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File: 262 KB, 1200x630, 08-anthony-bourdain-2002.w1200.h630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11708931 No.11708931 [Reply] [Original]

I believe he just couldn't fathom becoming old. Being old sucks when the guy in spirit was about 25.

>> No.11708944

And he couldn't drink or do drugs anymore otherwise he would die of liver disease. Shits fucked.

>> No.11708945

wasn't he found hanging?
someone murdered him and made it look like suicide

>> No.11708948

heroin addicts are never 25 in spirit

>> No.11708954

Well if some random dipshit on ck said it that never stepped 100 miles near the crime scene and probably never stepped out of his own basement for the past several months said it, well then it must be true.

>> No.11708961

Did you read Nasty Bits? Dude grappled with depression and suicidal ideation. When he was hanging in St Barth's? Definitely a time like that for him. Evidently not the only time he did. Depression is a bitch.

>> No.11708963

Hey man my class took a trip to NYC when I was in the 8th grade. I know how these people live

>> No.11708965

I don't see it as too bad.. He was a fucking cool guy and he knew how to live and I'd say he lived life to it's full potential. He took away from life all the good chunks and signed out.

>> No.11708967

those Ray Liotta cigarette pills made him nuts

>> No.11708976

>He took away from life all the good chunks and signed out.
He was still living the dream. And he had a kid. There was no way he thought it was a good idea. This was a guy overwhelmed by depression.

>> No.11708979

His slut of a wife fucked a 16 year old kid and used his money to pay off the kid from speaking out about it. He found out and surprise surprise, kills himself a few days later.

I cant believe supposed fans of his dont know that. It doesn't even require much digging, and the whore then went on to spur the #metoo movement, which makes it all the sicker.

>> No.11708982

He's still alive. I saw him in Brentwood yesterday.

>> No.11708983

>Depression is a bitch.
It's also manageable.
Completely fucking manageable.

>> No.11708988

Most likely this.
We all knew Asia would get him gotten sooner or later

>> No.11708997

Paying off the kid was Bourdain's idea, told her to do it to avoid the controversy then the little shit came out about it anyway. Honestly, everyone involved was a scumbag and they should all hang

>> No.11709006

dopamine receptors in brain fried after all the drug use. Heroin and opiods does that, you just feel like utter shit for a long time. Depending on length of usage before stopping, can be weeks, months, years of depression.

>> No.11709013

How the fuck is it the victims fault? She raped a fucking child! Swap the genders and not only would she be in prison, but tony would be too as an accessory.

The fact that asia is still going around like a cunt trying to shame men for having consensual sex with slags who want to climb the hollywood ladder is pathetic.(Dont get me wrong, weinstein is a fucking scumbag, but fucking ditzy cumdumpsters with the reward being casting them in films is a little different than raping a child and them trying to buy his silence a few years later when you realize your past indirections will hurt your wallet.)

>> No.11709051

He was always an edgelord who wanted so hard to be a rebel yet had all the same beliefs of the establishment. He was highly self conscious who always tried to look cool and hated being seen in a light that could be considered embarrassing. Examples of this include the no reservation episode where they took him to karaoke or the mexico episode where he was driven around in a pink limo. He had such a high opinion of himself but he wasnt really good at anything except being a host personality on tv. Also his cnn show was absolute dog shit. No one cared about his p9itical opinions we wanted to see him fill his face with food. It didnt help that his wife was getting dry humped by random chads during her “mma training”.

>> No.11709180

>Ray Liotta cigarette pills
Is this a thing?

>> No.11709181

He was a massive degenerate, he got what was coming to him.

>> No.11709195

I’m coming for you asshole.
I’m going to rip of your head and shit in a public restroom

>> No.11709208

He's doing commercials for a pill that might help you stop smoking or go psychotic.

>> No.11709209

Yes it's called CHANTIX® and causes violent psychosis in users

>> No.11709266

I actually had a prescription for this. It made me nauseous but no psychotic. It didn't work though, I still smoke, though the Chantix did reduce the nicotine cravings.

>> No.11709562

Holy fuck, this shits been around for years and they just started advertising again. Seriously, get out of your basememt.

>> No.11709613


>> No.11709623

Except that he was a pathetic excuse for a man who had no semblance of structure or morality. But keep idolizing decadence. Don't let me stop you.

