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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 217 KB, 800x664, 2019-01-05 shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11711461 No.11711461 [Reply] [Original]

This, plus oats (which are cheap as fuck) will last me a week.

I thought eating healthy was supposed to be expensive...

>> No.11711467

Eating healthy and enjoying a bit of variety is.

>> No.11711475

This. Your food is extremely boring OP. Learn to live a little.

>> No.11711477

$1 per orange? Are you in fucking Prudhoe Bay?

>> No.11711478

kek, no meat

>> No.11711483

I can eat that entire pack of thighs in an hour

>> No.11711489

thats rather expensive tbqh, oranges for $1 and brocoli for $3.50

you blind

>> No.11711491

Do you eat like an ant? That's not enough for at least 2 meals per day for 7 days.

>> No.11711494

how is this going to be enough for 21 healthy meal

>> No.11711501

Which is why you're fat
No self-control

>> No.11711506

its not expensive, the expensive shit is meme organic shit or some exotic garbage flown in

carrots are dirt cheap
beans are dirt cheap
celery are dirt cheap
onions are dirt cheap
potatoes are dirt cheap


he has oats as carbs, l2read

>> No.11711509

Literally zero chance that lasts you through 7 days lol. you'll eat all the chicken in two one day. Or what would you just eat one meal a day? Broccoli and spinach is not filling. At most this would last a normal human 3 days TOPS

>> No.11711512

I'm not fat

>> No.11711514

>Learn to live a little.
that sounds a lot like "please excuse my lack of discipline"

>> No.11711517
File: 228 KB, 330x257, 1541842998364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesnt look like 3 pounds of boneless thighs

>> No.11711539
File: 3.73 MB, 1553x2212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat what I like. If I get more enjoyment from eating 2 oranges instead of an orange and another fruit, why should I change?
New England
Chicken, bruh
Doubt it. There's 3 pounds there
The broccoli is a package of 2 pounds.
Oats adds a bunch of calories.

If you REALLY want more calories, you could go with regular thighs for $0.99/lb
Pic related

>> No.11711540

for a week, fuck off

>> No.11711544

at least get some eggs too eggs are so cheap

>> No.11711680

If the only way you can stop yourself from becoming a fat-ass is to eat an extremely bland and restricted diet, then perhaps you're the one with the discipline problem.

>> No.11711700

If he enjoys eating the same thing twice more than eating two different things, how is that bad?

>> No.11711720

>lives on budget

>> No.11711752

Stop & Shop gang?? I'm pretty sure you can get a better deal for those oranges tho

>> No.11711897

Needs limes

>> No.11713102

It's a pretty standard price for oranges in New England. $1/lb

>> No.11713172

brocoli gas lmao

>> No.11713202

bröthër mäÿ ï hävë sömë öäts? xd

>> No.11713236

>pre cut bagged broccoli
You know how I know you're retarded?

>> No.11713243

what the fuck is YOUR problem?

>> No.11713246

I eat 1lb a day. It saves me a lot of time to just buy it bagged

>> No.11713251
File: 31 KB, 640x752, 1534112322237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.99 milk
>1.00 oranges
>bagged vegetables
>greek yogurt - healthy
nigga, are you retarded?

>> No.11713255

Not only is it cheaper, but it takes less than 5 minutes to cut up a broccoli AND you get to eat the stem as well. If you don't have time for the most basic of prep maybe you should stick to Taco Bell and frozen pizza

>> No.11713263

>>2.99 milk
>>1.00 oranges
Those are the prices here, retard.
>bagged vegetables
see >>11713246
>greek yogurt - healthy
It is
>nigga, are you retarded?
Are you?
They're the same price here. And the bagged is more reliable in terms of being available and quality

>> No.11713266

>he doesn't buy bagged vegetables that have been frozen immediately post harvest for optimal nutritional value
learn to lifehack nigger

>> No.11713270

there is no way you are not morbidly obese

>> No.11713272
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>if you don't do it exactly how I think you should do it, then do it 50x worse

>> No.11713276

Hard tack and vitamins. Cheap but effective.

