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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11716870 No.11716870 [Reply] [Original]

>friend makes fun of me for spending money on vape and weed gear
>spends five times as much on his coffee expresso maker and burr grinder
>b-but muh coffee is productive y-you d-degenerate!!
why are coffeefags so delusional and insufferable?

>> No.11716877

based adult adolescent

>> No.11716884


btw you're a shitty person if this is how you talk about your friends

>> No.11716885 [DELETED] 

I don't have anything against cannabis per se but consider for a moment that you are an unemployable criminal with no future except lung cancer, whereas I can discuss my coffee setup in mixed company without upsetting the children.

Please, op. Think of the children.

>> No.11716886

A good espresso machine improves the flavor, what does weed gear do?

>> No.11716887
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>weed finally becomes legal in my state
>stopped smoking it
I don't make any sense.

>> No.11716895

It's only fun because of the thrill and novelty.

>> No.11716901


Doesn't sound like you're friends.

>> No.11716923

cute Chungus

>> No.11716938


>> No.11717724


>> No.11717757

•Increases purity of the chemicals
•Provides various levels of mobility, discretion, and chemical consistency (even flavors)

Cannabinoid receptors …

>> No.11717773

It's espresso you dumb fucking weeb.

>> No.11717807

Because vaping and DUDE are for faggot edgy teenagers and are generally viewed as distasteful by the vast majority of people. Coffee is enjoyed by pretty much everyone and high-level coffee making is seen as a sophisticated thing. Stop acting like a child.

>> No.11717822

>viewed as distasteful by the vast majority of people
maybe if you live in the bible belt or other puritanical shit holes

>> No.11717832

Cannabis is a downer while coffee is a stimulant. They're both drugs. It is possible to be path productive and unproductive under the influence of both. Drugs should be entirely avoided though. Have a good day.

>> No.11717839

Or just have taste in general.

>> No.11717859

Disliking lazy niggers who sit around all day smoking weed and collecting welfare checks or disliking soyboys who smoke DUDE and watch Rick and Morty while eating children's breakfast cereal does not make someone a puritan, I assure you.

>> No.11718133

shit, if it does, more power to puritanism

>> No.11718370

Then bitch about the corporate welfare which consumes much more of your tax rate than Billy Bob and Sally Sue in their single wide trailer gettin' a few hundred a month to raise Jimmy John, Mary Lou and Scotty Lynn.

>> No.11718854

If you're going to give shit to people do it on something you know something about.

It's expresso if your coffee terminology is French and espresso if you use Italian coffee traditions.
It's different for different people in different places.
tl:dr; expresso is legit

>are generally viewed as distasteful by the vast majority of
Well golly anon, nobody should do anything without the approval of a majority of people they don't give a shit about.
You're a faggot anon, there are good reasons to condemn vaping and less good reasons to condemn weed but "what people will say" isn't one of either.
A vast majority of people find your masturbation to traps and futa hentai distasteful too.

>> No.11718861

>disliking soyboys who smoke
soybois don't smoke or vape, they're actually pretty fit (not built, just fit).

>> No.11718955


>> No.11718960

>don't AT LEAST own a Jura J6

>> No.11718965

>starts a bullet point list
>only 2 points

>> No.11720566

This. Welfare is like 0.5% of public spending in most western countries. Food stamps in America actually return more growth due to stimulus than they cost, about $1.70 per $1 spent iirc by raising consumption

>> No.11720624

Coffee doesn’t smell nearly as disgusting as weed, and it doesn’t make you look like a retard who vapes

>> No.11721915

All the soyboys I’ve met have been pudgy

>> No.11722311

>still live in a christcuck shithole
>weed is illegal in any shape or form
It's at the point where I laugh at the absurdity of my situation

>> No.11722335

If you have an altar set up with your grinders selection of coffee beans and espresso machines you're still a massive weirdo.

>> No.11722350

Why do only nu males smoke weed?

