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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11751653 No.11751653 [Reply] [Original]


>New to tea what do I try?
A little bit of everything.
Go to upton (or any other decent place with samples) and try some greens, oolongs, blacks, whites, etc (Sencha, tie guan yin, moonlight white, etc pick some that interest you) get some 15g samples. Try them. If you like one, explore that subvariety more, learn what you do and don't like, then try to get some better quality (yunnan sourcing, what-cha, etc). What-cha also has an intro sampler with a little bit of everything, which may make it easier.

>But tea bags are so cheap!
Drinking loose leaf can be as cheap, or cheaper, than drinking bagged tea if you want it to be. Good quality leaf can be short steeped multiple times to yield more tea per g of leaf, this can be done with any tea but it yields better with some than others.

>> No.11751655

>Raw pu er? Ripe pu er?
Raw pu er is lightly fermented, steamed, and (generally) pressed into cakes, bricks, or other shapes. Then it is aged. The fermentation process continues as it ages developing a more complex flavor over time. New raw pu er can taste a little bitter (under a year old) or overly smokey, but these flavors generally mellow with time. Ripe pu er is strongly fermented artificially speeding up the aging process and generally tastes "darker", and is often recommended for those who enjoy coffee.

>I want to get into pu er what should I try?
White2tea has both a raw sampler and a ripe sampler to show the differences it can have to let you experiment a bit. It has worldwide free shipping.
Mandala tea and yunnan sourcing also both have sampler sizes of their pu er. You can try getting some random stuff that looks good and hope you luck out.

>Places to avoid
Teavana (overperfumed, expensive, shit quality), starbucks (same shit), bagged teas (poor quality, no room for the leaf to expand meaning the flavor has more difficulty getting into the water), anything overly expensive for standard types of tea without reason, anything that sells "fanning" quality (tea dust instead of closer to broken or whole leaves).

>> No.11751660

Info for beginners:
Different kinds of teas

Linda Gaylard's book on tea, not super in depth but helps with understanding the differences between kinds of tea and in tea culture around the world

Tea sourcing:

Mandala Tea



Tea clubs
Yunnan Sourcing
Has multiple options depending on what you want, monthly. 30 dollars, or 50 for premium.

30 dollars a month, mostly used to educate (e.g. comparing two teas that have been processed differently, mao cha vs raw pu er, young tree vs old tree)

Oolong tea club

>> No.11751663


Don mei's blog/ chinalife's yt, there is some shilling envolved but their content is good, especially for begginers getting into gong fu

Marshaln, extremely interesting, puer focused but talks a bit about everything, a lot of the other sources quote him often

2Dog, owner of white2tea, puer focused, has some funny stories and nice pics, a lot of insight on sourcing and the making of puer, his snapchat is pure gold

Teadb: Good content, chill, two guys drinking tea and talking about it, their website also has a ton of resources on brewing and articles on different types of tea, they respond really quick to comments and questions, both on the website and on their fb

Thejadeleaf: This guy is a potter in taiwan and has some nice teaware, he also sources tea, a bit on the expensive side but his blog is interesting none the less

>> No.11751669

what kind of water do you guys use to make your tea? do you use an electric kettle or a pot?

personally, I use tap water and an electric kettle, but I'm thinking of buying a glass pot.

>> No.11751672

>2000 character post limit
Geez, can you even post a recipe with that amount of characters?

>> No.11751684
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>buy 1 pound of jasmine tea
>half a teaspoon easily gives me 1 liter of tea
I could do more too but I always throw the leaf out after 2 steeps.

I use spring water with electric kettle.

>> No.11752610

Absolutely based OP poster. Thank you.

>> No.11752624
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don't forget Scott from YS

>> No.11752775
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>> No.11752785
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>> No.11752909

goddamn that looks awful
why would you fill it to the top like that?

>> No.11752934
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>> No.11753047

Used a little more leaf than my normal half teaspoon (not a large amount, the mug has a magnification effect) because of the jasmine tea excess I mentioned in >>11751684. Blech... Tastes bitterly perfumey. Guess I'll be drinking 1 liter of tea daily for 400 days before I run out.

>> No.11753501
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more tea
I like tea

>> No.11753517

you have an old version, some of those links are old or dead
here is the newest list

>> No.11753521

Peppermint tea is great. Chamomile also. Black tea I need to take with milk and sugar.

I really want to get into brewing my own tea with tea leaves.

