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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11758772 No.11758772[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do white people boil chicken?

>> No.11758776

tastes good and is juicy

>> No.11758821

That's poached chicken. I could go into more details but it seems respectful to give you time to look up the word so I don't go too fast.

>> No.11758895

Difference between poaching and boiling?

>> No.11758898


>> No.11758919

Poaching is a simmer, and not a rolling boil. Boiling is for things like pasta or whatever.

Poaching a chicken is useful for something like making a buffalo chicken dip or like an enchilada or something else. Also poached chicken is relatively low calorie since it isn't being cooked in fat and could also be considered "healthier" than grilling or frying because it isn't getting those "burnt" marks that some people consider carcinogenic (if you could even possibly care about such a bullshit thing).

Also stop trolling delete your shit thread and never come back to /ck/ you cunt

>> No.11758927

I like this guy, he makes some good shit and has a nice wife.

>> No.11758944

can be useful for shredding

>> No.11758997

>those "burnt" marks that some people consider carcinogenic
I desperately want to believe you're making shit up but I know that there are people who probably do believe that

>> No.11759271

the only way to make pulled chicken without it getting dry and awful

>> No.11759293

This 100%

>> No.11759311

Searing food creates acrylamide which is carcinogenic, but not in the amount you get from food. It's only a health concern for people working with concentrated acrylamide in certain occupations, you can pretty much never get enough to cause cancer just through diet alone. A study even showed that restaurant cooks are exposed to higher levels of acrylamide than what people get through normal diets, and they still had no cancer risk increase.

>> No.11759766

soy boy tits and good arms, Im confused.

>> No.11759819
File: 164 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-BeiQieJi-WhiteCutChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese people poach chicken as well. White-cut chicken is a very popular dish in Guangzhou/ Hong Kong. A delicacy even, essential on the table on new years, popular at restaurants. And they do it at home instead of roasting a chicken as well. They'll always make sure to get a really good chicken to do it with. People i know in Guangzhou will go to the market, select a live chicken, and then come back an hour later and the guy will have plucked it and stuff for them. Very fresh. Then they poach it at home. Often a silkie with black flesh.

I think it's partially because Chinese people actually really like the kind of chewy gelatinous texture of boiled skin, in a way that white people don't. They still appreciate crispy skin as well though.

>> No.11759874

There's literally no reason not to. It looks a little off, the gray is unappealing, but the texture is the same if not better than baking and it never loses any of the juiciness.

also this

>> No.11759889

Isn't it better to poach it in some sort of sauce if you're going to shred it? My go-to shredded chicken (or pork) taco recipe is boneless skinless thighs simmered in pace picante salsa until fork tender.

>> No.11760008

For the same reason black people wash their meat. So I've heard, I know some black people and they've never washed their beef or chicken at their BBQs.

>> No.11760060

i always assume they must be fiending for collagen. why else would you dig in to that jelly skin? regardless, hard times definitely had an impact on their diet.

>> No.11760105

yeah, you're right, they do percieve health beniefits, and many chinese people eat small bones (i do this with wings too) for the calcium, because they don't really do dairy. Collagen also is genuinely good for your joints, and worth eating. They're right. There's more of a cultural value on medicinal food.

they actually love shit like that though
sea cucumbers for example, are an expensive, banquet delicacy
so are jellyfish
braised chicken feet is the ubiquitous one

Chinese people really do appreciate gelatenous/ chewy/ slimy food and it's the biggest barrier between food cultures, because we fucking don't lol. That shit is gross to us.

White cut chicken though, is delicious. I think it's also part of their attitude that you treat high quality ingredients 'delicately'. So they'll steam a really fresh fish. A less fresh fish will get fried. And it's not even about avoiding oil, because they'll serve white cut chicken, and steamed fish, with oil. Seeing chickens, in a big city, actually slaughtered fresh, hours before you eat them, amazed me. And it does make a real difference. So they have the high quality ingredient, and they respect it.

In Cantonese style atleast. Iunno much about the rest really.

>> No.11760139
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Almost everyone boils chicken idiot, otherwise you have to cook it so long the breading burns off. Only wings are fried completely raw.

>> No.11760149

lol that's nonsense.
and there's a big middle ground of grilled/ sauted etc chicken which still gives you tasty browning, and allows you to actually flavour the chicken.

>> No.11760161

washing raw chicken is bad lmao

>> No.11760281


>> No.11760333

pretty neat, anon. i usually eat the cartilage on chicken wings too, but that's about as adventurous as i get. if the west really shits the bed and climate change flat out dooms us i'm sure we'll join them soon enough in eating jelly slimes and such.

>> No.11762800
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christ that looks depressing

>> No.11763262

prob lost a large amount of weight

>> No.11763423

I boil chicken livers cause deep frying them takes too much work despite the reward, and basting them in butter, while also awesome alone or with onions, doesn't allow me to boil a potato with them in one pot
so boiling I go

>> No.11763449

Chicken salad? I know with grilled chicken or rotisserie chicken is better but bioled works too.

>> No.11763581

It's true, my mother in law considers char cancerous. She's an obsessive healthfag and is honestly in great shape but also her kitchen is usually disgusting and she would fail any food inspection hard.

>> No.11763595

My mom refuses to sear anything because it's carcinogenic

>> No.11763645

>boiling = whypipo stuff = bland
who let this tastelet thirdie in?

>> No.11764574

Bought a bag of cheap chicken thighs at Walmart, how long should I boil for to make a stew?

>> No.11764633

Not to be that guy, but sous vide chicken is better than poached

>> No.11764705
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Why do so many people think cooking = overcook the shit out of it with 0 seasoning? My parents couldn't cook, my brothers can't cook, my friends can't cook. My dad would cook chicken until it was bone-white throughout and it tasted like ash, not even a sprinkling of salt; my mom would cook meatloaf until it was a dry puck then destroy it with ketchup. Just plain ketchup. God help me whenever they decided to do steaks.
I barely know how to cook, all I can do is follow a recipe and I know how to not burn food 66% of the time, but people act like I'm fucking Gordon Ramsey because I use salt, pepper, oregano, paprika, etc. Whenever I tell them to a follow a recipe and they say "well it wasn't as good as yours you must've lied to me!" I ask if they followed the recipe, and the answer is always "no because I don't have X or Y spices and I thought it looked undercooked so I left it in the oven for another 30 minutes."

>> No.11764798

Because in the US if something looks similar to the raw ingredient, people think it's not processed enough.