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11707381 No.11707381 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing like a nice, piping hot plate of McDonald's large unsalted french fries, dressed up with Tony Chachere's Original Creole seasoning to bring the week to a close

>> No.11707386

Is there anything more Reddit than asking for your McFries with no salt in some sad attempt to secretly make them make you a fresh batch? Just ask them, straight up, for a fresh batch of fries. If you do it on a slow day they won't mind, and there's no need to be some covert sperg about it.

>> No.11707392

Hello goodbuddy! It seems that you may have missed the part where I mentioned that I personally elected to season mine with Tony Chachere's Original Creole seasoning instead of McDonald's gourmet salt! Have a great weekend!

>> No.11707409
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But nay, dear friends. What is a meal without an entree? And it seems as though we've chanced the perfect one tonight~

>> No.11707411

i realize this but i just meant like generally. if i'm ever working at mcdonalds (god forbid) and some asshat asks me for fries with no salt, and he doesn't clearly have some kind of disease, im spitting in his food.

>> No.11707416

>add ketchup
>add mustard
>add pickle
you fucking ruined it. nice job retard.

>> No.11707418
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>another fast food thread

>> No.11707423
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But we're not done yet! As foreshadowed before, I'm feeling a bit frisky tonight! (owo). This sandwich is officially brought to you by none other than Go Chicken Go's official G-Sauce

>> No.11707428

Reasonable behavior

>> No.11707450
File: 567 KB, 1698x2944, 20190104_163742-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, what better pairing for a Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale than a TRULY "deluxe" McChicken? Be sure to let the sandwhich drippings fall onto your fries for an extra treat! Oh happy day, indeed

>> No.11707465

No but really what is DP doing giving me a fucking recap episode right now this is horseshit. Guess I'll see how bad a trainwreck the Persona 5 anime is

>> No.11707475


>> No.11707483

I know right, this season has been a fucking shit show without Mob Psycho or OPM. I expect JoJo to be my saving grace but what do I get? Not JoJo, but a clip show. What a state

>> No.11707504
File: 581 KB, 2173x2301, 20190104_164713-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving on, for my dearest friends who are certainly with me (not pictured) I ordered a Bacon Smokehouse Quarter Pounder and another McChicken! Uh-oh... Looks like they let a nigger handle that poor, tight, virginal McChicken.

Updates soon! Stay tuned~

>> No.11707536
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>unsalted french fries
What the fuck is even the point? Honestly the salt is more what that side is than the potato component.
>Tony Chachere's Original Creole seasoning
It's almost entirely just salt, in almost the exact same quantity as a large McDonald's fries would have too. I guess you get some slight hints of red pepper and garlic mixed in. Might make the whole process easier to order regular salted fries next time and then add red pepper instead of that Creole bullshit.

>> No.11707554

This isn't exactly a choice made for health or nutritional value, my tender /fit/cel

>> No.11708089

I know, I'm saying the salt that comes with the fries normally would be a better choice since your meme seasoning is the same exact thing with a very small bit of red pepper and garlic added in. If I really liked that seasoning I'd probably just add it on top of the salt already on the fries if anything, although I doubt I would ever be into a seasoning like that in the first place. Good old fashioned salt is already one of the greatest flavors you can enjoy, if not the greatest.

>> No.11708203
File: 648 KB, 2134x2343, 20190104_192738-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After highy anticipated delay!!

>> No.11708215

If youre not retarded and can run shit, there should be no old fries
>cycling the fries isnt that hard
Some people like blisters in their mouth and want them right out the grease which bothers me
>dump the basket in the station, grease all over fries
>oil burns all over your hands from grease going through the box

>> No.11708222

What the actual fuck is wrong with you
>mayo, mustard, ketchup, "go sauce"
>and lettuce and pickle
Do you brush your teeth with battery acid, too?

>> No.11708230

easy there wagie

>> No.11708319
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>> No.11708322

Why, whats it to ya?

>> No.11708371

>hur hur this faggot works for a living
Mcdonalds isn't my end game, but they paid for my servsafe cert
Plus im a shift manager so thats experience, even if the job sucks

>> No.11708379

im just bustin ya balls anon, im a working man myself.

>> No.11708443

I bought the chachere meme. Meh
It’s like way over the top salty.
And the “more spice” too. Haven’t found a use for it . But I’m almost out of chargrill whistle stop.