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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 364 KB, 500x208, Meat boys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11710658 No.11710658 [Reply] [Original]

Exactly how important is meat for your diet?

>> No.11710661

Meat is food, plants are medicine at best. All primitive tribes ate and still eat a diet consisting on 80-90% animal food. All essential nutrients can be obtained from animal foods, some of which don't even exist in plants in any shape.

>> No.11710668


Problem with most vegetarian/vegan people I know is they don't get enough fat/protein and have wasting disease about 3 months into their diet. They don't understand Macronutrients at all, and instead focus on small vitamin benefits of x meme foods.

You don't need meat, but you certainly need what's in meat to stay healthy.

>> No.11710817

It's very hard to get enough protein without meat or some form of processed vegetable protein which is usually more expensive and much less tasty.

You try getting a regular 80g protein on legumes and seeds and wheat, it's not gonna work.

>> No.11710828
File: 86 KB, 610x780, 151026-IARC-Meat-rating-TWITTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's essential to get cancer

>> No.11710834

>All primitive tribes
good thing a moron like you wants to emulate primitive tribes, very telling

>> No.11710846

Where are the studies on cancer rates in vegans? Sounds to me like another bullshit "study" paid for by Big Veg.

>> No.11710866

Its essential unless you want to be a malnourished vegan.

Did you know vegan is actually an old word for bad hunter. Ha ha.

>> No.11710867

maybe you can do one, cletus?

>> No.11710876

All of the “evidence” they have is baseless propoganda

>> No.11710878

>plants are medicine at best

>> No.11710885

>baseless propaganda
I laugh at carnitards like you, I'm an MD and it never fails to amuse me how stupid you people are

>> No.11710894

The esteemed Dr Gobblepenis

>> No.11710909


>> No.11710916 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11710919

Meat is tasty as fuck and I love it. Eat it at least once or twice a week.

>> No.11710930

I'm also gay as fuck and I love it. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.11710943
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>> No.11710951
File: 35 KB, 640x640, 03D92F9A-B7A9-430C-B4DE-AF462DE1261F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iv been eating 1 - 2kg of meat per day, along with eggs cooked in buuter or lard, for the last 7 months. Still waiting on dat cancer and cholesterol and heart attack, meanwhile iv also lost 70lb in that time and my endurance with regards to running, rowing, cycling, is improving week by week.

Vegans are SEETHING

>> No.11710953

You cited Mens Fitness and Reddit as sources. You can't be taken seriously now.

>> No.11710954

Find better sources.

>> No.11710955

By eating meat I mean sucking cock.

>> No.11710960

atherosclerosis builds over time, dont worry, the ketards are at least cute in their naivety

>> No.11710963

Don’t eat it and I’m doing alright. No shame for my meat-eating brethren though.

>> No.11710965

>All esstential nutrients can be gotten from meat
Lmfao that's a bold ass lie, I like it
>All primitives tribes ate meat
They were Hunter gathers. They mostly ate fruit and roots. Meat eating wasn't more common before agriculture

>> No.11710970


>> No.11710972

>Not reading
>Being butthurt by facts

>> No.11710973

I believe it’s called the China study

>> No.11710980

head on back m8

>> No.11710993
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>Meat eating wasn't more common before agriculture

I guess cave paintings clearly depicting hunting are just works of fiction. Lmao btfo you fucking loser

>> No.11711002
File: 53 KB, 671x198, Cholesterol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's bullshit
>Contrary to popular belief, consuming a higher amount of fat (about 35 per cent of energy) is associated with a lower risk of death compared to lower intakes. However, a diet high in carbohydrates (of more than 60 per cent of energy) is related to higher mortality, although not with the risk of cardiovascular disease." "The research on dietary fats found that they are not associated with major cardiovascular disease, but higher fat consumption was associated with lower mortality; this was seen for all major types of fats (saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and mono unsaturated fats), with saturated fats being associated with lower stroke risk. The researchers point out that, while this may appear surprising to some, these new results are consistent with several observational studies and randomized controlled trials conducted in Western countries during the last two decades." "The large new study, when viewed in the context of most previous studies, questions the conventional beliefs about dietary fats and clinical outcomes, says Mahshid Dehghan, the lead author for the study and an investigator at PHRI.

>> No.11711007

Remember people didn't live much past 40 back then. 35 was considered old.

