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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 1200x1150, piers morgan vegans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11717850 No.11717850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do carnies get so upset over vegans? It's not like vegans are hurting them in any way.

>> No.11717858

you mad because you got btfo in your other thread. get gud, soysexual.

>> No.11717865

You both are cancer.

>> No.11717866

What does working at a carnival have to do with anything?

>> No.11717868

"carnie" means carnival worker, dumb soy male

>> No.11717872

More like "Why is Piers Morgan an utter twat?"

>> No.11717874

butt out, you insecure faggot.

>> No.11717878

A vegan has been insufferable to me maybe once or twice in my life. Meanwhile I've heard people complain about vegans being insufferable atleast once a month for the last ten years.

>> No.11717888

>person playing right wing trope because he knows there's an audience for it
>people swallow it up and believe it to be real
This guy talks like he mains /pol/ and due to his blue check he is somehow more accredited over an anon on 4Chan? He is just making an the people who agree with him look very bad. It is a sort of social filter in a way. All social media is documented and is part of the giant portfolio the internet has on all its users that don't know any better.

>> No.11717893


>> No.11717897
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Mostly because of the hypocrisy, lack of foresight and the undue sense of righteousness that's common to most vegans.

>> No.11717907

>I've never been raped.
>ergo, rape must never happen

>> No.11717917

>falseflagging/samefagging this hard
d e s p e r a t e

>> No.11717924
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why the fuck are a bunch of corporate twitter harassing piers?

>> No.11717940
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Carnies secretly know inside that Vegans are right about everything, but their lifestyles are so dumb and miserable that instead of embracing the truth they get envious and hateful and bear a grudge against Vegans, avoiding and rejecting the knowledge in their heart that Vegans are right.

>> No.11717942

Does it really happen often to you though?

I barely know vegans. Do you interact with them often?

>> No.11717949

picky eaters are annoying

>> No.11717959

I usually hate violence but I'm glad Jeremy Clarkson punched him.

>> No.11717960

He started tweeting at them and then complained when they replied. Don't @ me bro

>> No.11717967
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>another vegan thread

>> No.11717969
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Pearced Nipples is a whiney PC snowflake so that tweet makes zero sense.


>> No.11717976

He only tweeted greggs, I have no idea what the fuck mcdonalds and pizzahut are doing.

>> No.11717977

Because that's what works in the British tabloid business. Fuck him, and all other conservatives like him.

>> No.11717980
File: 55 KB, 894x538, Follow Arnolds way to superior Vegan Dental Health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your starvation cult is "right" then I don't think we agree on the definition of the term. I don't want to be as "healthy" as vegans lol.


>> No.11717983
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One thing they didn't get right is that their lifestyle does affect and kill tons of animals and has a large ecological footprint. It's even worse if they eat soy based products. Unless they grow everything themselves on a small scale they are deluding themselves.

Personally I grow most of my vegetables and hunt for the majority of the meat I eat. Checkmate atheists!

>> No.11717989

Both are in the wrong for different reasons.

>> No.11717996
File: 24 KB, 430x236, Killing the earth for plant addicts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is confirmed.
This is also never mentioned on the MSM, they just let Peirce be bombastic against veganism, kind of confirms to the left, that only buffoons are against veganism.


>> No.11718007

I dont care unless they try to pretend i'm wrong for eating meat.
I have no issue eating vegetarian or vegan stuff as long as it's good, but i also have no issue eating meat.

I'd rather eat locally grown and produced meat than vegetables and fruits that crossed the continent

>> No.11718028

His Greggs tweet was already trending on Twitter when he replied to a story the Huffington Post tweeted out about McDonalds. So McDonalds replied, and then Pizza Hut joined in because it was still trending.

>> No.11718029

Gravitron is the best ride

>> No.11718034

Eating from large scale food producers is still destructive, but much less destructive than eating meat.

>> No.11718036

Vegans are hated for the same reason faggots are. They shame and hate everyone who isnt one of them and forces you to accept their cult, but as soon as you speak out against them or even attempt to explain why you dont support them, you are the devil.

>> No.11718041

This. It's the same reaction christcucks have to agnostics. Extreme insecurity because deep down they know agnostics are right and they react with hostility and persecution complex.

>> No.11718045

I've seen many more retards rage about how annoying/obnoxious vegans are than vegans raging about people eating meat.

>> No.11718047

You are the reason faggots and pedo acception is on the rise. Straying from Gods light, kike.

>> No.11718049

Depends entirely on how the meat is sourced.
Factory farming? You're right.
Hunting, or old-school small scale farming? Nope. It's backwards, actually.

The most enviornmentally friendly diet is not vegan one, it is a non-industrial one.

>> No.11718052

Seething poloid.

>> No.11718055

Being a vegan my instagram became bombarded on obvious vegan shilling and extremely biased perspectives so vegans who can't think for themselves have something to parrot. I've seen the same things with people who eat animals too.

>> No.11718063

Christfags love pedos more than any group

>> No.11718064

All social media does that. They all sell your info to companies so they can slide advertisements to you. Shilling the vegan shit to you helps you advertise and get others to try their shit without you even knowing you are promoting them to your friends/viewers. A common kike tactic.

>> No.11718065

As stated I do all I can to avoid buying from large food producers. The little meat I don't hunt comes from local small scale producers that treat their animals better than most.

>> No.11718075

False, Muslims Democrats and Faggots do. Look at that child drag queen dancing for faggots at the gay bar, they are using him to promote that degeneracy.

