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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 735x743, 60F53B05-D18E-4BD0-8199-CE7D587AC77B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11749065 No.11749065 [Reply] [Original]

How can it be stopped?

>> No.11749076

looks like sanitary pads

>> No.11749110

no joke i had a 3rd degree burn and that's almost exactly what the used dressing looked like

>> No.11749134

yes, with a garbage can

>> No.11749140

The worst part is that this shit probably costs like $5 for four eggs. Veganism is never going to become mainstream when it's like 10x more expensive than eating animal products.

>> No.11749154

>potatoes, rice, and beans are more expensive than meat

>> No.11749169

why would you eat potatoes, rice and beans when you can eat meat lmao

>> No.11749172

>yeah bro just eat nothing but starch for the rest of your life and die of malnutrition

>> No.11749178

Throw in some broccoli sprouts, oats, bananas, and cabbage. All dirt cheap. If you meant to say meat substitutes were more expensive than they are slightly. Actual vegetables and grains on average cost nothing especially in bulk

>> No.11749181
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6076_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that's a lot of soy in it.
How do they manage to get More calories and even More fat than an actual egg?

>> No.11749182

Except vegans are constantly missing good food and trying to replicate it in more expensive and less tasty ways (see the OP, what we are actually talking about)

>> No.11749183


>> No.11749188

there's no b12 in any of that
i work outside, i need b12

>> No.11749192

He's obviously talking about vegan meat alternatives. Omnivores eat potatoes, rice, and beans too but replacing meat with more of that stuff will be less satisfying and less healthy.

Like it or not, we're omnivores and derive benefits from eating meat and other animal products that you can't really get from just eating plants.

>> No.11749194

I want to make a virus that causes an allergy or intolerance to soy, what scientific field do I start studying?

>> No.11749198


>> No.11749199

B12 has nothing to do with you picking up my trash, wagie. Spend 10 bucks every 4 months on some cyanocobalamin

>> No.11749202


>> No.11749207

There’s nothing unhealthy about potatoes and beans, and any non refined rice. They’re also objectively filling

>> No.11749212

>he takes social cues from /pol/

>> No.11749220

I didn't say they were unhealthy. I said replacing all meat in your diet with more starchy food is unhealthy. I eat whole grains, beans, lentils, etc. but it's still not satisfying if there isn't enough protein from meat, eggs, cheese, etc. to go with it.

>> No.11749233

Don't worry about stopping it desu...at some point in the future, vegans like all swjs and progs, will turn on themselves and self destruct...

>> No.11749252

no thanks i'd rather eat a steak with my six figure trash money

>> No.11749259

So what makes it unhealthy?

>> No.11749274

>They’re also objectively filling
They really aren't. Any time I try and eat vegetarian meals I wind up hungry again in two hours.

>> No.11749278
File: 30 KB, 480x483, 1455059529976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you make a vegan recipe but use beef stock instead of water and everyone is blown away by how fucking amazing it is

>> No.11749281

Is that how Republicans lost the House?

>> No.11749323

why was the engine being revved so much that it launched a piston if it was being towed? huh?

>> No.11749330

They really are. Most normal people get pretty easily filled by breads and rice

>> No.11749332

the transmission is in gear

>> No.11749333

Put a plastic bag over its head. Wait...I mean your head.

>> No.11749367

Then maybe my metabolism is screwy, idk. When I was cooking out of a vegan cookbook (I bought it by mistake and figured I needed to eat more vegetables anyway) I wound up eating five meals a day because the stuff just went right through me. No matter what I made, I'd be hungry again before next mealtime unless I absolutely stuffed my face with whatever it was I was eating. Once I started subbing in animal fats it got better.

>> No.11749375

thicc blister plasters

>> No.11749410
File: 80 KB, 728x724, Houston Vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 egg
>25% more calories
>more fat
>approximately the same iron and protein
>missing Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin-B12
It's pretty much just empty calories.

>> No.11749458

I mean you feed vegans beef, you monster.

>> No.11749505

That you are replacing meat, which is mostly protein, with starchy food.

>> No.11750670

he could be the one doing the towing yeah?

>> No.11750817

Organic chemistry, virology, genetic engineering.

>> No.11750829

>I want to make a virus that causes an allergy or intolerance to soy

It's already dogshit for a male's endocrine system but I guess people give zero fucks about that...

>> No.11750834

>replace cancerous meat protein with nutritious polysaccharides from tots

>> No.11750842

Right. It calcifies your third eye which prevents you from seeing flat earth

>> No.11750851

I'm okay with this, it looks like and is clearly labelled as a vegan mockery of actual food. It's not something dishonestly labelled that I might pick up by mistake, like CULTURED BUTTER (VeGᴀɴ)

>> No.11750853

If it's bad than people won't eat it. Problem solved. This thread is a waste of electrons.

>> No.11751256
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, FC17E13E-EA12-4F62-885E-C6D96512FACF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetarianism is a label and as such a easily sellable product idea to anyone who is talking about starting it or wants to but doesn’t really want to. This way they get to dabble their feet in the water and claim vegetarianism is more expensive and food doesn’t taste good because they really don’t want to bother cooking vegetables.

>> No.11751298

An ex was vegan, she was on anti-depressants b/c her parents divorced. She had gone vegan 2 years before otherwise smart girl, loved science. Turns out years later it was the Veganism that had her caught in the depression in the first place. Mostly bad timing.

>> No.11751531

I’m not even vegan (tried it for 9 months once just to have a fair look)

Hilarious how triggered insecure anons (primarily men with unresolved emotional problems) get about such an innocuous thing. Oh no! Other people are doing something! Better ridicule it! I need my meat and flavors I’m used to or I won’t be functioning!

It is easy as fuck to eat a healthy and productive vegan diet.

>> No.11751572

you realise no one gives a fuck of your opinion right? kill yourself big veggie shill

>> No.11751602

Thank you for your effort!

>> No.11751662
File: 88 KB, 960x640, Doenjang-jjigae-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please reconsider, I can't live without fermented soybeans

>> No.11751690 [DELETED] 

Organic chemistry, entomology, genetics. Modify the gene coding for the galactose-alpha-1, 3-galactose molecule produced by the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) to resemble a molecule present in soy instead. Introduce your modified organism globally.

>> No.11751700
File: 66 KB, 575x546, Amblyomma_americanum_tick[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organic chemistry, entomology, genetics. Modify the gene coding for the galactose-alpha-1, 3-galactose molecule produced by the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) and castor bean tick (Ixodes ricinus) to resemble a molecule present in soy instead. Introduce your modified organism globally.

>> No.11751813

>I'm not even vegan
doubt [×]

>> No.11752616

I just don’t get how something I refuse to eat can be made to look appealing to me just because it isn’t made of what I refuse to eat.
Clearly a retard non-vegan made this.

>> No.11752720

Wouldn't work in the US as the % of the population that goes anywhere near an area that will contain ticks is minuscule.

>> No.11752743

>Introduce your modified organism globally.

>> No.11753590

god damn if I ate this I'd be buying a nintendo switch with pokemon let's go shortly afterward