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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11686805 No.11686805 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on good ways to prep steak

I currently have it marinating in some generic marinade (1/4 olive oil, 1/4 soy sauce, 1/4 balsamic vinegar, 1/4 worcestershire sauce, a bit of diced garlic).

Next step was going to take it out and put some sea salt on it for 40 mins to tenderize before frying it.

I'm interested to hear what you guys do or any cool marinades I can try for next time.

Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.11686907

I usually marinade in A1, worstishire, and a sweet Jewish wine called manichevitz. I'll add a pinch of salt to the mix.

>> No.11686927
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>marinating a steak

>> No.11686932

A good steak only needs a small amount of butter, salt and pepper.

>> No.11687075

Salt and pepper mixed in to mayo. And don't buy Hellman's or the store brand shit. Turn over the jar and make sure "water" isn't in the top 3 ingredients. The crust development on your steak will be WA-LA-worthy.

>> No.11688488


>> No.11688753

It really doesn't need butter at all if it's prime grade.

>> No.11689108

Marinating in tenderizer is legit. I recently tried filets in beef broth, angus,
But-it removed the beef flavor.
What was cooked in butter was the best.
That’s the time for herbs/seasoning.

>> No.11689151

everything needs a bit of butter. it's called decadence

>> No.11689407

>marinating a steak
R*ddit out.

>> No.11689439

>marinating a steak
What the fuck is wrong with you. The whole point of red meat is to satisfy our primal urges. The nakedness of a steak, the fact that most of us eat it partially cooked, that’s what is important.

>> No.11689442

Steak is the cuck of the culinary world, notice how only faux males obsess over it

>> No.11689448

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.11689509
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Let me guess you like it mid rare and are very enthusiastic about it

>> No.11690139

>pretending simply saying they like their steak the way most people prefer their steak is some kind of epic read
let me guess, you pretend not to like anything and have no friends

>> No.11690226

>things a vegan faggot would say

>> No.11690229

Well OP I would say that's how not to do a steak.

Here's what I'm finna bouta do:
>buy new years sale bone in prime rib roast
>dry age for 40 days over a tray of coarse salt in my mini fridge
>hack off a thicc steak
>salt with coarse salt and fresh cracked peppercorn
>heat a dry CI pan real hot preferably outside
>sear and sear each side 2-5 minutes
>remove pan from heat
>add thicc nob of butter, dash of fresh local olive oil, and slivers of garlic
>tip pan towards you and corral the juice
>baste steak by splashing everything over top with a big spoon
>brush with branch of rosemary until desired doneness
>profit 1000 fold my initial investment.

>> No.11690543

If I have a good, thick steak, I give it some oil and salt, sear in a screaming hot steel or cast iron pan (better yet on the fookin barbie - sear one side, flip over to the grill), pepper as it finishes, turn off the pan, toss in some butter and garlic or shallot, tossing until fragrant, then add a splash of water/beer/red wine to deglaze the pan... let it go until almost all liquid is gone, and top the steak.

If I have a tough or thin steak, I'll usually give it some balsamic or red wine vinegar, a splash of whiskey or beer, mashed kiwi, salt, thyme and garlic, stab it a few times with a fork and let it soak overnight. It's pretty rare I'll eat it as just a steak, but it's great on sandwiches.

>> No.11690555
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>Redpill me on good ways to prep steak
Pan, nice and hot
Oil in pan
Swirl it around
Steak into pan
Sear, two minutes each side
Pat of butter
Sear the sides

>> No.11691077

Make sure the surface is as dry as possible before cooking, any moisture will greatly impede searing and leave you with grey mess.

>> No.11691581

don't have it like that pic

>> No.11691753

awful post

>> No.11693672
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Seriously I want to know whether these things are worth it or I should just stick to a bit of searing and an oven. Also if they are worth using are are the $50 dollar ones good or do I need to spend more? There are ones with wifi and bluetooth which are obvious gimmicks but I'm not sure what to look for as far as heating elements and wattage go.

>> No.11693676 [DELETED] 

>wh*tes are literal savages

>> No.11693967

Yup, and you're our bitch made servant. Back to work helot

>> No.11693980
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I've started

>> No.11693991

why place it over a tray of salt? also do you rub the prime rib down at all?