>> No.11754644

>autism #1 meets autism #2

>> No.11756169

do NOT insult dilmah poster
you are exiled from /tea/

>> No.11756188

I seem to lose alot of the flavor in my teas. Ive noticed it mainly in my flavored black teas and my fig formosa oolong. I thought maybe water was too hot, nope get it spot on with a thermometer each time. Thought maybe oversteeping and just getting more tea flavor than the other stuff, even when I dont steep as long the other flavors dont really seem to come through. Anyone have advice on what I could be doing wrong?

>> No.11756230

Don't really understand the whole re-steeping thing. Wouldn't all the aromatics and oils be released in the first steeping? Re-steeping just seems like a way to justify being skint.

>> No.11756262

For flavored or herbal teas typically yes the first steep removes a lot or all the flavor. For pure teas no you can re steep a whole bunch of times but its a pretty difficult to do it past like 3 without really practicing

>> No.11756319
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i like tea

>> No.11756473

Check out happymug. My go to for tea and covfefe

>> No.11757028

What's the bing?

>> No.11757070

Absolutely not. The compounds steep out over time. That's why a tea steeped longer is stronger than a tea steeped for a very short time. Believe it or not, some teas are best on their second or third infusion - particularly ball-rolled teas, which need one or two infusions just to relax sufficiently to release all the good stuff.

>> No.11758483

Any bottled tea brands I should try that arent unhealthy? I like arizona but I'm sure its packed with sugar.

>> No.11758597

Recently found out my cast iron pot holds around 7 cups of water, so should I use 8 teaspoons of loose leaves when I brew or is 7 enough, cause 7 tastes like its enough

>> No.11758940
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Ito En iced teas are great. Oolong is my favorite. No sugar

>> No.11758943

try both and see which you prefer, there's no rule how much you need to use. it also depends on which tea you're brewing

>> No.11758947

I second Ito En. They have sweet ones, but the unsweetened are also good. Matcha LOVE is also a good brand, again the unsweetened is good.

>> No.11758992

Been really enjoying a tea subscription to Bird and Blend a tea shop in the UK. Favourite tea from them is a sencha and cherry mix, called cherry lips honestly really good. I recommend them if you're in the UK or Europe and want to try something nice. Imperial Teas of Lincoln also a good shop.

>> No.11759011

Sometimes hard and soft water can effect the tea. Do you live in a hard water area? I found since moving to an area with hard water I need to filter the water with a brita filter for better results or steep longer than I used to.

>> No.11759445

Literally never seen this. Do you order it online?
Look at the ingredients and nutritional info, it should be pretty obvious to decide within like 20 seconds. I've seen bottled tea that says unsweetened/sugarfree but never tried any. Tea does not need sugar, any company who does so is hiding the taste of bad tea or is trying to appeal to sugar addicts.

>> No.11759520

had to stop drinking tea after i had a kidney stone. kinda miss it but fuck ever having to experience that shit again. spasms in my urethra made it feel like i was cumming blood every 20 seconds. not worth.

>> No.11759593

>The mean soluble oxalate contents of black tea in tea bags and loose tea leaves were 4.68 and 5.11 mg/g tea, respectively, while green teas and oolong tea had lower oxalate contents, ranging from 0.23 to 1.15 mg/g tea.
Drink smaller amounts of tea, switch to green/oolong, or reduce other sources of salt/protein/oxalate in your diet.

>> No.11759645

its everywhere where i live, i can find it in most walgreens or CVS

>> No.11759742

I would've noticed it already if it were popular in pharmacies/gas stations. Maybe I'll check my oriental grocery store to see if they have it, but I almost doubt it.

>> No.11759833

Not totally sure about hard water, central wisconsin so if I had to guess its probably on the harder side. However when I first moved in to this house(college house btw) I could smell the chlorine in the water, or chloramine or whatever they use now. Could that affect it as well?

>> No.11759849

absolutely. i would only use bottled or filter honestly or else wouldn't drink tea at all

>> No.11759957

hard water shouldnt be a major problem, but brita filter first for sure, chlorine will off gas from the water if it is left out for a day.

>> No.11760076

where do i get lapsang souchong in australia

>> No.11761772

ask your family to bring some back to Australia

>> No.11762266

Can anyone recommend a good Darjeeling brand or shop?

>> No.11763542
File: 95 KB, 736x736, Juniper-Berry-CO2-Extract-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats good Tea lads?

I harvested a bunch of juniper berries this last autumn and I want to incorporate them into a tea.

