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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.30 MB, 750x1334, 8961F03E-3C5E-4CE9-B94C-2C28E98C9D44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11757729 No.11757729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is wrong with Americans?

>> No.11757735

Yeah, fuck Clemson, USC all the way.

>> No.11757742

He can't have their staff cook food because he can't pay them because the government shut down

>> No.11757758

Based 'Bama will win the college football trophy. They're a class above

>> No.11757775

I mean, as far as consuming calories and shit, sure I guess. I know folks who've played college football and their bodies act like fucking food furnaces. That said, if I was going to the White House I'd expect some top-notch stuff and not something I can eat any fucking day of the week.

>> No.11757846

>he doesn't know how slick endorsements work

>> No.11757847

should've spent $40 million flying in "hot dogs" from chicago, amirite?

>> No.11758105
File: 79 KB, 636x1024, 636px-PresidentTaftTelephoneCrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realize he was given enormous campaign contributions by big fastfood to pull this stunt
As an added bonus, the guy has a 30+ BMI, literally morbidly obese, and the fattest president since Taft, what do you expect?

>> No.11758123

What are "things that never happened" for the value of your lawsuit judgement to Sandyhook parents, Alex Jones?

>> No.11758128

his big brain weighs more than yours

>> No.11758135

sorry for the hyperbole, senpai. it's not like it was actually hot dogs either, though

>> No.11758602

At least you corrected yourself which is a giant step ahead of our current crop of gangsters.

>> No.11758632

That's water weight.

>> No.11758639

They're fat and addicted to fast food.

>> No.11758676
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>> No.11758714

>all that hand food but no napkins
those curtains are looking good

>> No.11758737
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>> No.11758758


Someone tell me what this face is supposed to portray.

>> No.11758764


>> No.11758768

someone snapping a pic while you're in the middle of talking

>> No.11758774
File: 306 KB, 691x326, Burger King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What's your favorite thing Mr. President?"


>> No.11758784

Tbh 19-21 year old rugby player me would have much preferred Wendy's over some fancy pretentious shit usually served at government dinners.

>> No.11759371
File: 50 KB, 624x346, clemson fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11759408

WH out of chefs or?

>> No.11759414

>Big Mac on a silver platter
>That nugger sauce
Laughed more than I should have.

>> No.11759480

athletes love fast food what's the problem?

>> No.11759502

Trump forced a government shutdown to distract from everything the House is going to be throwing at him, so in classic Trump fashion he went the cheapest and most embarrassing route possible to make it through one of his presidential commitments.

Literally nothing to see here.

>> No.11759510

you mean the democrats forced a shutdown due to their preference of illegal aliens over american citizens

>> No.11759511

I like how Taft is just pretty fat by Today's standards but, you know, "not that bad"

>> No.11759512


>> No.11759515

Why the fuck are people on here talking about this shit so much. Multiple threads up on /pol/, /tv/, and /v/ and twitter who gives a fuck about this shit.

>> No.11759528

I don't doubt it.

>> No.11759540

But he didn't buy mcdonalds, he bought wendy's, media already lying

>> No.11759542

wtf, I love CNN now

>> No.11759546

/pol/tards still don't understand that /pol/ is a containment board.

>> No.11759558


>> No.11759563

isnt every board a containment board except /b/?

>> No.11759597
File: 27 KB, 450x273, Phat Phuc Noodle Bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>350 lbs tday
>by Today's standards but, you know, "not that bad"
Calling bullshit.

>> No.11759615

Gotta eat big to get big. These dudes are athletes after all.

>> No.11759658

No. You seem confused. Most boards have a theme or interest that anons go there to talk or shitpost about. Many anons go to multiple boards, and that's okay. Then there are boards like /mlp/ and /pol/, which are designed specifically to contain some of the most cancerous, autistic posters based on specific topics that immediately ruin any thread on other boards.

/b/ is it's own thing, but could be considered a containment board for general low quality posting.

>> No.11759698

>What is wrong with Americans?

If you make decent money it's honestly a pretty decent place to live, but it's a seriously mixed bag.

6.5/would choose to be born here again. Also

>> No.11759728

What's wrong with it? Trump's only offering them the finest of American cuisine.

>> No.11759749

Europoors waking up and getting ready for their grueling 3 hour work day?

>> No.11759802
File: 14 KB, 660x341, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gargle my cum

>> No.11759806

Fuck off UCLA cuck.

>> No.11759835

cold fast food. that's a class act.

>> No.11759937

You mean the dems are preventing the waste of $5.7 billion dollars so it can be spent on your kids or something.

>> No.11759956

Anon please. He's not going to ever have kids

>> No.11759983

What are the plattered things on the left next to the salads supposed to be?

