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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11736333 No.11736333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you could, what meal would you cook for our supreme leader President Trump?

>> No.11736335
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I'm extremely gay, btw. It's really important.

>> No.11736341

t b h hes probably used to all the fancy food his whole life so I'd just cook a hearty honest homecooked meal with meatloaf and stuff

>> No.11736342
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Gefilte fish and matzos since he's such an israel loving ZOG stooge.

>> No.11736345

Do you think Trump can boil an egg? Somehow I doubt it.

>> No.11736346

He may technically be President, but he's not exactly doing his job. I'd cook him nothing until he got back to work.

>> No.11736355

>probably used to all the fancy food his whole life
He's a spoiled child who stopped maturing around age 7. He's eaten fast food and well done steak (because it's the most expensive item on the menu) slathered with ketchup his entire life. Stop being retarded.

>> No.11736356

No but he can earn a billion $$$ to make a cuck like you boil it for him.

>> No.11736357

He’s doing his job but the America hating democrats are obstructing

>> No.11736359

>there are still idiots out there who believe that he was ever a billionaire

>> No.11736361


>> No.11736362


>> No.11736363

I'd like to think even if I had a billion I'd still know how to boil an egg. Sadly, that's not the case with this retarded man.

>> No.11736367

Yeah, he can turn two billion into one billion, and all he has to do to achieve it is cheat on his taxes. What a genius.

>> No.11736368

Damn you’re stupid

>> No.11736372

yeah and he only has one testicle. whos the real c*ck here?????

>> No.11736374
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>> No.11736377

Can't hear you over his $$$$$$$$

>> No.11736381

Too mundane a task for a genius of his caliber.

>> No.11736382

i have just as much money because my dad gave me a small loan of 50 million dorra.

>> No.11736384

Being indebted to the Russian mob isn't the same thing as being rich, anon.

>> No.11736388

Frog (Pepe!) legs, well done, with a side of ketchup, a glass for milk, and for dessert, my special Kek and wall cakes :). MAGA my fellow pedes!

>> No.11736389
File: 96 KB, 960x720, Some Dogs Just Want To Watch The World Burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting Trump
You know goddamned well fragile liberals can't handle it. Bad day or just wanting to see chaos?

>> No.11736390

>t. CNNPCs

>> No.11736391
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I love Trump :)

>> No.11736398

Nobody is "seething" at an image of fucking Trump. It's just low level shitposting at this point. Might as well be MLP cancer.

>> No.11736400
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im being legit fucking serious bro. i havent had to do jack shit besides buy a few places and rent them for massive amounts of dosh.

literally never worked a day in my life

>> No.11736401

imagine being this cucked by Putin

>> No.11736402

Nor can honest conservatives. This is not a good person.

>> No.11736403

Donate to my patreon?

>> No.11736407

>muh russian boogeyman
Yikes! 2016 wants their libtard delusions back!!!!! *dabs on you*

>> No.11736412

Hail Trump if you know what I mean fellow pede ;)

>> No.11736413

You cucks should really come up with a new party name and way to describe yourselves, because it's going to be a good half century before anyone takes you seriously after the past couple of years.

>> No.11736416

cпacибo, comrade. 30 rubles have been deposited in your account!

>> No.11736426

Imagine being so out of touch with reality you think people need an ID to buy cereal

>> No.11736430

>t. gets his opinions from FakeNewsNetwork

>> No.11736438

We should let every person into the US, without background checks

>> No.11736442


>> No.11736447

How uninformed are you? Fox News is literally Trump propaganda.

>> No.11736451

If his policy isn't accepted by the government then he has no right to shutdown anything. What fucking reason is there to support a fucking guy who stops paying workers over a tantrum.

>> No.11736458

We can't defend a border and do background checks on everyone coming in.
But a wall isn't going to do that.

>> No.11736465

We can* for fuck sakes

>> No.11736466

He was actually happy to compromise on building a literal wall. Remember he said something like "wall, barrier... whatever you want to call it"? He was preparing to negotiate on some alternative form of tougher border security. Which was a sensible position to take, because an actual wall would be too ineffective for the investment. His friends in the media immediately started leaning on him, and he realized he had to commit to the actual wall or be torn apart. Fox News has fucked him on this issue.

>> No.11736471

Be careful you don't go too deep, don't want to start gagging on daddy's dick when he hasn't even cum yet.

