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11715457 No.11715457 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best home expresso machine for under 100 bucks? I'm thinking of getting the Mr. Coffee.

>> No.11716850

That's a good choice op

>> No.11716894

Moka pot

>> No.11716907 [DELETED] 

There isn't one. You're just going to throw it in the trash after you make 3 shots and realize it can only make hideous coffee. Don't waste your money.

>> No.11716976

that's not enough money to get one worth having. you want an aeropress or a moka pot or to spend a lot more money

>> No.11717052

OP here- what's the chrapest way to make lattes at home, then? Can I use a moka pot and just scald the milk on the stove, or do I have to have an aerator? I only want to make lattes and mochas- so don't need the milk frothy for like, a cappuccino...

>> No.11717095

An Aeropress will make the best shot you'll get, unless you're willing to spend around $2,500 on a proper espresso machine.

>> No.11717645
File: 44 KB, 450x450, 9e9ba6971f4ffef45cb90caa074e8211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheapest thing I've seen that can produce actual espresso. Still need a good grinder. Making lattes is another issue with the steam and microfoam. You can get an approximation with an immersion blender or something.

>> No.11717668

If you aren't willing/don't have the money to get a good espresso machine, just get a moka pot. If you grind the bean fine and follow the procedure correctly, you will make a very nice espresso from a moka. It won't be a 100% true espresso, but it is still very similar and very good.

Get this: https://www.amazon.com/Bialetti-6-Cup-Stovetop-Espresso-Maker/dp/B000CNY6UK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1546804771&sr=8-3&keywords=bialetti+6-cup+stovetop+espresso+maker

>> No.11717990

The water tank smells like a swimming pool and the boiler tank is aluminum and probably coated with a plastic layer. Its really only good since it has the steam wand. I prefer an aeropress and just a standalone steamer. That Mr. Coffee is pretty much just drip

>> No.11718043



>> No.11718546

are you that cunt on /out/ a couple of months back that was asking what generator to buy to use his coffee grinder when camping?

>> No.11718549


>> No.11718682

>only one person on the planet drinks coffee

moka pot

>> No.11718701

Moka pots suck

>> No.11718819

>That Mr. Coffee is pretty much just drip
That's my experience of that tier of coffee machine too. The steamer is handy though.

>Cheapest thing I've seen that can produce actual espresso
That's very good advice and this and OP's milk steamer are probably a good combination. Well, plus a hand grinder.
A blade grinder wouldn't kill OPs coffee either, it's just not as good as a burr grinder but adequate if OP is still a student or something.

>> No.11718831

>Moka pots suck
Technically, they blow.

>> No.11719937

Flair with a Lido E grinder and a gooseneck electric kettle. I have one of those OXO kettles

>> No.11721664

For actual espresso you're gonna spend more than a $100. You can aim for under $500 with all hipster-tier manual shit that's been coming out.

>> No.11721676

There are none as they do not pump at adequate pressures to be defined as espresso machines and cannot even use a true espresso grind to make coffee. On top of this they are a waste of money. Save up a bit more and get a breville infuser.

>> No.11722597

>spend 1500 on a dual boiler machine so you can pull shots and steam milk at the same time
>all of your shots come out at 5 bar because you're using a cheap grinder
>500 on an upgraded grinder
>waste 4 shots dialling in a new bag of beans, half the bag is gone already

home espresso is a waste of time and money

>> No.11722611

Yes it's not really worth it unless you are wealthy

>> No.11722621

you spend about 800 dollars and then have a machine and grinder that you can use to make 2 coffees a day for 10 years . You are just both poor and retarded. Even if it was more expensive and there was a viable alternative for most people the convenience would still make it worth while and not understanding that makes you fucking retarded.

>> No.11722632

flair does not require gooseneck
you don't need dual boiler to steam milk and pull a shot at the same time. Heat exchange is enough for beginning. And a acceptable espresso grinder cost ca. $300
it is if you drink lots of espresso and espresso-based drinks

>> No.11722681

>800 usd on both a machine and grinder
No such thing

>> No.11722686
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>you spend about 800 dollars and then have a machine and grinder that you can use to make 2 coffees a day for 10 years
it won't do consistent shots at the right pressure, so you can spend the money but you won't get good coffee out of it
>You are just both poor and retarded.
okay well it's from experience, it's a cautionary tale friend

>> No.11722691

there's the breville barista oracle or whatever the heck it's called, but all of the comments are "buy a grinder"

>> No.11722699

Flair espresso and lido e will get you real espresso setup for around $600

>> No.11722711

real in the same way that an aeropress and a prismo makes real espresso. the milk steaming is another issue. even a small countertop machine with a boiler and steam wand will struggle to get enough pressure to do milk consistently.

