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11717115 No.11717115 [Reply] [Original]

Why are career bartenders such assholes?

>> No.11717118

because you have to deal with people

>> No.11717121

Never met an asshole but i have met retards

>> No.11717135

>all blanket statements are patently false

>> No.11717144

if I had to deal with a retard like you everyday, I'd be surly too

>> No.11717161
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Idk, I got fired almost a month ago.
Too much dick measuring with my bar manager.
Jokes on him now. Can't wait to compete at TOTC this year.

>> No.11717171

Maybe they realize they fucked up in life and will have to work the rest of their days serving people drinks until they finally die of liver failure due to all the drinking they do to cope with their shitty lives. Fuck bartenders. I hope automation renders their job obsolete.

>> No.11717193

>bartender ignores you for 5 minutes, have to actively flag him down to even get a hello
>tries to make small talk about what I'm drinking later
Automated taps, please. Get these idiots off payroll.

>> No.11717203

Most career anything's are assholes because instead of taking pride in ones work, it's much easier to focus on all the negative aspects of the job and your life.

>> No.11717209

trust me, the ones that come to that realization snap out of it and move on
the ones that stay in the profession do so because for some fucking reason they actually like it
its nice not to have to put up with managerial bullshit and unattainable metrics of an office environment, but the worst part was watching your regulars die of complications related to their addictions and the feeling that you played a role in their demise
t. former bartender

>> No.11717546

Have you ever dealt with a constant stream of entitled drunk assholes as your only job? Because that’s all they do. Most of the job is getting yelled at by drunk girls for not comping their drinks and watching manlets fight each other over who’s the bigger manlet. Imagine being a better paid fast food worker but everyone’s drunk

>> No.11717555
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>> No.11717613

Bullshit, one of my best friends is a bartender.

>> No.11717991

>career bartenders

>> No.11718058

they make more money than most college graduates

>> No.11718069

ill have a pint, no mixing required faglord

>> No.11718085

Dealing with people is one thing, dealing with drunk people when you're sober is another.
I admit they probably hate their jobs, but they do seem unnecessarily rude to people and have no patience.

The worst is going to a boomer dive bar and trying to order a beer. They're outright rude and cranky or will ignore you if you don't look like a fucking coal miner.

>> No.11718094

try not dress like a pretentious faggot from /fa/

>> No.11718104

idk where you live but i've been to nearly every type of bar and i've never really had a problem with boomer dive bars, they tend to be friendly in a gruff sort of way, usually making a lighthearted joke about why i'm in there (im 27).

but anyone who doesnt get why bartenders can be cranky clearly hasn't worked at a bar. they arent there to hold your hand,
if its prime time and the bars packed, you should have some semblance of self-awareness and not try to waste their time and have your order ready to go. people, especially us americans, tend to think the world revolves around us. its a two way street, you make their jobs easier by being quick, and i garuntee you most of the bartenders will respond with speedy service.
yes, there are some bartenders who are just douches, and that goes for literally any job.

>> No.11718121

ive never met a bartender that wasnt a high school dropout

>> No.11718139

>especially us americans, tend to think the world revolves around us
On Sunday, January the 6th, 2019 the loud insufferable obnoxious Ameritard achieved self-awareness.

>> No.11718142

hi anon, used to bartend but never dropped out of high school

>> No.11718163

steve jobs dropped out of high-school too

>> No.11718169


Didn't he also die from a treatable illness?

>> No.11718190

Pretty sure it was pancreatic cancer. General idea of your post is right though, he was a retard.

>> No.11718193

he also was actually successful where every bartender is an abject failure

>> No.11718199
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>giga-aids is treatable

>> No.11718215

well its a start, isnt it?
if more of us americlaps were like me, the bars would be a better place :^)

>> No.11718224

he developed cancer and instead of seeking western medical treatment he went on some hippie indian herb detox program

by the time he regretted and went back to getting a western treatment it was too late

>> No.11718454

because they realize that they're too fucking stupid to do anything better with their lives.

>> No.11718476

They're losers and they know it. Whenever I worked in a bar, the people who worked there for years and had nowhere better to go were usually the assholes with a chip on their shoulder.

>> No.11718487


pint o stella please pal

>> No.11718488
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pretty much nailed it
one step above career dishwasher
easily above the losers and meth heads who call themselves "cooks"

>> No.11718524

>Why are career bartenders such assholes?
High-functioning alcoholics.
Kind hard not to be at least a little bit of a cunt when you drink every day and your job requires you to also drink every day and be around drunk people.

>> No.11718566

kek this
>falling for the college meme
you know how many people I know with degrees and are working fucking retail?
>inb4 all the business majors working at their daddy's firms chime in

>> No.11718584

typical hippies. All the money in the world for top of the class health care but would rather prefer shoving herbs up his ass

>> No.11718587

here's the more pressing question (inb4 >>>/fa/)
why, when bartenders never wear a jacket/coat/blazer, do they wear a waistcoat/vest with lining on the back rather than the main fabric?
waistcoats with a lining back are designed to be worn with a jacket. the lining is there so not to double up on a heavy, warm, insulating fabric. but if you're not wearing a jacket ever, surely the sensible, correct thing to do in order to show you're not a sartorial pleb who thoughtlessly buys their clothes off the rack, would be to buy a full fabric vest.

>> No.11718608

People who shit on service industry people and think they're somehow "above" them deserve to have their food spit on every time they go out to eat.

>> No.11718612

>what are outliers
good luck at mcdonalds bud

>> No.11718618

Pancreatic cancer is the worst type of cancer you can get. Survival rates are shocking.