>> No.11736474

this is honestly the most reddit tier shit i have seen on 4channel, go drink some vodka and take a nice hot bath while making toast.

>> No.11736475

Are you sure your brain is fully intact? What sort of response is that supposed to be? Ridiculous.

>> No.11736478

Vegetable stew, cornbread, and coffee.

>> No.11736495

Yes shabbo goy

>> No.11736500

OOGA BooGa ArE yOu SuRE youR BrAIn iS FuLLY iNtAcT????

>> No.11736514

He forced Chris Christie to order the whitehouse meatloaf at an official dinner once.

>> No.11736516

That wasn't negotiation, he literally couldn't figure out what he was talking about. He didn't "negotiate" he refered to a concrete wall as a fence, and then a barrier. Holy shit how far will you go to defend this guy?

>> No.11736519


>> No.11736521

Take your fucking mongol trash language back to r*ddit, cuckboi.

>> No.11736606

I'm not defending him. I almost didn't vote for him because of the bullshit about a wall. Also because of the groping scandal. But I decided to go ahead anyway because Hillary is worse on balance and I did like seeing the possibility of globalization being scaled back a little.

He absolutely meant it when he was talking about walls during his election campaign. Smarter people convinced him that the concept was naive by December last year and he tried to dodge the commitment. Fox News made that impossible.

>> No.11736616

I know he means it, but he doesn't know what it means to actually build it. This clown didn't know that "shutting down the government would actually shut down the government"
So many people are going without pay and there are a fuckload of services being disabled.

What's happening is exactly what people expected. Shit is on fire and unless he gets kicked out get ready for nothing but ACTUAL degeneration.

>> No.11736633

ok, well what I was originally saying is that he intended to negotiate after blurring his position a little by implying that his promise of a wall was metaphorical. He's gotten away with such games before. He had decided it would be fine to go ahead without a literal wall before people on his side in the media made that position impossible for him.

>> No.11736658

He has literally nobody else but his extreme rabid base of voters. Newsflash, only 39% of eligible voters in America voted, and less then half of that voted for him. He doesn't have much of a platform to speak any longer.

He can turn around and fix flint Michigans water crisis, feed homeless vets for a year, lowers student spending and improve infrastructure, all of that combined would be cheaper than 5 billion

>> No.11736664

I don't know why you said that to me because it is irrelevant.

>> No.11736676

Obama could have done that too but he gave billions to Iran instead. At least the wall is for America and if it saves just one life (either americans or people trying to trek across the desert) its worth it.

>> No.11736680

You're saying hes trying to pander to his base, but I'm saying even if he bothered, the decisions he's made show that the people he's pandering to barely exist and don't quantify as a rational justification for screwing over 83% of the rest of America

>> No.11736696

That's because America had the money to invest in infrastructure over there. A wall doesn't fit anywhere within the budget.

This "crisis" Trump is making up is a fabrication. He mentioned there were "10,000 criminals apprehended at the border!!!!" But in reality it was only 6. This border wall is a vanity project. You're playing to the tune of an idiot who hasn't said a single thing that can be sourced, backed up, and drafted checked. He's just making shit up.

Your pathetic attempt at playing the moral superiority card falls flat when Trump is supporting detainers who starve children and supports neo Nazis and alt right.

>> No.11736705
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>> No.11736708


>> No.11736713

>a large mob of third-world migrants literally bum-rushing the border
>not a crisis
Go back to one of your three mansions, Bernie. Your Alzheimer's is kicking in.

>> No.11736716

i love our r/the_donald refugee bros

>> No.11736736

Trump seems like he's still living in 1987 so I'd cook him a nice steak diane tableside.

>> No.11736750

he also made meatloaf with martha stewart in 2005 before they had a falling out and before they became friends again

>> No.11736763 [DELETED] 

a nice ((((burger)))) with a side of fries and cyanide

>> No.11736770
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French Toast sticks laid out in the shape of a fence with holes in it.

>> No.11736802
File: 1.33 MB, 2592x1936, 35DCAB34-D325-4B0F-847D-7E5978C4DC7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a drive along the border last week. Absolutely zero progress and zero change. Saw two beaners hiding in a gully as I passed, couldn’t be bothered to report them.
This wall business is just a fantasy, it’s never going to happen

>> No.11736809

Honest answer...Id try to do some copycat mcdonald recipes.