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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.33 MB, 702x985, trumpmcdonalds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11758532 No.11758532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that there is literally NOTHING wrong with this, and anyone who says otherwise HATES america and loves marxism

>> No.11758536
File: 1.19 MB, 699x935, fancyds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than the "Steak or Salmon" bullshit.

>> No.11758540
File: 14 KB, 546x566, megafacepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for this embarrassment to be out of office, holy fuck.

>> No.11758544


>> No.11758555


>> No.11758560

The entire Trump presidency is a modern art project and I absolutely love it.

>> No.11758563
File: 366 KB, 540x542, tenor (4).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you t-think he l-lurks here?

>> No.11758568

>the press gets mcdonalds
>chuck and nancy only get offered a snickers bar

>because hes not going anywhere for a while XD

>> No.11758569

What the fuck is this?

>> No.11758576
File: 140 KB, 555x666, cheddar-cheese-sauce-emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always thought the mocking of amerifats and their fast food was a good natured joke
>it's actually true
holy shit I'm dying... this is too much

>> No.11758581

Only 5 more years now

>> No.11758588

5 years till president waifu ivanka

>> No.11758591
File: 30 KB, 524x336, l2mhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when all the edgy neckbeards sucking trump's dick are going to have to watch him flame out

>> No.11758601

Enjoy the ride, snowflake

>> No.11758614

The winning college football team gets to visit the White House. Kinda like how the winner of the Superbowl gets to go the white house. Trump announced that he would serve them fast food like Mcdonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, etc. Because he thinks that is their favorite foods.

>> No.11758625

Marxism has nothing to do with this. Holy fuck.

>> No.11758626

The McDouble sandwich literally has the best macronutrient combination of any food on earth.

>> No.11758628

Yea 3 hour old fast food is def. My favorite.

>> No.11758634

Non essential White House Staff can't be made to work for free.

Probably not enough workers to host a big feast so this was the next best thing.

If you ask me, Trump should have bought food from Costco

>> No.11758642
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>> No.11758643
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Trump is so god damn based

>> No.11758652

>macdonalds is the most popular restaurant in the world

yeah I think it's a pretty safe assumption your guests will like it. It's like it they had mounds of rice at the japanese palace for when guests came. Bigger piles of buttered rice than you've ever seen in your whole life, all for you.

>> No.11758653

>Because he thinks that is their favorite foods.

As someone who lived with 7 College Football players while I was in College, I can confirm this type of junk is exactly what they love to eat.

>> No.11758654

Kys you dumb retarded faggot nigger

>> No.11758657

The most based feast imaginable

>> No.11758664

Do you prefer the black dicks in your mouth or your ass?

>> No.11758678
File: 1.29 MB, 1617x994, screenshot-www.washingtontimes.com-2019.01.14-19-05-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is popular in Japan.

>> No.11758684

i cant believe someone whos been rich for so long can be so devoid of taste
he could have at least had in n' out airshipped into the whitehouse

>> No.11758685
File: 588 KB, 1081x720, look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is it bros, this is the photo of our royalty that lasts hundreds of years.

>> No.11758688

lmao based /ck/ browsing shitposter in chief

>> No.11758689

lmao this is so embarrassing
meme president eating & serving meme food: no class, no respect, no dignity, no soul whatsoever. Just greasy idiocy.

>> No.11758696

I hope they had some cold fries to go with those tired burgers

>> No.11758702

Watch the video yourself:


>> No.11758704
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>> No.11758709
File: 333 KB, 1024x683, japanese-women-enjoying-noodles-and-mocking-disgusting-american-cuisine--gettyimages-542184914-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they laugh at the piggu food, they laugh at us, bros ;___;

>> No.11758716
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Literal trailer trash tier

>> No.11758717

>cheap & gross

>> No.11758724

Hillary will never be president you liberal shill fuckwad

>> No.11758728

That's my President! Fuck the libtards who think they're too good for fast food. I want to shove my McDick in their faces.

>> No.11758734

I've never been more ashamed to be an American. We deserve this trash.

>> No.11758738
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 3375836980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you actually see your dick?

>> No.11758739
File: 480 KB, 550x603, Screen Shot 2019-01-14 at 6.15.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the players are clearly happy. its the fake news media that are disgusted by /poorpeoplefood/

>> No.11758740
File: 93 KB, 812x960, 1515033530924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11758743

That is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.11758744

Whenever I go through the Taco Bell drive through I get a huge boner and start jacking off and the employees think I'm a pervert but I'm not I just love fast food so much it makes me hard when I think about it.

>> No.11758747

>snarky "enjoy your food!" while he fucks off and don't even eat this trash food
XDD based

>> No.11758750

My ass plz. Thanks. I'm bit gay btw.