>> No.11713354
File: 8 KB, 278x182, 673652352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a retard thread

"this plus cheesburgers will last me a week"

kill yourself OP

>> No.11713371

Objectively hilarious

>> No.11713379

>7 days worth of food

Is everyday of your life this:
Breakfast: Oats
Lunch: Half an orange, some yogurt
Dinner: A glass of milk, broccoli, spinach, and 1 chicken thigh

Are you a skeleton?

>> No.11713381

enjoy your fructose aids

>> No.11713386
File: 110 KB, 692x1067, 1531623069356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, so i know retard when i see it
you won't keep that shit up for long
the fuckin hell are you going to do with the oranges and yogurt?
>brand baby doesn't buy generic
boy, you keep up that smack talk and i'll come right over there and smack you right in the talker

>> No.11713406

who hurt you anon?

>> No.11713432
File: 48 KB, 718x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fuckin hell are you going to do with the oranges and yogurt?
Is this some kind of weak troll? I'm going to eat them, dummy.
No, I'm not a skeleton.

>> No.11713469
File: 192 KB, 569x447, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>108oz peanut butter
>2472 cal per day
Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.11713481

>I'm going to eat them, dummy
over the course of a week? are you a fucking woman? morbidly obese? that's nothing but sugar to snack on if you've been getting exercise. your troll thread is weak bait, and it won't do well on /fit/ so don't take it there either, please.

>> No.11713484
File: 63 KB, 467x487, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 gallons of milk
>2057 cal per day

>> No.11713514

thanks i really want to an hero

>> No.11713541

chicken and broccoli? what can you make with this?

>> No.11713547

chicken and broccoli

>> No.11713548


>> No.11713566
File: 43 KB, 493x449, 1544225318405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do Americans really eat this?

>> No.11713574

Do yuropoor really not eat the best veggie?

>> No.11713608
File: 1.30 MB, 2456x2444, Chicken Thighs and Broccoli 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11713609

frozen vegetables are half the price
make your own yogurt, ditch the fruit.
you don't need chicken.
dairy works fine.

>> No.11713640

I like broccoli too it just seems like an incredibly basic poor mans "recipe"

>> No.11713661

frozen vegetables usually come out soggy or not as good
the yogurt is pretty cheap
and replace it with what?
not every meal needs to be a 3 course meal. if it's enjoyable, why add needless complications for no more enjoyment/satisfaction?

>> No.11713668
File: 93 KB, 828x1034, 1546509752412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, american eat "broccoli flavored plant product" and "chicken material glued to whole piece" hahahahaha

>> No.11713695
File: 1.88 MB, 2592x1936, img_5046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and replace it with what?

>> No.11713749
File: 799 KB, 280x280, 1536214309517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not every meal needs to be a 3 course meal. if it's enjoyable, why add needless complications for no more enjoyment/satisfaction?
life is short why waste a meal with basic bitch chicken and broccoli?

>> No.11713759

There are other more enjoyable things I can do with my time that add more enjoyment than spending the extra time adding extra complications to a meal I already enjoy greatly.

>> No.11713950

>and replace it with what?
more starch, like beans and fibrous breads. Or flour if you bake your own bread. You don't need to eat meat, I rarely do, and I'm fine. I get my protein from dairy and whey powder. meat is just a hassle.
home made yogurt is far cheaper. my yogurt is like 50 cents a quart.

>> No.11713994

Nice OP. Few criticisms:

1. dont buy oranges. overpriced meme fruits. stick to cheaper shit like bananas

2. incorporate eggs

3. ditch the meme broccoli and spinach. again, overpriced shit. get cheap veggies: onion, lettuce, garlic, ginger, turmeric, cabbage, beets, etc..

>> No.11714041

>Stop 'n Shop

How does it feel to be a nigger?

