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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 697x960, diversity_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11754058 No.11754058 [Reply] [Original]

When will this fad end?

>> No.11754073

What fad are you referring to?

Eating sushi?
Using chopsticks?
Growing a hipster beard?

>> No.11754084

sushi is good
using chopsticks is fine for foods like sushi
having a beard is effectively a necessity for some if they go bald
try harder with your bait

>> No.11754096

Yeah people eat food because they want to promote diversity and not because someone likes the food. Every action has an ulterior motive behind it and everyone is trying to undermine the foundation that humanity is built on.

>> No.11754097

did the photo really need to be in black and white

>> No.11754116

baka at Europeans who eat potatoes and tomatoes, betraying their race and virtue signalling by eating diversity food

>> No.11754126
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>> No.11754129


>> No.11754152

coffee is a muslim plot to force a caliphate upon the West

>> No.11754164

Wow, you're a nutjob.

>> No.11754176

Never. This is the future now

>> No.11754193

way too much rice, baka

>> No.11754199

Tell that to anyone who cares this much about fads.

>> No.11754265

If that's the case, praise be onto allah. May he bless my coffee

>> No.11754290

i wonder if asians autistically obsess over forks and knives as you guys do over some fucking chopsticks

>> No.11754309

i'd rather there be too much food than too little.

>> No.11754325

asian food is babby food to westerners.

like having your food cut up for you into bite-sized pieces by mummy when you were a kid, with asian foo the chef does it for you, so you can use chop sticks.
you never see a big steak in asian cuisine. it's always cut up into a stir fry (or similar)

asian food is babby food to westerners.

>> No.11754342

The best red snapper filet I ever had was at a Japanese restaurant and it filled the whole plate. Your either projecting to hard or you need to stop eating at strip malls.

>> No.11754348

you should look up phrases before you use them. ;-)

>> No.11754349

gotta say that's a nice beard

>> No.11754350

pretty cosmopolitan, desu

>> No.11754376

i was using chop sticks before they were cool and i recently shaved off my beard that was long enough to touch my nipples.
i also wear glasses and ride a bicycle.


>> No.11754465

so you are concerned about what or how someone else chooses to eat or enjoy life

you probably don't like meat , or think you have the right to tell someone else who they can marry, or that girls have to ask you permission to go outside or to the store …

don't worry when you die , you wont have to put up with anymore things you don't like.

>> No.11754478


third world ? ...or …a sandal wearing tree hugging conservationist...

>> No.11754496

where skinny jeans are still fashionable

m e l b o u r n e

also i drink a lot of flat white coffees

>> No.11754523

Women are children with boobs, so they should ask permission.

>> No.11754529

Heres one for ya, son: i carry my own chopsticks w me, as well as a stainless steel straw

>yfw i read tons of ayn rand and voted for trump

>> No.11754535


uhh… well skinny jeans are not that attractive on ...well anyone actually …they make people that wear them look like their legs are really small chicken drums sticks ….. or it shows that they are way out of proportion
just my un-important opinion....

>> No.11754557

i ride bicycles so my legs are pretty buff and worth showing off
also single, so hello ladies. :)

>un-important opinion
every opinion is important. to me, at least. i'm a firm believer of that.
i may not like an opinion but i'm always grateful to hear it. truth.

>> No.11754563

>Clearly living in japan bc smart as fuck.
Whatever is reflected on the table shows you never even left the states. You just paid 10x what it’s worth and it tastes 10% as good as it tastes in japan.

>> No.11755307


>> No.11756271

Didn’t the Ottoman Empire ban coffee at one point though?

>> No.11756299


>> No.11756332

its not artsy if its not in black and white

>> No.11756438

grainy polaroid filters are still artsy

>> No.11756487

actually yes, people do this. Are you simple?

>> No.11756515

>really small chicken drums sticks
So frog legs? They taste like water chicken for a reason you know.

>> No.11756525

this is what mentally ill /pol/tards actually believe

>> No.11756529


>> No.11756537

Growing a beard is not a trend. Its fucking hair, it literally grows by itself

>> No.11756597

People that attach politics to what food people put in their mouth are simple, yes.

>> No.11756603

>t. lumbersexual

>> No.11756732

Probably apocryphal, but I remember reading that when coffee was being introduced to Europe and being decided on whether it should be allowed to consume, the religious authorities at the time deemed it acceptable on the basis of "why should muzzlems get to enjoy something so good and not us?"

>> No.11757189

so Melbourne is basically the old Williamsburg? are shutter shades and fixies still big too?

>> No.11757225

I don't get what's supposed to be faddish here. A bald guy with a beard? There have always been bald guys with beards. Sushi? Maybe it was a fad in the 1980's. Eating international foods? That's always been a thing in cosmopolitan places where you find immigrants and an international crowd doing business.

Sure, food is part of culture and things are always going in and out of fashion in culture. But nothing in OP pic strikes me as particularly faddish. It's not like lining up for cronuts a few years ago, paying $15 for a bowl of rice noodles or hitting a mescal bar. Just a beardy bald guy eating sushi. Pretty ho hum.