>> No.11718629

one of my great-aunts got pancreatic cancer that was meant to put her under 3 fuckin years ago, she's still alive, in her 80's, although she now lives off liquid food.
no excuses. if you let cancer get to you, you're a loser.

>> No.11718634

>automated taps
yeah, because when I go out I really want an old fashioned from a fucking fountain machine. think before you type, dipshit

>> No.11718654

your mistake is drinking out in the first place.
the price is absolutely ludicrous, you're paying at least, AT LEAST triple the price it would cost you to make them at home.
"b-but the experience of being in a bar"
"b-but the social side of things"
fuckin get a bunch of mates (if you actually have them), decide what drinks you want, write down an ingredients list, split it, everyone buys something for the home bar, socialise at home. simple. you don't have to wait for cunts, you don't have to deal with leary drunken strangers, you don't need a designated driver, or risk running into some jumped up chavs on the walk home, you socialise with the people you give a shit about in the comfort of your own home, and save money on the drinks.
these "mixologists" are charlatans anyway. it's all theatrics. a good drink is a good drink, you don't need hollow ice balls, flames, garnishes and all of that.
I literally refrigerated 2 components then bunged them into a glass, no ice, not lemon or lime, no spritzing orange rind, none of it, and it was legitimtely better than anything I've ordered at a bar.

>> No.11718673 [DELETED] 

I hope your grandmother suffers a long painful death

>> No.11718690
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>deserve to have their food spit on every time they go out to eat.

spoken like every loser/meth head who works in the food industry
wow, revenge
still a loser, meth head
you're doing a job they could train a monkey to do
I became a bartender, cook, etc., because I didn't want to go to med school
my sides!

>> No.11718700

>can you please turn off the football game and play Rick and Morty sir?

>> No.11718736

are you that pretentious medschoolfag that got btfo on /g/ yesterday? lmfao, like you have any room to talk

>> No.11718741

made me chuckle, but i hate watching tv at the bar
i'm either shooting the shit with the bartender if its not peak hours, or i'm with friends/dates

>> No.11718756

>post a single example of someone beating a very nasty form of cancer
>if you cant do it too, you deserve to die!!!
lmao'ing at this post

>> No.11718794

>you deserve to die
I never said this. nobody deserves to die, so if you don't deserve to die, why the fuck would you let yourself die?
keep on living you fucking numpty!

>> No.11718799
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this 10 million%

>> No.11718804

>pic uploaded sideways after all that time
i wanna kms

>> No.11718809

American drinking culture is fucking pathetic, you're in the arse end of nowhere and some cunt behind the bar can't believe you just want pint after pint of beer and not some £20 womanly fruit drink. Fucking lightweights.

>> No.11718825

what's with all the soybean oil, anon?

also this. although I've never drank at a bar in the US because the last 2 times I was there, I was of legal drinking age here but not over there. 21. try telling a bong they can't drink before 21, lmao.

>> No.11718848

Because the service industry is filled with human garbage

>> No.11718860

Maybe if you're a bartender at a shitty bar making no money and all your customers buy bud light or pbr. I used to bartend in NYC at a couple of nice restaurants and made a ton of money doing it. I have friends who still bartend in the city at some upscale bars that could retire on tips alone.

>> No.11718899

Because they're losers and they know it. What kind of fucking manchild makes a career out of bartending?

>> No.11718903

Attitudes like this confuse me. Do you seriously think a modern society can run without doctors, scientists, lawyers, pharmacists, engineers etc? I know meme degrees are traps but honestly many college educated jobs have good security and earn thousands more than being a laborer or in a trade. Not to mention many unskilled jobs are slowly but surely being automated away.

>> No.11718908

>drunk line cooks
watchout, cool guy zone

>> No.11718913


Like with everything else, there's good guys, then there's the guys who have let assholes turn them into assholes.

The smart bartenders range from friendly to just-business.
But the smartest bartenders are the ones that go from being a bartender to being a bar/club owner.
A bartender turned owner of a established bar in a college/trendy area rakes in a easy Million $$$ a year.

>> No.11718923


>> No.11718925

>Beverage artist

>> No.11719015

This i can confirm it. Anyone, and I mean anyone - in the service industry is just worn down over time by peoples bullshit. Some people are just unfuckingbeliveable when they are located inside an establishment that provides 'Customer Service' - as soon as they step in the building the just pull their brain out and drop it on the floor. All logic goes out the window an they become a toddler throwing temper tantrums making demands etc.

Not tipping Im sure too. Just be chill, most bartenders are chill if you are to them I find....Agree I have met a few asshole ones.

>> No.11719101

*clears throat*
This is a cocktail bar, sir. I'm afraid we don't carry beer.
Maybe Bubba's Tavern down the street is more up your alley?

>> No.11719357

I've got to tell you I used to think like this when i was 14 but now I can read several languages and over 50% of internationally news is aboht the US.

Can you other countries fuck off out of our politics. We don't give a fuck what you think.

>> No.11719367

based retard
the people who take up those fields of study have no issues finding work and making a living

anything else gets you nothing, and those are the ones crying about debt and not finding work

>> No.11719410

I'ma tell ya something.

If it ain't decent piece of ass handing me my beer I'm not interested in your bar, some dude bartending? pft what a faggot

>> No.11719438

sorry, your sister was busy and we ran out of MGD
go fuck yourself cause you ain't getting one of them

>> No.11719467

no tits no tips lad

Same with waiters too, get a real job you fucking loser.