>> No.11718078



>> No.11718086

I've tried pointing this out on here, /TV/ and /mu/. Nobody cares or they accuse me of being schizophrenic.

>> No.11718087

Not only is hunting an EXTREMELY minor source of food for Americans (nevermind other countries), but if we stopped factory farming and ate the same weight of animals (100 billion pounds) per year of wild animals, it would be a mass extinction event for most of the country/world's fauna.

Small scale farming of animals falls into the same issue: the animals still need to be fed something, which is usually going to be farmed itself. So you have the ecological impact of the "vegan" food, but converted inefficiently into meat.
I'm talking about in real life, not online. Online communities where you follow people are really easy to become echo chambers.

>> No.11718105

Zucc admitted it to Congress. Those calling you crazy, are shills or ignorant on how Social Media stays free. You arent a FB User, you are a FB Product.

>> No.11718119

I remember there was an arrival back in 2013-14 talking about how facebook sells personal info and I tried sharing it on facebook but the link was blacklisted and I wasn't allowed to share it. Really makes you think.

>> No.11718122

And where do you think these people in real life get their information/arguments /opinions from?

>> No.11718123

I wish I could get drunk and shitpost like piers and people actually gave a shit about what I say

>> No.11718126

Every social media platform does that. They've done tests and found that people who are confronted with opinions/beliefs/ads/media that agree with them will stay on the platform longer than those who get confronted with opinions/beliefs/ads/media that they disagree with.

Most people don't like to be challenged and the companies are just going along with that. I don't even know that it's necessarily bad or evil on the companies' part, since it's a response to the consumer's demand

>> No.11718130


>> No.11718141

seriously wtf piers is so lucky

>> No.11718143

Seems like manipulation to me. That's evil.

>> No.11718145
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Meat is quite efficient considering you need protein and you can't always grow it in sufficient quantities locally (northern climate). Small scale meat production has a lot less impact on the environment than large scale production and a almost nothing goes to waste.

The real problem is large scale production, transportation of goods and, of course, overpopulation.

>> No.11718146

Buy a blue check next to your name, buy a bunch of followers and likes, and advertise your tweets.

>> No.11718149

Thats exactly what it is. They start with things you agree with, and slowly start trying to lean you into their line of thinking to reprogram you.

>> No.11718162

this tbqh, if we just nuked africa we could all enjoy meat

>> No.11718164

Buy a blue check next to your name, buy a bunch of followers and likes, and advertise your tweets. It's what celebrities do.*

>> No.11718166
File: 123 KB, 1080x597, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11718168

And the Middle East, to include Israel.

>> No.11718171

If you play close attention, you can see this exact trickery on 4Chan(nel) as well. It's everywhere, and until you can see it you are in a position to be manipulated by it.

>> No.11718182

Shill Companies come here, or the most redpilled boards to do exactly that, especially with sexual degeneracy and racemixing.

>> No.11718194

If you sell donuts and a salad, but a fat fuck comes in all the time and demands donuts, is that manipulation and evil? I don't think so.

>> No.11718208

That's paranoia, friend, you sound like you could use the cool refreshing taste of an ice cold Coca-Cola ® to calm you down.

>> No.11718212



>> No.11718213

You have it backwards, the donuts are being praised with big pictures ont the menu, and the salads are looked down upon, and you have to ask about them to order one.

>> No.11718223

I'm completely agreed that people eat too much meat, and that the current amount of meat consumption is not sustainable, or replaceable by "just hunt, durr". But that's simply cause to reduce our meat consuption, not eliminate it.

>>Small scale farming of animals falls into the same issue: the animals still need to be fed something, which is usually going to be farmed itself
Proper small-scale farming matches crops and animals in a balanced ratio. You don't have to grow crops to feed animals: you feed the animals the leftover parts of the harvest that humans can't eat. That's the whole point of small-scale ag. It reduces dependnce on growing food for animals or producing industrial fertilizers for plants.

>> So you have the ecological impact of the "vegan" food, but converted inefficiently into meat.
It's the opposite: instead of farm waste you get meat instead.

For example: let's say you grow carrots. You feed the greens and the damaged carrots that you can't sell to your pigs. The pig shit fertilizes your carrot feild. Mantain the correct ratio and you feed the pigs for "free" with your un-saleable carrot byproduct, and you don't have to truck in chemical fertilizer either.

>> No.11718228

I think there are multiple agendas being pushed on all boards, and this website as a whole is now intended to morph and create a mindset for all its users to adapt. This is why hive mentality runs rampant on here.

>> No.11718231

>drinking the carbonated jew

>> No.11718239

There is a reason this site is still allowed to exist.

>> No.11718283
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Small scale is, by nature, less efficient than larger scale. See: economy of scale.

Needing protein has nothing to do with meat being efficient. It's actually extremely inefficient.

Americans get about 63% of their calories from vegetable sources, but 62% of food (127.4 million acres/204.7 million acres, not including exports, ethanol, etc) is used for livestock feed. If America went full vegan, the land usage for that would go up by 25.5 million acres but we would free up 781 million acres of land for other usage (timber, national parks, etc).

I'm not vegan and wouldn't want to be, since I love muh chicken, fish and dairy, but there's no argument that the meat/dairy industries are horribly inefficient.

>> No.11718328

That's an interesting map. It's astounding how much work and money goes into maintaining things we don't need. Only a small portion farms produce which we actually eat.