>> No.11758751

ITT: People who have never been to fancy parties pretending they'll like shitty canapes and fucking cold salmon while making small talk. This is based. He knew what the players would like, he knew canapes and cocktail shitty crappy food is a meme, and he got them sozzled and full. Fucking great man, looking after his guests.

these guests are fukcing millionares. do you think they've nit been to expensive receptions where they nibble at bits of food, have drinks ratuioned, have to be on their best behaviour before being sent home thirsty and hungry.

I swear /ck/ is full of plebs.

>> No.11758754

>no class, respect dignity
lmao, nobody cares about that pretentious bullshit, this isn't a degenerate monarchy
rich people do and eat whatever the fuck they want, no need to pay 30k for some hour derve tier bullshit

>> No.11758760
File: 1.85 MB, 500x388, giphy 4.28.39 PM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be the White House
>Have an entire kitchen
>Top-tier chefs
>Can't even bother to have them prepare higher quality burgers instead

>> No.11758766
File: 526 KB, 480x573, 1547509015400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he's happy. He's using a platter instead of a plate so he can hold more burgers.

>> No.11758770

That is what 20 something massive college football players enjoy eating you dunce. Its fuckin delicious

>> No.11758775

I didn't refute that. Just explaining the situation to the anon who was confused by the photo.

>> No.11758778

why bother ordering the salads?

>> No.11758779

it's literally class warfare. upper middle class libtards identify with the elites and resent the lower classes (which most of the players are probably from) for enjoying their small pleasures. This is one of the most powerful, revolutionary gestures Trump has ever made that I'm honestly pretty surprised the Republicans aren't calling him a Bolshevik because he basically is one at this point (and that's a good thing, unironically).

>> No.11758781

Cheffy food is boring after a while. Do you think chefs eat cheffy food all the time. They fucking dont.

Cocktail reception food is so bad, no matter how much is spent, that we all expect to go to these things and leave feeling short changed. He decided that's bullshit and I applaud him.

Besides, are the chefs even at work?

>> No.11758783

>r/polpedes flooding the site since 2016 and making this place normalized to hell and back
Yeah probably

>> No.11758788

>not exclusively serving them Chick Fil A

the libtards would be so mad

>> No.11758790

based on what?

>> No.11758795

Hilarious, god that'd be gross

>> No.11758797

the fact youre mom is a fart whore

>> No.11758809


>> No.11758812
File: 59 KB, 640x480, IMG_4203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they only laugh at you, lardass

>> No.11758828

Imagine bending over to take the cock of your idol this hard when they dont even know them.

>> No.11758846

This image hurts

>> No.11758853

You pay chefs to make what ever the fuck you want.
It's their job. If trump wanted burgers and shitty food he should have asked his chefs who are laid 70k a year to make some good quality burgers and hang over type food.
Instead he played the publicity card (yet agaib) while being a lazy fuck and belittling the people who work with him directly. These athletes can get a fucking big mac any day, but can they get a meal made from the chef chosen to cook for the president everyday?

>> No.11758855

>durrrrr why didn't trump spend our tax dollars on expensive fillets and lobster for college ball tossers
you just know they'd lose their shit if he spent more on this thing

>> No.11758863

>laid 70k
imagine seething so hard you forget how to type lmao

>> No.11758876

I can't wait to see the leftist elitist coastal shit holes burn. Only after a long seige, I want them to eat their pets and neighbors first.

>> No.11758889

Imagine living in 2019 and typing shit on a phone that autocorrects poorly.

>> No.11758897

Just make sure and roll over when you take that loss buddy

>> No.11758915

I don't like Trump but seriously, he can't do right by any means to these tards. He made the right choice. He even knew if he had went for KFC instead they'd call him racist even though EVERYONE love KFC, hell you're a racist if you DON"T like KFC>

>> No.11758970

>spends tax dollars on affordable, relatable food
>leftists have a problem with this

>> No.11758976

looks fuckin amazing tbqh

>> No.11758982

haha nice facebook post my friend

>> No.11758988

I couldn't care less what food he served, if they liked it then they liked it. i think wendy's makes a tasty burger myself. difference is i can literally imagine what you would be saying if obama did this. he's be crucified by you partisan apes, no principles whatsoever and you act otherwise.

>> No.11758995

bread looks good

>> No.11759007

>he should have asked his chefs who are laid 70k a year
he specifically said he did this because of the shutdown, meaning those chefs are not getting paid right now
it was the next best thing to what you described and was probably also fun for the players

>> No.11759009
File: 30 KB, 616x346, stalin-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone who says otherwise HATES america and loves marxism
Oh no! We can't have that.

>> No.11759010

If you didn't feel that there was something wrong with it, then you wouldn't have posted this thread.

>> No.11759035
File: 67 KB, 610x500, FOR HIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official

>> No.11759036
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>> No.11759042

This is embarrassing what the fuck

>> No.11759052

Apparently this nigga keeps his cupboards stuffed with oreos and potato chips and orders like 3 burgers each dinner. I seriously hope he keeps it up, he's in his 70s and seems really streased, wouldn't surprise me if he has a heart attack during his second term.