What base tea would go best with Juniper berries resinous flavour? any other ingredients you think would complement it?

>> No.11763763
File: 37 KB, 557x417, 20190115_153657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some Yorkshire Tea in the mail today. Usually I drink Chinese teas, but on a cold day like today you can't beat a good hot English cuppa.

>> No.11763980

Post teeth

>> No.11764053

This is a blue board.

>> No.11764214

The stuff made from tea leaves?

You'd probably get more interesting results if you made your own gin, or a juniper tincture in grain alcohol. Though I suppose a green tea could have juniper in the way some black teas have bergamot, I'm not a big fan of earl grey to begin with.

>> No.11764531


Chinese apothecary anon here,
those will have an fantastic affect of your body, they have absolutely amazing properties in anti inflammation, Kidney Health, Juniper is a powerful diuretic – a herb that increases the flow of urine, helping to cleanse the system of excess fluids and stimulating the kidneys. it is used for diabetics as well as a host of others .
using that will make a flavorful tea and powerful medicine

>> No.11764800


>> No.11764828

i would say white tea, maybe silver needle or white peony. no need to add anything else, maybeee a tiny drop of lemon

>> No.11764885
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Bought some kusmi coming home from Paris. Did I get meme'd?

>> No.11764905

you memed yourself by getting their teabags instead of loose leaf. I like Kusmi though, it's the only flavored tea brand that i like. very different than DavidsTea trash. i recommend the mint green tea, makes a great Moroccan/Algerian style tea

>> No.11764943

I can get solid 2-3 steeps out of herbals like chamomile and linden

>> No.11765060
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Thnx for the info based sino-poster.

>> No.11766979
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hello. I did the switch from regular 2 liter diet soda to tea two weeks ago.
bought a tea kettle from target and have been drinking unsweetened green tea with every meal at home and make a big bottle to take to work chilled.
best decision ever.
also going full weeab with a Japanese rice cooker amazon purchase today, but i'm overdue a significant diet change.

final question as a tea noob, what other teas should I try?
don't like sweet tea, and the black tea I tried starting off on tasted too caffeinated for me.

>> No.11766987


How's this for a entry level black tea?

My goal with drinking tea is for a natural source of caffeine that isn't overpowering like coffee. Generally my biggest issue I've found is just finding a tea that wakes me up enough. I don't mind a tea that requires a longer brewing time or anything like that, I just want the most bang for my buck without drinking coffee.

>> No.11767030

Hey that’s here in town. I’ve only bought gifts from there but should go for a sit down.

>> No.11767503
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Kk. Trying it out today with a white tea. Starting out with just a couple juni berries in case it doesn't sit right.

I'll let you guys know how it is

>> No.11768459

Keep trying black teas. If it's too strong just brew for like 3 minutes or so. Black tea is god tier.

>> No.11768644

I did the tried and true equal to the cup plus one for the pot from some fruity tea I got as a gift. Really nice vivid color and taste. And rarely for such teas it retained some taste on the second brewing.

>> No.11769519

so? how was it

>> No.11769547

Best green tea/matcha tea? Want some of that L-theanine

Sidenote: best mint tea? Can't find one I'm happy with, same for ginger

>> No.11769585

its so good.

>> No.11769634


>> No.11769715

it was excellent.
I didn't put a ton of berries in so I just got a hint of the flavor, which was honestly enough. But next time I think I will try more berries.

I think this would also be pretty excellent with a nice green tea. I am not sure about a darker tea though

>> No.11769878
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I can't believe you fuckers memed me with this shit.

>> No.11769898

Does anyone know of a good yuzu tea? I like yuzu fruit a lot, and I also really love yuzu sake. I'm wondering if there's a good tea of it, I haven't seen one anywhere yet.

>> No.11770450

Tf did you do to your mouse

>> No.11770462

living on the edge I see

>> No.11770976

i find it to be a pretty average tea
not bad not great either

>> No.11771030
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anyone here blog/photo tea? I've been using instagram as my main platform, will follow back


Pictured is a cake of raw puer from whatcha. It was my first :')

>> No.11771075

any other rooibos fans here? it's got a great earthy flavor with a hint of spice
recently found a cafe that does rooibos chai lattes as well, fucking amazing

>> No.11771254

There's yuzucha/yujacha but that's a tisane. It's yuzu preserved in honey and you mix it into hot water. You should be able to find it at an Asian grocer. Lots of sugar in it obviously, but the bitterness balances it out.

