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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11703041 No.11703041 [Reply] [Original]

What did you cook today?
Today. I made tacos.

>> No.11703049

>yellow cheese
>not carnitas
>no cilantro
>faggoty plate
you need to die

>> No.11703052

i have that exact plate anon

>> No.11703057

what sort of self respecting person uses bagged cheese?

>> No.11703060

the tomatoes you have there were a mix of onions, tomato, lime, cilantro, avocado dressing, and a jalepeno. There is cilantro.

The yellow cheese is a sharp cheese. Why would I go elsewhere?

>Faggy plate
Hey man they were donated to me by my mom when I got my apartment. I just never changed them out cuz' money.

>> No.11703061

You need a sodomizing

>> No.11703062

Perfect anon. just like my momma used to make.

>> No.11703064

eh. does a good enough job. I don't try to give myself too much work after a hard day.


>> No.11703073

It takes like 15 seconds to grate cheese for 3 tacos. You can do it while the meat cooks.

>> No.11703081

I was making this in the meantime:
>the tomatoes you have there were a mix of onions, tomato, lime, cilantro, avocado dressing, and a jalepeno. There is cilantro.

Plus there is like no taste difference. I get that you want your cheese to be fresh, but a sharp cheddar is a sharp cheddar, regardless if it comes in a bag or a deli.

>> No.11703083

>It takes like 15 seconds to grate cheese for 3 tacos.
cleaning the grater sucks.

>> No.11703089

I love tahcoes

>> No.11703094

>Plus there is like no taste difference
you are subhuman
this is true

>> No.11703097

You, in all seriousness, need a better grater. It takes me all of five seconds to clean mine. Also, a nice spicy white cheese is where you want to go with tacos IMO

I made a vegetable soup tonight with grilled cheese (pumpernickel + fontina/baby Swiss). Was delicious and easy.

>> No.11703105

>you are subhuman
I swear to god. okay. let's pull out the ingredients list for the shredded cheese.

>Pasteurized milk
>cheese culture
>Microbial enzymes
>annatto (vegetable color)
>potato starch
>corn starch
>calcium sulfate (prevents caking)
>natamycin (mold inhibitor)

like... seriously? I get it if it's like a fresh fruit or veggies compared to canned. Cheese is intended to be a fermented aged product. So what the fuck are you on about exactly.

>> No.11703111 [DELETED] 

>need a better grater.
I have a microplane.

>> No.11703114

>It takes me all of five seconds to clean mine.
then you're not cleaning it. It should take no less than 30 seconds to clean any utensil as that is the contact time of soap.

>> No.11703119

Cheese that is not pre-grated is, without a doubt, better in quality and more fresh. The giant corporations that sell shredded cheese are selling absolute shite. It’s tasteless garbage that barely substitutes for texture.

So, like....seriously, it’s better, yes. Not the poster you’re responding to btw

>> No.11703123

what's the contact time of water?

>> No.11703124

Tried a standing rib roast for the first time in the grill.

Here I was thinking this was an expensive pot roast and it ended up being friggin' prime rib. Had no idea. I was looking at the gravy my mom suggested to make and whipped up some fake au jus real quick. Shit was so damn good!

And then there was asparagross and a small salad.....but damn that meat was good!

>> No.11703126

Yeah I don’t feel the need to fully disinfect my grater after it makes contact with cheese. I wash it with water and maybe a dab of soap, scrub it, and set is aside.

I’m also not autistic, so this works for me.

>> No.11703131

Don't those just break and fall apart on the very first bite?
Food that is much more expensive, has a lot more ingredients, and is time consuming to make and then clean up is better? Who would have thought? We have a high IQ channer here, folks!

>> No.11703134

based stand-up flat-bottom shell user
they look fine. a bunch of beaner street food snobs here, confirming the demography of this board. imagine having an opinion about tacos hahaha jesus

>> No.11703140

How? I've had both. not noticed enough of a difference to justify it. Trust me. I am one to go the more natural way with things. But if the convenience factor is just as good as the taste, then I just buy the convenient thing. Provided the cost is justified. In Publix it is.

>> No.11703144

Imagine flexing so hard on a random crispy taco thread.

