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11745731 No.11745731 [Reply] [Original]

What are some things you did to get back at rude customers or colleagues while working in the industry?

I used to cook at a high end restaurant, and the head chef who doubled as my direct manager was the biggest fucking prick I had ever met. He was morbidly obese and just a piece of shit on every fucking level.
Anyways, he used to love to shit on me because I have a cognitive learning disability, and it takes me a little bit longer to learn than others, and initially I get confused kind of easily. However, it is managed, and once I learn something it is 100% in my mind forever, and the other cooks noticed this. To make a long story short, the other cooks told my boss to promote me, and he shit on me on a personal level during our meeting.
After this point I knew I was going to quit, and I plotted my revenge.
Whenever we were busy and no one would notice, I would go to the big ass cooler area, and open a HUGE block of Parmesan cheese, take it out of the plastic, and throw it on the ground. Then I started kicking them under a pantry corner in the fridge. It’s hard to explain but it was hidden.
Over the ensuing weeks, my boss started losing his shit over the missing blocks of cheese, and kept bitching about how much he was ordering. He started accusing people of accidentally throwing away the left over blocks.
While he was losing it, I started recording myself. The cockier I became, the crazier the videos became, and the more people wanted to see it. By the end I was punting them as hard as I could, so they would bounce all over the pantry, then I would run up and kick it like a soccer ball against the wall. It was glorious, and it became viral among my friends.
When I quit, there were 9 massive blocks of cheese hidden in its little corner. I only wish I hadn’t of quit before someone found the cheese, and the meltdown that fat fuck inevitably had. He probably knows it was me too. Too late now, fat boy!!!

>> No.11745733

you're retarded OP

>> No.11745743

a cook threw a frozen chicken at me and I hit him in the face with spring loaded tongs once.

>> No.11745744

I pushed a kid into the fryer once. Got burnt myself from the splash back and caught a felony but it was worth it

>> No.11745755

I once called in sick to go get drunk and do drugs with my friends instead.

>> No.11745760
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>not doing rails in the walk in while getting payed

>> No.11745772

The most diabolical thing I would do to troublesome customers is give them a refund and tell them to get the fuck out. I've only had to do this with 3 parties who all treated my staff like garbage along with threatening bad yelp reviews and demanding free food for "mistakes" that they made while ordering. Do not fucking act like that with my staff, I have no problem making you look like the complete dick in front of everyone around you.

>> No.11745782

I also hung their yelp reviews up near the front next to the glowing reviews. Seeing a full wall of positive reviews and articles next to a handful of childish reviews just cements their retardation.

>> No.11745783
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>> No.11745791

Better reason than my (mostly) female colleagues have. Two of them called in today because they didn't want to drive in the snow.

>> No.11745793

Never worked in the industry before but in the department located next to mine was filled with sweaty computer nerd douchebags. One of their office chairs was able to come of the rolling wheels and right before i went on vacation i popped off the chair and stuffed the hollow tube full of frozen raw shrimps, put the chair back on and left. When i came back 3 weeks later they had thrown out all the chairs bc it smelled so bad and they couldn't figure out which one it was

>> No.11745804

I once called my boss and told him i wasn't coming in. When he asked why i told him i picked up the hottest girl i've ever met and we were going to a hotel. He laughed and said OK have fun

>> No.11745827

>I have a cognitive learning disability
>I get confused kind of easily
>I hid cheese in the corner
>It was glorious
>It became viral among my friends
never hire a retard

>> No.11746972

Do you have those videos still OP? i want to see someone kicking cheese around in a fridge

>> No.11746989

>I have a cognitive learning disability, and it takes me a little bit longer to learn than others, and initially I get confused kind of easily.

>> No.11747075

>hadn’t of quit
Fuck, you really are retarded, op
Sorry man that's tough

>> No.11747077


>> No.11747305
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If a waiter or waitress gives me less than 100%, they get ass pennies in their tip.
Feels good man.


>> No.11747312

I never did it to get back at anyone, but I used to take a piss in the meat freezer drain at the Walmart Deli I was at instead of using the bathroom

glad I never got caught doing that looking back...

>> No.11747316

T. everyone ever

>> No.11748888

The last restaurant I worked at where I wasn't making some of the profit... the head chef was a Gordon wannabe who insisted on vetoing every single "special" that came up when we had too much of something, and figured out something great to do with it... Tensions were always super high - the pastry chef should have been on meds, or possibly locked up - I mean, I could go on and on.

