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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11730836 No.11730836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Virgin boy eggs are a traditional dish of Dongyang,China in which eggs are boiled in the urine of young peasant boys, preferably under the age of 10. Named "tong zi dan" (童子蛋), the dish translates literally to "boy egg" and is a springtime tradition of the city where the urine is collected from prepubescent peasant boys.

>The eggs have been listed by officials in China as a part of the region's "local intangible cultural heritage.

>> No.11730839
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>The dish is prepared by first soaking the eggs in the urine of young boys. The urine is sourced locally by each vendor. Then, the mixture is heated over a stove. After boiling, the egg shells are cracked around the entire surface of the egg. Afterwards, the eggs are placed back into the urine. The used urine is then replaced with fresh urine and the process is repeated. The soaking process allows the eggs to become cured in the urine as they are left to simmer. The entire process is generally a day-long endeavor.

>When finished, the eggs whites have a pale golden hue and the yolks turn green.

>> No.11730844
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>Boy egg vendors go to elementary schools in the city where they collect urine from young boys. As young boys would in schools from many other cultures, they excuse themselves from class when they feel the urge to urinate. However, instead of going to the restroom, they relieve themselves in the basin that the vendors place in the hallways. Some vendors go as far as to wait with containers in parks or public restrooms for a parent who is willing to let their child offer urine.The teachers, being accustomed to the tradition as well, often remind the boys to not urinate in the basin if any of them have a fever or feel ill.

>In general, virgin boy eggs remain highly acclaimed by the people of Dongyang for both their taste and even their "fragrant" smell.

>> No.11730881

This is like those sick ironic comments you see online about wanting to drink little girl piss but irl and only of young boys

>> No.11730887

Shutt the fuck up Americans you know nothing about our coulture

>> No.11730911
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Larping but if not

NIHAO (pronounced "kneehow"

>> No.11730916

Based and pisspilled.

>> No.11730922

ta ma de zhe ge fucking mei nao zi de mei guo ren shen jing bingbu zhi dao hao chi de shi wu, ke shi zhi dao zhen me chi tang. stupid

>> No.11730976

>there’s a cultural secret to eating piss eggs, you wouldn’t understand the practice of eating piss eggs unless you knew of this
ching chong pong long ding dong

>> No.11731000

ni hao. ni ma, cao?

>> No.11731006

Well it's interesting if nothing else. Anyone here tried them? Is there really any meaningful difference in the urine of a kid versus an adult?

>> No.11731052

>any meaningful difference in the urine of a kid versus an adult?
its about the Yin & Yang belief.

Yang = male energy, warmth and heat, etc.
Thus a prepubescent boy has the strongest uptapped source of "Yang energy" before puberty kicks in and saps that source.

Same with eating it during Spring (a time of growth) and with an egg (unborn chicken). So its a food rooted in paganism and taoism.

about preferring peasant boys--probably because natural energies are purer in rural areas or some jumbo like that

>> No.11731219

Cao ni ma

>> No.11731228


>> No.11731250
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It's actually a thing in some chinese vampire stories that a little boy will like run around pissing at the vampies to ward them off - jiangshi are basically yin-infused corpses, so the yang-filled boypiss is pretty much the equivalent of holy water for western vamps.

>> No.11731284

Tiananmen Square Massacre, Falun Gong, Uyighur Camps, Winnie the Pooh

>> No.11731286

>Wang Jing why isn't your son toilet trained yet?
>Ohhhh, we train him to ward off vampires.

>> No.11731296

What culture? You destroyed most of it, and continue to kill or bury anything that isn't profitable or grants a favorable image to the west now.

>> No.11731372

Nope, no difference. But telling them isn't going to change their mind. Like telling those same people that rhino horn is actually just made of keratin the same as any bull horn, they will still insist rhino horn help their ED.

>> No.11731486

>theres no difference between the urine of a cute shota vs some fat greasy 45 yo neckbeard's

>> No.11731496

insect piece of shit. I hope your only son gets ran over by a truck.

>> No.11731499
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sushi ting tong hao li byeo ma

>> No.11731503

frankly the racism in this thread is shocking.

>> No.11731508

Based and chingpilled

Cringe and chongpilled

>> No.11731512

What the fuck

>> No.11731518
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China. The only place in the world where people think "hmmmm, this boiled egg tastes good, but I think it would be better if we boiled it in piss of little boys."

>> No.11731521

lurk more or take a walk to /pol/, dickhead

>> No.11731523

I'll eat it for free