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11688750 No.11688750 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/, /g/entoomen here. figured this is a good place to ask and start discussion. ive been vegan for over 2 years, dont ever plan to stop, but since that, i found myself very bloated, results in multiple visits of toilet and gassing and that results in painful itching in that area while walking, moving etc. i slowly found out that coffee and beer is also a problem for itchy rectum but since my diet is mostly legumes, that plays big part i guess. last night i cooked a arborio rice with chickpeas in an indian sauce, had a glass of wine and today, man i had to take two showers and lay down for and hour to not feel like in hell. also, because of the frequent toiletting and gassing, i sometimes wipe too much resulting in small traces of blood from iritated parts. what can i do here please?

>> No.11688830

See a doctor, you butthurt dumbass.

>> No.11688881

Stop using silicon moulds, that's like using non-stick pans or something else equally as ghastly.

>> No.11688916


veganism is bad for you, we are not made to digest so much plant matter. Eating raw meat is far healthier so long its good quality, fresh, not contaminated, etc.

>> No.11688920

tone down the fiber a little bit. too much is just as bad as not enough.

>> No.11689103

>anon eating X exclusevly coplains about his diet giving him problems widely known to be due to X diet
>anon doesn't want to change his diet
As a 7-year-hvae-been vegan I can only tell you that it'S your body telling you that that shit is not doing you good. You feel bloated ecause humans can't properly digest so much plant matter. You get horrible farts as well, am I right? This wont ever change, believe me. I felt so bloated I nearly been to the ER thinking my intestines explodes.

Now I'm on meaty paleo and I feel like a young god and having perfect bloodwork.

But I don't expect you to change.

>> No.11689124

>dont ever plan to stop, but since that, i found myself very bloated, results in multiple visits of toilet and gassing and that results in painful itching in that area while walking, moving etc
It's hard to believe an actual person wrote this.

>> No.11689339

OP sounds like one of the healthier vegans to me.


>> No.11689570
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Just keep repeating to yourself "It's a small price to pay for a veneer of moral superiority"

>> No.11689596
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>eat raw meat goy

>> No.11689658

>this thing that I'm doing is causing my body obvious distress, but I'm not about to stop doing it
look up "vegan mental fog" and "vegan leaky gut"
Also read this article:

>> No.11689694

you some kind of antisemite glownigger?

>> No.11689711

this woman describes a situation very similar to what you wrote, and what she is now doing about it. Keep in mind she's also telling her life story. Don't mind the title.

>> No.11691091

Dont listen to them based veganon, sometimes we have to make sacrifices for our beliefs.

>> No.11691105

literally too much fiber
eat some junk pet processed grains once in a while

>> No.11691109

junk processed grains*

white bread white rice ramen noodles

>> No.11691112

>t. parasite infested carnist who doesnt know any better

>> No.11691117

I have those silicone muffin things from pic related. They're pretty legit and have improved my muffins dramatically

>> No.11691960

You will get parasites far quicker from a vgan diet due to the fact that you fuck up your gut health and therefore open it up to bad influences. Your immunsystem lies to a big part in your gut and is dependend as your healtg at all on animal products like fish. If you're immunsystem is weak, you can't fight off even weak attacks.

>> No.11692591

Fuck off shills.

>> No.11692685

>believing leaky gut syndrome is real

Take your pseudoscience elsewhere dumbass



>> No.11692771

As someone with Hashimoto Thyreoiditis and a medical degree I can assure you that those symptoms exist and that medical science is studying it as it's own disorder. Leaky Gut is simply what those living with it call it and those not really knowing what they are talking about like to claim it's all just in their heads. I despise pseudoscience and "alternative medicine" more than any thing else but claiming that something doesn't exist just because the funding for studying the very real symptoms hasn't yet come trough is ignorant. Read about it's association with ATIs and FODMAPS and other autoimmun disorders. They usually go hand in hand.

If ou want to kvetch about quackery, go bitch to all those advocating for accupuncture or "gut cleanse".

>> No.11693123
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the name for a collection of symptoms being classed as a syndrome doesn't really matter, it's allegorical to the sort of pathology it describes. are you gonna claim athletes foot isn't real because 'it doesn't just happen to athletes, so they're not athlete feet it's happening to'? no that'd be silly.


acupuncture is real,


even though we don't fully understand why. 'gut cleanse' is a catchall term used by a great deal of snake oil but there are valid methods of aiding your gut that can be rationally described as 'cleaning', since they involve emptying the digestive tract.

>> No.11693125

just eat a fucking steak it'll cure you of your malady

>> No.11693199

Accupuncture doesn't work.
Your source speaks of treating psychological disfunctions due to a placebo (which works due to us thinking it works). You could literally take a downie and let him stick needles in someone believing in it, and there would be no difference.

Further "cleaning" out your guts is useless and will if at all, harm your gut flora. There is no hidden shit you need to get out, if at all you need to put better bacteria orally (or as a pill analy - a better fecal probe) in.

>> No.11693333
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>Your source speaks of treating psychological disfunctions due to a placebo

it has nothing to do with any kind of placebo effect at all. i don't think you even opened it. the article specifically states that acupuncture can not be considered placebo and no medical circles actually believe it's a placebo anymore.

>In the GERAC and ART projects, no statistical difference was detected between the real and sham groups. The sham acupuncture used in the GERAC and ART projects was minimal acupuncture applied to the non-acupuncture points and did not produce a de-qi sensation. The fact that minimal acupuncture was more effective than guideline-based standard care strongly suggests that minimal acupuncture is not physiologically inert and cannot be considered merely placebo intervention.

acupuncture is real. i don't know what bullshit convinced you otherwise except your lack of imagination disguised as 'rational skepticism'.


