any vegans, but it is 2019 so who knows these days.

>> No.11760591

Police and fireservices are almost invariably state or locally funded, meaning they would never be affected.

>> No.11760595

The states usually receive federal funding, but that's what I mean, it would take literal months-years before protective services broke down. Would basically require all federal services to collapse and the country to become city-states.

>> No.11760597

so president shuts down gvt
dems rfuse to coop unless gvt is back on
but doing so might make dems continue to refuse to coop so is a gamble

>> No.11760601

>Dems refuse to negotiate until gvt is opened
Someone pulled shit shit on me once in elementary school. Fool me once, shame on you. You fool me, you can't get fooled again.

>> No.11760603

So did they ran out? I hope those players stuffed themselves silly.

>> No.11760605

There is no question, they wont negotiate at all. They said if he opens it up they will consider negotiations but that is just a promise of a possible sit down. Truly not an offer all the while they go to Puerto Rico this weekend with big time donors while saying they dont want to waste $ on border security.

>> No.11760615

let's see how long this shutdown continues

>> No.11760616

>They said if he opens it up they will consider negotiations
An absolute non-statement. They've having sit-downs right now and are awful liars.

>> No.11760617

Yeah they did that with Regan, so only a fool would buy that line again.

>> No.11760624

Yeah they just dont like their feet to the fire, but they made any other attempts impossible.

>> No.11760625

What a dumbshit.

>> No.11760626

Neocons, and Liberals.
Trump's neither of them.

>> No.11760649

>everyone on the left is mad over what people are eating for dinner
Lol sorry not sorry he could have served filet mignon topped with caviar, but you'll bitch that he's being wasteful. He's not trying to win over you faggots, he's just serving up a good time, something you'll never experience if you never practice gratitude.
Hope you die from an aneurysm before next year.

>> No.11760652


Criticizing pretty hard an event he didn't attent there.

>> No.11760658

You botched the quotation of a botched quote. Makes me wonder if that really is you, Dubya.

>> No.11760662

Eating fast food with my bros at the white house seems like a dream straight out of some early 2000s kids movie

>> No.11760673

he's a jewish puppet.

>> No.11760681

>Obama passed ACA with a GOP controlled House and Senate.
Nope. Based Obama passed the ACA when the Dems controlled the House and Senate for the first two years of his first term. The Republithugs have been unable to repeal it ever since then despite 6 years of controlling both the House and Senate during his last six years and office. Add on two years of control of all the apparatus of Government with out getting rid of the ACA then there is only one conclusion which fits the evidence presented.

People like having affordable health care.

K Thnx Bai.

>> No.11760683

>look at you, you look like a complete fag
>y-y-y-your mad
lmao, kys

>> No.11760686

you owned that libtard!!
MAGA dude!!

>> No.11760690

Except unless you're a freeloading nigger it's not affordable.

>> No.11760691

I'd be laughing at the absurdity of it as well desu
it's fucking comical

>> No.11760695

Dumb bumbo

>> No.11760701

if I ever get married, im gonna serve this for my wedding dinner, fuck all that fancy food, 300 cheeseburgers, eat all you want

>> No.11760702

>mad about burgers

>> No.11760704

>keep sucking that orange dick

No need to when your tongue is deep in his ass trying to find all the dirt possible on him.

>> No.11760705

that's a very popular choice in alabama
though sometimes it's kfc and churches instead

>> No.11760707

Obama brought $65,000 worth of hotdogs. Dumb nigger loved wasting tax payers money

>> No.11760710

Our wedding meal was great, it was a nice meal and there was plenty of food/options but after all was said and done we still ordered a pizza when we were finally alone later in the night. There's nothing wrong with comfort food and everyone enjoys it, especially at social events. Anyone mad about catered burgers is a dipshit.

>> No.11760715

>from slave teeth

>actively misinforming people

Retard, his false teeth were made from Ivory, fucking kill yourself, dimwit cunt-twit.

>> No.11760716

i dont know which burgers though, mcdonalds, wendys or carl jr?

>> No.11760729

>Lund Washington, George’s distant cousin who managed Mount Vernon during the Revolution, made a notation in the plantation ledger books for May 1784: “By Cash pd Negroes for 9 Teeth on Acct of Dr. Lemoire.”