>> No.11694020

>letting plants and plant oils touch your meat ever

>> No.11694041

Place it over the tray of salt because the salt will wick away and absorb ambient moisture. Moisture promotes mold growth. I did not rub down directly because that would lead to a cure which isn't what were going for. The fat cap should offer plenty of protection for the rather short term 40 days.

>> No.11694244

Your steak ain tender. Ahh

>> No.11694255

You shut your whore mouth!

>> No.11696012
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I ended up grabbing one since they are getting pretty cheap now. This was my first attempt. I probably seared it a bit too long but it still turned out very juicy, tender, and delicious. Temp was set for 130f. Not very time efficient, but worth it if you are not in a hurry..

>> No.11696024

you don't need to marinade if you stop buying shit cuts

>> No.11696025

This is the only proper reply

>> No.11696039


In addition, this one was $80 and 1000 watts. There seems to be a lot around that price that are the same thing but different names. I wouldn't go with anything cheaper as they might suffer in accurate temp control which definitely effects the overall cooking time. The cooking time only counts down while the water is at the set temp, otherwise it stalls the timer until it gets back up to temp. So your might have it set for 130 degrees for an hour but it might take upwards of 2 hours if the temp is not maintained adequately.

No app with it, but the apps dont really seem like a necessity.

>> No.11696090

You get the same result as reverse searing in the over except you just waste a bunch of plastic.

>> No.11696418

What kind of steak cut is that?

>> No.11696567

Please elaborate. I really fucking hope you're not just throwing these maymay words in after rummaging around in /v/ or /pol/.

>> No.11696571

Reverse sear. All day, every day.

I have always seared both sides on a blazing hot cast iron skillet, then put in oven for 90 seconds each side before resting.

It works, but I reverse seared once and will never go back.

Put in 275 oven until proper temp for what you want (rare, medium rare, etc.). Pull it out (35 minutes or so). It will be a grey piece of shit.

Sear each side and serve.

>> No.11697431

How is that superior to reverse reverse sear (regular sear+oven)?

>> No.11697469

OP, ignore the dim-witted folks that insist a "good" steak only needs salt and pepper. I'm not saying there's anything wrong enjoying steak like that, but it's ridiculously close-minded and they're closing themselves off from a wide variety of amazing flavors. If you want to explore some options, look up the following things: steak au poivre, steak diane, bordelaise sauce, bearnaise sauce, chimichurri, mole, and compound butter.

>> No.11697725

Be careful with acidic ingredients in your marinade, vinegar, lemon juice, ect. They start to cook the meat, slowly. If you utilise these ingredients keep your marinade time under 30 minutes. If you use larger cuts of meat the time can increase but smaller pieces of meat need less time.

Although marinating a steak is a carnal sin on /ck, it's alright with shit cuts. You should give a dry marinade a try (rub) , get pre made rubs or make your own. You only need about 10 minutes for the flavour to penetrate the meat.

Let's say I make ribs or brisket, I'll use a dry rub first but then have it bake in a tray with effectively a watered down marinade. If I use cheap steak, I'll just brush some BBQ sauce onto the steak when I fry it, serves a similar purpose.

>> No.11697732

I won't pretend to know the science. It was just far better.

Some say it allows for a more consistent interior. You'll have a wider band of juicy red.

>> No.11697737

if its a decent cut then brine it at the most

>> No.11697888

Good answer.

>> No.11697895

How much does it cost?

>> No.11697941


Totally worth it. Salt + pepper, 135-137 for 2-3 hours, dry w/paper towel before searing. Finish with kitchen torch, or cast iron.

>> No.11698063

It was USDA prime on holiday sale at raleys for 5 ish dollars a lb. I sent my wife to the store to pick it up for me before the sale ended and she came back with the whole rack lol. 19 lbs sooo we have ribeye for days now. I chunked it up into thirds roughly and I'm having family over tonight for ribeye sliders.

>> No.11698072

For a price comparison dry aged bone in rib eye steaks retail for $40+ per lb at boutique butcher shops.