>> No.11711016 [DELETED] 

>"People who read books know a fact that vegetarians do not- that at one point in history, the Earth's total population of humans dropped to between 5,000 and 10,000 individuals, due to the eruption of Mt. Toba in Sumatra, which killed off most of the available plant and animal life on Earth in 71,000 BC. During this period of time, humans were confined to an extraordinarily small area of Africa that escaped glaciation, where they subsisted on a diet that was "approximately 50-70% meat and 50-30% plants, respectively." This diet was necessitated by the die-off of plants and animals, and the lack of a varied diet that could have been otherwise obtained though plant gathering. It was at this time that the Neanderthal diet came to consist of naught but meat, due to the complete lack of availability of edible vegetation, which likely lasted for at least 1000 years.(Plants/climate) "

>> No.11711022

Anon turns the frogs gay

>> No.11711027
File: 395 KB, 1024x680, homo heidelbergenesis 4699056621_e1e0ed7543_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"People who read books know a fact that vegetarians do not- that at one point in history, the Earth's total population of humans dropped to between 5,000 and 10,000 individuals, due to the eruption of Mt. Toba in Sumatra, which killed off most of the available plant and animal life on Earth in 71,000 BC. During this period of time, humans were confined to an extraordinarily small area of Africa that escaped glaciation, where they subsisted on a diet that was "approximately 50-70% meat and 50-30% plants, respectively." This diet was necessitated by the die-off of plants and animals, and the lack of a varied diet that could have been otherwise obtained though plant gathering. It was at this time that the Neanderthal diet came to consist of naught but meat, due to the complete lack of availability of edible vegetation, which likely lasted for at least 1000 years.(Plants/climate) "

>> No.11711028

Consuming meat produces uric acid in the body, consuming dairy products produces lactic acid in the body and consuming starch produces carbonic acid. Acid foods create mucus in the body which robs the body’s cells of oxygen.

>> No.11711035
File: 60 KB, 384x590, 6073051C-326D-4EBA-BBF8-F2E75D3BEE14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of that is pure speculation, non of it is provable. You know what is cold hard evidence? Pic. related.


>> No.11711046

as I stated, very cute in their naivety

>> No.11711051


Take your pseudoscience and blogs and stick a carrot up your ass

>> No.11711075

In essence, the high electrical resonance of the Black Man must be complimented by organic natural plant food containing an equally high degree of electrical resonance. Our research shows an ELECTRIC BODY requires ELECTRIC FOOD. This is known as CHEMICAL AFFINITY, which is necessary for ASSIMILATION of the nutrients to occur.

>> No.11711079

Someone call the nurse the patient has escaped

>> No.11711085

>misquotes anon and calls what he "said" a lie
That's so typical of you people

>> No.11711088

>you people

>> No.11711101

Diets centered on the consumption of meat corrupted the healthy expression of the African or homo-sapien genome. This introduced the susceptibility to disease to the genome

>> No.11711102

Why is it that we threw out the al/ck/ threads and kept the vegans? At least the former didn't routinely derail threads into trolling and shitposting.

>> No.11711105

Alcohol is neither food nor cooking. Same reason /sip/ had to go.

>> No.11711110

Vegans have to resort to shitposting when their arguments run dry, its all they know, sissy mommy boys who cant stand when theyre wrong, they have to throw little tantrums.

>> No.11711113


I wish we were "Food, Beverages, & Cooking," instead.

>> No.11711120

And I wish your mother did anal instead, but this is the world we live in.

>> No.11711121

Some retard who eats a vegan diet but is sedentary will probably be worse off than I, who eats meat (vast majority either through eggs, chicken, turkey and fish) and lives a very active lifestyle. Very little red meat, but I certainly don't avoid it, it's just not cost effective to buy steaks all the time.

Vegans will never take my fresh chicken eggs off me. Neighbor has backyard chickens and sells me a dozen for $2.50. Bright orange yolk every time compared to those disgusting store eggs.

I've never heard a vegan NOT stumble around their arguments when it comes to backyard chickens where factory farming doesn't apply.

>> No.11711124

It has a caloric value therefore it is food related. Beer is made with cereal grains, wine is made with grapes, when you are drinking beer or wine you are drinking alcohol mixed with liquidised food. If beer and wine threads are banned then smoothie / soylent / soda / anything that is a liquid, threads should also be banned.

