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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 336 KB, 1800x1275, coffee-vs-wine-vs-cannabis3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11755936 No.11755936 [Reply] [Original]

coffee or alcohol
which drink do you love more /ck/?
i would include weed but that isn't food

>> No.11755938

Weed makes me paranoid. Coffee makes me panic. Booze makes me love life.
Easy peezy

>> No.11755940


>> No.11755943

kys retard

>> No.11755944

I don't care for alcohol much except for every few months. More than that and it just makes me feel tired and I really hate that. Coffee, tea, and even larger quantities of chocolate can be kind of intoxicating if you have them infrequently and let your tolerance reset, and they don't make me feel tired, so I usually prefer them.

>> No.11755949
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Guys why won’t they reply! I wanna have sex! Why won’t they talk!

>> No.11755951


>> No.11755959

is this what mental retardation looks like?

>> No.11755961

Eyes off the mirror, Chum.

>> No.11755979

Sick comeback, fucking destroyed.

>> No.11755991

I recently started drinking coffee, and I really like it. I hope to get the tools to make it by hand rather than a coffee maker. But alcohol is good too. I like alcoholic eggnog and i'm starting to like beer more.

>> No.11756028

Yeah, I used to smoke weed but eventually my anxiety got so bad it just wasn't fun anymore. Nowadays I drink like maybe 1-2 beers a month. I smash black coffee every day though - its not as equivalent as maybe stoners make it out to be but that shit does get addictive, I'm slow in the morning without it.

>> No.11756045



gay, feels like meth if you give it up for a while and try it again, gritty, dirty high, racing heartbeat. cocaine is probably better for you


really great but if you do it all the time it can fuck you up, easy to reach a point where you can't drive and people can tell you're drunk


not quite as great as booze but it's pretty much idiot-proof. ranges from "not as bad as tobacco" to "literal panacea" depending on who you ask

>> No.11756065

Weed I’m usually very passive and sleepy
I’m little more than an inactive lump
Alcohol I become either manic or sleepy
Coffee I feel hyper

>> No.11756080
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Coffee makes me stress
Booze makes me sick
Weed makes me love

>> No.11756093


>> No.11756116


>> No.11756144

this made me laugh because its p true

this thread is stupid

hey OP!
what do you like better?
Beethoven or the Beatles?
food or sex?
breathing or not getting mugged on the train?

>> No.11756170

Addiction is the true enemy. Nothing is bad, it's just a matter of discipline.

>> No.11756193

Coffee on the way up alcohol on the way down
Unlike the industry, no cigarettes for me.
No whhhheeed either.

Cigs make you stink and your breath is horrible
Weed is psychological; makes you paranoid about dumb shit.

Coffee is lightweight cocaine--gets you moving
For me--vodka...slows shit down enough to hit the pillow.
This is the world in which we live. Coffee-Vodka.

>> No.11756336

yeah this looks like the typing of a perfectly sane person, I personally trust this tweaker's life advice

>> No.11756427

Coffee is great because like everyone else said you literally need it in the mornings once you're used to it. Not like "oh, faggot, you're addicted to coffee" more like dealing with not having it isn't worth it. It's not like meth or some shit.
Same thing with weed. Im kinda stuck on that shit talking myself everytime I cop it's the last time. Oh well
Alcohol is like 1/4 chance of feeling nice 3/4 chance of just getting a fucking tummy ache that overpowers your desire to drink

>> No.11756467
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You taught him a lesson.

>> No.11756469

All the discipline in the world won't stop you from getting addicted to heroin if you use it enough. Because at a certain point a substance will rewire your brain to take that exact discipline and willpower you've cultivated away.

>> No.11756470

Right on brothers, a little shot of vodka is all you need. Weed isn't that great unless you get fully fucked up and at this point you're very close to a bad trip

>> No.11756502

I'm semi-alcoholic and love the feeling of alcohol especially in the beginning of the drinking session . Addicted to caffeine as well. I don't use weed.

>> No.11756857

This thread is filled to the brim with reddit!

