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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11684474 No.11684474 [Reply] [Original]

>Eats ramen with a fork.

>> No.11684488

i went to a honky viet thai restaurant and they gave me a fork to eat pho with
it was so fucking bizarre and unsatisfying

>> No.11684494

Nobody does that. Nobody is that stupid.

>> No.11684511

I don't know how to use chopsticks

>> No.11684518

just got bad ramen at a "hipster" restaurant in flyover USA. tongue is burnt to shit. ama

>> No.11684533
File: 13 KB, 750x750, Tablekraft-Bogart-Cake-Fork-Each_1_750px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer a cake fork because you can chop the noodles a bit to wrap them around and avoid slurping like a tard.
Get fucked, chopsticks are lame. It is nearly the Year of our Lord 2019 and you still use those? I'd call you a weeb but that would be too easy and you probably have no shame anyway.

>> No.11684548

I'm not Asian, so why would I eat noodles with chopsticks?

>> No.11684562

I'm not going to use your inferior utensils, Lee.

>> No.11684563

my dad probably does

>> No.11684573

What does being Asian have to do with anything? Everybody knows how to use chopsticks.

>> No.11684589

I only use a fork because I don't have any chopsticks.

>> No.11684592

if I'm a restaurant or friends house sure I'll use chopsticks otherwise I'm not using them at all
you would be surprised at the amount of people who doesn't I was one of them it took me 2 days to learn how to hold chopsticks correctly

>> No.11684598

kill self pls?

>> No.11684623

eating noodles with chopsticks doesn't make you cultured. I hope you are aware of this.

>> No.11684629

>doing something normal that makes sense and is enjoyable doesn't make you cultured
No shit.

>> No.11684631

imagine the person who typed this out

>> No.11684684


>> No.11684700

The only reason people get assblasted about this is because they think you need to eat it with chopsticks because that's what Asians do. You're just retarded.

>> No.11684704

Imagine how bad the weeb behind these posts must smell.

>> No.11684747

>amount of people who doesn't

>> No.11684767

Nips are a notoriously clean people and since weebs attempt to emulate them, they're more likely to have little to no body odor compared to other westerners who smell like sour milk, rancid butter and dog feces.

>> No.11684774

You almost got me. Well played

>> No.11684782

Weebs are not clean people, christ.

>> No.11684784

If you haven't been to asia you should never use chopsticks.

>> No.11684787

Theres no better feeling than grabbing some noodles with chopsticks and slurping it loudly

>> No.11684792

Subhuman monger

>> No.11684810

you must not know the feeling of jamming chopsticks in the eyes of a slurpshit like you.
now that's a great feeling

>> No.11684839

>ramen noodles slip cleanly in between the twines
>lift to mouth
>consume as nothing falls

>asians lift noodles with twigs
>noodles too short fall
>need slurp

>> No.11684846

>Everybody knows how to use chopsticks.

People barely know how to use a fork and knife.

>> No.11684848

Have you ever been to one of the weeb conventions (animecon, comiccon, anything cosplay, tekko) ??? The people literally smell like shit and are mostly overweight weeaboos. Even the fucking women are disgusting.

>> No.11684869

Imagine not eating ramen with your bare hands.
(I'm sorry friends I actually do this)

>> No.11684878

I don't know any zoomers. Everyone I know was raised normally.

>> No.11684915

>tfw cant use chopsticks for shit
granted only time i use them is when gf and I go out to eat at some asian place which rarely happens.

>> No.11684922

I want to see a video of an angry man pounding his wife in the kitchen

>> No.11685038

You may be right about the zoomer part, usually those are the one I see who dont know what theyre doing

-34 year old boomer

>> No.11685058

>eating the bait this fucking hard
Welcome newfag

>> No.11685076

>slams weebs based on personal experience at weeb conventions
Anon I...