>> No.11760732

I'd do McDonald's and Chik Fil A, but if you want all burgers McD's and Wendy's is a great combo, though I think Five Guys caters in some places, too.

>> No.11760736

Sure, 65k sounds like a lot of money to plebs like us. It's several years of taxes for many people.
But in the grander scheme of things it's nothing. About half the cost of one Hellfire missile if I remember correctly. And Obama launched plenty of those. Each of them representing ALL the taxes paid for several years by one red-blooded American worker.

>> No.11760738

>doing what big pharma and the insurance companies want is good for the country
confirmed not knowing anything about healthcare

>> No.11760739

sure that's why they are so happy with him for withdrawing from syria...oh wait

>> No.11760742

there is no CFA nor 5 guys, wish there was a jack in the box but neither we have that.

>> No.11760750

I dont understand why they didn't just opt for something safe and probably not too expensive like BBQ or something, probably the best white people food and very American

>> No.11760754

Trump is a New Yorker, he doesnt know shit about BBQ

>> No.11760761

Should have flown in Cruz and got him working the grill.

>> No.11760765
File: 116 KB, 574x390, my king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libs BTFO once again!
Libs are fucking humiliated. Wall to wall (excuse the pun) coverage of Trump serving fucking MCDONALDS at the WHITE house. How fucking KEKED and mad could you be? Just IMAGINE BEING A FUCKING LIBKEK for a second. You can't think of ANYTHING other than Trump in his little chefs hat and waiters uniform smiling and saying 'Big Mac anyone? BREADY!' Trump is so fucking based and redpilled. or should I say based and yellowarchespilled because he KNOWS how to troll with McDonalds. Libcucks HATE the thought of Trump chewing and swallowing a Big Mac, the mysterious big mac sauce running down his throat before more brilliant words come in the other direction to describe the bigly delicious meal.

Remember when Libtards got butthurt because Trump mostly eats McDonalds? This is like that times 1000. I've never seen such butthurt over McDonalds. Vegan Libtards must be mad that Trump has the most Vitamin B12 in his system, the most B12. They are so butthurt. Libtards will be walking into McDonalds today and SCREAMING at the cashiers, who are mostly niggers, the left are eating themselves whilst Trump and his guests eat delicious nuggets.So fucking triggered. No wonder they are always exposing themselves to right wing superminds like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Steven Crowder. Oh and Trump hasn't shut the government down. He's shut the cuckerment down. The parts of the government that are cucked are shut down. The military is still going, the border security is still going, the oil industry is still going. Only the cucked parts like schools, hospitals and climate science organisations are shut down, because the non cucked bits believe in making American Great Again! MAGA. remember that.

Man this is too fucking funny. Maybe if you libcucks didn't force McDonalds workers to get a $15 minimum wage like the cucks you were then Trump would have been able to pay for some salads along with the US Made Burgers or something, lol.

>> No.11760768

>We are not even entirely positive that the teeth whose price is recorded in the Ledger Book are the same as those in the dentures.

>> No.11760772

>this is your brain on Trump derangement syndrome
>any questions?

>> No.11760777

Why else would Washington be fucking buying nigger teeth then? Just to fucking collect?

>> No.11760781

>catering Five Guys to a full wedding party
Literally only Bezos could afford that when he gets re-married.

>> No.11760784
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thank you anon im saving this 10/10 post

>> No.11760785

why would they buy that?

>> No.11760789

I cant eat that. I'm lack toes in toddler ant...

>> No.11760791

>Bezos remarrying
I think he learned the lesson the first time.

>> No.11760793

There's no BBQ restuarants in fucking DC. Literally the only regional dish DC is known for is fried fish on whitebread drenched in hotsauce. Would you rather have him served them that?

>> No.11760794

they probably got paid for it. it's essentially a commercial for mcdonald's

>> No.11760797

Fast food in the White House is a fun idea appropriate for the people being served, especially when it's with a president known for his love of fast food and Diet Coke. Imagine the joy of eating fast food burgers with the president and you just know it was his top choice. Peak American comfort.

>> No.11760803

If you actually looked at the picture you'd see that there's fastfood from a bunch of different companies, probably as an attempt to explicitly preempt retards like you from claiming a company paid him to promote their food. Unfortunately for him your retardation was just too strong.