>> No.11719486

as he spends his hard earned paycheck in one night delusionally thinking he's gonna get some action from a member of the service staff
you chucklefucks are hilarious, no wonder you get played so hard and have to hop bars all the time

>> No.11719494


when you work in service you constantly run into people who lack any basic manners whatsoever.

it's actually appalling. before I started working at a bar I would have thought the same as you, but it's really very understandable. people come into these fucking places and absolutely TRASH them, they treat the servers like shit, they talk about the most vapid, retarded bullshit way too loudly...

personally I work in a sports bar, and people bring their kids there (especially during the day) and just let them throw food all over the place. they take the paper off of the trays and plates and set them on the tables, then pour their sauce on the paper so it soaks through and makes a huge mess, then they stack the larger trays on top of the smaller ones, and then get up and leave without pushing their chairs in.

it's like, these people legitimately have no common sense or decency. they don't realize that SOMEONE has to clean their fucking mess after they leave, and somehow they just don't think twice about letting their children run around the place and throw food on the floor. what kind of example are they setting? nobody is expecting them to clean the table for the workers, but keeping their shit organized to some degree would just make way too much fucking sense apparently...

all of this, is just to help you understand that working in the service industry has you losing 90% of your hope for humanity, and honestly rightfully so. it becomes soooo easy to spot the shitheads right when they walk in the door, and you see so many different types of people that play directly into the stereotypes like it's a game of fucking charades.

most people working at a bar come to understand that many people do not think, even once, about how their actions effect the people around them. they just don't care. so no wonder they're a bit rude and crass, because fuck 90% of you motherfuckers.

though, part of being a tender is to learn to smile and act kindly regardless.

>> No.11719498
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This is literally why I order bloody Mary's, Irish coffee, and mojito's late at night or in the morning, just to piss them off for treating customers like crap.

>> No.11719505

I fail to see the problem with this

>> No.11719510


Fucking hate the term "mixologist"

>> No.11719512

he had the kinds of pancreatic cancer you can treat with surgery, he was a dumbass

>> No.11719547

Pitiful strawman

I stop by one bar after work a couple days a week for 2-4 beers, maybe go out once a month and spend 30 bucks. I have fucked some of the bartenders, but I don't go there for that. Fact of the matter is, I want women serving me my drinks.

But you wouldn't be getting one cent extra from me either way limpdick.

>> No.11719548

>bloody mary's
you're getting a mix
>Irish coffee
you think this is punishment? lmao ur an idiot
oh sorry, just ran out of mint, heard the fagbar's still open down the block, go check if they have any

>> No.11719558

>pitiful strawman
>as he makes up bullshit
I seriously doubt your story, you have no idea how your reputation as being a piece of shit is made within 1 visit
the only action your loser ass sees is rosy and her five fingers

>> No.11719565

*Rosey and her five sisters

>> No.11719568

holy fuck what an idiot

>> No.11719576

That's to be expected from an applefag

>> No.11719580

>you're getting a mix
Many times they've told me, "We're out of mix." If the other two are denied then they have no choice but to make the mix.
>you think this is punishment? lmao ur an idiot
I've made many of them roll their eyes because they have to brew the coffee from scratch, acting as if it's such a chore to do.
>oh sorry, just ran out of mint, heard the fagbar's still open down the block, go check if they have any
If two out of three fail then they'll usually give in to the third.
They better have mint if they're "out of mix" or "Oh... The coffee machine is broken."

Like I said, I usually go either late at night when everything's been used up or right when the doors open.
They can come up with excuses for at least two, but the third always succeeds in making them seethe.

>> No.11719590

>imagine being this much of a chose you think you're doling out justice
lmao, this is one pathetic post
I actually get more satisfaction from making you settle for what you didn't want, and still gaming your dumbass

>> No.11719592

>it's another makes shit up to make service employees mad poster

>> No.11719598

Believe what you want, makes no difference. My reputation there is pretty good, I've been a regular for quite a few years now.

Of course, it's a small town dive, I've usually got a few cousins in the bar, folks that grew up with my folks and all that.

>> No.11719602

>what I didn't want
I'm always in the mood for Mary's, Irish coffee, and mojito's.
I guess if they deny me all three then I'll just bust out the orders of more tedious drinks until they give me what I want.

>> No.11719607

>got a few cousins in the bar
you mean the ones you bedded?

>> No.11719612

you mean as you pull out your phone to look up some obscure shit and get ignored?

>> No.11719619

Memory, anon.
They deny me service, then off to Yelp and Google business reviews I go.

>> No.11719623

Compete at what? Tales is a conference/festival not a comp you tard.

>> No.11719634

>actually going to a bar
Can’t think of a bigger waste of time or money

>> No.11719636

>then off to Yelp and Google business reviews I go.
lmao, you are just as pathetic as the redneck talking tough
go back to r-eddit if you think people care about your rating

>> No.11719645

I think I've proven here well enough that it pisses off bartenders.

>> No.11719648

Stop replying to him, dumbass

>> No.11719652

buddy, this ain't pissed off, however I can smell your autism the moment you walked in

>> No.11719655

Low handing fruit anon, I'm sure you're better than that. Then again, you're wasting away as some faggo bartender, maybe not.

>> No.11719657

let me have my fun

>> No.11719660

>Can’t think of a bigger waste of time

Look at what you are doing this very second.

>> No.11719663

as I'm making more money than your dumbass working on a crew, you really are bad at trolling, and if you're not I do actually feel sorry for you

>> No.11719672

Anyway, I cannot wait for my Mary or Irish tomorrow morning.
They're going to have to make one or the other if I'm denied a refreshing mojito.

>> No.11719680

>as I'm making more money

suuuuure you are

>> No.11719681

have fun waiting 30 minutes, see you tomorrow

>> No.11719688

>not denying he's on a crew filled with spics
>thinking he's making more than I am
I can smell the delusion coming off your filthy shirt

>> No.11719701

It's cargill supplies, they're like sysco. Soybean oil is cheaper than vegetable or canola oil.