>> No.11760023

Looks like something made from bread? Croutons maybe

>> No.11760064
File: 1.13 MB, 3304x2204, 87346823462386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the first time i've seen a dem whine about gov. spending, trump is getting the inner conservative out of you.

but eh, why ''waste'' 5.7 billion (5 700 000 000) on a wall to protect our national security when you can just give Israel 38 billions simply for existing.

>> No.11760129

>waste of $5.7 billion dollars so it can be spent on your kids or something.
Nigga it's gonna go to an education program for anchor babies or other retarded shit.

>> No.11760157

If you believe politico, he really likes fast food. Partly for flavor and partly to avoid poisoning.

>> No.11760280


So Big Mac is a Wendy's brand now?>>11758676

>> No.11760434

Honestly, I'm kind of jealous.
Even drinking soda out of a wine glass makes it "feel" better, I've yet to try a Big Mac on a silver platter.

>> No.11760451

They're obstructing border security so they can spend money on nogs and spic anchorbabies.

>> No.11760458

>this is your brain on the MSM
>any questions?

>> No.11760467

How do you know it was cold, were you there? How did you enjoy your trip to the Whitehouse?

>> No.11760501
File: 70 KB, 400x600, pumpk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fox news is the most watched msm in 'murrica
>fox news literally feeds trump his policy and then sells it to flyovers
>any questions?
Yeah, are you gay? And is that relevant to you being retarded?

>> No.11760514

i have a feeling he's ecstasing over what a good job pablo is doing over there. trump loves to compliment the nearest working man on whatever the fuck they're doing. "you're doing a wonderful job. just wonderful. nobody lights a candle like pablo here."

>> No.11760586

>this is your brain on CNN
>any questions?

>> No.11760657

Nothing. He knows what pushes your buttons though.

>> No.11760883

Jesus fucking christ. Bringing up CNN is the easiest sign that you have no clue what you're talking about. You only bring them up because Trump called them out specifically 2 years ago, even though they're probably the most moderate MSM, and MSNBC is way more left leaning (though probably the most fair MSM network). The fact that you still associate CNN with (((fake news))) means that you get your news directly from Trump's twitter feed - which is pathetic, even if you follow it ironically. Seriously though, you're a fucking joke for bringing up CNN in 2019 as though it has anything to do with anything.

>> No.11761033

Retarded but funny. I'd be kinda pissed that I showed up for dinner at the White House and was served fast food, but I wouldn't bitch about it. Presidential Wendy's, yo.

>> No.11761046

>build wall
>no more spics

>> No.11761055

They're not obstructing border security. They're happy to spend it on effective border security. They're not going to support an ineffective vanity project.

>> No.11761056

He weighs 230 you lying shill

>> No.11761057

lmao no. They hate border security because it interferes with their voterbase (Illegal aliens).

>> No.11761062

Based schizoposter.

>> No.11761076
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Hey, it could happen

>> No.11761122

We can only hope.

>> No.11761126
File: 24 KB, 540x602, 43E2542B-350F-48AD-B127-B4DA2ADA08D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phoneposting a political article on a board for discussing food and cooking

>> No.11761128

Nothing, that's pretty based

>> No.11761133

We are extraterrestrials

>> No.11761136

for me, it's the mcchicken

>> No.11761140

Gotta find a way to get the honduras caravan in

>> No.11761144

national security isn't a waste of money

>> No.11761160

>supporting ICE, who are literally effective border security, is considered evil by dems

>> No.11761181

If that was their base they would never get a single candidate in.

>> No.11761197

>no other president has ever received a donation from McDonald's

>> No.11761440

Nothing, commie.

>> No.11761441

>hurr durr I'm going to be intentionally obtuse towards voter fraud because it benefits my candidates

>> No.11761454

I bet you don't even know what "voter base" means, are totally unwilling to admit your ignorance, and yet remain sincerely convinced that your opinions are correct and worth listening to.

>> No.11761466

Hillary received nearly 4 million illegal votes from illegal immigrants in 2016. Thats a "base" if I ever saw one.

>> No.11761540

Trump is a blessed man. Thank God for Trump.

>> No.11761541

2 reasons. One, because it's hilarious; Two, because there are shitposters who come to this site solely to complain when Trump does literally anything.

>> No.11761554

>there are shitposters who come to this site solely to complain when Trump does literally anything
Or maybe, just maybe - stay with me here - maybe there are people who post on particular boards because they are interested in the board topic, and then they get kind of annoyed when a containment board starts leaking and the mods are apparently all on vacation?

>> No.11761565

What does that have to do with anything I said you mouth-breathing tourist?

>> No.11761568

he’s not wrong though
I’m 5’8” and 200 pounds and flyovers ask me “how do you stay so thin”

>> No.11761583

I take the Internet very seriously and I demand everyone stay on topic when discussing things. If I was a janitor none of this would be happening and I would run a tight ship. Rules are super important when it comes to this board, and I'm a no nonsense kinda fella.