>> No.11759065

why raise to a position of power if you can't use it to embarrass hundreds millions of people below you at the same time.
literally an alpha move

>> No.11759080

Hes mostly embarrassing himself.

>> No.11759089
File: 822 KB, 960x720, trump_mcdonalds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when I thought I couldn't love Trump more. Someone should make a wall related meme using those stacks of burgers.

>> No.11759126
File: 156 KB, 797x449, 1547428819911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no class, respect dignity
Exactly what you fags were jerking off to regarding the First Mail-order Bride
>hour derve
Nice eggcorn. Illiterate zoomer or boomer, I wonder?

>> No.11759145

>Oh boy, on this special occasion which commemorates my team being fucking awesome, in the nation's capital, at the invitation of the President in his home, I get what I would normally eat several days a week
I mean, what's special occasion food for college footballers? Kegs of beer, trays of wings, enormous pizzas, that sort of thing?

>> No.11759147

Lol what a fucking retard. This shit is hilarious

>> No.11759164
File: 16 KB, 202x400, 1BD652B5-BF65-4DBE-B4E4-3582103FC793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys holy fuck....

>> No.11759177

>not even catering from a good local place but fucking fast food which those kids probably eat every week

>> No.11759187

Unironically fuck this gay earth. This is one pathetic time to be alive.

>> No.11759193

I have no idea what this is or if it's real but it would be fucking awesome to do something like that as a dinner for visiting eurotrash leaders.

>> No.11759195

Theres plenty of better options than fast food. Like a local catering gig or some shit.

>> No.11759198
File: 168 KB, 619x607, 1424783319691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no! a stranger on the internet has declared a benign situation embarrassing! i feel silly and embarrassed now! i certainly don't want to associate myself with something that a stranger called embarrassing! i'm totally not being manipulated by an appeal to ridicule!

>> No.11759199

>Pedro’s Mexican restaurant is better than authentic American food
Shut up, beaner

>> No.11759202

It's real. President always hosts a reception for the champion college football team, but the government's been shut down for 3 weeks because they can't agree on whether or not to pay for the Mexico wall, so there are no federal employees to cook anything.

>> No.11759205

>mostly McDonalds
>barely any Wendy's
god damnit

>> No.11759206
File: 400 KB, 1200x900, 1541232085230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall niggas acting like u too good for mcdonalds all of a sudden. YOU NEVER TOO GOOD FOR MCDONALDS, and if u think u is then get out nigga, more for me. damn now im hungry, finna hit up my local mcdonalds and order some nuggets

>> No.11759210

that's adorable

makes me sad that everyone hates him

>> No.11759212
File: 13 KB, 249x213, tom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is every god damn day just trump trump trump now, it's not just 4chan everywhere you go outside its all people fucking talk about why is this so much worse than any previous president

>> No.11759214

Clemson is a southern school and the players are mostly niggers. Dumbass should have gotten Chick-Fil-A and Kool-Aid.

>> No.11759220

So, Trump solving problems, feeding the hungry and giving the enemy strokes? This guy is damn good. Damn good indeed.

>> No.11759224

Why the fuck are there 4 Trump threads on /ck/ right now? He literally does something retarded every single day, and it's always off topic here.

>> No.11759233

roodys love the golden arches, m8

>> No.11759235


>> No.11759238

you realize that it's going to get much worse, right?

>> No.11759245

wtf i love marxism now

>> No.11759248

Orange man bad

>> No.11759252



>> No.11759253

orange fan mad

>> No.11759264
File: 15 KB, 324x291, 1408149053977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually admitting the reason you're serving them shite food is because of the shutdown you started

>> No.11759275

My problem with catering an event with a fast food burger isn't the fast food as much as the fact it's probably cold as shit.

When that buffet started those burgers were like warm at best. Imagine if the catering staff fucked it up and had the first two off the grill on the bottom of the pile. Biting into your meal catered by the most powerful people in America and just getting a chewy piece of congealed fat.

>> No.11759276

You've never had a tin of sardines, heh

>> No.11759277

lmao at the desperate magatards trying to convince themselves this is actually better than real food.

the whole thing is hilarious though

>> No.11759280

i'm not even saying he's bad or anything, I'm just saying it's all people talk about

>> No.11759281

>not enjoying quality American food
fuck outa here

>> No.11759292

>Fucking roasted.

Oh man I remember that night and those tears lol.

>> No.11759294

doesn't the white house have chefs?

>> No.11759298

because he keeps doing and saying retarded/funny shit every day. if he were less frequently stupid people wouldnt talk about him so much.

>> No.11759300

let’s just acknowledge the lack of mcchicken

>> No.11759302

what a beautiful picture

>> No.11759312
File: 141 KB, 1024x684, Dw6p5nKW0AA2U2G.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but they aren't working because of the shutdown