>> No.11760808

>no Checkers/Rallys
Trump confirmed for not a fast foodie. He doesn't know the deal.

>> No.11760812

This but ironically.

>> No.11760815

im american but this is the first time i've heard of it

>> No.11760822

lurn 2 civics boi

>> No.11760826

This but unironically.

>> No.11760839

With the tax cuts I'm taking home $4500 more a year. They're losing their shit AND want to overturn it.

Trump gave Americans more money and the left is still seething.

>> No.11760844

80% of the government should be abolished as it is a massive bloated waste of tax payer money and the reason I pay 30% of my income to provide for niggers and useless fucks, so the longer it's shut down the better.

>> No.11760848

>Obama passed ACA with a GOP controlled House and Senate.
Why lie?

>> No.11760849

I can only imagine people under 20 wouldn't really be paying attention but come on dude.

>> No.11760852

He pretty much did with the taxcuts and they blew their fucking load over it.

>> No.11760854

libtards are a party of liars.

>> No.11760855

i dont really pay attention to the news

>> No.11760874

>it's either this, school shooting, or a mcchicken
truly the promised land

>> No.11760880

>Broke Posse Comitatus in his first term too
He didn't though because the Posse Commitatus Act wasn't enacted until 1878 as a result of Lincoln's shit in the Civil War.

>> No.11760886

People realize that the federal government shut down has no impact on our lives thus teaching people it's unneeded so maybe just MAYBE we can destroy the bloated bureaucracy and get back to our foundations.

Or more likely it'll be resolved, status quo, MORE money for niggers and spic welfare and we'll tax ourselves to oblivion while our demographics go full Brazil tier.

>> No.11760887

Are you for real? Have you seen the grifting that's gone on without people giving a shit?

>> No.11760952


>> No.11761065

I wouldn't even mind this.
Fast food is delicious.

>> No.11761070

Same here, fren. Libtard once again proving they're entitled babies by expecting a 5 course French meal for free.

>> No.11761071

Found the white trash.

>> No.11761078

This guy is unironically right. This kind of stuff is the reason why he won...

>> No.11761079

I thought he did spend his own money?

>> No.11761082

He did.

>> No.11761111

Don't pretend fast food doesn't taste good.

>> No.11761120

It needs something other than fries as a filler for the protein.

The wraps are unironically, the best thing there though.

>> No.11761192

World Governments and leaders are constantly abusing people, throwing them in jail for mean tweets, work hand in hand with banker cartels to destabilize the nations through economic terrorism, start wars to kill millions only to line their own pockets and somehow Trump having McDonalds catering the White House is the least dignified thing anyone has ever done. Unironically consider suicide.

>> No.11761222

This thread is probably more autistically delicious than the /v/ and /pol/ combo meal

>> No.11761262

For me, it's the redditard invasion with Big Mac sauce.

>> No.11761275


I would fucking go to town on this like JoeysWorldTour. I would make the woo woo wooos too

>> No.11761290
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>ywn woo woo in the Whitehouse

>> No.11761309

> wala
Voila, Anon.

>> No.11761314

It's amazing when a non career politician wins he talks like he isn't a career politician.

>> No.11761340

>dumb demands,
Funny now a wall for Israel, funded by the US taxpayers, was a sound investment, but it's a "dumb demand" to protect our southern border with one.

>> No.11761364


>> No.11761368

>"Haha Trump bought hamburgers so every political belief you have is fucking wrong."

>> No.11761381

Murdoch Murdoch actively mocks reddit maga tards.
I'm firmly in the left but I find Murdoch funny, just disagree with the politics.

>> No.11761417

>hey building a wall was a good investment in a war-zone where people drive into your cities to bomb them
>what, why aren't they a good investment for over-stayed visas as well?
you are the reason your government is shut down

>> No.11761426


>> No.11761439

Except the vast majority of illegals do come over the border you retard. Once we have the wall we can then focus on those who overstay their vias

>> No.11761461

"Since 2007, visa overstays have accounted for a larger share of the growth in the undocumented immigrant population than illegal border crossings,[23] which have declined considerably from 2000 to 2018.[24]"
Literally look it up on any website, you've been duped. Why do you think people call Trump a liar? Crossing the border illegally is still a problem, but he didn't have to lie to you about it.

>> No.11761546

>Vegan football player