>> No.11757011
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>Not liking weed is reddit

>> No.11757026

Imagine how autistic and pathetic you have to be to get upset at someone else's happiness

>> No.11757063

>seeking validation on 4chan is better than seeking validation on reddit
i mean, it is, but not by much

>> No.11757135


>> No.11757138


>> No.11757161

Misery loves company

>> No.11757194

Tastes good, never feel anything from it, though.
Happy, everything's funny.

>> No.11757218
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>> No.11757228

I'm glad I don't get whatever nightmare fueled paranoia that people seem to get with weed.
Shit's cool with me.

>> No.11757269
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What kind of mental gymnastics is this?

>> No.11757289

I can't handle weed because of the paranoia and anxiety, coffee does nothing but increase my heart rate and sometimes triggers anxiety. Alcohol gives me head aches and nausea even in moderate amounts. Shit sucks. Pretty much the only drugs I could enjoy are benzos and opiates and I know I'd get addicted quickly so I stay away.

>> No.11757300

Tastes good. Makes me have to shit. Never feel any real effects from caffine
Makes me have more fun, helps me relax sometimes, tastes good depending on what it is
Makes me feel like shit during and after. I hate the taste and smell. Not a fan.

>> No.11757331

I enjoy coffee once in a while. I always enjoy booze. Weed is okay. Usually just puts me to sleep

>> No.11757430

fermented drinks and brown liquors such as whisky give headache, but distilled white drinks such as vodka or pear spirit are 10/10

benzos arent recreational and opiates are extremely nausea inducing, plus usually very weak orally so people just shoot them

>> No.11757432

Nothing better than a cup of coffee and a bowl to start your day. I don't really even like smoking weed in the evening anymore. Alcohol is overrated, wine is even more overrated unless you are vacationing in France or Italy

>> No.11757436

Clear spirits are for women

>> No.11757450

Honestly it gives me like half a week of positive feelings after a good 'ol amnesia ciggarete. Same with brownies.

>> No.11757453

Coffee has many benefits to health, alcohol has many range of flavour, weed makes you waste time, only used because retards want to prohibit it.

>> No.11757458

Shots tend to work better with me. If i combine everything my stomach is getting filled to the rim with loads of beer some vodka, about anything i can get.

So yeah just a few shots work best with me. Usually i do like tequila which many people don't like.

>> No.11757464

Coffee makes me able to work, too much makes me jittery and wired
Alcohol makes me less anxious, too much and it makes me depressed
I don't smoke

>> No.11757467

Alcohol is fine too but I really enjoy the taste of coffee. Plus it's a greater social drink than alcohol is.

>> No.11757566
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i love weed guys its so comfy zzZ

>> No.11757591

I still use one of these. I need to upgrade

>> No.11757593

>if you use it enough
yup and that's where discipline comes in

>> No.11757611

I drink coffee more often (one cup daily) and only drink beer once a week, but drink far more beer by volume because when I drink I drink to get real fucking drunk.

>> No.11757632

haven't drunk any coffee in 3 years, no alcohol since summer last year but I unironically smoke weed every day

>> No.11757638

> you literally need it in the mornings once you're used to it
>not addicted
keep lying to yourself mate

>> No.11757784

Snort speed

>> No.11757857

imagine being so straight edge that coffee scares you

>> No.11757861

cup or two every day. Honestly even that gets me kinda wired so maybe it's not something I should continue

If I have a day off

Same as wine, though I haven't smoked in awhile because my anxiety was getting the better of me. I smoked recently with no issue so might start smoking more.

Also I started microdosing LSD with my coffee again

>> No.11757869

imagine being so addicted you litearlly can't start the day without using your substance of choice

>> No.11757879

love it but i limit myself to 2 cups a day
love it for socializing, id probably never get laid if it werent for booze. been sober for a bit though and i feel really good
hate it, i get anxiety

>> No.11757882
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>> No.11757884

>Misery loves company
thats kinda the purpose of 4chan

>> No.11757935

Coffee hardly does anything to me. I fucking love it though. Have my own espresso machine and grinder.
Alcohol is good for being buzzed, but I find being drunk unpleasant.
Weed is overall my favorite. Much more enjoyable and short high.
Potent edibles give me psychedelic visuals so I do them rarely.