>> No.11685131

holy shit, imagine being such an uncultured boomer swine that you can't even operate two sticks to eat food.

you literally can't make this shit up

>> No.11685361

>he chews his ramen

>> No.11685446

i bet you guys hold chopsticks wrong

>> No.11685597

you're a fucking moron

>> No.11686554

I'm eating ramen with a fork right now.

>> No.11686569

what flavor

>> No.11686572

Y'all cuss too much on here. Y'all like some kids who just learned cuss words.

>> No.11686588

>i dont know how to use chopsticks
if you're retarded, just say it. dont project

>> No.11686598

fuck you
you useless piece of shit
snarky cunt
you bitch
you and your whore mother

>> No.11686602

I eat it with a fork and a spoon and do that twirly thing like a real italian. Then if the noodles are still too long, I cut them off with a knife. Delicious.

>> No.11686608

>"don't project"

>> No.11686646

I'm korean and we eat cake with dispoable pulp chopsticks. Is this insulting?

>> No.11686655

You sound like your friends mother trying to use reverse psychology to trick you into eating shitty vegetables
>Oh gee Anon if you like Broccoli you're love kale/brussel sprouts/other trash/vegan option
No one likes kale
Nigger faggot cunt

>> No.11686664
File: 165 KB, 932x750, ramen4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting ramen

>> No.11686671
File: 2.97 MB, 3024x4032, ramen0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11686676
File: 1.38 MB, 2964x2921, ramen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11686680
File: 1.08 MB, 2669x2599, ramen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11686685
File: 123 KB, 968x748, ramen5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11686686

Delicious, better then the microwave shit ramen that I eat.

>> No.11686779

Why'd you go to have overpriced, probably unauthentic shitty ramen in a tourist trap?

>> No.11687512


>> No.11687531

how do you not know how to use chopsticks? If you have any dexterity at all you shouldnt have any problem with it.

because it allows for smaller bites and cools the noodles faster.

>> No.11687534

lololol i use chopsticks and i havent bathed in a week.

>> No.11687545

there is no better ramen than making your own gourmet.

>> No.11687558

>eating Maruchan ramen with chopsticks


>> No.11687564

looks like a slop 'o shit

>> No.11687569

>hes never eaten good ramen

>> No.11687570


>> No.11687577

>eat cock with a mouth
Literally OP

>> No.11687589
File: 2.00 MB, 200x200, 1519402489542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even know how to make ramen?

>buy actual real noodles
>meats if you like
>a good stock or broth
>lots of fresh herbs

cook the noodles first in the broth, throw in your cooked meat, spice it up, then put your vegetables in at the last second. throw a little cream in there and bam you got a bowl of ramen. all "good" ramen doesnt have to look like those pictures, but It should be colorful and... wait, how do you feel about chicken noodle soup? do you think its better to eat a can of chicken noodle, or to make your own homemade soup? Canned chicken noodle is equivalent to prepacked ramen. and dont you dare say you'd prefer canned soup over home made.

ramen is basically soup. do you hate soup?

>> No.11687854

Once I got used to using chopsticks there is truly no better way to eat ramen.
No metallic fork near your mouth, just nature’s own eating utensil; a couple of nice big sticks.

>> No.11687909

Cant even motor controls properly, probably sees masturbating as "Hand Eye Coordination bro!"

>> No.11687927

weeb soup a shit

>> No.11687937

but its just regular soup! Its broth and noodles, and you can even put chicken in it and it becomes chicken fucking noodle soup.

Imma fuckin bust a nut in yo ass

>> No.11687959

what is all this garbage they threw in there?

>> No.11687966

soup can't be weeb. how the fuck can ramen be "wannabe japanese" ? it's already japanese

>> No.11687972

>doesn't eat ramen with a spoon
are you eating soup or not?

>> No.11687987

>eats feed with seed

>> No.11688063

insisting I cheap ass instant ramen with chopsticks to be "authentic" is weeb shit

>> No.11688219

Are you referring to the woodear?

>> No.11688229

no u

>> No.11688256

>cools the noodles faster
Maybe try not being such a fat, greedy fuck and let the noodles cool down before shoving them into your greasy face.