>> No.11719830

If I saw a flag of Israel tattoo on a bartender, I would start bad mouthing the establishment lowkey. Shit is tacky and you don't see it nearly as often even with Irelandnigs.

>> No.11719863

>Everyone who looks down on greasejockeys is the same med school guy from the Loatian puzzle site.
I drive a forklift and I too know your kind to be the dregs.

>> No.11719948

>implying 4chan costs money

>> No.11720016

its a bad combo of different things into a perfect asshole storm. its service industry, so they already have people in certain catagories after years of doing this, how much of a pain in the ass each type is, etc, they are also bitter about not living up to prior plans or expectations. Almost every bartender Ive talked to has dropped out of a university or some other training, or went to prison at some point, and the rare loser has done nothing but service industry his whole life and is severly depressed. they like being assholes to others to feel better about themselves because they were probably treated like shit themselves as youngsters.
I have a few friends that have bartended off and on for 15 fucking years now. the women are either massive bitches with a short fuze, or the coolest old ladies ever and make you the strongest drinks.

>> No.11720017

>tfw no qt thicc bartendress gf

>> No.11720028

could you go be a self loathing cuckold somewhere else? Try facebook.

>> No.11720058

Because it’s a worthless skill that qualifies you to make 35 k a year for 99% of bartenders.

>> No.11720069

Idk why but he's hot. I want those long fingers in my hole

>> No.11720078

I guess every high school drop out is gonna make it big then huh?>>11718163

>> No.11720080

>35 k a year
Bartenders I know make way more than that. Guess it depends on the bar you work at.

>> No.11720124

That million isn’t going in the pocket of the owner bud. Owner might make 80-100 at most out of that mill. Alcohol is expensive upkeep and so is the perishable food you can’t plan for. Not to mention insurance, employee salary and benefits, security, and property rent/taxes

>> No.11720144

Don’t you get paid to deal with cleaning up after people? There’s no fucking way you seriously think taking orders and bringing food to a table is worth 9 or ten bucks plus tips.

>> No.11720148
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>employee salary and benefits
>in a restaurant

>> No.11720168

Kek, I am from /fa/ but I browse for ideas and usually just wear a tshirt+khakis+sneakers. I'm considered an NPC to them.
I don't even order pretentiously either, I just ask for whatever domestic special they're advertising.
I agree, you should have an idea of what you want before you get to the bar and shouldn't be a dick. But I've gotten my order taken rude as fuck a few times.
I'm cool with a bartender being a dick to another dick, but when I've just walked in and I'm being treated like shit, I don't like it.
I work retail and there is no shortage of shitheads. I always try to treat customers with a new slate. But you can always tell when a bartender is having a bad day.
In my experience, male bartenders are usually straightforward and have never given me shit. Usually it's the female bartenders that seem agitated or cranky.
I don't mean it in a sexist way, but maybe they just catch more shit and can't deal with it as effectively. We go through female bartenders so fast at my local bar.

>> No.11720195

You know what I meant by salary. They don’t work for free, dipshit. And yes, benefits. Uniforms, training, and the like. Do you own a business? I don’t think you know how much money you’ll actually make. McDonald’s franchise owners make 300k a year because they own 10 McDonald’s, not because they’re making shit tons per store.

>> No.11720202

>but maybe they just catch more shit and can't deal with it as effectively. We go through female bartenders so fast at my local bar.
they do catch shit, but the good ones roll with the punches
problem is female bartenders bring whatever problems they have outside of the place in to it and it reflects when they have a shit attitude
imagine getting hit on everyday by disgusting fat old men who hang out at a bar for at least 3 hours a day so they can get away from their wives who they can't stand, that's usually what they deal with and most don't last long

>> No.11720224

you're talking about a franchise, and I'm talking about a dive
if you think restaurants give benefits then you have never worked in a restaurant in your fucking life, not even managers get benefits
my aunt and uncle own 3 McD's franchises and if you think they only make 300k a year, you really have no clue what you're talking about
so I suggest you shut the fuck up and learn something before speaking on it as if you're an expert

>> No.11720227

As a Bartender myself I can't stand other Bartenders with ego. Jesus Christ we're in the easiest gig we get paid for opening beer bottles and making drinks that take 1 Minute Tops. The only reason a bartender should be an asshole is if you have to be cut off or if you're annoying the cute THOTs by trying to cringingly pick them up.

>> No.11720329

Completely agree. I try and be as nice as possible.

>> No.11720506

Sometimes I'll get a beer from a bar and they'll get all huffy about tips
Fuck you, how much am I supposed to give you for grabbing a can of PBR for which I'm already paying 5x what I should?
If I'm at a nice restaurant and you're servicing me, or if you're making em a mixed drink by hand, then sure. You're insane if you think you're getting a special reward for placing a can onto the bar.
Not to mention 90% of the time you're a thot with her tits hanging out, some boomer is probably bumping you fifties every time you top off his Miller lite.

I can sympathize with service people for having to deal with freaks and assholes, but they're some of the most entitled people I've seen in my life.
Hell, even if you tip them but they don't think it's good enough they'll publicly shame you on social media. I see ten posts like that a day from my waitress friends, it's like they have an online realm devoted to jerking each other off.

>> No.11720561

they are some of the weirdest people they get huge tips (atleast the ones i know) like 400 to 300 on some good nights cash. Yet they still bitch and act like their not paid enough half the time. they get more money on average specially my roastie waitress friend yet they all have this attitude that their job is somehow more important than it actually is. Like oh what would we ever do without them attitude.

