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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11692678 No.11692678 [Reply] [Original]

for the love of god the almighty, can someone please tell me how i cook rice without it either sticking or being hard? I tried everything from google and nothing works. I tried putting too little water then adding more later, I tried the "finger" method, everything. What am I missing here?

>> No.11692680

Rice cooker.

>> No.11692687

imagine being too fucking stupid to make rice. just imagine.

>> No.11692700

Rice isn't too hard to do right
short grain is normally stickier, and good for stuff like fried rice or sushi
long grain is less so, and better for stuff with a thick sauce
either way, wash the rice in water till it runs clear
soak for 10 mins
add to a pot then add twice as much fresh water as rice and a little salt
bring to a boil quickly, then cover and simmer 10 mins, then turn off and leave to steam 10 mins
gl kiddo

>> No.11692705

Steam it.

>> No.11692706

I use my rice cooker

>> No.11692711

OP probably has a glass top electric stove. Many models cycle on and off wildly at the low temp required to make rice, that often it is an impossible task.

Make it in the oven.

>> No.11692712

get your ratio right.

Stovetop is 2:1 water:rice
rice cooker is 2.5:1

after cooking, off the heat and let rice SIT (dont open the lid) for at least 25-30 mins. The rice will absorb all the excess steam and settle into just nice fluffy rice.

adjust ratio to liking after initial cooking. Brown/red/black rice will take more water than plain white.

>> No.11692729


>models cycle on and off wildly at the low temp

if thats the case steaming would probably work

>> No.11692748

I only ever make basmati and this is how i do it anon:
1)Put in rice in a non stick pot.
2)add your spices (i use a chicken stock powder), dont add too much about a teaspoon per cup of rice.
3)add about a spoon of olive oil and mix well.
4) for each cup of rice, add 1.5 cups of water (room temp or warm doesnt matter too much)
5) put it on the heat, i use the 2nd strongest of my gas burners. Start it out on the highest heat and cook until water starts to boil. (Make sure that it doesnt stick, stir if u need to).
6) once u see the mixture id boiling lower to heat, to about a 3/10 on ur burner and cover with a lid.
7) now leave it for about 15 minutes without stirring. Your mileage may vary to check every few minutes to make sure u dont overcook it.
8)once ur rice is cooked enough for you, turn off the heat and cover for 5 minutes to steam.
9) ???
10) profit

>> No.11692953

Lol how fucking complicated can you make this..

1 cup of rice in a pot with 2 cups of water.

Stir and make sure the bottom doesn't stick.


>> No.11692968

Rice is annoying to make to be honest, it can go wrong easily and you have to cook it again, just get a rice cooker. All Asians use that anyway

>> No.11693012

>for the love of god the almighty, can someone please tell me how i cook rice without it either sticking or being hard?
If it's sticking to the bottom, thoroughly scrape across the whole bottom when you stir it once before reducing heat to simmer. If it is clumpy and sticky rice style, then rinse the rice or buy a different type/brand.
>I tried putting too little water then adding more later,
You don't lift the lid whatsoever. That will get you hard rice. It's low for 20 mins, turn off for 10 minutes to finish steaming, but never even once lift the lid til 30mins are up.
>I tried the "finger" method, everything.
Ehh. The right amount of water to rice ratio starts with 2:1 or thereabouts, and is tweaked more or less from experience with your particular pot and lid. Thicker bottom and heavy top loses less steam and stays hotter, flimsy thin bottom and loose lid needs more water and removed from hot burner, and so forth. For my own 2qt nonstick saucepan, I use 1 cup rice and 1 3/4 cup water, and I don't rinse my rice. If I did rinse it, of course the rice would hold a little water, and I might reduce what I had by a fraction. If you have a coil burner and a thick pot, you might remove it from the burner to a cool place for the last 10 minutes, if the pot is on a gas range and nice and heavy, you might only turn off the flame. So, practice.

I make valencia short grain sticky rice for cuban and risotto purposes, aged basmati, jasmine, brown n wild blends, konriko pecan new orleans style rice and all of those Texmati fun blends with barley, red rice, and so forth. I add time and water for brown and whole grains, but otherwise the same method for all. I don't need a rice cooker, but if you have rice more than 2x/wk, maybe you should invest in a nice 2qt nonstick pot, or a dishwasher safe rice cooker if you're just so bothered. Both are inexpensive. Hispanics that I know all swear by the microwave pressure cooker device for rice.

>> No.11693243

Makes great rice everytime so why not. Not that hard or time consuming. Great rice is a baseline for a lot of dishes.

>> No.11693248

kek this. its literally fucking rice + water haha.

>> No.11693255

im asian living in asia and i only make rice in rice cooker ever since i was a kid. Ive never done it stovetop. Stovetop is like in 1970s for poor people

>> No.11693710
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>> No.11693721

What rice do you use? Jasmine has always been 1:1 water:rice ration for me.

>> No.11693722

persian rice is by far the fluffiest and least sticky I've had. google how to make it. all I know is they boil the rice, drain, then pressure steam it for a while.

>> No.11693737

you need to wash the rice first to get rid of some of the starch. wash it and drain over and over until the water runs clear. then put the clean rice in a pan, fill it maybe half way with water, and boil. then just wait, pick out a grain of rice after 10-20min and bite it, is it still hard? if yes then boil longer, if not then it's ready. then just strain and you can wash it again with some warm/boiling water to get rid of any extra starch.

>> No.11693749

Imagine being so elitist about your food that you can't help an innocent beginner anon cook some rice.

>> No.11693758

jesus christ, do this and you'll end up with the mushiest rice west of anywhere. if you want softer rice you can use 1.5:1 water to rice, but any higher than that and it's mush. 1:1 or 1:1.25 are acceptable ratios

>> No.11693763

you should choice the right type of Rice

>> No.11693775

Don't fall for the memes, anon. Normal people set a pot of water to boil, when it's boiling they add the rice. You try a little, if its just a littler harder than you want to eat it you drain the rice. Cooking times vary depending on the kind of rice, jasmin rice take roughly 10, "normal" rice ~12 minutes. You can pour cold water over the rice to stop it from cooking, just remember to cook it to your liking and not leaving it a little harder as you'd do when not cooling the rice with water. You are welcome

>> No.11693786

Wash it, and buy rice that isn't sticky (basmati)

>> No.11693836

Imagine seeing the same babby's first troll thread literally hundreds of times when all you want is to discuss food and cooking.

>> No.11693854

LMAO u fucken MAD? If you don't like /ck/ then GTFO

>> No.11693858


>> No.11693860

>1 part rice 5 parts water
>let it boil
>cook for 20 minutes on low-mid heat

>> No.11694241
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>> No.11694264

And as if to prove the point: >>11694213

>> No.11694269

And again: >>11694229

>> No.11694275

If you are referring to normal white rice / basmati rice then remember to properly wash the rice before cooking, place in cool water and bring to a boil then simmer and cover. making sure not to let it boil over. Remember also that the water should cover the rice by about 2". Ensuring it isn't hard is quite easy, just try and bit of rice when the water is low and test if it is too hard, if it is just add some boiled water and repeat the process. Also, remember that when the rice is cooked that you should leave it to steam in the pot for 5-10 mins. This is simple stuff though and honestly shouldn't really be added in this forum.