>> No.11709987

>he killed himself because his wife had sex
Spamming this every time Bourdain comes up isn't going to make it true, you're just trying to pizzagate a celebrity chef because he's a "libtard" and because you're obsessed with cuckolding

Bourdain had psychiatric problems almost his entire life, exacerbated by heavy drug use

It had nothing to do with ping pong or lolita express or the reptilian jews

>> No.11710001

16 years old is age of consent in most countries. That's way too old for pizzagate.

>> No.11710013

Yes, I understand you're allergic to consistent logic. Also if backed into a corner "it was just a joke bro". Keep kicking those sandcastles

>> No.11710018

So you're saying a 16 year old is too young to consent to sexual intercourse regardless of what the rest of the world says. It must be interesting to spend your life with your rectum so tightly clenched.

>> No.11710033

Yes, "it is not I who am inconsistent, on the contrary it is you!"


>> No.11710038

You're not even making an argument. For all I know it's just a coincidence that the letters being hit on your keyboard construct actual words.

>> No.11710040

You’re a funny guy

>> No.11710049

>post incoherent /pol/ conspiracies
>someone calls you out
>huh? that doesn't even make sense! why would someone say what you are saying what I just said, you're obviously crazy!
This was more effective 5 years ago when nobody was wise to your tactics. It's gotten old, don't you have anything interesting anymore?

>> No.11710060

You're just randomly jumping tracks here. Please fuck off, shut up, or KYS. It's not funny. Alternatively, sober up and become more literate. I offer this possibility because I have no way of knowing where you're really coming from.

>> No.11710068

Why would I KMS when I haven't been "cucked" by a libtard Jew reptilian? There is nothing wrong with sex except when I imply that there is a lot to be ashamed of. Don't you know the laws and public perception varies in different countries and under different circumstances? You're such a hypocrite, stop trying to shame people when sex is both wrong and also no big deal, haven't you ever even said something I agree with? When things happen it's obviously a part of a larger pattern that has to do with white genocide, just joking brah, why are libs so sensitive? I was only being sarcastic.

>> No.11710300

Nope. I believe he was murdered by elites for exposing pedophilia or something.

Why would he hang himself like Robin Williams? Especially as he was just starting to become heavily recognized on the internet.

>> No.11710355

He probably got a bad diagnosis and just said fuck it to be honest.
He was on heart meds since he was like 32, and had liver issues his whole life.
Once something in the biliary system gets fucked up, its game over for anything good regarding food. Which was his passion in life, food.

>> No.11710365

His gf was a pedo though

>> No.11710376

whatever helps you sleep ms. Argento

>> No.11710408
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the hole goes deeper

>> No.11710470

>The Italian actress faced backlash shortly after the beloved chef’s death for pictures showing her getting close with a journalist friend in the days before Bourdain was found dead by suicide

I'm just glad this insufferable prick's last thoughts as he was blacking out were of his slutty girlfriend fucking yet another dude. Rot in hell.

>> No.11710501

>Said he would like to serve Trump hemlock to kill him
>Ends up hanging himself

Trump curse confirmed yet again

>> No.11710597

He chased a romantic ideal in women and was unwilling to compromise ... third time he got lucky with the woman he deserved.

>> No.11710606
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The fuck are you on about? Go to bed, drunkie.

>> No.11710634

Gee I wonder if someone dealing with depression could be pushed over the edge when they found out their wife fucked a kid?

>> No.11711356

Clearly not for some people, otherwise suicide wouldn't occur. I somewhat agree and can manage my own depression just fine, but don't pretend that everything is universal just because you're incapable of empathy.

>> No.11711392

he realized that nothing in life could produce as much pleasure as the heroin he took in dirty bathrooms decades ago. He worked around this for some years through nihilistic humor.

Don't take drugs, kids. It will change your perspective on everything.

>> No.11711427

Reminder that this man is a cringy turbofag who offed himself because his wife cucked him with a literal underage b&. So glad I never have to hear this faggot do his Hunter S. Thompson impression to open his show again.

>> No.11711441

I also don't agree he was 25 in spirit. I would say he acted his age at all times and none of his behaviors in any of the episodes I have seen suggested him to be 25 in spirit. That being said, the inference of your post is also that adults can't have good natured fun, which he certainly did have in most episodes. That is simply untrue.

>> No.11711498

She was also cheating on him. Pictures of her with another guy were released a day or two before his suicide.

>> No.11711574

I know you're #withher, but this is /ck/ and you being a spinless loser isnt gonna get you laid here, so put that shit aside and recognize that a guy whos dealing with a ton of shit and *thinks* hes found true love can be pushed over the edge to have the one thing he actually had faith/trust in betray him.

