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11725583 No.11725583 [Reply] [Original]

whats the best soda and why is it pic related

>> No.11725591

I am partial to Bundaberg myself. Shit's like liquid crack. Aside from that, from more readily available sodas I would probably settle for a nice Canada Dry.

>> No.11725777
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For me, it's Bang's R∞t beer.

>> No.11725786
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i prefer pepsi. its sweet and less acidic. goes down smoother and helps gulp down food

>> No.11725799

You're a pretty cool.guy.

>> No.11725802

I had some of that blackberry Canada Dry ginger ale and it's good as fuck. Reminds me of mt dew voltage but way better

>> No.11725803

i drink diet coke everyday, not touched the real stuff for years

>> No.11725813
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I buy 2 cans every day on the way to work

>> No.11725935

are you me?

>> No.11725944
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>fat fuck: the thread
do you cretins put ranch on your pizza too?

>> No.11726327

I dip it in more pizza sauce though
and I like Pibb better than all other soda pops

>> No.11726343

I don't normally drink sodas. Had a pepsi recently. I will not buy another for as long as I remember how it tasted.
I forgot what coca-cola tasted like. I might get one soon.

>> No.11726353

If I have yes

>> No.11726362

>Had a pepsi recently. I will not buy another for as long as I remember how it tasted
was it from a soda fountain at a restaurant?

>> No.11726493
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Almost everyone drinks Coca-Cola, not just fat people. Coca-Cola was available in even the most remote and impoverished regions in Africa long before basic life or death medical supplies were available to them. In fact, Coca-Cola supply networks ended up making these essential medicines and medical equipment available in remote developing regions in the cases where the respective governments were unable to manage those sorts of supply operations themselves.
>If you can find a Coca-Cola anywhere in the world, why not life-saving medicines?
>Since it launched in 2010, Project Last Mile has been using Coca-Cola’s supply chain, distribution and marketing expertise to help African governments get vital medicines and supplies to some of the hardest-to-reach parts of the continent.

>> No.11726537

for me, it's vanilla coke sipped with a straw

>> No.11726557
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>> No.11726568

coke has become totally disgusting in the recent months, it cant be drunk hardly as much at all anymore and i loved it regularly
can i be alone in this

>> No.11726573
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>> No.11726583
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>coke has become totally disgusting in the recent months
>can i be alone in this
You sound like a schizophrenic to me to be honest. Coca-Cola is one of the most consistently tasting food and beverage products in existence. That's a big part of their appeal, as Andy Warhol pointed out:
>What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it.
Are you maybe talking about soda out of one of those fast food restaurant soda dispensing machines? I could see those getting screwed up. I never purchase or drink those bullshit paper cup sodas. A Coke to me has to be a sealed bottle or can. You can't trust it if it's being mixed and served manually by a bunch of random fast food restaurant wage workers.

>> No.11726587

$37.99 for a 24-pack
Why wouldn't you just buy a case of beer at that point?

>> No.11726593

Because soda and beer are two completely different drinks that serve completely different purposes?

>> No.11726705

Hang on a sec Vodka is 30x more expensive than water why dont you just drink water at parties

>> No.11726992

Barq's not not Bang's.
I thought it was Bang's got a long time too, best root beer for sure.

>> No.11726995

it's weird at first, the flavor ain't bad, its the aftertaste that gets you.

>> No.11727000
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Have you tried the oliet version?

>> No.11727058

Coke Zero is the best soda. It is the most perfectly balanced soda out there.

>> No.11727075

Coca cola or mountain dew for me. Coca cola goes better with food, mountain dew by itself

>> No.11727108

>$37.99 for a 24-pack
Where? That's overpriced

>> No.11729073

Bundaberg tastes like thin dishwater, if you're talking about the ginger beer. Saxby's is very much better.

>> No.11729099
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it converted me after a long hot day of hiking, maybe it was my lack of caffeine tolerance, but nothing has been so refreshing served ice cold

>> No.11729452

>drinking soda

>> No.11729460

ice cold is so stupid. if it's ice cold then it's solid

>> No.11729466

if you add solutes to water the freezing point is lowered

>> No.11729686

The Root Beer is my favourite. The Ginger Beer is alright, but the diet Ginger Beer is much better. I will check out Saxby's.

>> No.11729867
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Hard to find where I live now. My absolute favorite.

>> No.11729890

Can you even really call that a soda? It's more twice as close to being regular orange juice than Sunny Delight is (12% juice vs. 5%). I'd just call it an orange juice, or an orange drink.

>> No.11729909

Yeah, it's probably cheating. I just posted it because it's a sweetened carbonated drink. As for true soda, my favorite is regular old Coca-Cola. If I'm in a specialty shop where I can get it, Moxie.

>> No.11729920

>Inca Kola
>Irn Bru
Why do these couple of rare exception regions (Peru and Scotland) where Coca-Cola isn't the best selling soda all favor weird bubblegum flavored sodas? If anything I would've expected maybe a Pepsi upset, or some third party soda with a taste lots of people like but don't drink often simply for lack of available at most vending machines, like cherry flavored colas. Fucking bubblegum though. People don't even like actual bubblegum that much, you had to bribe kids with little foldout Archie comics to get them to buy it back in the day, and even then it was just the kids who could blow bubbles with it who'd buy it on a recurring basis. Also what a stupid idea for a food-like substance-- "durr, what if instead of eating candy, you had to chew it for a while and then spit it out? Brilliant!"

