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11713216 No.11713216[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When I turn Vegan, will I need to surrender my pet cat to PETA?

>> No.11713232


>> No.11713238

My friend’s cat fucking wolverined a piece of chicken from my hand

Fucking snikt’d me

>> No.11713240

you will also be required to ruin all family gatherings

>> No.11713241

They'll let you know during your training sessions on how to be an insufferable cunt in 12 easy steps

>> No.11713372

OP does that by existing already.

>> No.11713376

No, because when you die alone and forgotten the cat will eat your corpse thus minimizing your carbon footprint in death.

>> No.11713493
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You can be vegan and have a cat.

>> No.11713501

mfw anti vegans are more insufferable than vegans


>> No.11713506

peta, aspca either way the animal will end up being euthanized.

>> No.11713508

What happened to your face? Did meat deprivation cause it to fall off?

>> No.11713520

420 gas the cats

>> No.11713619

Their kill rates aren't any higher than other kill shelters if you factor in the fact they take in much larger quantities of horribly abused and sick animals through rescue efforts. But if it bothers you, then go adopt an animal from them right now or keep your hypocrite whiny ass mouth shut.

>> No.11713689

Oh fuck off you liar. Real shelters at least try to find homes instead of instantly euthanizing 90% of animals they take in. And they don't steal people's pets out of their yards.

>> No.11713707

Neither do they, and as I said, you have no moral standing to even speak about it until you adopt an animal from them, hypocrite.

>> No.11713719

>When I turn Vegan, will I need to surrender my pet cat to PETA?

No, but you will have to cut off your balls. Sorry chap, but thems the rules.

>> No.11713722

I'd rather take cats off the street directly than patronize fucking PETA or the ASPCA.
>Neither do they
Quit being a lying faggot.

>> No.11713727

PETA is based and blackpilled. Suffering is bad, and living is suffering. To end suffering we must give the gift of death

>> No.11713737


>> No.11713746


>> No.11713751

PETA are straight up fascists.

>> No.11713755


>> No.11713761

>Implying PETA gives people a chance to adopt
>Implying PETA doesn't want to abolish the concept of pets
>Implying PETA doesn't fund and openly praise terrorist groups

>> No.11713781

PETA are a terrorist group unto themselves.

>> No.11713910

yes, since you've decided you deserve nothing good in your life.

>> No.11714937

yes they will put it down humanely

>> No.11715589
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>another vegan thread

>> No.11716534

Soon the carnist threads will be in the minority.

>> No.11716867

Your shitty diet has thrashed your brain.

>> No.11716899

you mentally ill vegans who constantly talk to yourselves about "carnists" or whatever have ruined this board

>> No.11716927

I buy eggs from caged hens and eat fast food burgers just because it works against the agenda of soyboy vegans who think labeling people "carnists" achieves their goal of pushing malnutrition on the masses.

>> No.11716944

*spits out soymilk*
Not cool bro.

>> No.11717176

just kick it to death in the backyard yourself and save PETA the trouble.

>> No.11717220

Do you have a Patreon?

>> No.11717223

No, but you'll need to be castrated