>> No.11711587

He was an interesting guy, but if you actually took the time to read his books you'd know he was a pretty shitty person. He was pretty much the perfect example of western self-destructive liberalism. He joked in his last book(medium rare) about how he would intentionally hire white men just to fire them and watch them cry at having their dreams crushed.

>> No.11711604


Did Prager U teach you that, or were you just born retarded?

>> No.11711761

How about you argue the point being made? Adhominem only works if everyone else is as dumb as you... But to use that argument usually means you're an idiot. It's a bold move, but it isn't gonna work on /ck/

>> No.11711796

The point being made was an ad hominem attack against the guy for being a cringy turbofag and a shitty person. You're literally giving someone shit for countering two ad hominem attacks with another. No u.

>> No.11711800

Hillary will never be president, loser.

>> No.11711814

What the fuck is Prager U? I go outside and have a girlfriend.

>> No.11711905


>> No.11711910

He ran afoul of the Clintons

>> No.11711914

This is the best description of him I've ever read

>> No.11711925

not gonna work big pharm
go shill somewhere else

>> No.11711927

It came off as kinda sophomoric to me.

>> No.11711940

He was a junkie and a crackhead who stole from everyone and he sold his possessions on the street for crack money. Then he became a pot smoking alcoholic who had to ingest as much food as possible to fill the void in his soul. Most people who are empty like that find comfort in their families or communities but Tony was to self obsessed to be bothered with other people. He was a shithead and he knew it and couldn't live with himself any more.

>> No.11711956
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I still think whatever happened with Asia definitely contributed to his death. The last episode of him in Italy featured Asia and there is this bizarre melancholy feeling that floats throughout the whole episode. They're in the sunny beaches of southern italy and Asia is just busy being super into herself, acting like a big tough tomboy, and getting drunk during the day. Tony seems to be going along with it, but something was broken there. Watch that last episode and tell me he doesn't seem like something is deeply eating at him.

>> No.11711961

Right, instead we have an israel loving kike.

>> No.11711962

Big Pharma is pathetic
but what's even more pathetic is the people defending them, unironically, without getting paid

>> No.11711971

I'm 100% convinced Asia is the cause of his suicide.

>> No.11711972

>the tolerant left

>> No.11711977

I'm sure that was part of it. I'm sure there were many factors. But two things are certain. One, he fried his brain with drugs when he was young, producing a lifelong chemical imbalance in his brain (i.e. a constant depressive state). And two, being cheated on by someone who (according to his friends anyway) he had developed strong feelings for pushed him over the edge. Plenty of people become depressed and enter a year-long state of grief after breaking up with someone they are especially in love with. To the brain, it's quite literally like they died. He just needed that one final shove this whole time, and that event was it.

>> No.11711982

whores should be put back in the stockade so they can have rotten vegetables thrown at them.

>> No.11711987

How did you come to that conclusion you fucking brainlet?

>> No.11711992

When did the left ever claim to be tolerant? I think you're confusing them with bronies.

>> No.11711993

You have little self awareness I see

>> No.11711994

One of his friends let it slip in an interview that they believe that she indeed was the cause.

>> No.11711998

They do all the time

>> No.11711999

I mean how did you come to the conclusion that because I hate israel I'm a leftist (whatever that means).

>> No.11712000

Boo hoo. What a fucking pussy. Most people around the world experience much worse things before they're even 30. Tony lived a very privileged life.

>> No.11712001

I think you're making that up.

>> No.11712003


man this clip is sort of foreboding...

>> No.11712005

Anhedonia is a bitch.

>> No.11712009

People who say this never had it happen to them. If they had, they would never say this. Depression isn't something you have conscious control over. No one seems to understand that.

>> No.11712015

So is leaving your young daughter fatherless but Tony only cared for himself. Selfish coward.

>> No.11712020

Maybe his depression was deep enough that it made him not care about anything, even his daughter. Even his own life.

>> No.11712030

Pretty reasonable assumption about a guy who fucking hanged himself.

>> No.11712035

Maybe he should have sought treatment.

>> No.11712039

Nah I used to say that when I was still in denial about how much of a wreck I was. Most people who pull the whole emotionally tough as nails to the point of being aggressive towards others mental and emotional states are completely miserable.

>> No.11712047

That's kind of the thing about depression: when it's not hitting you you're fine, and when it hits the last thing you feel like doing is seeking treatment.