>specific stimulation of the skin by acupuncture could influence
>functions of the cerebral cortex and subsequently
>the hypothalumus and its subordinated endocrine glands
>Boeva and his associates demonstrated that stimulation
>acupuncture produced an increase in endogenous
>production of ACTH, and subsequently an increase
>in adrenocortical hormones.40

>Further "cleaning" out your guts is useless

fasting is useless? you're a treasure trove of bad advice and misinformation, aren't you?

>if at all you need to put better bacteria orally

speaking of placebos. probiotics don't do anything to someone who doesn't already have a real gut problem. but since you mentioned 'cleaning out your guts as harming your gut bacteria'


fasting actually encourages microbiotic restoration. so you've not just been wrong, but completely OPPOSITE of correct on everything you've said.

>> No.11693404

>that pic
Cringeed and yikespilled.

Accupuncture has ben shown hundreds of times to not work above a placebo. Your three picked studies don't change that. Read into what a placebo is before sperging out that it's not a placebo.

>fasting is useless? you're a treasure trove of bad advice and misinformation, aren't you?
Fasting works through many ways, foremost autophagy which eliminates many problems to beginn with. What's usually called "gut cleanse" is getting a enema with retarded things to "wash out the slag".

Again, you only understand the halftrues. Stop reading naturalnews.com and you might actually understand the whole topic.

>> No.11693445
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>Cringeed and yikespilled.
>read into what a placebo is

i guess the memes were true

>> No.11693448


not him but acupuncture works. The UK NHS even offers it.

>> No.11693461

German health care offers it to, not because it works, but because people want it. They also offer homeopathy which is nothing but suggar water.

>> No.11693463

become an hero

>> No.11693478


>They also offer homeopathy which is nothing but suggar water.

one of the things 'homeopathy' offers is something called 'turmeric', which is not 'sugar water', so you're factually incorrect, since homeopathy may offer you turmeric, and you said that it's 'nothing but sugar water', which is provably false given the known fact that they offer turmeric.

>> No.11693480

Yea, see doctor. You could have too much fibre.

>> No.11693521

>the probability of any other molecule in the solution besides sugar in on in a couple million
>more than sugar water
Go be autistic somewhere else.

>> No.11693550

FTFY retard

>> No.11693571

carnivore diet

>> No.11693577


actually i can prove that there's turmeric in a pill. really i just have to smell or taste the contents. i think you're thinking of aromatherapy, but you're also wrong about that.

>> No.11693586
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i looked it up, homeopaths strictly recommend against sugar water, how stupid are you

>> No.11693601
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Google "globuli". I'm off to bed.

pic related

>> No.11693619
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thanks for suggestion, cheese-curd-with-honey fried balls with poppyseed crust actually sound dank.

>> No.11693623

What does having thyroid problems have to do with this? I have low thyroid myself. I have also worked in the medical industry and know that it is not immune to idiots.

While thyroid problems do cause vague and unspecific symptoms (e.g. chronic fatigue), it's a health condition that is proven to exist and can be diagnosed via medical tests. That cannot be said about fad diagnoses like LGS.

LGS "experts" claim that the intestinal lining becomes irritated from an unhealthy lifestyle, which then leads to increased intestinal permeability and a myriad of illnesses. However, unlike increased intestinal permeability (which is based on reality), there are no credible tests done to diagnose someone with LGS. Bear in mind a bit of intestinal permeability is completely normal. Even if someone truly has increased intestinal permeability, there has been more than enough research that shows it is not associated with the diseases that LGS advocates describe.


Leaky gut syndrome diagnosis is based on vague and unspecific symptoms, not actual pathology. It is not like Athlete's foot. Leaky gut, unlike leaky gut syndrome, is a real condition.

>> No.11693630


Leaky slut, unlike leaky slut syndrome, is a real person, ie your mom.

>> No.11694471

You are doing it bad.
I'm not vegan, because I eat some occasional meat. But I am eating plant based since 5 years.
Don't listen this WFPB doctors like Greger and Fuhrman that suggest to eat lot of beans, because you'll be really bloated. That stuff is hard to digest. That kind of diet is only suited for fatasses americans which are obese and need to lose an incredble amount of pounds. The same is to be said about unrefined grains (whole pasta, brown rice, etc.). Very bloating and not so tasty to eat in the large amounts needed to meet your caloric needs.
If you are a non fat, active person, on a vegan diet you need to rely on easly digestible starches. So lots of white pasta and bread, like italians does, or white rice, like the asians. Maybe you can eat some beans like a condiment, like McDougall suggest. Too much fiber is going to hurt you. Stick on starches and carb the fuck up.

>> No.11694757

Too much beans. You need to eat more raw foods especially fruit. Try limiting your intake of nightshade vegetables as well. Honestly if your rectum itches a lot you may have a condition known as pin worms. Parasites that invade your anus

>> No.11696053

Is that Freelee?
Man, you can say what you like about her and DurianRider's personalities but her body is amazing.
Her face is better in other pictures, maybe it's the B&W that makes it look shit, she looks fine in outdoors cycling pics.

>> No.11696177
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>another vegan thread

>> No.11696992

That's "get fit with Natasha" she is Durian riders current vegan groupie/slag. Not bad for a 40 year old punter who looks 60 lol (she's low 20's with a bangin body she shows off in every video for the clicks and subs)

This is freelee--

>> No.11697059

Did exactly like you, eating lots of legumes and had the exact same problem, it never healed. Eat more grain instead, just add a little of legumes. If you're not dirt poor as I was always include lots of vegetables.

>> No.11697152

Or just include high quality meat in your diet, be healthy and Don't join an anorexia cult.