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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 704x960, schoolzamex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11705623 No.11705623 [Reply] [Original]

Going from "lame-o" to "fly" top to bottom

>bagged lunch from home
>lunch from home in a stylish container featuring some popular characters
>hot lunch
>hot lunch with extra money for cookies, pretzels, chips, etc etc
>your parents brought Happy Meals from McDonalds to the head office just in time for lunch

>> No.11705627

Damn Americans eat so many vegetables

>> No.11705680

It's government-mandated now

>> No.11705691

That's some obama bitch shit.
When I was grade school and HS we were allowed to leave and get our own stuff we generally didn't have to deal with some government crap. Though I spent two years in private school and we got catered food except on Fridays when we could go out and do what we wanted.
In early grade school I lived close enough to home from school to just walk home and make some lunch for myself then meet up with friends and chill out afterwards.

>> No.11705696

We'd play dodgeball and shit after lunch, I think the faggots banned dodgeball these days.

>> No.11705705

Some little faggot might get a bruise and whine like a bitch so it got banned from the entire USA.

>> No.11705726

One of the kids in my class around 7th or 8th grade was a crack dealer. One of his boys just started eating the sandwich my mother made for me. We started fighting and nothing really happened. We got suspended and ended up being friends in high school.

Back on topic, the Thanksgiving break lunches were pretty sought after.

>> No.11705731

>In early grade school I lived close enough to home from school to just walk home
me too, but it was just public school in the mid eighties, we also had the option to work with the lunch ladies. I did just so I could get free lunch and extras and I would pocket my lunch money for the corner store

>> No.11705734

Pretty sure it was mostly because it's played on hard floor and sometimes the kids would crack their skull from falling or get concussions from headshots.

>> No.11705759

Invert your list, faggot. McDick's on top? More like top-shelf bougie lunches like sushi and charcuterie. Home-packed lunches were the only truly patrician options aside from the open campus in the last year of high school.

t. richfag

>> No.11705791


that's WHY you play dodgeball, stupid. so you can learn to protect yourself.

>> No.11705801


>> No.11705804

darwinism in action

>> No.11705823

None of us hurt and we used to really whale on each other. You should have seen us doing frisbee, we'd launch those things at each others heads full speed and with excellent targeting. If not paying attention you'd get hit. Sometimes a stupid bird would fly in the way and get fucking nailed. None of us targeted birds but shit happens.

>> No.11705829

Stupid birds would get hit then a bunch of feathers would fly around and thing would be stunned, hobble around for a few seconds then fly off. It was pretty fucking funny.

>> No.11705838

fucking stupid ass seagulls and pigeons

>> No.11705848

At my school there was a tier higher where parents would be present in the lunchroom + bring lunch + you can bring a friend to eat with you. I got a lot of favors out of this.

>> No.11705856

They could also slip and crack their head while running laps, dodgeball is fun at least

>> No.11705863

Wats up now biches.

>> No.11705865

I'd prefer to just be let out to chill with friends. I really didn't need parents watching over me.

>> No.11705868

School pizza was amazing
Even better when I got to high school and they'd serve mini deep dish pizzas as an alternative meal EVERY DAY.

>> No.11705869

At my school during lunch time one of the monks would take me to his office and make me touch him

>> No.11705870

We used to do dodgeball on a roof that had a fence over it so the balls wouldn't fly out and whack innocent civilians.

>> No.11705874

"alternative" like a tofu obama pizza?

>> No.11706107

Nobody ate sushi in the 90s, and there is no such thing as campus in grade school

>> No.11706116
File: 34 KB, 500x374, tumblr_leo9iyae4x1qb3mmfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>square pizza = god-tier
>hexagon pizza = pure trash

>> No.11706118
File: 168 KB, 375x375, 1356165716652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody ate sushi in the 90s

>> No.11706138

>there were people who actually ate public school lunches

lol so glad I went to a private school, we had catering from local restaurants most days.

>> No.11706140
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hes right. My only exposure to sushi as a kid in the 90s was Doug. And he only went cuz his wierd ass aunt made him go

>> No.11706157
File: 67 KB, 500x500, FUCKNIGGERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use to throw quarters on the ground and watch the mexicans fight each other for them to buy these.

to be honest, i wouldve killed someone as a kid to get a big bag of these

>> No.11706172

I found out recently that the highschool I went to got super strict about food. The school store isn’t allowed to sell candy bars anymore and students can’t bring in any beverages from outside of school, like coffee.

When I was there some students would leave to buy rotisserie chickens or order pizza and have it delivered to the school entryway

>> No.11706186

I can still taste this image. In retrospect it was probably shit but, the boxed milks and juice the shitty chicken nuggets, pizza. Turkey and gravy around the fall with a bread roll.

>> No.11706912

>When the cafeteria nuzzler keeps "accidentally" slipping his hands in your pants when you're chosen as "it" for the lunch period
It got real old pretty quickly. Didn't help that I got a bit hard when it did happen. Feel like it was giving him the motivation to keep targeting me.
Not that I'm gay btw if that matters.

>> No.11706916


Man no wonder we have this psychosis around food when you look at how we're raised.

>> No.11706937

>Going from "lame-o" to "fly" top to bottom
>crispitos/taco tuesday/nachos
>corn dogs

>> No.11706948
File: 1.34 MB, 1029x1000, haole boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was my lunch for a good portion of the 90's.