>> No.11714049

Dude that’s not going to last you a week or anything. That’s like 3 meals.

>> No.11714059
File: 120 KB, 813x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. some retard from Mississippi

>> No.11714587

You need a bag of brown rice, some beans and garlic and boullion cubes to stretch this. Also triscuits and puffed wheat cereal and block cheddae cheese. And tortilla chips and salsa. And bacon. Then you're good.

>> No.11714598

Oh yeah, and some soy sauce, honey and limes.

>> No.11714609

And whole wheat bread, butter and eggs and american cheese.

>> No.11714643


>he trusts Latetcia to wash his veggies at the factory

>> No.11714661

>roasting veggies at 400F doesn't kill everything

>> No.11714691

shitty advice. spinach and broccoli are healthier than all the other veggies you mentioned combined.

>> No.11714708

bananas have little nutritional value compared to oranges
i do eat eggs, but didn't need to buy any
broccoli and spinach are superior to everything you listed, nutritionally

>> No.11714731

What's the problem with buying prepackaged frozen veg? Good quality, lasts longer and is more convenient. Especially rotating different veg/fruit frozen mixes should help nutritional deficiencies, no? Berry mix to go in his oatmeal, maybe cocoa powder too, lasts ages.

Dry or canned beans?

Lettuce has little nutritional value and I don't think it's important enough to include if trying to maintain a tiny budget. Texture is nice but he could do better for flavor imo.

>> No.11714735

I trust Laeticia to wash my dick in a parking lot at 2am too

>> No.11714740

This is absolutely fucking terrible advice

>> No.11714742

post body

>> No.11714767
File: 53 KB, 1029x248, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not hard to eat well on a budget.

2000kcal for $41. I could easily switch out some of the food around and add a cheap carb like rice to pad the calories too.

>> No.11714785

>4 oranges for 4 dollars
yucking incel christ

>> No.11714857
File: 80 KB, 1300x866, 44796707-orange-cut-in-half.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fuckin hell are you going to do with the oranges
does /ck/ really not know how to eat an orange?
>cut in half in a bowl
>scrape out the fruit with your mouth, using the peel to catch any juices
easy as pie

>> No.11715519

>$1 for a fucking orange
the absolute states of americans

>> No.11715539

I think you are confused on how to eat oranges

>> No.11715603

It's winter and we have to import shit because it's fucking cold everywhere.

>> No.11715633

Why the fuck are you going to Stop And Shop instead of Market Basket if you are trying to save money.

>> No.11715637

$1 oranges

>> No.11716646

The closest market basket to me is 45 minutes away in a really shitty city
They're twice as expensive as fuck in the winter, but still worth it

>> No.11716700

>broccoli florets 8 lbs = ~850 calories
>baby spinach 1.25 lbs = ~100 calories
>4 oranges = ~200 calories
>whole milk gallon = 2,400 calories
>greek yogurt 40oz = ~650 calories
>chicken thighs 3 lbs = ~3,500 calories
Total = 7,700 per week or 1,100 per day
You must be a very small and inactive person that you can supplement this with some oats and feel alright.

>> No.11716706

>quotes the post where I show what I eat daily, with calorie counts
>wastes his time doing his own math (incorrectly)
>still doesn't add in the calories from oats, 450 per 120g serving
based retard

>> No.11716778

There's nothing wrong with my math, it's done by the total weight which is printed on every bag and container in your picture and adds up the same as yours. Anyway, unless you're a huge fatty trying to drop some serious poundage by way of hating your diet, your diet actually sucks. Nonfat yogurt is a shit source of protein, and you suck down far too many carbs eating almost 1,000 calories of horse feed every day. Do you honestly think starchy carbs like that are a better source of nutrients than fat and protein? This might be /fit/ approved but /fit/ isn't a doctor. Your knowledge of a "healthy diet" is stuck in the 1980s.

>> No.11716843
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