>> No.11720575

I've got a female friend who works at motherfucking Applebees
She says that there's basically a science to it. If a well-off older man or family come in, the girls will practically fight over serving them- because if they act flirty there's a good chance they'll leave a 50 along with their phone number, or some dumb shit like that. Everyone else (especially blaqs since they never tip) gets slow and disaffected service.
She'll pocket a couple hundred most nights. Last time I saw her she had started recreationally using cocaine "because now I can afford it, so why not?"

>> No.11720635

this only works if you have a bunch of friends who are adventurous with their drink choices. no way in hell I'm gonna convince my friends to get anything other than shitty rum,vodka and beer so we can make cocktails at home.

>> No.11720832

Any Bartender that would whine about not getting tipped doesn't deserve to be tipped. Absolutely classless.

>> No.11720858


That's the flag of Chicago.

>> No.11720869


I work in the beer industry (I'm sales for a craft brewer) and most of my contacts are bartenders/bar owners/bar managers.

The answer is less "you have to deal with people" than everyone here is saying. It's closer to "the business is really unpredictable which means they're either busy or bored shitless".

Every time I show up at a client's place either they've got something urgent to do and can't spare me 2 minutes, or they're trying to pour me free shit so I'll stay so they've got someone to talk to. Sure there's asshole customers and whatnot but it's honestly long hours which can at any moment shift between "I've been organizing the coasters and reading news on my phone for the last 3 hours" to "I have to make 15 drinks in the next 25 seconds"

And of course, customers don't appreciate that this is true, which is where the "people" side comes in. Most bartenders will be happy to sit and chat with you if they've got time, but, a lot of people are demanding without any appreciation of the current situation in the bar.

>> No.11721231

whats the matter anon, too unaware to poke fun at yourself, let alone on an image board?
maybe you need to head to a bar and have a drink :^)

>> No.11721236

this guy gets it, perhaps the first one in the entire thread.
service jobs are chaotic by nature
the best bartenders are acutely aware of this and are able to go with the flow without losing their cool while still providing the right balance of efficiency and rapport

>> No.11721594
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>Why are career bartenders such assholes?

because they are doing a job most people do on the way to something else like a college degree, acting, musician, etc.

like career wait staff, their options in life are quite limited and they're doing a job you could train a monkey to do

no wonder the resentment and the leanings toward drug abuse

sad really, but funny when the meth head losers try to defend it i these threads

>> No.11721611
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>they don't realize that SOMEONE has to clean their fucking mess after they leave,

it's your job
do your fucking job
did someone hold a gun to your head and make you take that shitty job?
if you could get a better job you would have
shut the fuck up
and do your fucking job

>> No.11721653

You have to be 180 to post here.

>> No.11721655

It’s called a drinks chemist, fool.

>> No.11721682

Any good cocktail bar will make classic cocktails for you. It's not pretension when they mix drinks for a living all day, every day; a professional is a professional.

>> No.11721689

It's someones job to pick up garbage. That doesn't mean I should throw all my trash on the sidewalk does it?

>> No.11721698

a small mess is understandable, but I have no clue what the fuck goes through someone's mind when they decide they want to go to a restaurant and completely shit up the area they're sat in
I've sat next to some sloppy motherfuckers, most of the time of the melanin enriched persuasion, and they will just make the biggest mess I've ever seen, whites and spics do this as well, whites not so much except those who look like they came out of a neighborhood where every home is on wheels
if people go to a restaurant and make messes like I've seen, I'd hate to see what their homes look like

>> No.11721699

Ignore him. He's the type of person who thinks you sign away your human rights and dignity when you sign a job contract. Then they have the temerity to whine when people don't give them any respect for their 'hard work' and treat them like glorified tools.

>> No.11721804

>ITT: mutt bartender.

>> No.11722015

Based post num

>> No.11722153

go white knight fat single mixed baby moms, and emotionally disturbed 6/10's with art degrees back at B-Dubz

>> No.11722178

>fat NEET who goes out with his mom spotted

>> No.11722195

No Kyle, I go out with ur mum, and bang her everynight. you hear how I made her yell about how her faggot kid wears a helmet and has autism, when i banged her with the french tickler i bought in the bathroom at the gas station.

>> No.11722200

is Kyle your step dad? that sure is a lot of projection

>> No.11722283
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if you take a shitty kob, then the dignity is doing your job right, no matter what it is

but complaining about cleaning up messes and you were hired to do just that, well, you're just a whiny little bitch

you're the one that made bad life choices, not me

>> No.11722309

>taking pride in getting people drunk and enabling their addiction, thereby causing them long term health problems

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.11722348

I work at a bar, faggot. The bartenders I work with are all drunk assholes.

>> No.11722408

Not my problem that they can't practice restraint.

>> No.11722438
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>I used to bartend in NYC

>> No.11722488

Most alcoholics have a personality disorder-also customers suck

>> No.11722517

I just want to say that I've never in my life seen the absolutely shitty attitude shown in these threads from a non-american
>teehee I threw popcorn all over the cinema, it's your fucking job to clean it up wageslave
>be glad my kid vomited all over the upholstery, now you can stay and clean for an extra half an hour, aren't you happy? I mean it isn't really in your job description but now you got to solve it lol

The absolute disregard for other people and lack of human decency shown by these people really explains why america is imploding right now.

>> No.11722549
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so if I spill a drink or my kid throws up or the toilet in the loo overflows, I'm supposed to clean it up?

shit happens, your shift started when you punched the time clock, you really don't the skills to do anything else, so grab a mop and do you job, I love you as child of God (always), but do your fucking job, just do your fucking job

>> No.11722567

Anyone here know how to get a job as a bartender with no experience actually bartending?

