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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11747627 No.11747627 [Reply] [Original]

3 dollars for a 1 dollar cliff bar

>> No.11747630

they didn't force you to buy it

>> No.11747633

They know you'll pay

>> No.11747636

>buying a soy bar

>> No.11747640

Because most people do not want to leave the airport to find food therefore they monopolise on this.

>> No.11747644

Limits on what you can carry on + limited supply = time to profit gouge.

>> No.11747646

>triggered by a bean

>> No.11747649

Rent. The rent at airport is insane, like $200,000 a month for a tiny food counter.

>> No.11747661

they’ll charge what the market will bear
the market will bear a lot when you have jackbooted goons confiscating all food and beverages before a 16 hour flight

>> No.11747683

The worst is water.
Not only it is too expensive but they limit the bottle sizes to 0.5L which is fuck all on long haul flights.

>> No.11747684
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Because they know that your ass ain't going nowhere from the airport in time to get food and then get back to catch your flight. You're not gonna leave, go through security and run to your terminal for a McDonald's run.

You WILL pay $9 for a can of soda and a bag of chips either at the airport, or buy them on the plane, or you will simply starve until you reach your destination. Simple as that.

If you're smart, you'll pack a lunch before you leave the house. Don't take any effort to throw a few sandwiches and a ziplock bag of chips into your carry on.

>> No.11747685

I wouldn't exactly call Shaquandra and Terrell jackboots.

>> No.11747688

HA, "land of the free."

>> No.11747697

Because you're stuck there. You aren't going to leave and they know it.

>> No.11747708

it’s ok because muslims or something
america will literally shoot itself in the dick if you tell it that it’s against islam

>> No.11747724

You're allowed to bring food on your flights though

>> No.11747725

shoot yourself in the dick to help clean up the gene pool

>> No.11747732

>If you're smart, you'll pack a lunch before you leave the house
You're forced to throw away all food and drinks before heading through TSA. If you're smart, you starve.

>> No.11747734

Breh, not him but I'm American and it's ALMOST true.

>> No.11747755
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I flew first class for the first time in a long time this last october and I have to say that I was pretty mad at the whole mentality and experience of it. First class treatment is the same treatment that WE ALL had back in the 80's and 90's before fucking 9/11 changed the airline game.

We weren't treated like sardines or cattle to be stuffed in as tightly as possible. We didn't have luggage fees. We got normal meals for flights longer than 5 hours. We were treated kindly and not like a burden.

Flying used to be a pleasure. Almost a luxury.

I hate american flights now. I hate how things have changed for money and greed. It wasn't like this before.

TLDR: "Back in my day....."

>> No.11747764

Supply and demand

>> No.11747766

Pro tip: The flights were more expensive when adjusted for inflation and higher fuel costs.

>> No.11747772

t. cleetus with no passport

>> No.11747790

Food is allowed, fren. If you're smart, you'd read.

>> No.11747793

Before you know it, they'll be stuffing us into the cargo bay by default, and you'll have to pay for "first class" to get a regular seat.

>> No.11747796

Because airlines used to differentiate themselves by service and experience but now it's just a price war. Pushing for cheap while maximizing profits is how we ended up in a flying cattle car being served 4oz of soda or water and a stale snack.

Shareholders are a hell of a drug.

>> No.11747808

>what is deregulation
read a book nig nog

>> No.11748013
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>say some stupid shit
>tell someone else to read a book

>> No.11748855

Not him but he's right
The FAA used to set the rates and routes each of the big airlines took

>> No.11748862

when in doubt, dig in and make yourself sound even dumber

let me guess, you think global warming is a hoax?

>> No.11749297

When the hell did this happen

>> No.11749311

No. Man made climate change is bad science though.

>> No.11749324

And what is the research you’ve totally read through to reach that conclusion? Bonus points if you don’t just skim through tabloid headlines

>> No.11749329

relax. I know how super smart you are, pal.

>> No.11749343

We had regulations that made airlines have free food?