>> No.11711126
File: 506 KB, 858x536, 1456241387890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not at all. Thing is though unless you live in a tropical paradise that produces edible plants, fruits and crops all year-round you're gonna have to eat animals to survive.

>> No.11711127


Another wonderful thing are that those glorious faggots eat ticks. So you have a tick-free backyard and get unlimited protein.

>> No.11711129

>If beer and wine threads are banned then smoothie / soylent / soda / anything that is a liquid, threads should also be banned.
Sounds good to me.

>> No.11711130

He is pretty cute... anon where do you live

>> No.11711415

Does raising your children vegan do anything to stunt their growth?

>> No.11711434
File: 157 KB, 500x298, 1546645124374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because being vegan prevents you from reproducing.

>> No.11711529
File: 628 KB, 1080x1798, SmartSelect_20190105-143324_Opera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is no shit real. What a lol cow

>> No.11711533

Ive been vegan for 2 years so 0

>> No.11712180
File: 29 KB, 657x527, 48451568974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another vegan thread

>> No.11712825

>my baseless anecdote will surely be a fatal blow to vegetarian/vegan logic

You people are what you think reddit is

>> No.11712835
File: 13 KB, 1024x1024, SPRÖÖÖT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: this low life expectancy is a result of child mortality. People see the low life expectancy in history and assume people didn't live past their 40s in ancient times, but adjusted for infant mortality, people lived into their 60s.

>> No.11712843

this anon gets it, the boards name should be changed to "Solid states of consumable matter" and any mention of liquid at all should be a permabannable offense

>> No.11712847

OP is yet another shill cunt pushing some agenda. Piss off.

>> No.11712851

Why as a shill cunt don't you specify how important it is for you instead of shilling your agenda? I'm not answering your lame ass school survey questions.

>> No.11712975

Nobody knows for sure. Nutritional science still relies on a lot of conjecture.

>> No.11713026

Micro Dick?
What has that got to do with vegetables?

>> No.11713039

you mean the most in shape and fit people on earth? why not want to be like that?

>> No.11713040

I should clarify
By 1-2kg of meat I mean sucking cock

>> No.11713056

Australian Aboriginals are not healty at all.

>> No.11713057

did you print your degree off of google?

>> No.11713060

They don't have computers, which makes calculating your income tax very difficult.

>> No.11713083

Who gives a fuck about abos anyway, they only make up about 3% of the australian population. They need to be exterminated or let to die out, waste of damn time and resources giving them special treatment.
>oh wow a bunch of dots on a piece of bark
>you can kick a ball good
Nothing of value would be lost

>> No.11713151

The adventist study is a big one.

I'd include the table but 4channel thinks it's malicious (or CP I guess). Basically male vegans have 20% chance less chance of cancer, though for women pesco-vegetarianism is optimal.

>> No.11713162

>my GF's sperm is still active
>my GF's sperm

really activates your almonds

>> No.11713163

Meats are poor in water soluble vitamins

>> No.11713167

>It's very hard to get enough protein without meat or some form of processed vegetable protein which is usually more expensive and much less tasty.

They are working on vegan whey and casein, so hopefully that will improve.

>> No.11713361


So what? With Laron Syndrome, you eliminate almost all chance of cancer and diabetes and maintain a perfectly healthy sub-five-foot stature for the entirety of your life.

>> No.11713466

Meat, especially organ meat, is the most nutrient dense food in existence. The nutrients in meat are the most bioavailable. The macronutrients of meat are the best. High fat, high protein, zero carb. You get low-GI, highly glucagonergic hormone reactions, plenty of quality fats to metabolize for energy, and protein for maintaining strength and tissues.

>> No.11713713

Did you know that water has been found in every single cancer cell?

>> No.11713735

All empty statistics until you can prove a causative link. Useful for hypothesis at best.

>> No.11713959

Induction is impossible, it's statistics all the way down.

>> No.11715484

Maybe you should let your children choose their own way in life instead of forcing your agenda on them.

>> No.11715492

yes, cletus

>> No.11715496

>maybe you should let your kids run wild doing what they want instead of parenting them

>> No.11715500

It's not the same thing. Being a proper parent and making sure your kids have a proper education is not the same as stuffing some agenda or religion down their throats. With proper education they can choose those things for themselves.

>> No.11716194

Vegan kids cry at every meal. Unfeeling empty vegan parents force disgusting unhealthy food, and Veganism, down their kids throats whether they like it or not (and no kids like this crap)


>> No.11716206

You don't hunt fruits.