>> No.11757557

Sushi wasn’t common until about 4 or 5 years ago for most people. Don’t forget that 98% of America is not yuppies in LA and San Francisco

>> No.11757590

>Sushi wasn’t common until about 4 or 5 years ago for most people.
I have a tough time believing that. Been common here since the 80's. It's just a new thing in bumfuck now? Do you guys have ramen yet? Did the poke and bubble tea thing even make it there? That shit is dying out here (thankfully) in NYC.

>> No.11757599

>Sushi wasn’t common until about 4 or 5 years ago for most people
You guys are such hicks

>> No.11757674

Man I live in Nebraska and have been able to get good sushi since the early to mid nineties, any town with a community college has had at least a half assed sushi grill for the last ten years.

>> No.11757890

>college towns
Yeah no thanks, I don’t need to be surrounded by purple haired SJWs

>> No.11757918
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lmao, triggered, bitch?

>> No.11758040

Gettin' chilly in your uninsulated trailer near your abandoned coal mine and you ran out of welfare bucks you could trade for hits of fetanyl, Cletus?

>> No.11758062

shutter shades are gay but clear plastic sun visors are beginning to take off (again).

our hipsters have moved on from the fixie craze and now ride cx bikes, but i suspect that motorised scooters will replace those soon.

m e l b o u r n e is at the forefront of hipster craziness. i tell you wot!

>> No.11758073

if you're just discovering sushi for the forst time then remember to pronounce it correctly when you order it;


>> No.11758229

Absolutely seething

6 more years, cucks

>> No.11758464
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a welcome jihad

>> No.11758504
File: 210 KB, 2048x1365, B3E18ABB-898A-4FBD-872C-03A62BCD5E2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can eat pic related until I explode, I will admit tho the people that just exclusively order rolls that are stuffed with cream cheese and avocados kind of annoy me considering they’re usually the ones that never stfu about sushi, but to each their own I guess

>> No.11758507
File: 161 KB, 995x1390, 1960s-man-in-shirt-tie-glasses-at-control-console-for-ibm-data-processing-CMRR68[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will ibmcore ever come back?

>> No.11759103

it was big in the early 80s and mid 2000s

>> No.11759129
File: 210 KB, 980x785, page002webres1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For as long as west coasties think they are "cultured" for eating shitty foreign food

>> No.11759692


>> No.11760920
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>> No.11760931

This but unironically.

>> No.11761553

>implying you can still buy cigarettes on the east coast

>> No.11761732

>Oil-less dressing
So vinegar?

>> No.11762334

Maki is not o-zūshi, baka wh*teoid
Kys desu

>> No.11762362

>foreign food
I don't understand this concept. What isn't foreign food in the US? Breakfast cereal, peanut butter and beef jerky? WTF are you supposed to eat? English and German food rebranded as American?

>> No.11762426

retard. sushi has been a trend for at the very least over 20 years.

>> No.11762435

Then it's hardly a trend - that sounds pretty mainstreamed to me.

>> No.11762469

>What isn't foreign food in the US?
Cornbread, burgoo, many cajun dishes, american BBQ, etc.

Of course the problem is how exactly do you define a "foreign dish". these days there is hardly anything which is original to a country; nearly everything has been influenced by foreign trade, invaders/conquerors, etc. We think of Indian food being hot and we think of Italian food using tomatoes yet both tomatoes and hot peppers came from the Americas. We think of Goulash being a standard Hungarian dish, yet it uses paprika which also came from the "new world".

>> No.11762470

They made a king of the hill episode about them finally getting sushi like 10 years ago

>> No.11762472

>Sushi wasn’t common until about 4 or 5 years ago for most people.

horseshit. I went to college in 1996 in a small town in Texas. Sushi was popular at the time and there were multiple restaurants serving it.

>> No.11762482

Austin is not a small town, and California has been invading it “progressively” for the last 30 years

>> No.11762490

>Austin is not a small town
That's right. I'm not talking about Austin you fucktard, I'd have called that a "city".

>> No.11762505

Fuck off back to pol you dumb nigger. Chopsticks are unironically the best eating utensil unless you're eating soup. Also, the fuck is wrong with sushi? White people food is honestly garbage. I shiggy diggy.

>> No.11762509

glasses with half frames??

>> No.11762524
File: 124 KB, 600x400, no talkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no talkie

>> No.11762552

>t.u. is the only college in texas

>> No.11764335

Nobody cares about Rice

>> No.11764355

hands above the table, bucko!

>> No.11764371

I've never eaten ethnic food without telling all my discord friends

>> No.11764378

i wish numales would stop so i could grow my beard again

>> No.11764394

>Texans name their college after the staple crop of China
You can't make this shit up!

>> No.11764685

Would it not be called 狗大学?