>> No.11706954

top tier:
cash for vending machines
lunchbox lunch
pizza or fast food from parents

mid tier:
brown bag lunch
regular school lunch (paid)
Nothing like a badass

Low tier:
Free lunch
A single gogurt
Nothing like a poor person

>> No.11706978
File: 20 KB, 216x220, 1472331607676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being young enough to have obama lunches in school
Zoomers get out

>> No.11707016

>A single gogurt
You think you're fucking funny huh? That's all I had, Tyler. At least I don't have a girl's name, faggot.

>> No.11707114

I loved those Mexican pizzas when I was like 10. Good memories, thanks OP.

>> No.11707236

Did anyone else like working in the cafeteria? I was great because we got to leave class 15 minutes early to help "prep" and we got cookies afterwards.

That's truly unfortunate if you aren't just looking for (You)s. My cafeteria just had kind Black and Hispanic ladies working there, and they were always nice.

>> No.11707891

Where I went, the kids who were too poor for real food but not poor enough for a free school lunch would shake up an instant ramen brick in the bag and eat it.
I had no idea ramen was meant to be soup until I started watching anime.

>> No.11707935

its true, those mongoloids would add cheese sauce into those bags and shake it up and eat it with their hands. Funny thing is that people realized it was good and other kids started doing it as well

>> No.11707964
File: 52 KB, 600x380, bosco sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw always spent the money I was given for lunch on bosco sticks, giant chocolate chip cookies, and pop/candy from vending machines

It's a wonder I've survived this long.

>> No.11708202

Do americans really eat fast food at school?

>> No.11708213


>> No.11708224

nobody who cares about their children sends them to public schools anyways.

>> No.11708226

Making school lunches healthier is one of the only good things Obama did. Nobody picks the healthy options if there's cookies and shit on the menu, it just makes them all fat as fuck.

>> No.11708252

>actually eating in school
>not cooking yourself a delicious meal when you get home

Jesus this board is full of degenerates.

>> No.11708257

>>bagged lunch from home
>>lunch from home in a stylish container featuring some popular characters
>>hot lunch
>>hot lunch with extra money for cookies, pretzels, chips, etc etc
>>your parents brought Happy Meals from McDonalds to the head office just in time for lunch
>pizza day at school


>> No.11708263

lol not tyler but I do have a girls name

>> No.11708284

the dog is seated at a restaurant, how absurd!

>> No.11708307

ayy surprised to see another hawaii anon on here. Where'd you go to HS?

>> No.11708357

Ranking the school lunches I can remember:
1. Packaged burritos
2. Thanksgiving special
3.Salisbury Steak
4. Ravioli
5. Pizza
6. Hot dogs
7. Chicken nuggets
10. Grilled chicken
100. Spaghetti
999. Sausage dogs
999999. Fish nuggets

>> No.11708507

Third Hawaii anon reporting in

>> No.11708608

I swear for our special “thanksgiving” lunch one year they were taking turkey lunch meat out of the package and dipping it in hot gravy.

>> No.11708770

Lmfao, well Nick, at least I didn't threaten to kill myself and have a mental breakdown over losing a game of league of legends. LMFAO. Dumb faggot.

>> No.11709102

That's so horrible. I would kill those guys for you if I could. Makes me sick.

>> No.11709127

>pizza that isn't a rectangle

>> No.11709152

Aww yiss mexican pizza was the bomb

>> No.11709262

But who's bosco?

>> No.11709288

I was always jealous of my peers who had boxed lunches with plain white bread sandwiches because the school food in elementary was just microwaved packaged pizza bread or tiny packaged cheeseburgers with the extremely occasional tater tots and the lasagna and christmas cookies on special occasions

I'm jealous of kids who get to have rice and soup from the cafeteria in south korea.

>> No.11709301

Kapaa. There are always a few Hawaii anons around, but I've never seen anyone from Kauai who wasn't just visiting/had a vacation home.

>> No.11709433

There was some beaurocratic nonsense in the 00s, I think, where someone was trying to get personal pizzas they served in school counted as a serving of vegetables because it had tomato sauce on it.

>> No.11709439


I enjoy me a breadtangle of pizza every now and again. Though I can't remember the last time I had ellios

>> No.11709447

George Costanza. But it's a secret.

>> No.11709666

Love fried spam.

Live in houston. Hawaiian grill just opened up down the street. I order like six of those things.

>> No.11709729

Are there lots of Hawaiians in Texas? Almost everyone I know who moved to the mainland somehow ended up in NorCal, PNW, or Vegas.

>> No.11709776 [DELETED] 


>> No.11710039

Amerilards got their heads out of their arses for once.

>> No.11710045

Nigger we got soups and rice in the UK and our school dinners are grim. You're just fucked up nine ways.

>> No.11710110

I remember this all too well.

>> No.11710136

>thinking they are actually eaten

>> No.11710150
File: 32 KB, 541x320, B779D5BC-1A5A-44E6-910F-D42536328E9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it’s played with these shitty foam balls that barely make an impact

>> No.11710151

I remember these. They were called "mexican pizzas" at my school. Man! They were good feom what i remember. 25 fuckkin years ago.