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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11684404 No.11684404 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Muhreen Fag
>last 4 years been living that /frugal life
>MRE and Chowhall shit. Saving money not eating out or buying food
>mfw no tastebuds left
>mfw I can chow on buffalo shit and can't taste a single thing

Please help me /ck/ I'm dying inside.

I got my DD214 and I leave base tomorrow what should my first meal be to rejuvenate my taste buds?

>> No.11684415


>> No.11684429

chili mac

>> No.11684433

Btw im a gay marine

>> No.11684435
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>> No.11684437

I'm more of an Elbow mac kinda guy

>> No.11684442


>> No.11684450 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 450x300, burning-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the usa
fuck the troops
fuck veterans

>> No.11684452

AF here, you're a faggot. I love my smoothie machines at the Dfac

>> No.11684456

An All-American Cheeseburger from a reputable restaurant.

>> No.11684463

believe me, I've come to resent my involvement and I completely regret my decision to join.

>> No.11684466

Like all pussy faggot traitors

>> No.11684473

Nothing I enjoyed more than hanging around Luke AF base in AZ and beating the fuck out of airmen

>> No.11684489

any food recommendations though?

>> No.11684503

Eat burgers

>> No.11684506

One table spoon of lemon juice
One tea spoon of salt
One table spoon of hot sauce
One teaspoon of sugar

Reactivate your taste buds with the essence of flavor

>> No.11684508

Are we supposed to feel sorry for you because you suckled on the taxpayer teat for four years?
Eat a bullet.

>> No.11684515

Not asking you to feel sorry but to help me with eatting

>> No.11684522

Treat yourself senpai. Not sure where you live now that you're out but hit up a steakhouse or a seafood place and go to town

>> No.11684527

Buffet or Chinese Food. Just sit down and slowly enjoy the flavors. Not a fan? Try cooking yourself some sweet potato casserole, barbeque pulled pork, avacado slices, pesto and fresh baguette.

Still not a fan?
Buy some ground beef, white Cheddar cheese, fresh lettuce, onion, mushroom caramelize the mushroom and onion, season beef appropriately with your favorite flavors, and put it on a nice gourmet roll. Lettuse on the bottom with the cheese, onions mushrooms on top..

>> No.11684529

Try some matzoh soup and gefilte fish.

>> No.11684531

I've never seen a muhreen even look me in the eye before. Nice try. :)

>> No.11684539

I'm currently in Oceanside but I'm driving up Orange County to visit family

>> No.11684871
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so stupid it might work...

fund it! get those lemons!

>> No.11684938

Go to a Vietnamese or Thai place. A good one, too - one of the ones that's tucked out of the way and that nobody's ever heard of, where the waiter and chef yell at each other in incomprehensible moonspeak. Have a big drink of water to clean the gunk off your palette, then go inside and order tom kai kha or whatever they call it (basically a spicy coconut and chicken soup). Appetizer is optional; just try and have your palette ready when the soup comes. Slowly taste the soup.

If you've done everything correctly, you shall be rewarded with flavor nirvana. The flavor is so varied and complex (and real damn tasty) that your tongue will be instantly healed. Or it'll be overloaded and die, but it's a better last meal than barracks food. Good luck, OP.

>> No.11684998

>one of the ones that's tucked out of the way and that nobody's ever heard of, where the waiter and chef yell at each other in incomprehensible moonspeak
Reminds me of my fav Vietnamese place, except it's run by 2 generations of the same family that opened it 25 years ago. Never had a bad meal there.

>> No.11685021

just ask your drill Sargent or whoever is brainwashing you lately

>> No.11685022


>> No.11685039

get a pizza or burger at a sit down restaurant. thanks for your service OP

>> No.11685063

buy a pizza
take mayo, mix in crushed garlic
dip the pizza in the garlic mayo
you'll taste it

>> No.11685231

Fuck off mayo slag

>> No.11685239

I can't wait for all the Vietnam vets to die so we can finally stop pretending to care about veterans.

>> No.11685255

We'll still have the Gulf war, Afghan war, Iraqi war and Syrian war vets to suffer through.

