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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 509 KB, 640x640, RP_Pork_and_Sauerkraut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11692897 No.11692897 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people in this board right now that don't eat Pork and Sauerkraut for New Years Day

Fucking degenerates

>> No.11692904

i have some weird home canned pulled pork abortion
might try this

>> No.11693010

I'm having rice cake soup. Are you German? If so, do you guys try to eat an inexpensive dish on New Year's Day? Seems like that's a thing in a lot of places.

>> No.11693036

>eating fermented (rotting) foods

Enjoy your stomach and colon cancer.

>> No.11693108

>you have to eat specific foods on specific dates

Literally why? Why do you allow yourself to be a slave?

>> No.11693112


>> No.11693114

OPs pic isn't German. He's amerifat. Germans dont do this, especially not for NYE.

>> No.11693120

It's traditional in Germany to have this meal, yes. Except maybe in Bavaria but they are not Germany.

>> No.11693128

I see, thank you.

>> No.11693296

Bullshit, I have never heard of this

>> No.11693307

That's because you are Turk

>> No.11693319

musst zurückgehen

>> No.11693325

My family has corned beef, cabbage, and black eyed peas for New Years but I am descended for poor Irish immigrants

>> No.11693340

>fermentation keeps food from rotting
>all people were eating fermented foods out of necessity for thousands of years
>every culture has a type of fermented food
>need to ferment food to last bc no refrigeration
>fermented foods actually support intestinal health and are used as medicine (yogurt)
>"eating fermented (rotting) foods"
your ancestors and gut microbiota are calling you faggots

>> No.11693353

People died of plagues and minor injuries before the harmful effects of a lifetime of fermented food consumption could set in

>> No.11693361
File: 14 KB, 546x566, megafacepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more baseless bad science on /ck/
Happy New Year.

>> No.11693407

In America it's a Pennsylvania Dutch tradition so pretty much everyone on North East US eats it on New Years Eve/Day

>> No.11693450

It's a lifestyle that should be returned to. Get retards dead before they get to be 100+ years old and all useless

>> No.11693476

Hochadel From Bavaria reporting in, yes, we to serve this.

>> No.11693498

You know that a rodent's induced disease has nothing to do with how the food was preserved, right?

>> No.11693507

I never implied otherwise.

>> No.11693538

in USA it's cabbage and black eyed peas

>> No.11693539
File: 250 KB, 1170x779, lenticchie-e-cotechino (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating lentils and cotechino to get luck and money for upcoming year

>> No.11693553

Superior Southern gentleman reporting in.
>slab of bacon, chopped then fried in a sauce pan
>drain bacon, divide in half
>remove stems and veins from fresh collards, cut into strips and add to the sauce pan with half of the bacon and enough water to just cover
>bring greens to a boil and then reduce heat and simmer, covered, until tender
>in another sauce pan, add your pre soaked black eyed peas with the rest of the bacon and enough water to just cover
>bring to a boil and then simmer until tender but not mushy
>take the corn muffin mix that you prepared earlier, and divide it evenly into a greased muffin pan
>serve hot, top the greens with vinegar or hot sauce
>butter the muffins

>> No.11693559

that looks raw

>> No.11695014
File: 416 KB, 620x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Store was out of greens so I got cabbage. Made a pot of black eyed peas with the ham bone from Christmas and cooked the cabbage down in chicken broth with some onions, tomatoes, and bell pepper thrown in. Just ate two fat bowls and boutta hit the couch
happy new year y'all

>> No.11695056

Usually for New Years I make a dish from my ancestry. This year it was paella, with bonus mussels since the man who owns a shellfish farm nearby was selling his surplus on the cheap.

>> No.11695323

>every culture has a type of fermented food
whats the American one?

>> No.11695331
File: 34 KB, 620x400, wbhv3vxheveflf6wwg3t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get all of them

>> No.11695458

Pretty sure the Indians had some sort of fermented corn-wine thing.

>> No.11695462

bread and butter pickles

>> No.11695630

you can't be this stupid

>> No.11695647

Lord, you're stupid.

>> No.11695941
File: 295 KB, 500x500, 1426720634999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not porkchops, black eyed peas, cornbread and greens

>> No.11697015

My n-word. We do ham steak instead though.

>> No.11697026

America makes the best beer in the world.

>> No.11697028

Mashed potato

I had leftovers today

>> No.11697034

Everyone says fermented stuff ISN’T cancerous, but I see no proof for that. You all are torturing your mouth and get cancer in return, thinking it will improve muh gut bacteria kek.

>> No.11697037

Where's your proof that it is cancerous?

>> No.11697039
File: 41 KB, 308x309, 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11697336

Because he said so