>> No.11703148

I haven't eaten anything today. About to make some chicken, broccoli, and spinach

>> No.11703151

So you're a filthy disgusting human that doesn't wash his shit telling others how easy it is to half ass wash. Great.

>> No.11703152

do it. post it.

>> No.11703157
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I can still see your tard post

>> No.11703160


>> No.11703162

do you spend 30 seconds on a spoon? Given the contact time and all.

>> No.11703164
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Fried potatoes/onions with habanero salt and half smokes.

>> No.11703173

oyster and sausage gumbo
gonna eat it with leftover cornbread muffins

>> No.11703175

Nope spoons aren't soiled like graters. They work completely differently for very different reasons. I'm going to assume you've never used a grater.

>> No.11703178

If you can't notice the difference it's because you're sub human. Don't @ me

>> No.11703182

mmmm looks good.

>> No.11703184

Well I don’t know what to tell you. If you can’t notice the difference between freshly-grated and bagged cheese cheese, I suppose that’s good for you

>> No.11703199

>b-but the germs
Fuck off pussy

>> No.11703205
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I use a grater like this. It seriously takes about five seconds. I don’t have any autistic soap contact time frames to back it up, but it really doesn’t take long.

>> No.11703210

Do you not scrub your dishes or what? I'm confused what part of the process of cleaning takes you 30 seconds. If the cheese isn't dried on it should take 10 seconds to clean, maybe you've got a motor function issue? You realize dish soap isn't antibacterial right?

>> No.11703211

Given some of the disgusting kitchens posted here I don't doubt it's "5 second easy" to clean a grater.
But don't expect anyone with any knowledge to agree that your utensils are clean.

>> No.11703223

Just face it, your cleanliness standards aren't up to mine. But don't bring me down to you disgusting standards.

>> No.11703253

I have no doubt that my standards are lower than yours. But, in all fairness, it’s hard to keep up with an obsessive autist’s standards. Shouldn’t you be scrubbing your walls?

>> No.11703263

>Shouldn’t you be scrubbing your walls?
You seriously don't clean your backsplash.
Disgusting dude.

>> No.11703268

>Thread is about tacos
>Now it's about cheese graters

>> No.11703274
File: 1.30 MB, 2456x2444, Chicken Thighs and Broccoli 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nothing special.
>1lb chicken thighs
>1lb broccoli
>5oz spinach
Pic is the same dinner but without the spinach

>> No.11703278

Going for gains?

>> No.11703312

Have you heard of elbow grease? If my grater is spotless in 10 seconds what am I supposed to do exactly, just keep scrubbing? When do I have to stop before all the deadly cheese pathogens are destroyed? I guarantee you my cleanliness standards are higher than yours, I just have a harder work ethic.

>> No.11703329
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Just noob gains since I'm cutting ATM. I'm going to weigh out what I have in cooked meat and do some for lunch tomorrow. If I'm short on calories (below 1200) I might do some more bread or have a bowl of oatmeal before I go for a run

>> No.11703338

yeah just cuz that meal is heavy on protein I figured you were going for it. Keep at it. I couldn't physically do it. So I just look like a lumpy guy, though not overweight, just shapeless haha

>> No.11703337

>Elbow grease on a grater
This dumbass grates his washclothes.

>> No.11703353

Why would you wash dishes with something non-abrasive? And how sharp is your grater?

>> No.11703366

You just exposed yourself. Your mom does the dishes.

>> No.11703405

If you're not using the right tools to wash your dishes and also taking your sweet old time then yeah, I can see how it'd take you 30 seconds to clean a grater. You would be fired in a professional kitchen for this behavior, not because your shit isn't clean, but because your dumbass can't do it in less time and the kitchen staff would have to come over to help relieve the pile up. You're embarrassing yourself by doubling down on such a retarded position.

>> No.11703416

>He works in a kitchen
>Calls others retarded

>> No.11703447

Made a square patty of eggs, and peanut powder, and thinly cut carrot strips with mustard, and sriracha on top, sandwiched it between two servings of ramne square, unboiled. Also seasoned the patty with the ramen powder. It was... okay/

>> No.11703465

Wrong yet again, didn't address the point yet again. You're doing great champ.
I think I speak for everyone in this thread when I say that I hope your slow wit and even slower motor skills are the result of a brain tumor

>> No.11703469
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I use a scouring pad on literally everything. I also replace them once a week instead of boiling/microwaving them. Am I doing it wrong?
It's not that much honestly. I try to get around 180g per day.