>> No.11712066

You're justifying his suicide?

>> No.11712071

Some people are even in denial about it. The convince themselves that what they are feeling (or rather NOT feeling, hence anhedonia) is totally normal and it's who they are/have become. So they don't seek treatment because they don't believe they're unwell. Usually you can tell something was wrong with you only in hindsight, once feeling returns and the depression clears up.

>> No.11712073

Not him but yeah. I wanna die by my own hand, I don't want to let time cuck me.

>> No.11712075

We're not justifying anything. We're just talking about what depression is like.

>> No.11712080

You'll probably find that the guys that had been inside him were about 25.

>> No.11712089

It's like being a cunty teenage girl all time. No one understands the darkness in my soul, maaaaaaannnnnnn.

>> No.11712137

What's to "justify"? Anyone who read his books knew he battled depression, addiction and suicidal thoughts. When someone like that kills themselves it's sadly not much of a surprise. It is a tragedy, because all the signs of it were there and there was no way to stop it.

The braindead attempts to run down the guy's character because his politics were different from yours are tiresome. Tony owned who he was: a privileged, lucky, miserable drug addict with serious issues. He never hid that from anyone. A soft suburban kid who wanted to be one of the cool kids in the city who did bad things. That's very fucking New York. Lou Reed had a similar origin story. Making moral judgments about that is irrelevant, because amorality is part of the point. You're too cool to care.

>> No.11712151

I never mentioned politics.

>> No.11712165

You didn't have to. Hating Bourdain is as much a tell as liking Cracker Barrel.

>> No.11712199

there's nothing wrong with liking cracker barrel dummy. 4chan should just IP ban all of NYC.

>> No.11712205

>4chan should just IP ban all of NYC
Proving me right. Thanks.

>> No.11712214

I never said I hated Bourdain.

>> No.11712218
File: 48 KB, 570x574, GET BAPTIZED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say urbanite

>> No.11712237

Brooklyn in da house

>> No.11712499
File: 221 KB, 1200x800, 1538722825944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was too based for this world

>> No.11712531

Yes and a lot of rapists were raped as kids, but that's neither here nor there.

He was an adult, he's responsible for himself. Respect his wishes, remember him by the legacy he chose of his own free will. Scum.

>> No.11712592

True. He had *gasp* empathy for the oppressed and showcased their food, culture and in some cases the harms inflicted by the falsely empowered who view human lives as disposable in their never ending geopolitical chess games. And as if that weren't evil enough for /pol/tards, he did it in an erudite and witty coherent english with self deprecation. Iow, he committed white genocide and was a cucked pedophile.

>> No.11712673

Can you name the oppressed groups he championed?

>> No.11712778


fuck off faggot


>> No.11714088

Everyone who wasn't a white male. He joked about firing white bus boys and dishwashers who he hired because they aspired to be cooks like him. Why? Because their white male privilege didn't work on him.

That's the kinda bs he espoused. And surprise surprise, acting like a smug liberal ended with him becoming a cuckold who commits suicide after his white wife gets too slutty.

>> No.11714151
File: 15 KB, 220x297, 220px-David_Carradine_Polanski_Unauthorized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose funeral was it where Dave Carradine stumbled in tripping balls and said to the deceased:
>I know you fucked my daughter when she was 15

Weird how many of these guys connected to elite paedophilia just decide to commit suicide or engage in reckless behaviour that gets them killed, huh?

>> No.11714182

Tinfoil aside, though. The guy was a misanthropic, anti-white, junkie kike. Miserable fucks like this would burn the world if they could. No surprise he'd commit suicide.

>> No.11714297


>> No.11714404

I live on the second floor of an apt. complex but don't watch T.V. :'(

>> No.11714448

This. Hes a selfish hedonistic junkie faggot who left a teenage daughter to live without him. Hope he is rotting in hell.

>> No.11714479
File: 100 KB, 292x257, le haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rip off your head and shit in a public restroom

>> No.11714519

Did you even read his post before sperging out?

>> No.11714533

You're conflating anti-status quo with anti-white. It's a common mistake that Joe Rogan watching Prager U fanbois make. Not to worry tho, the pendulum's shifting left again.

>> No.11714535

tolerance is the basis for the lefts entire social ideology fucktard.

>> No.11714545

I also enjoy The Young Turks and ChapoTrapHouse.

>> No.11714553

How the fuck did you get anything political from that post?

