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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11714403 No.11714403 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11714420

give us fasting tips then. deliver or dont make a thread

>> No.11714481


I would but I need to maintain my strength.

>> No.11714487

I was looking into fasting and his channel came up
and I understand he's being a twat as a shtick, but its a misstep and he's cringy so any knowledge on the topic he might actually have is invalidated by his attitude which makes his videos unwatchable

>people looking for information
>berate them for it
great business plan my dude

>> No.11714551

So this guy is a huge douche, but is there any validity to the diet?

>> No.11714555

btw I'm gay if that matters

>> No.11714593


>> No.11714645

Why fast to lose weight when you can just go keto?
>snake diet

>> No.11714676

fasting is more ketogenic than keto

>> No.11715233

Snake diet is literally just fasting but with a "recipe" for water+salts to keep up your electrolytes. Fasting definitely helped me break through plataeus I hit on keto. I find it easier to eat no food as opposed to less food so it's an easy way for me to reduce calories.

In 2018 I did ~10x24 hour fasts, 7x48 hour fasts and 2x72 hour fasts. A lot of it is not only putting your body into a state of ketosis but managing your insulin and what not. When I took a break from keto and fasting I was hungrier in the 3 or 4 hour between meals than I was in my 3 day fasts

Between keto and fasting I went from 250 to 175

>> No.11715815

I do a 16/8 havent really noticed anything

>> No.11715829

You do know the insulin theory of obesity has been debunked

>> No.11715830

do 23/1

>> No.11715892

>watching vegan youtubers
>get spoonfed shit you want to hear as a vegan sympathizer
>regurgitate complete garbage
Nice one anon.

>> No.11715998

Sorry buddy I don't listen to people with such a hairline, lightbulb head shape and flabby chin on the way to become a double one.

>> No.11716035

I've fasted for 14 days and lost 15 pounds, though around 3-4 pounds were water weight. It's not as bad as people make it out. Though you really get bored with the time you don't spend eating, recommend finding something to distract you from that.

>> No.11716122
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>He fasts while drinking diet soda pop or other beverages with artificial sweeteners

I hope you don't do this

>> No.11716280

No u

>> No.11716292

As long as it's zero calories, or so low that your body burns more calories trying to consume it it's fine.

>> No.11716338

You need a strong reason to be fit first and foremost. Then you can just control your diet like a normal person. These memes never last.

>> No.11716350

Been there, done that. If I yelled at you on youtube would you listen to me?


You can fast yourself skinny but you can't fast yourself healthy. Have fun blowing your kidneys the fuck out.

>> No.11716354

You're a fucking retard

>> No.11716356

>being this deluded
It spikes your insulin just the same, induces garbohydrate cravings, and makes you fat.

>> No.11716359
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>> No.11716365

fasting is for noobs. carnivores don't need to fast. fasting is only good because of the absence of toxic and inflammatory garbohydrates. lmaoing at your hungry asses arbitrarily starving yourself for vanity

>> No.11716369

This coming from someone posting some website's uninformed opinion based on non pee reciwed studies. you're no better than idiots linking YouTube videos as "evidence". What other witty and so funny image you'll respond with next?

>> No.11716380

Here comes the carnivorefags. They're becoming almost as obnoxious as vegans and ketofags

>> No.11716405
File: 168 KB, 349x427, 1544481646559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Don't follow that fad diet, follow this fad diet instead" The Thread
Just eat a balanced diet and remain active, for fucks sake. No need to cut out all carbs, eat only meat, or starve yourself for 20+ hours a day

>> No.11716458
File: 48 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After just a couple days salt free I'm noticing quite a difference. My body is still dumping salt through my skin but I'm feeling better. My skin is improving and my scalp psoriasis is going away. Looking forward to the end of salt withdrawal and being able to taste delicious meat properly as nature intended. After losing a bunch of water weight rapidly during carnivore adaptation it seems I'm finally starting to lose the rest. After reaching a plateau in body composition improvements I realized the Bear was right.


Excess salt was interfering with my endogenous fat metabolism and leading me to eat more often in smaller portions than would be optimal for my slightly vain intent and purpose of rapid fat loss. I didn't want to believe the Bear at first but now I'm sold. I also find I'm a little less salty during my usual online countershilling debates with vegan/garbovore ideologues. I would recommend removing added salt to anyone not getting the rapid results they want. Losing two inches of belly bloat in 48 hours is well worth a bit of temporary blandness at mealtime. #nosaltclub

Dana's been zero carb and salt free for a decade. I'm experiencing living proof with my own body. I don't need "pee reciwed" studies to tell me how to live my life. Most of it is (((bad science))) supporting the corrupt agri-pharma industries anyway I'm a manimal. The opinions of sniveling lab rats serving anti-life industries need not apply.

I've done the vegan program, I've done plenty intermittent and extended fasting, and have concluded that a zero carb carnivore lifestyle is way easier and healthier based on my own research and experience.

It's literally just me.

>natural human diet for the vast majority of evolutionary history
pick one, son

>> No.11716471

I'm only obnoxious because I give a fuck. I could just observe you all following the wrong trends and just watch the (((plant based dieting agenda))) shilling unfold, but I actually care about all of you and I want to see everyone happier and healthier. You're all free to do whatever the fuck you want, I'm just here to point out when your shit's all retarded.

>> No.11716525

you'll lose weight, for sure. fasting always makes me a grouchy asshole, though

>> No.11716563

>just don't eat anything and keep your electrolytes up
>fad diet
Unless he's shilling for big salt and potassium I don't see the fad.

>> No.11716732
File: 39 KB, 480x480, ie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake diet is like going cold turkey as an alternative to keto. Such as for some addicts quitting cold turkey (Snake Diet) is easier than tapering (CICO deficit). If you look at diets the same way intuitive eaters look at diets then it'd be easier to quit food completely as you're not allowed to eat, no exceptions. Makes it harder to weasel your way into eating a cookie.

>> No.11716751

You know what a fad is, right? It’s not synonymous with something which is shilled...

>> No.11716953

Asuming the left and right have the same level of hunger, nothing stops the one on the right eating the same amount of cookies.

>> No.11716957

Based Ritsuposter