>> No.11716213

And they all have perfect teeth. Civilized food does a number on dental health.

>> No.11716223

Maybe you can kill yourself and make a powerful statement for the environment and gay rights? This was the most powerful and moving political activism I have ever seen!


>> No.11716228

That post alone caused 14 vegan activists to end their lives. Let us respect their choice, and their sacrifice.


>> No.11716685

I don't eat red meat for ethical reasons, but I do eat chicken and fish because they're fairly dumb animals and cheap sources of the nutrients I need.

I do miss pork sometimes.

>> No.11716698
File: 33 KB, 520x256, westonprice_teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, those famed hunter-gatherer perfect teeth

>> No.11716807

>judging the information by the host source (webpage) rather than the CITED INFORMATION LINKED AND EXPLAINED ON SAID PAGES
You're both stupid as shit. Grow up and learn how to have a proper debate without fallacy and temper tantrums.

>> No.11716826

Alcohol is both food and cooking, to say otherwise is to not know food or cooking. Probably a backwards American, they notoriously fear alcohol as a leftover byproduct of being religious zealots.

Nice failure to refute a point.
Protip: don't bother trying because you won't be able to, the evidence is overwhelming that eating a higher volume of fat is linked to lower mortality. As with anything, eating extremely small or extremely large amounts of fat is also linked to higher mortality, but the point and moral of those studies is that the optimal amount of dietary fat is much more than most people eat or think is healthy on average.

>> No.11716864

8 years vegetarian. So I suppose its not very important.

>> No.11716960
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, 1528221770363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I disagree but I don't have an argument
>What could I possibly say?
>I know!

>> No.11717233

Turns out, according to most eyewitness accounts from the early contact time period before they were corrupted by whites, plains american indian tribes who were hunter/gathers had superb teeth.

>> No.11717267
File: 68 KB, 631x300, Ask-an-Expert-First-Thanksgiving-631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[citation needed]
Native Americans ate a lot of plants, like corn and wild rice. Look at any depiction of the first interactions/meals they shared, like the so-called "first Thanksgiving" and there are tons of plants around.

Aside from some outliers like the Inuit in extreme conditions, I've seen no evidence that most traditional hunter-gatherers didn't eat much plants.

>> No.11717271


jesus fucking christ you faggots just exercise, pro tier do some martial arts with light sparring and eat everything in moderation. god tier, cut out sugar and coffe and go on nofap and extreme meditation for 30min every day.

I could not care less, if I fucking die because of eating meat like every other normal human being in history. holy fuck how is this even a discussion.

could I survive without eating meat? yes

am I aware eating meat is contributing to pollution of Earth? yes

do I eat mostly meat that is from my family and slaughtered by us with bare hands? yes

will I stop eating meat to help save the Earth? no and you can call me ignorant all you want, I'm the smallest factor in this moral game and it will never change. There's so many other shit that needs to be solved first on Eearth, yet you faggots cry about eating meat.

go suck a dick and for once in your life slaughter an animal with your own hands

>> No.11717305

Really jealous of all you 22%'s and the mexi-poops scurrying in over your unsecured border.

>> No.11717327
File: 76 KB, 475x495, Europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11717346

The next shot is of Don walking away and, soon enough, looking worried. He does think about Ginsberg. He knows he's the next thing. The episode begins with Don noticing all of the work Ginsberg is doing, and he comes out of "retirement" (in terms of writing copy) to see if he still has it. In the end, he chooses not to go up against Michael because he fears he'll lose and...inside he knows Ginsberg's idea is better. That's why the "I don't think of you at all" line is so great. It seems almost cliched, but it's hollow. It hides a secret doubt.

>> No.11718940
File: 182 KB, 1200x869, Coffee OPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cut...and coffe

>> No.11718961

>and go on nofap
>more pseudoscientific nonsense

>> No.11718966

Nobody gives a shit about your boomer blogs

>> No.11718972

i dont worry about you either

>> No.11718981

Your sources are a shit. CHAOSANDPAIN.COM

>> No.11719002

>Facts getting brainlets this mad

>> No.11719111

proof yet again that vego-fags are absolutely insufferable

>> No.11719125

Sorry but fartpisshit.com says otherwise. Looks like you’re wrong

>> No.11719180

friendly reminder that only one substance has been classified as group 4, "probably not a cause of cancer"