>> No.11757957

Weed makes me silly, hungry and boisterous, generally
Coffee does very little for me
Booze is my greatest enemy because that shit has consumed a solid decade of my life

I choose booze.

>> No.11757962


>> No.11757980

>not having all 3 at the same time
>coffee to keep you wide awake
>weed to keep the coffee jitters mellowed
>alcohol to relieve inhibitions caused by the weed
Get on my level plebes.

>> No.11757981

>dude like, mix all the drugs!

>> No.11757997

>dude he doesn't take drugs as seriously as I do

>> No.11758050

Don't drink it often but when I do it gets me energized
Great at first then I feel sick to my stomach later on
I feel relaxed and laugh at everything, you guys that get super paranoid probably have psychosis

>> No.11758059

im not dependant one those substances because im not a slave to myself
you guys a fucking losers

>> No.11758066
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Weed makes me feel crazy
So does coffee
Alcohol feels like pic related except I'm also drunk. It's like a few hours of normalcy.

>> No.11758083

russians would disagree

Also, weedfags FUCK off. This is a alcoholics board.

>> No.11758090

Has anyone here tried to do a job hunt while also being an alcoholic?

>> No.11758104

Weed over anything.
Alcohol over coffee by a fucking mile.
I much prefer coffee flavoured things over drinking actual coffee... like a nice coffee stout always hits the spot an absolute treat.

>> No.11758145

Love the ritual of making a pourover in the morning, absolutely love the taste and variety of fresh roasted beans

only drink it socially to get drunk, destroys your body and makes you feel like shit. People who drink more than once a week have serious issues imo.

helps me to sleep when insomnia gets too difficult to cope with and I just want to pass out, otherwise it is a boring drug for high schoolers.

>> No.11758180

>being cringier than your cringe image

>> No.11758687

are you retarded?

>> No.11758706


>> No.11758735
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>> No.11758881


>> No.11758885


>> No.11758887

>grey delivery arrow
she blocked you bro

>> No.11758932

Wow this really opened my eyes. If I want to support American jobs I need to smoke weed, fuck.

>> No.11758945

For 7 years
If it gets to 10 I'm just doing the diddly old suiciderino

>> No.11759135

Coffee makes me aware. Wine makes me sleepy. I don't know about weed because I'm not HIV+

>> No.11759178

I like all three at once throughout the day, start off with coffee/weed/cig at sunrise and start drinking moderately at noon and end the day getting drunk/stoned at 10-11pm. Usually with beer instead of wine, wine works though.

>> No.11759219

It's not happiness. It's literally tricking yourself into believing that you're happy.

>> No.11759229
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Found your problem.

>> No.11759266

obviously alcohol because I am not a lady

>> No.11759284

You're making a lot of assumptions. You don't know anything else about the person who posted that, the rest of their life could be perfectly normal and happy.

>> No.11759305

weed isnt from seattle

>> No.11759309 [DELETED] 


Your mom's vaginal cum.

>> No.11759365

I can't use weed because my job regularly drug tests, but when I was able to use it, it made me so paranoid that I couldn't enjoy being around people. I had to be alone to use it.

>> No.11759373

Oh wow. This.

>> No.11759433

>vaginal cum
sorry to tell you but you're slurping on jamals recent jizzloads, sorry about your bad luck.

>> No.11759505

no desire to drink it, would rather have a red bull or take a nap
its not ba but nothing special
god tier substance. everything is funny, you feel good, food tastes better, music sounds better

>> No.11759548

Coffee makes me awake, weed makes me have heart palpitations, and booze makes the world perfect.

It's funny about weed. When I was in my 20's, I toured with the Dead and smoked shit tons of weed, with just the fun effects. I stopped smoking for a while, and now, in my 40s, if I smoke, I think I'm gonna have a heart attack. I'll stick to boozahol.