>> No.11772803

lao shu bai cha? such a damn nice tea

>> No.11772899

it's good shit

>> No.11773138
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Went to a lame run 5/10 km event and got free beer and tea from samovar

>> No.11773161

What are some good teas? I just started /tea/ and I got some raw puerh because it's most similar to coffee, which I used to drink, and I like it a lot, but I want to try new stuff to see all that /tea/ has to offer.

>> No.11773169

Also it was ok tea, samovar had hot water in it, the little teapot had zavarka in it, absolutely nothing special, but being able to regulate the strength of tea by varying water to zavarka proprtion was neat.

>> No.11773188

I collect Tea and Coffee preparation devices. samovars are one of the only things I still haven't acquired yet. They seem super comfy.

>> No.11773213

why the fuck are you pouring water all over the table

>> No.11774962

Lipton or Clipper? I’m getting a chamomile infusion, and those are the only options around here (besides growing the dumb flowers myself, but ’tis not the season).

>> No.11775664

tie guan yin or a bai cha
a nice earl grey

>> No.11775855
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I made some yaupon tea straight from the leaves. What could this white stuff be? There was a lot more in the side of the pot where the water reached when it boiled.

Has anyone gotten this before in other teas?
The leaves were dried over a week and then I put them in a sandwich bag.

>> No.11776221

The jasmine tea I have leaves similar looking white particles at the bottom of the mug. I think it's just jasmine residue.

>> No.11777959

So, I recently ordered a cheap 100g ripe pu-erh cake from YS. Drank it a few times now, and it's alright. Obviously not the best quality tea, but it's drinkable. I want to get one of the more expensive cakes, but they have so many fucking options. What's a good 2018 ripe cake? I'm currently leaning toward the blue label.

>> No.11777995

Sipping some expensive oolong from my trashy souvenir cup

>> No.11778074

Update: been drinking these two teas with every meal now. A big mug of this with some milk replaces the soda I used to drink, and I'm starting to feel a lot better. I think I can cut soda entirely, friends. :-)

On an unrelated note, is there any major scientific research backing the health claims of tea? I know there's a lot of woo surrounding the mystical/Traditional Chinese Medicine aspects of tea, but I want something more concrete, something more factual. I'd appreciate if someone could hook me up with some scientific literature on the subject.

>> No.11778803

drink up friendo

>> No.11778932

are gaiwans a meme

>> No.11778974

Why should they be?

>> No.11779031


>> No.11779253

They are literally the optimal vessel for most brewing.

>> No.11780744
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I personally like red teas (i. e. chinese black teas). Full, round tase, often quite sweet if that is your thing. I particulary like red teas from Yunnan province, but Keemuns are pretty cool, too.

Another thing that might work with you are darker oolongs (semi oxidized teas - halfway between green and black tea). Look for names like Shui Xian or Dan Cong.

>2018 ripe cake
Someone please correct me if i am wrong, but don't ripe cakes need few years to... you know, ripe? I. e. 2018 ripe cake would be a lie or marketing scam.

Of course, a lot of "ripe" puers is made from already oxidized tea, but from what i gathered, those are usually lower quality.

I don't think so, but they are specialized utensils. They are great if you intend to drink multiple infusion chinse teas.

I wouldn't exactly recommend them for indian teas (who usually can't take more infusions), nor japense teas. Japanese teas have small leaves, that easily slip through classical gaiwan (though that can be mitigated by using strain or specialized gaiwan - shiboridashi).

>> No.11780909

>Someone please correct me if i am wrong, but don't ripe cakes need few years to... you know, ripe? I. e. 2018 ripe cake would be a lie or marketing scam.
>Of course, a lot of "ripe" puers is made from already oxidized tea, but from what i gathered, those are usually lower quality.
why would you bother responding to a post if you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.11780926

If i am wrong, please correct me instead of insulting me.

>> No.11780934


>> No.11781564

what loose leaf brands/types are equivalent or close to taste of the dark green bottle? One of my favorites.

>> No.11781688

I just make sweet tea by the gallon
When I finish one, I make another

>> No.11781692


>> No.11781711
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>New to tea

>> No.11781716

pu'erh cakes are called bing
what kind of puerh cake is it

>> No.11781729

2012 Dragon of Jing Mai

>> No.11781741

Sweet tea in a to go cup

>> No.11781761

Fukamushi ("deep steamed") green tea is what you're looking for.