Pic is my maintenance diet, give or take a cup of milk.

>> No.11703487

If you've ever worked in a kitchen then you're retarded. If you haven't then kys for thinking you know how a pro kitchen works without working in one.

>> No.11703495
File: 732 KB, 1536x1920, IMG_20190103_174211_166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got beef stew simmering boys

>> No.11703506

Skim that shit mang

>> No.11703528

Are you even employed? I imagine it's hard for someone of your mental fortitude to hold down a job when it takes them 2 hours to wash dishes.

>> No.11703571

I've been a Unix/Linux C programmer for over 22 years. But keep pretending that you work in a kitchen lil man.

>> No.11703643

I told you I don't work in a kitchen, keep up. I washed dishes maybe 15% of the time at my job when I was 16.
Every post you make is embarrassing

>> No.11703658

I said pretending.
Keep up you dense shit for brains.

>> No.11703671
File: 2.30 MB, 4032x3024, F00540B4-6B0C-4B2F-BC19-605F7368C26A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t made tacos in a while. This was my last batch.

>> No.11703680

I never pretended, you assumed that all on your own. And either way why would that change anything about my knowledge?
Stop one upping your embarrassing posts please

>> No.11703693

I assumed it because you put it forth, fool.
Why would anyone talk about a professional kitchen dish bitch without being one?
Oh right damned fools on 4channel.

>> No.11703748

I don't think you'd have to work in a kitchen to agree with anything I said. None of it is controversial or hard to understand. And I put it forth because I used to work in one at 16, like I just said.
Your increasing anger says a lot about you. You're making fun of a 16 year old for having a part time job in high school, it's fucking pathetic.

>> No.11703754


>> No.11703780

Takes ten minutes to properly cllean the cheese grater after

>> No.11703782

>your increasing anger
You're having delusions of grandeur again.
Stop replying, you're becoming more and more irrational and deluded with each post.

>> No.11703792

But it only takes two seconds. you spit on it and throw it back in the drawer.

>> No.11703805

I had 4 ozs of steak left over from eating out last night so i fried a couple eggs to go with it for breakfast, also some home fires

>> No.11703827

I set fire to homes too. WHat's your location, dude?

>> No.11703839

I'll just let our post tree speak for itself

>> No.11703854
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I made cheezy chicken rice casserole but didn't bake it after, some hershey's instant chocolate pudding and scratch garlic-parm biscuits. Canned green beans rounded it out, personally i give it a 5/10 but i've lost my ambition to cook since may when my daughter was born.

>> No.11703870

unironically California

>> No.11703874
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/ck/ is a nice board

>> No.11703879
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Chili Relleno

>> No.11703892
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>> No.11703917
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uncrustables and hot pockets

>> No.11704045

salmon, dandelion greens and taters in parchment with some shallots and scotch bonnet.

>> No.11704046

Me too, Anon.

>> No.11704070
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>> No.11705926

I made pork shoulder steak
nobody ever told me these things were JOOCY as hell

>> No.11706083

Smells like Slav

>> No.11706114
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jesus what is with you faggots. posting a real mans tacos. everything else here is shit.

>> No.11706340
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Wasn't made today, but yeah, fuck the gringo tacos itt.

t. gringo

>> No.11706391

>gatekeeping tacos
little boy manchildren detected. how's it feel to be that insecure?

>> No.11706395
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Chicken Jalfraezi for dinner.

>> No.11706442

>Premade shells

For what purpose

>> No.11707040

Not OP, but all you faggots complaining about freshly grated cheese, this is the only cheese you need for tacos. No it's not tasteless so shut the fuck up. I load my tacos up with this stuff. Yummy.

>> No.11707046
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Goddamn it. This.

>> No.11707079

how did you sick fucks manage to live past 30 years of age with this mentality?

>> No.11707193
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Basado y rojoempastillado