>> No.11764728

b&w photos

>> No.11764914

>can only eat ridiculously oversized , over portioned food that you can barely fit your fat mouth around to take a bite

I think you're the baby here dude, adults understand portion control

>> No.11764987

my post implied nothing whatsoever about portions you fool. it was about bite sizes.

a typical western meal of steak and veggies requires you to cut your own bite sizes out of the steak with knife and fork. babbies have their mum do it for them.
but with jap food the bite sizes are cut by the chef (usually) so it's like serving babby food to adults. in a sense.

>> No.11765028

No its not you knob. You know why parents cut their food for babies? Because babies dont have motor skills, Asian foods are about complex flavors in small portions.

>> No.11765039

do you see a knife and fork on the table in a japanese restaurant? no?

check mate.

>> No.11765044

The worst is when they force you to say “yakiniku” and if you get it wrong you have to apologize for hiroshima and nagasaki

>> No.11765055

i hate when that happens

>> No.11765182

Not to mention there are no Partridge or Buffalo, here in the new world.

>> No.11767141

>no buffalo in the new world
u wot m8

>> No.11767156


>> No.11767177

Peak Soy

>> No.11767316
File: 125 KB, 500x522, i-have-give-e-given-up-36947108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate people who think that you have to eat sushi with chopsticks and cringe when they see me pick up the maki with my fingers to eat it.
completely oblivious to the fact that absolutely NO ONE in asia eats sushi with chopsticks.
Its fingerfood for christs sake.but westernerd think "durr because its asian you have to eat it with chopsticks)

>> No.11767344

tables and collar buttoned long sleeves

>> No.11767357

Only queers eat sushi

>> No.11768389
File: 131 KB, 548x634, 1546691424522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every action has an ulterior motive behind it and everyone is trying to undermine the foundation that humanity is built on.

>> No.11768452

Okay. Now, someone told me this a while ago. So I've know about this since I was a kid.
Yet literally everytime I go out to eat sushi with my friends, they all use chop sticks to dip their sushi in soy sauce and put in their mouths
They said "you eat sushi with chopsticks" and I was like "what the fuck are you talking about? they specifically don't use chop sticks while eating sushi in gook countries".
"Nut-uhh!! You're an idiot, you don't know shit about sushi, stop using your fingers".

>> No.11768472

Your friends are idiots.

>> No.11768479

lol @ pretentious white liberal faggots who worship overpriced sushi

you white beta males are suck easy marks

>> No.11768480

They are wrong, but I bet they got a bunch of saucy rolls, and you definitely don’t use hands there

>> No.11768482

>they specifically don't use chop sticks while eating sushi in gook countries
They specifically don't give a fuck. Why do you?

>> No.11768487

/ck/ is chock full of boomer housewives

>> No.11768488

t. nopassport who thinks Asia only exists in anime

If you eat sushi with your bare hands outside of Japan people are going to think you're weird

>> No.11768491

Why do I give a fuck? Are you actually fucking retarded that you couldn't comprehend what I was complaining about
I would like to eat my sushi with my fingers in peace and not be pestered that I'm doing it wrong, when I'm in fact doing it right.

>> No.11768616
File: 17 KB, 480x360, excellent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's becoming normal to be this paranoid
all according to plan

>> No.11768635

Underrated. Well done

>> No.11768778

>anything I don't know about doesn't exist
>if I find out about it then only the it is new and a fad
You really are ignorant, aren't you anon?

>> No.11768789

imagine being this much of a flyover bumpkin

>> No.11768806



>> No.11769255

>Nebraska community college
>purple haired SJWs

ahahahhaa holy shit thank you for enforcing the stereotype you inbred mong ahahah

>> No.11769268

god you are so obviously flyover garbage

>> No.11769281

fuck off cal

>> No.11769366

Yeah but there's no iphone filter for that

>> No.11769427

imagine paying $1000 a month to live in an AIDS infested sanctuary shitty

>> No.11769575

Imagine 1000 a month being a lot

>> No.11769592
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being proud of getting cucked by rent and taxes and jamal's BBC

>> No.11769617

Imagine being content with shitty, barely minimum wage labor jobs, never having any culture, and spending the rest of your life shitposting on /ck/

>> No.11769636

My parents cleared over $58,000 last year before taxes. That’s probably more than you’ll see in your entire life working at Starbucks with your liberal arts degree

>> No.11769649

>$58,000 last year before taxes
Combined? Are you actually joking right now?

>> No.11769653

At least he can fantasize about BBC which seems to be every /pol/ flyover obsession.

>> No.11769654
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>my parents
Oh lordy am laffin at you mate!

>> No.11769680

You can just say you don't like something, you don't have to imply everyone else is pretending to like it for a fad

>> No.11769714
File: 44 KB, 331x379, can someone PLEASE just kill me now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My parents
Oh lawdy ........

>> No.11769744

>it's becoming normal to not recognize sarcasm

>> No.11770064
File: 9 KB, 211x290, 1537681520122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is an associates of fine arts in theatre a liberal arts degree?
and is it bad that i work at a liquor store but am currently pursuing a bachelors in something different at a four-year university?

>> No.11770095

the fad of my mother and father neglecting me