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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 480x325, opening a restaurant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11754850 No.11754850 [Reply] [Original]

Have you coo/ck/s ever thought about or wanted to open a restaurant?
>What would you call it?
>What would you serve?
>Who is your target audience?
>How much is the average plate?
>Where would you choose to open your business?

>> No.11754881

The Holy Cow
Steaks, ribs, burgers, roasts, schnitzel, sausages
The locals

>> No.11754910
File: 11 KB, 400x277, 1527527312147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you call it?
Tendie Palace
>What would you serve?
>Who is your target audience?
NEETS and and NEET mommys
>How much is the average plate?
big boy plates for all thoe good boy points
>Where would you choose to open your business?

>> No.11754967

I would love to open a restaurant that specialized in cooking dishes with marijuana.

I'd have an amazing pesto, split pea soup, corn beef HASH (heh), sweet ass desserts... other foods that are predominantly green and earthy, would make a cool pun, or just make amazing munchies.

Some dishes would be with indica and some with sativa so you could relax or get ready for some fun.

Cost would vary depending on the amount of herb in your dish. (3 or 4 levels like a spiciness scale) All dishes could be ordered without any trees.

I'd call it Pre or preslee
À great place to go before a fun night out or the best night's sleep. I'd have a sweet stoned lion be the mascot cuz my family calls me lion.

>> No.11755003
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dude weed lmfao

>> No.11755035

If I ever had the money and my own house I'd want to open a mini-like bar in my house; or like on the property.

By that I mean, a building that is very small, seats only like 3 people at most; and it's a bar and you sit down and order whatever drink you want and I make it. You can also order 1 meal of what you like and if I had the ingredients to make it, I would to the best of my ability. But that's just a total dream.

And also, if I had "fuck you" kind of money and could do literally anything I wanted with it, I'd want to make both the bar from the game Catherine and also the coffee shop from the game Persona 5. It would be fun I think.

>> No.11755037

Didn't say anything about getting high myself. It seems like a decent business move when you look at current trends. Plus I haven't really researched but I feel like it might be the first of its kind and that would be pretty cool.

>> No.11755047

I would regular LeBlanc

>> No.11755057

Seems doable if you would swap out any dish with a daily special or 2. But hey man it's your dream, do it live.

>> No.11755061

Yeah it would be like a bar that is mostly only for friends and family. Maybe opening it up for the weekend or something for anyone else. Like I said, just a dream. But if I ever have the money, I want to try it.

>> No.11755068
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"ah made a new idea, add weed to da food, totes orig"

>> No.11755194

These literally exist on Greek islands (before the whole refugee thing, hopefully shit still exists). I went to one that was literally an extra table in someone’s living room, and it’s just like being a dinner guest of the family for 2.5 hours. Wife and I had exactly one choice to make: fish or meat. They brought out the fish on one plate and the meat (I think mutton). I liked the look of the fish, and so then it was just endless local white wine and little bites here and there. We wandered around outside with a glass of wine, sat at the table and bantered, etc, until everything was done. Really fun, laid back, and super, super /comfy/

>> No.11755207

seen too many episodes of kitchen nightmares. it sounds fun and cool and everything, but the logistics look nightmarish: product going bad, taxes, customers not coming in. i mean theres a lot of ways to fail in the restaurant business.

even here in austin texas a lot of food trucks go under simply because they dont sell enough food. its tempting to sell expired foods and when you do that it tastes like shit, so customers stay away. lose lose situation.

>> No.11755569

Hell no dude. Kitchens are fucking stressful, no way I'd want to own one AND cook in one. I also have a crappy mind for business

>> No.11755596

I’d call it Liability at X

>> No.11755607
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Alright, here's the pitch.
It's an outer space themed Irish pub.
I call it, "CosMick's"

>> No.11755643

Something like 90%+ of all new restaurants fail.

>> No.11755656


>Have you coo/ck/s ever thought about or wanted to open a restaurant?

>What would you call it?
Unsure. Possibly something that is borderline offensive in the community that I live in. Nothing too clever. If nothing else I'd borrow from the Brits and name it something like "The X and Y".

>What would you serve?
What the audience wants. That's key. Which ties into...

>Who is your target audience?
The majority?

>How much is the average plate?
I'd have to know the answers to the previous questions to figure that out. Average is ~30% FC. Definitely would fluctuate between 25 & 40 depending on gross profit.

>Where would you choose to open your business?
In the area that would allow me to grow a customer base following and grow from there. Possibly a remote area that would cater to the specific clientelle in that area.

Greasy "anon's" Sandwich Ripoff
Dank-ass sandwiches -like, deep fried spaghetti, chicken waffle, ...I actually have a list
College students and "downtown" folk
$10 -sides are extra, but a sandwich would be a meal and 1/2

>> No.11755673

>What would you call it?
Soul Kitchen
>What would you serve?
A rotating selection of dishes based upon a menu of constant names (The Rabid Rabbit is always on the menu, but the type of salad it is changes as I see fit).
>Who is your target audience?
Upper-middle class with no kids
>How much is the average plate?
$10 for lunch, $22 for dinner
>Where would you choose to open your business?
Wherever I am at the time I build up appropriate resources and community

>> No.11755711

The pig pen
the only meat that is served is pork, and generally the food is made to be sloppy, lots of bacon, probably a cocktail with it
Anyone, but it'd be decorated with metal merch cause thats what I like
I dunno, maybe 20 bucks

>> No.11755785

My dad would want to open a little burger place with me, since in Sydney (or Australia really) every place to get a decent burger is either fucked in price or just overrated garbage.
It really isn't that hard to make a good burger and then sell it for less than $10, but it takes a fuck ton of work to keep that shit up

>> No.11756832

>>What would you call it?
I haven't decided on a name yet but ideally a one-word title that has several interpretations.
>>What would you serve?
Eclectic fusion food that you can't get anywhere else. Mostly casual atmosphere with elevated food and cocktails.
>>Who is your target audience?
Adult families, adventurous couples, friend and work groups, and special occasion groups.
>>How much is the average plate?
>>Where would you choose to open your business?
The city. A good downtown or hip neighborhood spot near the college rentals and the car-free neighborhoods. A city that has the good kind of diversity (nestled ethnic communities without huge ghettos) and a better than average educational district.