>> No.11714560

He literally said white people need to go extinct. It's not some conspiracy theory. How do you retards even breathe?

>> No.11714568


>> No.11714570

To be fair, Chapo's podcasts are leagues above Prager U or Jordan Peterson lectures. Less reliant on strawmen too.

>> No.11714575

I'm gonna cum on his grave

>> No.11714578

>he literally said

You could've posted a clip showing so, but you didn't.

>> No.11714583

bait desu

>> No.11714584

“There’s nothing more political than food,” he told Food & Wine. “Who eats? Who doesn’t? Why do people cook what they cook? It is always the end or a part of a long story, often a painful one. Look, I travel around the world asking people, ‘What makes you happy, what do you eat and what would you like your kids to eat ten years from now?’ and I get some really interesting and complicated answers in places like Beirut, Iran, Vietnam, and even Detroit.”

Read Next: I Think My Friend Is a Jordan Peterson Fan. What Should I Do?

>> No.11714588

Learn to use a search engine so we don't have to spoonfeed your retarded ass again.

>> No.11714590
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>> No.11714596

Oh no, it's retarded.

>> No.11714610


“No white people,” Bourdain told producers about his vision for highlighting Houston according to a recent New Yorker magazine profile.

As PaperCity’s own Jailyn Marcel pointed out when the Houston Parts Unknown first aired, none of the city’s celebrity chefs even sniffed a bit of air time. It turns out most of them never had a chance to get on. Foodie power players such as Chris Shepherd, Bryan Caswell and Ronnie Killen were out from the moment Bourdain issued his “no white people” command.

>> No.11714622

Weird. I don't see the sentence "white people need to go extinct" in that quote. Maybe I'm just blind. Help a brother out.

Still don't see the term "white people need to go extinct" here. You've proving me right.

>> No.11714631

Still don't see the term "white people need to go extinct" mentioned anywhere. Why do Joe Rogan watching Prager U fanbois feel the need to lie? Is misleading fearmongering all they have left?

>> No.11714632

Watch the video you literal retard. He calls it the only solution for racism (ironic) and talks about how it's a good thing.

>> No.11714636

Hey retard. Maybe post a clip of him ACTUALLY saying it and then try whining about it.

>> No.11714639

Textbook definition useful idiot. Plugging your ears and closing your eyes doesn't make the truth go away.

>> No.11714646

>acting stupid until the other party loses their patience
great debating tactic, rationalwikifriend *tips*

>> No.11714647

Watch the video. It's painfully obvious you didn't.

>> No.11714664

Show me the clip, bb. Do it.

Oh wait, you can't. Do you know why you can't? Because you've been so brainwashed by Prager U, Infowars, Shapiro, Jordan Peterson into believing you're part of a persecuted group (which coincidentally happen to make up the vast majority of the status quo) that every time you see anyone praising anyone that isn't a straight white dude, you end up feeling threatened. You're all feels over reals, my man.

>> No.11714665

He's talking about the death of all race, though. Not just white people.

>> No.11714671

I watched the video three times. Still don't hear him saying it. I'm sure Joseph Paul Watson's real happy about you spending your NEETbux on Brainforce pills (that contain s0y btw)

>> No.11714672

Scroll up and click the link. Quit the willful ignorance and put the strawman away.

>> No.11714681

Watched the video several times. I don't hear him saying it. Make me a believer anon. Maybe I just don't suffer from the same paranoid delusions you do.

>> No.11714686

Stessl extolls the virtues of "a kind of utopia [where] the whole world will mix up with each other," where "there will be no white people and only cappuccino colored," as a means of combating nationalism. Bourdain agrees.

"It's gonna take some time, but it's really the only way, the sort of Singaporean model where everybody is so mixed up, you don't know who to hate because everybody is so hopelessly intertwined," he says in the clip.

>> No.11714688

Probably relapsed into opioids or cocaine and decided it was time to go.

Either that or he was in debt.

It is the triple D’s of suicide: Drugs, Debt, Divorce.

>> No.11714693

He literally called whites going extinct the "only solution." Stop being intentionally dense.
Intellectual dishonesty just makes you a liar.

>> No.11714694

That's not Bourdain saying it, you retard. Fuck. I thought y'all would be able to muster a convincing argument. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.11714701

Oh, sorry, he just nodded in agreement and called it the only solution.
Fuck off if you're going to act retarded.

>> No.11714722

He's agreeing that ethnocentricity is going to come to an end when all races are mixed. How much of a persecution complex do Prager U watching white bois have to find that threatening enough to equate it with "white people need to go extinct"? Embarrassing t b h.