>> No.11759969

i've known tons of people like you that hate weed after smoking it on and off for years, been smoking everyday for about 10 years. Sometimes i'll quit for a week and get a batch of sativa that makes me feel like i'm gonna have an anxiety attack but it passes after a day or two of smoking. Stop smoking sativas like sour diesel if you don't like that panic sensation after a bonghit, i love it...especially with a caffeine/nicotine high, marijuana has a chemical synergy with countless substances including tobacco, alcohol and caffeine along with cocaine if you want to smoke up a $60 1/4 of good weed in one night by yourself.

>> No.11760051

>no bro you're just smoking the wrong strain haha try an indica

>> No.11760070

It's true, old 40 year old pussies are scared of marijuana "oh yeah i'v had tonnes of flaskbacks dude weed is poison!" bullshit, just smoke for a few days you'll get rid of that panic and stop being a pussy.

>> No.11760072
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>> No.11760085

Maybe some people just respond the drug differently than you do, anon

>> No.11760661

This is true, I’ve been doing coke for 8 years and I’ve only had to suck a dick one time to get some. Not even addictive

>> No.11760682

i dont like drinking alcohol since it does inflame the shit out of my everything

coffee it is. weed is for niggers.

>> No.11761717
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im so glad im not the only one here that has a love/hate relationship with weed
I used to smoke 6 times a day in hight school but i couldn't figure out why I didnt like it as much as my stoner friends.
I wish I could enjoy weed like my friends still do, but I have 6 joints that have been on my desk for months.
Alcohol is always a sure good thing evertyime.
I drank 2 cups of coffee ever day from age 20-42. Now I'm slowing down on the jave...a little bit. My gen X tummy is all of a sudden sensitive.

>> No.11761792

b-b-b-but anon happiness is a lie youre a sheeple/s

>> No.11762009

You've been spending money on alcohol? I can't afford that lifestyle.

>> No.11762046

I drink 1-2 cups everyday, I enjoy a freshly brewed cup made from quality beans. More gives me jitters but it depends on the strength. Sometimes I have a cup in the afternoon/evening when I’m tired and I need to do some shit. Also I switch between coffee and green tea regularly.

I used to like beer a lot but it makes me sleepy so I’ve been drinking dry red wine past 3 years mostly. I drink beer with friends in a pub, wine at home with gf or on a party - one bottle is enough to have fun but not too much to have hangover.
It tastes good and it’s fun but I’ve been noticing how frequent drinking (not even too much) negatively affects my health and mood so I’m trying to cut it down this year.

As other anons said itt, i used to smoke weed a lot (then I switched for a vape) and it was great. After a couple of years I started being anxious and paranoid more and more.
Then I tried to grow some medical strain with high CBD content and it felt like I completely rediscovered weed. It doesn’t make you as high as traditional strains but the CBD makes you chill and not anxious at all.
Also I use some CBD extract on weekdays when I don’t want to get high but only chill and it’s great.
If you can’t enjoy sativas, try some CBD sativa, Super Lemon Haze is now my favorite. It doesn’t make me lazy and I do get a lot of housework or other shit done when I’m high.
Nevertheless, the best high was when I visited Las Vegas and I got some Tangerine Twist from a dispensary.

>> No.11762158

What does weed have to do with HIV?

>> No.11762167

>i know you are but what am i? xD
Based elementary school comeback poster.

>> No.11762226

Coffee makes me awake. Booze makes me feel at ease. Weed was never my thing but thats just me. Everyone I know either stopped/slowed down forever ago or became the walking stereotype of
>Man I just love smoking weed after a long day of smoking weed

>> No.11763269

and wine isn't from sonoma but that doesn't change the fact that it can be made there, just like weed can be grown in seattle
you fucking doofus

>> No.11763288

That's called addiction fucking retard
Just cause you don't get the flu like h withdrawal or fucking die like alcohol withdrawal doesn't mean you arnt addicted

>> No.11763294

What is semi alcoholic?
A drink every night?