>> No.11781775

Thank you. Sencha is just too light for my taste.

>> No.11781784

* standard sencha that is, since Fukamushi is simply a longer steamed sencha from what I understand

>> No.11781785

The ripe pu'er production process was initially meant to mimic aged raw. It's plenty fermented by the time it's pressed, and while it will change with age, it's inaccurate to call that ripening, as that term refers more to the pile fermenting style in the factory. That being said, many people prefer to wait a year or two before drinking ripes, because the fermentation/factory taste can be very strong early on. In a bottom-shelf tea it never really goes away.

Nice. That was one of my very first pu'ers and I have good memories of it, suspect it's even better now some years later.

>> No.11781801
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This is the best

>> No.11782596
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>> No.11783301

Prob gonna try to go to the asian grocer tomorrow if I can get out the house before they close. Gonna look for loose leaf gunpowder green tea and check the fridge section for anything interesting. Any suggestions?

>> No.11783850

>fridge section
>>11758940 Ito En iced tea
>>11782596 Royal Milk tea

>> No.11784744

OK, my bad. Thanks for enlightening me..

I always though "ripe" refer to natural oxidization and aging of originally "raw" puers. And that the process of making puer from oxidized tea is shortcut, that never produces as good tea as the original method, but produces it now and not after five years.

I just usually call them black and green puers, frankly.

>> No.11784764

So any tips on storing tea that's just been steeped? I hate wasting tea leaves, but leaving it out in the fridge gives it that weird fridge taste.

>> No.11784786

You don't store used tea leaves, ffs. If you intend to do multiple infusions, to them ASAP, while they are still warm from previous steeping.

>> No.11786366

i leave it in the teapot

>> No.11786381

leave it in the pot and its still good the next day. after a day I wouldnt risk it.

>> No.11786602
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I feel fine about leaving leaves in my gaiwans for a day or two between steeps without worrying about it

>> No.11786608
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>> No.11786690
File: 38 KB, 600x311, Burdock-Root-Tea-600x311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any recommendations for "earthy" tasting teas? I've been drinking burdock root tea for a while, for me nothing beats that faintly sweet earthiness.

>> No.11786722

How do I reuse tea leaves? Do I have to dry them?

>> No.11786810

Just leave them in your gaiwan or teapot with the lid on so they stay moist

>> No.11787022

Just steep them again later? Don't wait too long obviously. You're not going to be storing used leaves long-term.

Just don't put the lid on while the leaves are still hot and steaming, or else you'll end up stewing the leaves and they'll get a very off taste.

>> No.11787664

brand new environment! new ketchup! Wow

>> No.11787678

Shou pu'erh

you don't want them moist, they should be dry as you can (easily) get them. to reallyyy do it right you're meant to dry them out on a paper towel, but whatever, leaving the gaiwan/pot open for 10 minutes dries it enough. make sure to pour out any remaining liquid

>> No.11787691

Why the hell would you dry the leaves? Are you retarded?

>> No.11787815

wanted to take fresh pic,
>I have carry this to second floor, using Dutch stairs.

>> No.11788285

based mug overfilling anon

>> No.11788586

for resteeping you want the leaves to be close to how they were in the first place - dry! i obviously don't mean put them in the oven or anything

>> No.11788718

>how they were in the first place - dry
Nigger what the fuck are you doing, you don't steep them from dry

>> No.11789850
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...yes you do. Have you ever brewed tea? the leaves you steep are dried. Look at the picture: dry

>> No.11789993

>those speakers
o fugg that's nostalgic

>> No.11790490
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do sleepy time teas work? pic related.

that bear looks super fucking comfy desu

>> No.11792208
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>he doesn't rise his tea
>he drinks the rinse water
oh ha ha ha no no no

>> No.11792324

i do
i just say the "rinse" is the first steep
miscommunication, but my point is still valid.

>> No.11792330

So... you agree that it's wet when you actually infuse it to drink it? How does that make your point still valid?

>> No.11792347

leaving moisture in the leaves increases the rate of bacterial growth
that's the main reason, it also will (lightly) steep from the water already in it
and the 1st steep (/rinse) is still about as dry as it should/can be to save a tea to resteep over a day, since theres only water in it a couple of seconds

>> No.11793763

tastes ok but has some effect

>> No.11794288

you need to actually sleep or it'll wreck you

>> No.11794457

makes me pass out in like 30min next day i feel almost hungover and kinda groggy