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11737261 No.11737261 [Reply] [Original]

Meat eaters are destroying our environment.

>> No.11737270

Good thing there's frog posting

>> No.11737277

*eats avocado*

>> No.11737284

do you drive a car?

>> No.11737289

>vegetarians think they help the environment
>also support food-aid to the third world

>> No.11737292

All of those pieces of meat flowing into the ocean from China

>> No.11737315

Look at the cognitive dissonance from these meatcucks

>> No.11737318

I drove a combine harvester once.
You wouldn't believe how many rats and creatures and shit go through that thing. Your plants are full of death.

>> No.11737344

Industrial crop farming is horrible for the environment.

>> No.11737345

And yet you probably support migration of fast breeding third world migrants to prop up the globalist ponzi scheme of debt.
At least you get to feel righteous and superior sipping your soy latte with your thousand dollar iphone

>> No.11737351


shhh they don't like it when you point out their hypocrisy.

>> No.11737360

>implying that this world is worth saving

>> No.11737376

98% of crops are farmed to feed animals that slaughter you imbecile. Google "trophic levels".

>> No.11737379


>> No.11737400

>L E A S T A M O U N T O F H A R M P O S S I B L E
this is what globalist vegecucks actually believe

>> No.11737413
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eating local animals fed with local crops is better than eating imported crops

>> No.11737416

That looks like it would need to simmer for a full day.

>> No.11737418

99.8% of animals eaten are factory farmed

>> No.11737424

Hey man, if everyone stopped eating those farmed animals what do you think they're going to eat instead? That's right, more crops

>> No.11737430

102% of broccoli is grown using ground up baby kittens as fertilizer

see I can make statistics up too

>> No.11737438

You know you're on a healthy diet when a days physical labour would probably outright kill you and you have to take supplements to stave of anaemia.
I swear if there's ever a famine you soy cucks are going in the pot. You don't deserve your place in the food chain

>> No.11737444

I'm sorry that you're unread. Try a Google search first next time, cuck.

>> No.11737447

meet eaters are destroying our subreddit r/vegan

>> No.11737456

Lmao, he thinks meat has been our primary source of food for our entire existence. Early homogenous and ancestors were frugivores, not meatcucks.
Also nice argument, dumbass.

>> No.11737460

India has a relatively meat free culture, why don't you do an environmental study of their countries pollution and get back to us about how our steak is killing the environment.

>> No.11737463

This is your brain on soy

>> No.11737464

Go take your supplements fag

>> No.11737468

See if I care what some monkey people ate thousands and thousands of years ago. I eat what I want.

>> No.11737477

Early homogeneous species were brain dead monkeys that couldn't make tools and build complex social societies that communicated and passed down knowledge needed to thrive and adapt beyond the limits of genetic evolution.

Guess what kickstarted the protein intake needed to expand our minds enough to reach that point.

>> No.11737482

Here's a video of a baboon eating a baby impala while it's still alive. The mother is trying in vain to stop it.

>> No.11737492

>eaters are unironically animals
In all seriousness, machines are superior.

>> No.11737496

Chimpanzees are some of the most violent and brutal animals in the nature. They eat small monkeys alive when they can catch them. They are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.

>> No.11737504

Everything that lives does so by consuming something else. Life in nature is short and brutal for wild animals

>> No.11737505

lol who gives a shit? All that matters is that fat manchildren nerds on Reddit get their epic bacon or manly steak. In all seriousness though, being vegan makes sense simply for the health benefits alone

>> No.11737514
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>> No.11737517

>being vegan makes sense simply for the health benefits alone

there are no health risks associated with eating meat.

>> No.11737518

How'd you have your eggs today, Joe?

>> No.11737533

Health benefits of being a noodle arm poof that would die on a building site and wouldn't last 2 days in the wild trying to forage enough fruit and has to take B supplements to keep from getting sick?

A healthy balanced diet requires some animal protein. The problem is we eat too much of it. We still need it to be healthy.

>> No.11737538

We are in the age of machines, adapt.

>> No.11737541

>i lose, time to retort with shitflinging
The argument was made that "its natural bro" and "muh health".
Proving him wrong has now created your shitty argument that has been btfod already
You must feel pretty stupid right now

>> No.11737562

No. I'll eat what I think is healthy.
You eat what you want.
If you want to transcend your nature as an omnivore that's fine but get the fuck off your high horse and grow up.

>> No.11737571

>get off your high horse
>said by a vegan

>> No.11737577

I'm not a vegan

>> No.11737579
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>> No.11737581

>In industrialized nations, however, industries consume more than half of the water available for human use. Belgium, for example, uses 80% of the water available for industry.

If you use eletricity, buy industrial products, buy a bike, shitpost on 4chan, etc. you are destroying the environment.

>> No.11737591

Dont forget all the rare earth metals in his Chinese made iphone and the lithium strip mines for all the batteries. As long as that stuff is happening where he can't see, it's fine

>> No.11737612
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>Meat eaters are destroying our environment.
You packagedfoodfags are worse.
The pig I slaughtered over the winter caused far fewer deaths than your morningstar meals, or the pollution required to bring you produce in winter.

>> No.11737619

This, just get a chicken and plant some taters and other veggies, vwala, healthier than a vegan, kinder than a corp slave.

>> No.11737633

My wife went through a hardcore vegan phase. It all went out the window as soon as she got pregnant. Funny how that works.

>> No.11737643

That's all I want in life. A fishing rod, a cabin by the ocean, a vege garden and a few chickens.

>> No.11737649

Tell that to the BEANS
Morning star isn't vegan you fucking degenerate larping doublefaggot

>> No.11737655

>thinking there are health benefits to cutting out all meat as an omnivorous species
>thinking there are health benefits to cutting out all vegetables as an omnivorous species
you vegan autists are incapable of grasping the concept of moderation

>> No.11737658

Then she was probably sucking down mcdonalds when nobody was looking. That would explain why she's a fat, ugly slob. Some people shouldn't be allowed to be in public. Imagine being too stupid to eat a balanced diet. Your wife is one of those retards that kill themselves from replacement meals.

>> No.11737671

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