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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11740562 No.11740562 [Reply] [Original]

>go to chilis
>suddenly hear clapping and singing
>they sing happy birthday to customers TWICE in my short dining experience
how fucking poor do you need to be to celebrate your birthday at chilis?

>> No.11740582

Maybe they were invited

>> No.11740664
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>checkout tablet thing taking forever to process
>about to finally leave

>> No.11740675

Haha, let's have more threads on /ck/ about making fun of poor people. Only poor people go to shitty chain restaurants on their birthdays. Poor people are all losers.

>> No.11740683

Woops looks like someone fell for the don’t need college meme

>> No.11740697

I'm not poor and my son and I like to have lunch at Chili's. Regarding birthday parties, it's a shame no one ever gave you one.

Did your parents drink Was it just Mamma? Just Dad?

>> No.11740698

No, I'm serious. I hate when I go out to eat at crappy restaurants and I'm surrounded by poors. There just aren't enough threads about this that I can relate to.

>> No.11740709

>not enjoying chillis
Where do you go for your birthday faggot? Noma?

>> No.11740728
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>I go out to eat at crappy restaurants and I'm surrounded by poors

take a mirror next time

>> No.11740917

I went for good sushi last time

>> No.11740950

*welds on your shitty libarts degree*

>> No.11740955

chilis is based

>> No.11740981
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>> No.11741086

Happy birthday

>> No.11741092


>> No.11741099

Here's what happens. One person gets embarassed by their friends when they say it's their birthday. Niggers see they get free cupcake or some shit. All of a sudden, every nigger in there is celebrating their birthday.

>> No.11741108

Every time we go out for a team lunch at work and it's a place that does birthdays the fat retarded spic cunt says it's multiple people's birthdays to get a free cake
Makes me fucking livid

>> No.11741130

jaja ira como c come el churro we xD

>> No.11741331

Do Americans really clap when they are singing happy birthday?

>> No.11741346

>>go to chilis
How fucking poor do you need to be to eat at chilis?

>> No.11741356

Pretty fucking poor. Especially since those things are reserved for 'Milestone' celebrations.

>> No.11741362

Celebrating your birthday is for children. It gets a bit tiresome after 25. So obviously most people celebrating their birthday are not particularly sophisticated.

>> No.11741681

Only if youre a dumb wagie working at a restaurant

>> No.11741700

I thought it really weird I got a happy birthday card from a GM I didn't get along with, 2 years after she left for the other side of the country, at 26?

Drunk card sending? No one else is sending me stuff. Except the latino in-law, but he's awesome for no reason.

>> No.11741703

I guess you mean GF? Females are a little more interested in birthdays for some reason. They're weird in many ways, and this is one of them.

If you mean game master, I don't know. I'd probably change my identity. That sounds potentially scary.

>> No.11741716

general manager?

>> No.11741718

No, I mean general manager. Not even my direct supervisor. My boss basically called a meeting in front of the board after she threw a fit in front of me, and she was tolerable after that. This was like 3 years after and 2 years after she moved.

The fuck? Also, how did you know my birthdate? Do you still have records from HR?!

>> No.11741724

she def wants you to dab on her ladybits my dude

>> No.11741738

And posting your opinion on birthday's at chili's is sophisticated? inb4 nerd rage

>> No.11741743
File: 211 KB, 917x927, Vomits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Not my blog there was more in the thing. But still wtf. I didn't even have facebook at the time.

Anyways yeah I don't do holidays unless it's just an excuse to get overtime, cook something I want to cook, get extra drunk and be a jackass and pretend that I'm just saying things because I'm inebriated and not just honest, etc. I do love liquor tolerance.

>> No.11743006

I had a giftcard desu

>> No.11743058
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>not having a STEM degree

>> No.11743059

>don't want restaurant workers to single for my bday
>without even asking they do it as long as they hear its your birthday
>nobody even needs to to ask
It's a free service with free cake but still. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.11743215

A guy I used to work with celebrated his anniversary with his wife at Cheddars.

>> No.11743239

I don't post on 4chan as a celebratory activity. Coming here is not on occasion for me.

>> No.11743269

We usually tell the server it's one of our friend's birthdays even though it's not. just to fuck with our friend and make the wagies sing