>> No.11714725

they said all but those exact words in that exact order. kill yourself retard

>> No.11714727

How retarded do you have to be to deny it when he all but calls it "the final solution"?
You're not fooling anybody.

>> No.11714737

is /pol/ down or some shit? Can you niggers stop arguing about race?

>> No.11714745

The second paragraph is the Bourdain quote. He's saying you can't have racism if everyone on earth is brown. One race=no war.

>> No.11714747
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Guys pls buy my brain enhancing pills (may contain s0y). If you don't, the big scary brown people are gonna rape yr wimmin.

>> No.11714754

Where is he saying "white people need to go extinct" tho?

>> No.11714761
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He's gone full retard. I think we broke him, guys.

>> No.11714763

It's not just white people he's talking about. It's everybody. You're just so hung up on yourselves that you take it as a direct attack on your own particular form of racial purity.

>> No.11714768

You're a pedantic moron incapable of critical thought.

>> No.11714769

you sound like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.11714770

Calling white people going extinct the "only solution" makes his position pretty clear. Use some critical thinking for once.
Except the guy he was talking to literally said "white people", unless you are implying non whites aren't human.

>> No.11714774

You can engage in ad-hominems all you'd like, but I've illustrated that a pivotal accusation the people on here were relying on to hate on Bourdain was horseshit. I'm just publicizing that revelation. Feel free to provide a rebuttal if you're able to.

>> No.11714794

Don't get angry just because you were proven wrong. There are people scrolling through the thread that now realize the claims about Bourdain singling out "white people" for the purpose of shitting on them was in-fact bullshit.

More ad-hominems? Tsk tsk. Maybe try mustering a rebuttal next time.

>unless you are implying non whites aren't human.

He was referring to the status quo. Don't let your fragile persecution complex get the better of you.

>> No.11714803

No one cares about the race thing as strictly a race thing. It's the idea that world peace can only be achieved if everyone looks the same and has the same culture. It's something a small child would think is a good idea. People will always find reasons to hate and kill each other. Look at how peaceful Africa, South America, and the Middle East are. 99.9% of people in those respective regions have the same skin color but they still murder each other at very high rates.

>> No.11714802

Yes, he uses that as an example immediately after saying "all the people."

>> No.11714805

You've done nothing but ad hominem attacks and and ignoring evidence. Don't project.

>> No.11714813

Except it's not bullshit, you just refuse to acknowledge the truth in front of your face.
Playing dumb and lying through your teeth might work on reddit, but no one's buying your bullshit here.

>> No.11714818

I know it's a silly idea, but >>11714560 is the specific point of contention in this instance.

>> No.11714820

its like none of those people ever read the giver.

>> No.11714827

Not me...but then again I don't worship some dead celebrity chef. I tried watching a few of his shows and never understood the attraction. When the bad boy chef shit was in style he played it up. When the #metoo bullshit started he turned on his friends and accused them of toxic masculinity while apologizing to the media like a whipped dog.

>> No.11714830

That was me. I apologize. He did call it the "only solution" in agreement however. The reddit retard is nitpicking because he's been cornered by reality.

>> No.11714834


You mean calling a spade a spade?

>ignoring evidence

The claim was that Bourdain said "white people need to go extinct". No one ITT has been able to provide a quote of him saying that. The closest is a clip of him agreeing ethnocentricity will meet its demise after all the races are mixed. Seems there's a particular demographic that feels especially threatened by the notion of this racemixing. Perhaps they're the ones suffering from an overblown persecution complex? One that feels threatened by me making this very observation.

>> No.11714839

i wasnt the one who started arguing for the sake of arguing. lookin at you buddy.

>> No.11714843

>you just refuse to acknowledge the truth in front of your face.

Show me the truth anon. Show me a clip/quote of Bourdain saying "white people need to go extinct". Again, no one ITT has been able to.

>> No.11714845

Let me fix that anon's post so you can understand it.

"He figuratively said white people need to go extinct. It's not some conspiracy theory. How do you retards even breathe"?

>> No.11714850

You've made it very clear you have no intention of acknowledging the truth and nitpicking to avoid it. You can stop.
After the guy said "whites will go extinct" he said "it's the only solution." You can cry all day, but it's on tape for all to see.

>> No.11714860

I am willing to acknowledge the truth.....as soon as it's provided. Until then, it's all fearmongering from the "I saw a brown person today, YUROP IZ IN RUINS!!!!1!" crowd.