>> No.11722571

Taproom. Work up from there

>> No.11722587
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I was a bartender for about 4 years and can honesty say that I got laid and had more one night stands than 20 years after.

>> No.11722601

> "Claim" + "Allegedly" = Cosby Raped them

Tell us how you really feel about blacks, cleetus.

>> No.11722608

Never in my life has a (male) bartender shot the shit with me. Probably because they can tell I don't watch football.

>> No.11722626
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mfw moms bring their toddlers to wreck the place

>> No.11722634

>go to bar
>"whatcha want fampaitachi"
>"white russian"
God I fucking hate these cunts.

>> No.11722644

>go to isolated bar in irish countryside
>Drunkenly mumble hwite rushin
>milf bartender: Had those all the time in London!

>> No.11722665

I have never gone into a bar while drunk. That kinda eliminates the purpose.

>> No.11722701

Barback. Work your way forward.

>> No.11722713

he literally did a diet where all he ate was fruit, which is kind of funny because the two things that are highly inflammatory and taxing on your pancreas are
1. Too much sugar
2. Excess fat
Considering his diet consisted of literally nothing but nuts and berries he was overworking the shit out of his already cancerous pancreas

>> No.11722717
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>friend whatsups me
>we have to go to x bar its awesome
>why anon?
>they have a mixologist (proceeds to post timeout article
It was even worst...a "molecular mixology bar'
most hipster riddled and pretentious place I've been in my life...
pic related this is a cocktail

>> No.11722726

Maybe if they work at some shit college bar. Way to sum up every occupation based on what you imagine from your moms basement

>> No.11722759
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>7 eur

>> No.11722769


You do realize that cosby has been convicted in a court for rape right? And yes, there were plenty of blacks on the jury, before you try to play that card.

>> No.11722780

Imagine paying thousands and thousands of dollars to go to college and spend four years of your life studying to work a decent job, only to end up working at some wretched bar for shitty tips people leave you.

>> No.11722815
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if the bar served 'go 'za, I wouldn't mind

>> No.11722830

Come for the 'za, stay for the casket i always say.

>> No.11722841

Lmao at retards that go to dive bars and pubs and ask for fancy cocktails. Theres a time and a place for everything.

>> No.11722853

But I did this only once, never again. Now I only rarely go out to a pub.

>> No.11722863

>White Russian
Any bartender who can't make a white Russian should honestly just go back to busing at Sizzlers. It's like not knowing how to make a Gin and Tonic or an Old Fashioned.

>> No.11722866


been in plenty of bars
nobody with a college degree is bartending or waiting tables
these are low to no skill jobs for meth heads and single Moms

>> No.11722868

Pubs are for getting drunk, talking shit, and playing pool. A proper cocktail bar or nice restuarant should be able to mix good drinks for you

>> No.11722874

Sounds about flyover, cleetus. Most bartenders i work with in new york have college degrees

>> No.11722877

I would not go to a edgy dive and order an old fashion lmao

>> No.11722878


these are career bartenders?
dollars to donuts, they're not

>> No.11722882

>Most bartenders i work with

how's the meth in New York these days

>> No.11722883

Butthurt missouri NEET detected, i make more in a year in nyc than your family makes in a decade at Wal-Mart

>> No.11722886


i bet u due
you illiterate meth monkey

>> No.11722900

Seething zero income fags

>> No.11722902


>> No.11722917


tell me about the bartender's career path
soon, I'll get the shift I want
not that stupid supervisor's idea of a shift
my fucking sides!

>> No.11722920

Ah whatever I did it home and I'm already drunk.

>> No.11722948

And what do you do for a living anon?
t. Cook

>> No.11722959


hint: I don't punch a clock like you

>> No.11722961

Except in Wisconsin. Even the shittiest dive bar makes a good old fashioned

>> No.11723101

Wrong here in Vancouver at least

>> No.11723108

We’re old fashioned where I work actually, we have to actually sign in rather than punch a clock

>> No.11723157

So how do you make a career out of bartending? Most bartenders are college students working minimum wage and rely on tips.

>> No.11723539

This. I'm a bartender. The pay is absolute shit and being in a smoky room all night every night sucks dick and'll probably give me lung cancer, but it's worth it for free drinks on shift and to chat to friends/regulars/tourists/randoms at the bar all night.

>> No.11723743

They say the average casino dealer who doesn't smoke is still literally smoking a pack a day just by breathing for 8 hours, and as someone who has routinely frequented casinos, it's probably true.

>> No.11723904

Don't forget about the liquor license. Around here those things are expensive as fuck (50-100k/year)

>> No.11723928

Like with any job, there are assholes, but not every bartender is an asshole. Sometimes they just don’t have time to hear about your trip to Sierra Nevada brewing with your ex-fiancé, and they have serve other customers.

>> No.11723980
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>smoking in bars
Do you live in 1980

>> No.11723981

Or Pennsylvania.

>> No.11723987

I'll have a glass of milk please

>> No.11724000


>> No.11724004


>> No.11724013
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>> No.11724039

everyone ITT is retarded
you enjoy going to bars but hate bartenders
so either stop going to bars or shut the fuck up and drink your drink
i bet none of you cucks would dare open your mouth to the bartender anyways
you probably just make a whiny face and then go home and complain like 16 year old girls

>> No.11724040

she's not really straing much pouring it that way

>> No.11724059

They are only assholes to the younger crowd because they don't think they will get as much mula.

>> No.11724070

Based portposter

>> No.11724090

>although she now lives off liquid food.

I've had to be fed through a tube before, never again. I'd rather die if my life came to that.