>> No.11688317

literal soup nazis. never forget the 6 million noodles.

>> No.11688568


>> No.11688577
File: 190 KB, 688x1434, Fox on 4chan source 4chan imgur_1bc556_4628884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11688628

I play the piano and I've worked as a gas engineer. My dexterity is fine. But using chopsticks is a learned skill just like everything else, and I just can't see any benefit.

>> No.11688634

>grapes growing on trees

>> No.11688643

it's obviously on a vine that's wrapped itself around the tree you crayon-muncher

>> No.11688655

>ill finally get laid by my chinese waitress once she sees me using sticks to eat!!!

Unironic mentality

>> No.11688669

what fucking fag censored the word fag out of this

>> No.11688733

probably you you f*g

>> No.11688749


>> No.11688862
File: 33 KB, 300x300, n1yze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to chinese restaurant with a friend
>I use a fork
>he holds his chopsticks and explains to me how to use them
>I tell him that I'm fine with simply using a fork
>he says that he's trying to teach me how to use chopsticks because it's expected of me because I am dining at a chinese place
>Yeah, well, this chinese place is in Canada where it is expected we use forks
>he just scowls like a bitch for the rest of the meal

to be fair, he was scowling the entire time before that too. I wonder if he's succeeded in chasing away anyone who would put up with him yet. I certainly don't bother anymore.

>> No.11688882

who hurt you?

>> No.11688888

Man, FUCK YOU. I could eat with a god damn screwdriver if I wanted to, but I don't because it's RETARDED

>> No.11688893

>i dont care about culture

>> No.11688895

Are you white? I go places with my gf and her family sometimes and I'm the only white guy with them and they will sometimes give me a fork even though I never use it. I can use chopsticks just fine but I guess the resturaunts either get a lot of middle aged mom's asking for forks or they just assume whiteys can't use gook utensiles. Kinda funny considering I can pleat dumplings better than my gf, but she's also basically a westerner.

>> No.11688896

watch your language please
also checked

>> No.11688910

>pork slice
>pickled bamboo
>green onions
>wood ear mushroom
>maybe some bean sprouts
>noodles, pork broth
That's all it is, are you baiting or do you also think star anise is some alien spice as well?

>> No.11688917

why is that mister

>> No.11688919

sounds like you and your friend have a good combination for some epic bantz. you guys could make a tv show

>> No.11688923

I don't know about you anon but I use western and eastern utensils interchangeably. Fork and knife for things like steaks, pastas, eggs, and I'll use chopsticks and a soup spoon for stir frys, Asian soups, or even foods that are bite sized like dumplings or sliced meat. I find them each to be good at their own things so I use both.

>> No.11688942

>thinks eating with two meme sticks makes you appear more cultured

Only weebs and hipsters do this.The only thing chopsticks are good for is sushi and using your fingers is still better.

>> No.11688945

anon, you're not allowed to be reasonable here. you have to pick one extreme or the other and vigorously defend it until kingdom kek

>> No.11688956

Go away you stupid faggot nigger and shove your use of "y'all" up your ass. You've probably never set foot in the south

>> No.11688992

Yes he's baiting and you're stupid for falling for it

>> No.11689010

this incel'd up fag does not deserve quints

>> No.11689025

Lots of foul mouth lil boys in here who's parents should of beat em.

>> No.11689226

Wow its so hard to use chopsticks!

Its just two fuckin stick

>> No.11689256

Go back to facebook you nigger queer

>> No.11689277

Why use sticks when actual eating utinsils exist?

>> No.11689304

Chopsticks are actual utensils

>> No.11689314

Its just two fuckin stick

>> No.11690185

A bowl is a slab of ceramic you dork. I'm going to step on your face with my stinky socks on to show you who's boss.

>> No.11690195

foot fetish much?

>> No.11690198
File: 51 KB, 749x741, 1544669428432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He puts the block of noodles in before the water starts boiling