>> No.11714872

Or people who like varied culture. Wouldn't a monorace, monoculture world be boring?

>> No.11714876

>He figuratively said white people need to go extinct

No. He agreed ethnocentricity would meet its demise when when all the races are mixed. Maybe you're being deliberately obtuse due to your persecution complex?

>> No.11714887

>when you get BTFO by reality so hard you have to resort to intellectual dishonesty and petty semantics
He's gone full retard again.
If someone says whites will go extinct and you nod your head and say "it's the only solution", you obviously aren't opposed to the idea, and are in fact an advocate.
Stop being willfully ignorant.

>> No.11714888

Goalpost moving. Try again ya?

>> No.11714890

Except the guy he agreed with literally said "white people will go extinct."
I can't imagine being so forcefully obtuse. It's not an argument, it's just being an ass.

>> No.11714904

That's reaching tho. It's a leap between the premise and the conclusion drawn. The leap taken because of your own preconceived persecution complex.

>He's gone full retard again

You've been unable to provide a concrete example of the initial claim (i.e: Bourdain stating "white people need to go extinct"). Stop prolonging the inevitable and pull up a clip/quote. Unless you're lying?

>> No.11714913

>I can't imagine being so forcefully obtuse.

How is it obtuse? He was referring to the status quo losing their position and all races mixing. If you feel threatened by that notion, maybe you're part of a demographic with a persecution complex. Prove me wrong.

>> No.11714920

>When the #metoo bullshit started
How is that bullshit?
>he turned on his friends and accused them of toxic masculinity while apologizing to the media like a whipped dog.
He was always a punk rock fan of the underdog. Never a predator. More like he wanted to be the underdog, even though he wasn't born such. Piss poor comment on your part, but nice try.

>> No.11714921

Your fixated on that post because it's your only refuge. If your going to be a useful idiot and ignore anything you don't like, there's no point in pretending you have anything useful to say or any shred of intellectual honesty. You're just making bad faith arguments.
You can lead a retard to water, but you can't make him drink.

>> No.11714924

i've literally said that women are property, that we should skin and eat rich people at random to stop them getting uppity, and that we should kidnap hot high-iq people and form a secret breeding program

drunk idiots with big mouths say a lot of shit

>> No.11714929

watched it as well, didn't hear that anywhere, wtf are you on about?

>> No.11714933

>Your fixated on that post because it's your only refuge

It was provided as "proof" for an outlandish claim. One that has yet to be proved. I don't think it'll be provided though.

>> No.11714935

>"white people" means "all people"
That's pretty racist, Anon. Non-whites are people too .

>> No.11714941

You just don't want to acknowledge the contents of the video. He agreed with the guy who made that statement. He holds the same position, and went on to call white people going extinct the "only solution."
How can one body contain so much retardation?

>> No.11714942

The fact that you believe "all people" means "white people" is pretty racist, anon.

>> No.11714946

No, aside from real racists that's actually why people are opposed to a singular world culture. Why won't you admit that kind of one race, one culture world is a terrible idea? You also keep assuming that everyone you're arguing with is white. Are you scared of white people?

>> No.11714947

Does make him look really provincial.

>> No.11714948

>You just don't want to acknowledge the contents of the video

I've acknowledged the lack of proof in the video linked. Again, I am open to being proven wrong. Please btfo me with a clip of Bourdain saying "all white people need to go extinct". Show this smug leftist who's boss.

>> No.11714949

Odd, he distinctly said white people will go extinct, to which Anthony replied "it's the only solution." Are you allergic to the truth?

>> No.11714954

When someone points out "goalpost" moving. it indicates their intent to not be led off on a tangent.

>> No.11714955

>white people will go extinct,
Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.11714965

>white people will go extinct in 70 or 80 years
>it's the only solution!
Wow, yeah, Bourdain totally doesn't want white people to go extinct. It's not like anyone ever called genocide a "final solution" so surely that's not what he meant.
How is this hard for you to comprehend?
See, youre still nitpicking. I could post the same comment over and over again, but apparently critical thinking is beyond you even when someone holds your hand and walks you through it.

>> No.11714979

aw, none of the big celebrity chefs were able to be on his show titled Parts Unknown :(
I feel so bad for them, can we start a gofundme??

>> No.11714985

Again, reading comprehension might not be your strong suit. Criticizing the status quo isn't the same as singling out "white people". I doubt you'll be able to understand this distinction on account of being subject to a persecution complex.