>> No.11724114
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>like 16 year old girls

I liek 16 year old girls (2 at a time)
I'm a man of wealth and taste

>> No.11724196

>having to deal with drunk manchildren on a daily basis
You would be an asshole too.
Working at a bar is like working at adult daycare. You would not believe some of the dumb shit people do and don't even realize it when they're drunk.
t. worked door at a bar for 2 years cleaning up people's vomit and other bodily fluids

>> No.11724246

Have some kind of knowledge about alcohol. Look for a place that is hiring. As long as you dont have a really shitty background, apply. Get your bartending license. Train. Show up to work on time. Be courteous to customers as well as fellow employees.
t. College dropout. Been bartending 4 years and I love it. $10 an hour plus tips. I easily make $40k a year, plus free drinks and food. Not the greatest job in the world and no benefits, but for a college dropout, its a decent paying job for minimal physical labor.

>> No.11724334

Enjoy treating your liver cancer with your non existent health care, you fucking bugman.

>> No.11724385

You're not serving most people to get them drunk. You're serving them to help them enjoy time watching a game or hanging with friends or just being alone. A good bar tender knows when to cut someone off.

>> No.11724386

Good thing I have healthcare for life from the government. I also dont drink much. Usually have my shift drink and go home. Enjoy your 9-5 slavejob.

>> No.11724409

Couldn't be bothered to read all the fine comments.
But I think:
They know they already got a pretty shit job going with no chance for promotion. They read a couple of book on drinks a watched a few youtube videos.
Pretend to be more than you actually is, is pretty common.

>> No.11724509

It's not about the job being to difficult for the bartender you fucking cretin, it's about how the behaviour of average people reflects on his perception of humanity in general. If you see someone make an absolute mass at a restaurant there's only two options - they're doing it with malicious purpose, which pretty much makes them absolute psychopaths, or they're absolute fucking apes that live in squalor, the kind who raise kinds that drop on the floor and scream in shopping malls. Both cases are absolute subhumans and you're very clearly the former, most likely raised by the latter.

>> No.11724648

>i'm quite possibly the biggest gayfaghomo you'll ever meet and This is literally why I order bloody Mary's, Irish coffee, and mojito's late at night or in the morning

>> No.11725411

In my country a bartender will pretty much keep feeding you drinks until you can't walk. We don't care, as long as you pay and don't spew.

>> No.11725437

In America people aren't responsible for their own bad decisions. It was either society or another person not helping/stopping them.

>> No.11725451

I work as a bartender, cause worked as one since college and dont have a real job since I recently graduated. But I wonder as well, I am ridiculously overpaid, and yeah sometimes I just dont give a fuck with people I know wont tip, but in general I try and give my best service. Yet when I go to the club people are throwing money at some rude asshole who seems to hate his life. I dont fucking get it, its an overpaid easy job, that depends on QoS for money but they all are terrible.

>> No.11725462

It is also not the rude that gets me. But the incredibly slow they can be. I can work faster then two barbacks and a tender combined at a club and I dont consider myself impressive at all.

>> No.11727473

>Most bartenders are college students working minimum wage and rely on tips.

this has been my observation
career bartenders seem to be losers or meth heads

>> No.11727488
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>still literally smoking a pack a day

cigs are $6-7a pack so it's added value to the job I suppose

>> No.11727529

I like you. Nothing more fun than watching a wagey about to blow a head gasket.

On Sunday, my wife and I went into a bar at 1255am (closed at 1am) and ordered a fuck ton of food we knew they'd be out of and booze since we know the owner won't let them close a second early.

We stayed until 2am, made a huge fucking mess, treated people who had to stay like shit and left a fake 50/bible track as tip

>> No.11727556

>on sunday, me and my waifu pillow went in and ordered food long after the kitchen has been closed
It's funny watching retarded shutin NEETs try to make up stories in which they interact with other human beings. Keep living in that fantasy headspace.

>> No.11727572

Because they're around assholes all the time.

>> No.11727907

Not all of them work at gay bars, you bigot.

>> No.11727925

Are you sure you didn't mean 6 January? heh

>> No.11727930

This is retarded and anti-capitalist propaganda.

>> No.11727958

Anyone else think it's weird that people go to bars and strictly order beer, wine or non-mixed drinks? Like what's the fucking point? Might as well have bought a case or bottle from the grocery. At least if you're buying mix drinks you're getting something that's more involved and harder to recreate at home.

>> No.11727968

>mix drinks
They are called cocktails you uncultured swine.

>> No.11728039
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>> No.11728049

Yeah but cocktails generally taste like shit.

>> No.11728079

Maybe if you're an American tastelet who thinks Texas Pete is "spicy" and clinatro "tastes like soap"

>> No.11728170

No, I'm a euro who only drinks room temperature ales and whiskey as well as the occasional vodka with a side of pickles and black bread.

>> No.11728187

some are genuinely nice like a lychee martini or a white russian

>> No.11728237

Beer and Liquor are typically a cheaper option.

>> No.11728265

Too sweet. I can tolerate the occasional black russian but I still think it's a waste of vodka.

>> No.11728274

Very redpilled

>> No.11728296

Depends on the bar, a lot of places cant even make a gin tonic that doesn’t taste like draino

>> No.11728582

I work in a brewery so when a guest complains that our bar only has "three types" of bourbon I just ask if they know where they are. I love cocktails but coming to mircrobrewery isn't the place to go for them.

>> No.11728801

Most Bartenders are assholes because they're getting paid shit wages and have to split tips over $20. The hours are pretty unpredictable, and you have to deal with drunks who won't leave the bar and the owner.

>> No.11728813

is that a midwest 9/10?

>> No.11729230

I do not have a draught system at home, however I am infact capable of pouring more then one liquid into a cup and mixing it. So I see it the other way around.