>> No.11722799

Flair actually does achieve the right amount of pressure for true espresso, though

>> No.11723352

The Flair does produce proper espresso. Still need a good grinder though. Manual grinders get tedious, but it'll keep the cost down.

>> No.11723819

I spent $500 on a de'longhi magnifico and I haven't has any problems. Been about a year now, and it still makes great espresso, just gotta avoid using shitty oily beans.

>> No.11725035

A mr coffee espresso will make a nice cafe americano with good mocha java beans. It's really the beans that count. Think I'm going to settle for mr coffee or aeropress and a cheap grinder.

>> No.11725049

What kind of chocolate-sugar powder is good for making mochas?

t. Used to be a barista but forgot what fucking brand of powder we used.

>> No.11725826

My shop used ghiradelli syrup try that

>> No.11725903

I have that one OP its fucking awesome. The steam wand is kinda weak, but i never use it anyways. 3 years still works like a charm.Just make sure you dont leave everything screwed in it can weaken the seal.

>> No.11726241

I got it a few weeks ago after my $200 one broke. Is there a reason it doesnt want to make decent crema or is it just me? It does for a small bit but it dissipates almost immediately

>> No.11726260

Use fresher coffee.

>> No.11726265

if you want lattes you'll want an aerator. it won't be the same as a store bought one without an aerator

t. worked at starbucks in high school for a month

>> No.11726270

>he doesn't know that french style coffee is called expresso

>> No.11726291

It's not, though. It's really not.

>> No.11726300

The coffee I've been using as of late is only a week old

>> No.11726303

then you must suck eggs, or something

>> No.11726655
File: 245 KB, 1600x1200, TheBestHotChocolateEver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of chocolate-sugar powder is good for making mochas?
Use grated chocolate anon, make it pro style.
There's a cafe where I used to live which does hot chocolate which is literally hot milk poured over grated chocolate in pic related. It's breddy gud

>> No.11726669

>people spend more than $100 on a fucking coffee machine
Caffeine addiction is honestly worse than meth

>> No.11727168

I can't believe I spelled it that way. Smoked too much weed in my youth and am now a bad speller.

>> No.11727317


>> No.11727396

Gaggia classic is 400 and about the cheapest real espresso maker there is

It infuriates me that this board will eschew 'home grade' espresso makers but then advocate the moka pot as an espresso maker substitute. Moka pots are annoying to use and clean and produce something that only vaguely resembles espresso (they are cheap though, a major boon for poorfags on this board), pseudo espresso machines like your pic create something closer to real espresso. Prepare to replace your cheap espresso machine every year or two, but it will create a more espresso like result

I'd just dig deeper into your pockets and get the gaggia. And whatever you choose, you need your coffee burr ground

>> No.11727682

Gaggia is kind of a stupid investment now (unless you buy it used) because the flair can pull great, real espresso for much cheaper. Gaggia has temp stability issues as well so have fun installing a $200 PID and waiting 30 minutes to pull another shot, whereas the flair you can pull as many as you feel like without worrying about overwork. Can't even use the steam wand 3 mins after pulling your shot so unless you're an absolute purist (faggot) there is no advantage to spending 2x as much on a SBDU machine.

>> No.11728708

>people buy a car when all they need is a bus ticket
It's like you can't afford nice things.

>> No.11730087

Using the Flair is enjoyable. What's not enjoyable is using a manual grinder. I might get an electric one. The workflow will be much better.

>> No.11730229

You need a car or a bus ticket to get to work you don't need a beverage to get to work.

The same goes for any other addiction like heroin or nicotine

>> No.11732082

>under 100
Buy a Gaggia classic if poorfag, the only good coffee for under 500

>> No.11732101

>mocha java beans
This hurts

>> No.11732334

>you don't need a beverage to get to work
Shush Janice, no talky until I've had my coffee!

>> No.11732382