My exit was cold, and perfectly executed. Ramsey Jr. started shitting the bed over someone's French-Viet fusion idea to kill off some shrimp and parsley that we had too much of, saying it was too out there basically. The lunch rush was a snoozefest, so I whipped him up a plate. He - expectly - freaked. I walked up to him so I didn't have to yell, and asked if anyone in the restaurant had ever signed a non-competition contract. After two seconds of intense staredown, I yelled in my top drill sergeant impression "Dan, Chris, Saki, and Jonesy. After your shift, we need to talk. [Bar down the street] at 5pm. Alison. I'm leaving. Prep is done for the evening, keep doing what you do. Come by when you're done around 8pm. [Chef], you will be helpless by week's end, and jobless by October."

I stole his staff, opened up something with a friend, used that day's special as the top of the dinner menu, and stole a few waitresses and bar staff as well. Sure enough, the place closed down October 1.

I sold my end of that restaurant a few years ago, but I still stop by to make sure everyone's still doing well... when they're totally boned, and I've got a day off, I'll help out... It was the first time I'd ever worked with great people who were good at what they do.

>> No.11748932
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>worked at a restaurant with a tard
>tard used to throw tard rages and kick Parmesan cheese blocks around cooler
>tard thought he was cool
>we encouraged tard to take videos

OP is tard
Pic related

>> No.11749451

I'm pretty sure that he's larping, otherwise he'll post a link to one of these vids.

>> No.11749470

why are all chefs such angry violent fucks?

>> No.11750788

I told a senator I voted for someone else on his receipt. I knew he would snitch, so I spit in his to go box. Then, one of the ladies he was with forgot her phone and it was unlocked. Got his cell number and prank called him. And yes, he was acting like a dick. I can elaborate if anyone wants to hear about it. Even the people who were there with him and saw what happened tipped me. They thought it was funny.

>> No.11750814

You live in Illinois? I had to drive thru that shit this morning hungover as fuck and it was pretty dangerous. Everyone on the interstate was going like 40 lol

>> No.11750815

I liked this story.
I bet the wanker chefs name was something like Anton or Adrian?

>> No.11750997
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>work at popylar soup and salad place
>kitchen is open for customers to see inside
>muh transparency
>slip bits of bacon into the food ordered by people that look muslim to me

>> No.11751010

An animecon I wanted to go to was going to happen on a busy work day so I managed to plan a few months ahead to have that day off

>> No.11751022

What did he do to deserve that?

>> No.11751023


>> No.11751025

>give them a refund

Was this fast food? What other kind of restaurant do you pay first?

>> No.11751028

fucking quads don't lie my nigga

>> No.11751042

Did they tell you to add the ammonia to chloride to get the stains of your fursuit?

>> No.11751146
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>retard somehow up for promotion
>chef shittests him to see if he's made of the right stuff
>retard proceeds to make videos of himself kicking cheese

>> No.11751166

All kitchen staff abuse illicit drugs.

>> No.11751437

based anon. Very easy to spot though, which makes it risky. better and safer to replace all fats with lard.

>> No.11751450

I used to frequently take money from the cash register. To be fair if I took out two $20 bills I would leave a $5 from my own pocket also one time I was cleaning the milkshake machine and forgot there was some cleaning solution containing bleach in it and served it to customers and get several nasty complaints about people getting sick but that wasn't intentional

>> No.11751459

Whenever someone is really rude while ordering, while preparing their food I will make sure to take exactly one minute longer to finish than normal.

>> No.11751472


>> No.11751537

I wish I could lol. It's not like the place made me rich, but it definitely helped me enjoy food again. If it didn't help me discover downtime (in which to go make real money), I'd never have sold my end, but as it stands, my 3K investment in the place was worth more like 30K when it was time for me to leave, and the owner and I had a wealthy friend who wanted to come in and streamline some things, grow it a bit, and make everybody a solid retirement... so far so good.

>> No.11751597

>put food ingredient into food that people eat and enjoy
>haha GOTEM
you're just wasting ingrendients while accomplishing nothing, fucking retarded but ok.

>> No.11751625

Usually young, uneducated straight out of highschool and their superiors are usually hard asses because customers are always right.

The more educated and better you become at your skill it's less of shitty job, only places like bars, chain stores, etc have shitty work environments.

>> No.11751668

When I worked at Coldstone we would leave the icecream out overnight without freezing it then scrape the bubbly parts off the next morning. I really wouldn't recommend eating there I'm not even sure it's real ice cream

>> No.11751673


>> No.11753528

>enjoying haram pork
I think you might be the retarded one, anon