>> No.11763318

Coffee: never liked it
Alcohol: a drink most nights, sometimes two
Weed: every day after work

>> No.11763334

People who are HIV+/have AIDS can get a med card I guess?

>> No.11763352

If you're not smoking weed in the US right now you're doing it wrong. There is an over abundance of weed with the early recreational states giving out permits to grow pot like candy, and the prices now compared to even a couple of years ago is nuts.

Standard prices now are <10$ for a gram, and anyone can get half ounces for under 100. Back in high school I remember sleazy dealers charging 20$ for a literal 1.0g. If you're interested in trying pot, nows the time.

>> No.11763356

Alcohol is my poison. I shotgun a drink with 200ml 100 proof moonshine and the surge of euphoria I get is incredible.

I only do this once a month or less though. But if I had more time to get drunk I'm sure Id be alcoholic.

>> No.11763386

Your post only applies to the West Coast. Massachusetts has been trying to reinvent the wheel and made sure every little inch of it has been greased as thick as possible. Wait in line for hours to pay 50% more than the black market for your eighth of mids.

>> No.11763417

dude I live pure flyover land/midwest. My state has medical but it has strict regulations I'm not even in a major city. I'm not talking about buying from recreational dispensaries.

>> No.11763495

Coffee generally. The caffeine doesn't affect me so I drink it purely for the taste (feel free to mock me now). I can afford to be way less picky with my coffees than with booze as well since I can alter the taste to my liking if I find it to be awful when black. A bad coffee can be fixed, bad alcohol cannot.

>> No.11763517

the drugs make you vomit
weed reduces nausea

>> No.11763554

Coffee is shit. I was addicted to it for a year in highschool and then I realized it gave me shitty stomach tremors.
Alcohol is great imo, it makes me feel whole again, but I don't drink much anymore since I'm with my gf most of the time.
Weed is trash, gives me anxiety and if I take dabs it kills my whole body to the point where I lay in bed sweating for 45 minutes until it passes. Little hits from a pen do lift my spirits up however.
Psychedelics are great, specifically LSD. I would microdose but I don't have anything too strenuous to do that requires that level of thinking.

>> No.11763634

I stopped drinking. The only "drug" I use now is coffee.

>> No.11763724

>Not being paranoid, panicking, and loving life all at once

Get woke

>> No.11763744

Any real niggaz pop pills and smoke week?

>> No.11763748

Love me some coffee. Gives me devastating shits but it's not too uncomfortable, and the caffiene is nice.

Gonna be honest, I keep drinking beers out of curiosity and most of them suck. I'll look for well-rated ales in my area and have one or two a week. I did this all the way through 2018 and while a couple were pleasant I still don't really like them on the whole.

>> No.11763787

I actually prefer whiskey.

Never smoked pot, never plan to. Coffee is okay, but I rarely drink it since I can just drink tea instead which also has caffeine but tastes a lot better and is less fattening (Fuck you, I'm not drinking black coffee).

>> No.11763799

>adult me still spends saturday morning watching cartoons and eating cereal
>normal and happy life

>> No.11763829
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>Coffee or alcohol
Pic related

I haven't smoked weed more than a couple of puffs now and then off a friend's joint, literally don't feel anything unusual. Coffee doesn't make me jittery or my heart race, it rather makes me focus better. Alcohol deletes my attention span and makes me talkative.

>> No.11763832

>coffee gives me devastating shits
you are a genetic failure my man

>> No.11763870

so then what are you supposed to being doing on a saturday morning mr perfect?

>> No.11763880

Rick and memey sucks, and so does that cereal, but who are you to say what is and what is not happiness?

>> No.11764024

>a substance will rewire your brain to take that exact discipline and willpower you've cultivated away.

Nope. What they do is create a physical dependency that can be so strong that your body will shut down if it doesn't get whatever chem you developed a dependency on, be it alcohol, opiates, etc...

Cannabis doesn't create that kind of physical dependency though, thankfully. Alcohol sure as fuck does, though.