>> No.11714992

He should have handed the hosting duties off to a young PoC for that episode. That would be more genuine.

>> No.11714994

The guy says "white people will go extinct."
You might honestly be actually retarded. He did in fact single them out.

>> No.11715010

Ah, yes, the status quo that only needs to be upheaved in Europe.

>> No.11715022

He was referring to the status quo in germany, but if your persecution complex pushes you to believe otherwise, that's okay. Reading comprehension is hard.

>> No.11715026

Yes, only for Europe. Funny that.
You have to know what a vile liar you are. I refuse to believe anyone is that lacking in self awareness.

>> No.11715028

>that only needs to be upheaved in Europe.

And there's ANOTHER assumption, while the first claim remains unproven, and now we're onto another. Giggity.

>> No.11715032

>If I keep lying long enough, my lies are true!
Oh, sweaty...

>> No.11715037

>Yes, only for Europe.

Says who? Are you going to post another Bourdain clip where he DOESN'T say that? Bahahahahaha

>> No.11715038

I commend your commitment to the bit.

>> No.11715044

You can shut me up with a simple clip/quote of Bourdain saying "white people need to go extinct". You can't seem to provide that for some odd reason tho.....

>> No.11715047

if you go back to pol I bet they would be all over whatever this shit is you're trying peddle.

>> No.11715050

Got a link to the episode where he has a similar conversation about any non-white country? Because I was an avid fan at one point and can tell you it never happened. You know exactly what is meant. Your ntellectually dishonesty knows no bounds.
You are terribly dishonest. It's pointless to argue with someone as indoctrinated as you are. So enjoy lying to yourself.

>> No.11715063

>white people will go extinct
>bourdain: it's the only solution!
Critical thinking, try it sometime. You're fixating on that post because the video blasted your ass and that's your only defense. One post out of a myriad.

>> No.11715064

>You know exactly what is meant.

Ah, so you're acknowledging the leap between the premise and the conclusion.

>Your ntellectually dishonesty

Bruh, I'm just a asking for a clip/quote of Bourdain saying what was initially claimed.

>> No.11715071

>You're fixating on that post

Provide another clip/quote of Bourdain saying it then. If not, I'll be proven right.

>> No.11715074

>He actually agreed that whites would go extinct and called it the "only solution". Ha, I win!
This is pathetic.

>> No.11715086

He agreed to something about the status quo going extinct. Not him literally saying "white people need to go extinct". You can't hold someone hostage over something you perceived they "implied". If that were the case, half the politicians in power right now would be in jail for being Nazis/White Supremacists.

>> No.11715098

And what was the something he agreed to, hmm?

>> No.11715100

>white people will go extinct in 80 years
>*nods* it's the only solution!
You're just running in circles spewing bullshit. Go ahead and scream into the void. You've made it clear your a retard that no one would take seriously, so I'm not needed here.

>> No.11715118

The status quo becoming obsolete after all the races mix

Hey man, don't blame me if you find cognitive dissonance painful. I'm just pointing out the leaps people make when attempting to justify their persecution complexes.

>> No.11715129

>find cognitive dissonance painful
You obviously don't or you wouldn't be utilizing it as a coping mechanism this entire thread.

>> No.11715130

" where "there will be no white people and only cappuccino colored," as a means of combating nationalism. Bourdain agrees.

You dishonest lunatic.

>> No.11715131

Except the guy had just finished saying "white people will go extinct" when he said "it's the only solution." I honestly don't even understand the level of mental gymnastics it must require to deny this.

>> No.11715136

A leap isn't proof. It requires suspension of disbelief.

Which also implies there would be no black/brown people. That's my point. It's a vague sentence that people draw different conclusions from. A farcry from "Bourdain said white people should become extinct". God, no wonder y'all fall for Prager U/Shapiro propaganda.

>> No.11715141

>I honestly don't even understand the level of mental gymnastics it must require to deny this.

I don't understand the level of persecution complex that equates something about the dissolution of a status quo with racism.

>> No.11715142

What color is cappuccino?

>> No.11715153

anti-white coloured. :-O

>> No.11715162

He literally said cappuccino color colored, and there's black people in Africa that no one is trying to replace.
This guy nailed it:
It's obvious you're just going to lie and spew bullshit and ignore damning evidence until people get tired of your retardation and you'll claim that as victory. You have no interest in honest debate. Pigeon playing chess technique.