>> No.11729242

The problem with this logic is that belligerantly drunk people dont just effect themselves. A guy taking his own intoxication level in his own hands is fine and all for your virtue signalling post, but it doesnt stop him assaulting a bars customers, destroying their property puking all over the place, causing a disturbance for others or maming a pedestrian driving home. I dont want to go to a bar with overserved people everywhere. And bars want to make money.

>> No.11729370

There's cleaning up a reasonable mess, then there's cleaning up after willfully malicious assholes.

>> No.11729400

Not him, but the rude assholes are the worst tippers. So I don't make the effort. It has nothing to do with entitlement or how much some anon thinks my work is worth. It is simply the worker maximizing utility. It is the same if I hear any sort of accent not from NA, I just don't have the patience.

>> No.11729490

because you're drunk and/or rude

>> No.11729873

you know..
sometimes people get beaten or even murdered by someone who just loses their temper.
i don't work in food service or whatevr it's called and i think what you did is amusing
but i somehow doubt you'd be able to fend off a rage-induced attack.
sure you might respond and say you have a concealed carry permit or that your an expert in krav maga (?), but i doubt any of it's true and someday you might regret being an asshole.
part of situational awareness is forethought
just sayin anon.
keep it real

i doubt you really did any of that or even have a wife

>> No.11729878

>black russian
BBC cuck

>> No.11730372

Chicago flag you fucking nitwit

>> No.11731664

You're not funny.

>> No.11731715

janitor here

everything he said is wrong, I don't care if you make messes. Here's my schedule:

Go to the bar just before last call 0100
start cleaning the kitchen first because the kitchen closes before the bar
finish around the time the servers and bartenders and managers are done their closing duties like counting cash and so on
look busy cleaning the main area while they do this 0230 now
the second they depart go and take a nap until 0500
that's when the first deliveryman appears and the morning cook appears not long after
finish cleaning by 0700 and go home

For a professional janitor, I'd honestly be impressed if you made a mess that actually caused me to stay late. I sweep the whole entire floor every night, so it doesn't make a difference if there's a hundred fries on there or just a single one, it takes about the same time. It takes me longer to figure out how to appear like I'm consistently cleaning. Sometimes if the place was extra dirty, I had to make a show of staying late because obviously, logic dictates that if it's messier it should take me longer to clean. Which it does to a degree, but I'm taking three hour paid naps every night and the most fluctuation in cleaning is like a half hour. It was hard work, making it appear like I work hard. They'd add tasks to my list like washing the outside windows, and I'd have to start taking longer naps because it wouldn't make sense for me to complete more labour in the same amount of time.

All the janitors I knew were the same way, so don't listen to bartenders bitching, they don't know what they're talking about because we have them fooled too. We had to play things very close to the chest for obvious reasons.

>> No.11731724

>spitting on food is supposed to bother me

uh yeah, you know, I have saliva in my mouth all the time. Plus I spend plenty of time kissing girls because I'm not a fast food loser. Do better

>> No.11731740

And you gave him a (You) anyway

>> No.11731754

Ay, man. Imma have a Zombie and a Vodka Cranberry for my gal.

>> No.11731765
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you're kinda right, but damn your town is shit
>triple price
>need a DD
>running into fuckers at night

>> No.11731775

pretty sure this place is kind of ironic or something

>> No.11731807


can you imagine having to deal with not only people, but drunk people, and every single one you have to be nice to.

for years.

>> No.11731814


then mix me a rum and coke and I want to watch you pour it.

>> No.11731826

Even worse

>> No.11731832

because bar tenders (and service industry losers in general) are wortless fags who hate themselves and take it out on normal people.

>> No.11731839

>normal people

>> No.11731875

>why yes, i do flip burgers at mcdonalds. im also gay, not sure if that matters.

>> No.11731890

This post was powered by Thunderbird

>> No.11732069

>Imagine being a better paid fast food worker but everyone’s drunk
So you mean...a fast food worker?

>> No.11732104

Well then, my poofter friend, have you considered avoiding shit bars?
At my favourite bars (i.e. the only ones I go to), the bar tenders are all great fun to talk to, happily recommend their favourite spirits to go into X cocktail, and will choose (or improvise) cocktails for you if you say something like "I just want something sweet and bitter" or "I'm new to cocktails but I really like coffee". This is the experience you should be after.
Nobody should have to lower their standards just so you don't feel out of your depth. People aren't inferior to you just because they aren't a part of your working-class culture.
>they tend to be friendly in a gruff sort of way, usually making a lighthearted joke about why i'm in there (im 27).
>they arent there to hold your hand
Not this

>> No.11732110

Where did this idea come from? Maybe the US economy is different to over here, but most jobs you could get without a degree pay absolute shit-all and have very little prospects. If you want an okay paying (£40,000+) job you usually need a degree.

>> No.11732118

Fags like this are why I do drugs at home instead of drinking in public

>> No.11733120

>automation gud
I bet you shop at Whole Foods and enjoy their exclusive Prime member discounts

>> No.11733178

>Most bartenders are college students making minimum wage
What kind of shitty bars do you go to?

>> No.11733186

American tastelets are the reason sweet cocktails are so popular
>yeehaw boy howdy this whiskey don't taste good, better add liquid fucking sugar water and sour mix to it!

>> No.11733197

American flyover ones, I assume.

>> No.11733502

Pretty sure she is just keeping the ice out.

>> No.11734028

plus you don't even know it's been spit in unless they tell you. is it really revenge if the person is completely unaffected/aware ?

>> No.11734034

>rely on tips
have you tried not living in a third world country?

>> No.11734530

Because their lives suck.

>> No.11735226

>shit on the floor of a public restroom
>its ur job lol why r u mad?