>> No.11749350 [DELETED] 

No. You’re just really fucking stupid in comparison to me. Eat shit, nigger.

>> No.11749352

>We had regulations that made airlines have free food?
No. There used to be a Gov agency called the Civil aeronautics board that regulated which airlines could fly from where to where for how much. Since airlines couldn't compete on price, they had to offer the best service to get customers.

>> No.11749362

How is a small minority owned airline supposed to compete under those conditions?

>> No.11749368

It wasn't. That's why "le good old days" were le different, reddit.

Now, you can get cheaper flights, but you have to pay for the pretzels. Or you can pay more, and get them for "free". Up to you.

>> No.11749376

>How is a small minority owned airline supposed to compete under those conditions?
They didn't, there were basically several big airlines that had their routes assigned to them.

>> No.11749396

Fucking hate airports and their jacked up prices.
Protip; you can take empty bottles through security and fill them with water in the bathroom so you don't have to pay five bucks for a bottle of water on the flight.
I don't care how Jewish that makes me look. Fuck them and their price gouging. On a longish flight in Summer you can literally end up spending more on drinks than you did on the ticket.

>> No.11749398
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> Sea Tac
Fly safe, Sky King.

>> No.11749457

why in the damn do you know this?

>> No.11749466


>> No.11749477

Lets try that again. You’re just a stupid NIGGER in comparison to me you fat piece of shit

>> No.11749481

I was going from memory and fucked up, it was the Civil aeronautics board that did it. It's fairly common knowledge though.

>> No.11749498
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>> No.11749503

because u need that

>> No.11749655

something something 'surcharge matrix'?

>> No.11749710

Yeah, something something "load factor", something something "cram as many of the pleb vermin as unhumanly possible into the plane" Sounds about right.

>> No.11750551

>can't go for a flight without food
Do Americans really

>> No.11750554

Also, a lot of people aren't aware, but you can bring tiny bottles of liquor on the plane too. Get drunk for cheaper on long international flights.

>> No.11750640


>> No.11752227

Theres currently a thread up asking who else eats in the shower.

>> No.11753684
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Because you are trapped behind hours of security if you leave in most major terminals and are looking for convenience. Thus they have a captured customer base that is about to spend another 7 hours of hell in a tiny air pressurized flying metal tube with only shitty air plane food to eat. Thus, they can jack up the price to whatever the market will tolerate which in your case is $2.99 for a candy bar.

Do you really need this explained to you?

>> No.11753791

The more serious question is why are you so conditioned that you have to eat just before or even during a flight? Let's even say it's halfway around the world, @ 18-24 hours given the bullshit security, layovers and everything else, you aren't going to shrivel up and die. Yet you'shrug your shoulders and cough up your shekels to these hostage holding gangsters with smiling equanimity. Just stop.

>> No.11753804

Most people eat 3 times a day if not more. It is routine. I fast for days on end so it personally doesn't bother me but the question OP asked is why is airport food so expensive. Simple answer is, they got your ass and they know it.

>> No.11753869

But you know as faster, they don't have to have you by the balls and fasting for 24 hours isn't some rigorous hindu yogi technique, it's literally easy as shit and anyone can do it. If people just said no, then their balls aren't wrenched in a vice any longer.

>> No.11754012

One meal every 16-24 hours master race reporitng in.

>> No.11754137

>using a reddit response
neck yourself soyfaggot

>> No.11754146

probably because he's not a zoomer born after the 2nd iraq war

>> No.11754160

I would say 99.87% of Americans have never voluntarily gone a single entire day without food their entire lives. Why would they start in a high stress hustle and bustle clusterfuck that is prolong flying? Especially when there is an assload of restaurants wafting aromas of tasty and bad for you food in the air at a slightly higher cost? They are in the airport maybe once or twice a year. No one is going to "starve" themselves because of a one time higher then normal price.

>> No.11754160,2 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, man. I was searching for this info because I have a flight booked in September.