>> No.11729973
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This bastard right here

>> No.11730050

>No caffeine
What's the point?

>> No.11730195
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Those who have tasted, know.

>> No.11730199


>> No.11730375

This. As much as I love Coke, I'll honestly take Zero over the original. Just doesn't make me feel sick to my stomach after drinking a can or two.

imho the new formula is definitely better than the old, and although it still doesn't "exactly" taste like classic Coke, at least they got rid of that aftertaste. It's much smoother now.

>> No.11730418
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Those are the best lemon soda I've tried
I feel bad for you if there's no HEB in your city

>> No.11730589

Nah I prefer Papa John's because it comes with the garlic butter sau

>> No.11730609


And it's the choice of a new generation

>> No.11730613

I drink a shit ton of soda each day, maybe 4 cans for my whole life. And before you call me fat, no, I go to the gym I just enjoy drinking good drinks.
Over my whole life of drinking so much soda the only one that still holds up to me is coca cola, I've gone through phases of liking dr. pepper, pibb, root beer, etc. and I still drink coke a shit ton. It's probably one of the most satisfying thing in the world to have a bite of hot food and then drink some coke. And fuck pepsi. I'm stuck drinking it right now cause it was on sale and I thought "Hey, it can't be that bad right?"
It sucks.

>> No.11730625
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Cactus cooler master race reporting in.

>> No.11731096

Boylans red birch beer.

>> No.11731103

Kombucha. Soda is cancer

>> No.11731122

Faygo Moon Mist, or 60/40.

>> No.11731128

sodafied orange juice with pulp.
I'm going to keep an eye out for this
I want to drink this too. where do you find these sodas?

>> No.11731524

california baybee

>> No.11731531
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>> No.11731549

No, sir. It was from a can, manufacturing date was December 18th 2018.

>> No.11731711

I don't know where you live, but I used to buy Orangina easily when I lived in Vermont, gas stations and convenience stores. Out in the Midwest it's harder to find for me, although they always have it at Fresh Market, if you've got one of those nearby.

>> No.11732345

>No caffeine
Fuck off.

>> No.11732415

>actually believing that a garbage tier drug determines the quality of a beverage

>> No.11732463
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>> No.11732638

samme. any root beer is good. I think a/w is not that good but ill happily take it over coke.

>> No.11732640

Hurts my teeth...

>> No.11732855

zero is a shit, tastes like trash

>> No.11732893

>Garbage tier
Get rid of caffeine and tell me what happens to the global workforce. Pretty sure there would be riots and French Revolution style mass executions of anyone perceived as involved with the loss of their coffee. Just because it isn't an over the top trailer park junkie drug like crystal meth doesn't mean it's garbage.

>> No.11732896

Diet Coke tastes way more like trash than Zero does 2bh

>> No.11733074

Pepsi > everything else

also had the 8th largest military fleet in the world at one point
navylet sodas fuck off

>> No.11733082

this is top tier soda

>> No.11733755

Cricket Cola was absolute kino.
i shed a single manly tear everytime i think of it.

>> No.11734070

that shit is the bee's knees, unfortunately it's only available for a short time in the summer

>> No.11734220

Another pick for great seasonal soda: Sierra Mist Cranberry.

>> No.11734240
File: 43 KB, 610x406, 24-big-peach-soda.w710.h473.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hesitate to say which soda is the 'best', since each soda is simply unique. My favorite soda, however, is 'big peach'.

>> No.11734465
File: 23 KB, 300x400, GEORGIA-PEACH-Flavor-1246-Bottles-Coca-Cola-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peach is a surprisingly good soda flavor. I liked these peach Cokes when they came out. I haven't really bought any more since first trying them though since they're sold in these meme glass bottle or glass bottle four pack formats and I care more about getting lots of normal resealable plastic 16.9 oz (fuck you metric system) or 20 oz bottles for my Coke than I do about having the extra peach flavor added in.

>> No.11734477

if your answer is anything but ginger ale then you are objectively wrong and i want you to fight me

>> No.11735939

Big Red is better but I respect your opinion

>> No.11736015

For me, it's faygo redpop.

>> No.11736044

but fountain coke is better

>> No.11736059

Double dubs confirm, ginger ale a best

>> No.11736078
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Cream soda will bless your soul

>> No.11736094

Britbong btfo

>> No.11736165
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>> No.11736167

I must be a child because I like Fanta

>> No.11736808

Orange/Vanilla coke will be released in a couple of months, and it actually tastes pretty good ice cold.

>> No.11736822

Yeah, but the honey flavoured one is fucking VILE. Literally tastes like Asda value shit (and that tastes fucking VILE!)

>> No.11736827

If you could describe the taste in one word what would it be?

>> No.11736830
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I myself wouod choose some peach iced tea over sodas any day, but if i had to i would happily settle forcanada dry or kinley.

>> No.11736839


>> No.11737377

This is an advertisement.

>> No.11737431

Hard mode: soda that tastes good/better at room temperature