>> No.11722358
File: 214 KB, 1200x900, Obama's Entitlements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Food stamps are good for productivity

lol Are you 'merican "educated" retards this fucking dumb?

>> No.11722373
File: 232 KB, 742x538, 'Mericans are Fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Welfare is good for economic productivity because those lazy niggers are now spending money that they didn't have!

lol. This is why 'merican college "educations" are becoming more and more wothless every year. lol

>> No.11722421

most people on welfare/public assistance/food stamps are not on them indefinatly, ....when you look at the statistics on it most people are on it for two years or less, many only for one year or less......were talking about 5 plus programs and outside of housing assistance most of them display a trend of being used for short term recovery as they were intended ....regans welfare queen is an outlier/myth used to shit on programs that help people

and yes, these graphs show increased participation, but that is not inherently bad, couple the fact that most people use it sort term and it paints a picture of better and broader acess to programs helping people, pluc were looking at a recovering economy in the wake of the bush years colapse so it makes sense

>> No.11722426

Interest on true fiat money doesn't work that way. Once you run a large deficit for a while on a hard currency you have 1 way out, default.

Once you run a large deficit for a while on your own fiat currency you have 2 ways out. Keep interests high until a hyperinflationary collapse, force your central bank to keep interests at zero with the central bank buying all debt. The second option is still relatively inflationary, but it isn't necessarily hyperinflationary, see Japan. Total government debt is completely irrelevant to the sustainability of their spending at that point.

The sustainability of government spending depends mostly on current account balance and brain drain in sovereign nations (EU nations are not sovereign by the way).

>> No.11722455

>regans welfare queen is an outlier/myth used to shit on programs that help people

Come to North Western Europe.

The welfare queen might be a myth in the US, but it's an useful myth. To constrain government welfare spending, you can easily turn it into reality.

>> No.11722477

Joe Rogan smokes weed and he is not a nu-male

>> No.11722480


> Welfare is great for the economy!! Trust me!

lol. Not even Obama or the Sharptons could say that with a straight face.

>> No.11722489
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Is that you, Jessie?

>> No.11722497
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i'm becoming concerned about my caffeine addiction, guys. I know thats a turbo faggot thing to say. But i'm downing around 300 mg's a day now. If I don't at least do a monster zero (about 140 mg), i feel lethargic, tired, sore. I look forward to drinking my caffeine. I try to ration myself on it like it's a treat. This is just something I started doing to cope with working nights.

>> No.11722518

Not him but it gets me out of the house. Probably the biggest game changer Ive come across. One or two pokes on the vape pen and suddenly Im much less of a neurotic mess. I have fun with people for fuck sake. I hope there will come a time when i dont need it but it beats being ulcered anus when youre trying to make social gains.

>> No.11722533

Be glad caffeine works for you.
When I worked graveyards I had to do a line of meth before each shift.

>> No.11722535

People like you should've been killed at birth.

>> No.11722537

How's your dad doing?

>> No.11722553

Weed has the complete opposite effect on everyone I know including myself. How long have you been smoking?
Or is getting out of the house that you go somewhere else to smoke weed with others that smoke weed?

>> No.11722591

Smoked socially for a decade. Never really bought a bag and smoked it like at home alone. I smoke about half an hour before I go anywhere so I can be completely sober by the time I home. It takes a while to sort get your legs for it and realize you dont look as baked as you think.

>> No.11722619

you must be smoking it wrong. there's a reason people smoke weed, and it doesn't have to be justified. there's a reason it's a billion dollar industry

>> No.11722647
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>> No.11722653

dope fiends have only one friend in the world, and that's the green satan. they'll gladly never talk to their best friend of years if that friend comes between them and their habit.

>> No.11722657

I would hang out with that guy in a second, I'd go over to his place and let him put together dope coffee tastings for me and play video games with him

>> No.11722662

That's not even that much. You're feeling lethargic mainly from the sugar, 140mg is the amount contained in a standard cup of black coffee. A venti at starbucks has like 350+ depending on the roast.

>> No.11722772

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11722804

a thread died for this