>> No.11685264

Those ones were't drafted. Very different situation.

>> No.11685293

thank you for your service.

>> No.11685309

Based homoposter

>> No.11685320

Oh, I'm sorry.
I guess I got confused because you spent more of your post talking about your "service" than you did about cooking.

I've saved more lives than you, but if I start a thread asking for recipes I don't drone on about how tough and stressful my job is. Why the fuck would I?

>> No.11685323
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Should have join the air Force for five star meals then crayon munching faggot

>> No.11685324

lol, what the fuck is going on in this thread? Why does /ck/ hate veterans so much? I've never seen this many inexplicably combative responses to a non-bait /ck/ thread before. Did you all lose kids to drone strikes or something?
Not sure I understand, OP. Why would years of not getting to eat flavorful foods make it harder to taste flavor after you resume eating them? Wouldn't that just make flavors even more intense, like falling off the wagon and getting back into a recreational drug after having quit long enough for your tolerance to go away? Anyway, I would probably try sushi if I wanted to some loud but still enjoyable flavors between the fish taste (especially if you go with something like mackerel), the soy sauce for saltiness, and the wasabi for that pseudo-spicy burning sensation.

>> No.11685346


>> No.11685348

>you spent more of your post talking about your "service" than you did about cooking
>I've saved more lives than you
It sounds like you're projecting your own weird desire to have people acknowledge how special and important you are onto OP. His post just said he's been eating bland garbage for years because of the military and now he's looking for flavorful foods to try getting back into normal eating. He didn't say anything about saving lives.

>> No.11685349

garlic butter mashed potatoes
dr pepper
green beans
ice cream and apple pie for desert

>> No.11685365
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>all these losers ITT getting upset at a marine

>> No.11685393

Hey man at least I haven't killed any kids

>> No.11685408

>I haven't killed any kids
Vegans pls leave now.

>> No.11685429
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>Being this butthurt over a crayola muncher

>> No.11685448

Our meals aren't 5 star but compared to the other branches lol

>> No.11685500

your tastebuds don't work like that you fucking retard

>> No.11685505


>> No.11685576
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Bet you keep telling your parents and friends that "one day" you'll finally enlist.

>> No.11685585
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>Mom come look! I posted it again!

>> No.11685593

Why would anybody want to join the U.S. military when they won't even send you to get shot at with another decent dude by your side, but some faggot or bitch instead?

Today's military is nothing more than another faggot liberal arts college campus, but in uniform.....and gayer.

>> No.11685621

I'm already enlisted retard

You think money grows on trees? Better to join the military than be 40k in debt from college. 4 years and you go to school for free.

>> No.11685712

>Better to join the military than be 40k in debt from college. 4 years and you go to school for free.
You can't go to school for free if you get unlucky and die before that 4 years is up.

>> No.11685715 [DELETED] 

>I'll join your military...but only for money, and I don't want to fight, o.k.?

This right here is about 85% of the military...except now you have faggots, trannies, and bitches in your combat units too, along with all the losers just there for a paycheck and a meal. It's pathetic.

Why would anyone want to be a part of that cancer when the force is supposed to actually defend the nation?

>> No.11685721

a bacon cheeseburger desu. lotta flavots, pretty filling, tastes like home.

>> No.11685723

was in usmc 4 years. even the most responsible penny pinching jew marine STILL went out into town once in awhile and got "real food". stfu faggot. probably a pog ass bitch anyways

>> No.11685764
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>The entire USMC behaves exactly like a few of my personal acquaintances

>> No.11686102

>he says behind his computer

>> No.11686109

>2018+11months and 30 days
Fuck off Boomer.

>> No.11686131

Exactly. Because everyone thinks you're retards, but if you didn't willingly do this shit some of the rest of us might be forced to, so we pretend to honor you for your, cough, service. Just to keep the stream of retards coming.

>> No.11686152

Literally impossible if you're not in a combat job lmao

Because that isn't actually 85% of our force, or else we wouldn't be able to do anything. Also, it's a job, what do you expect us to do? Defend the country for free at tip top shape? Dumbass.

>> No.11686238

I wouldn't go for just one thing to activate tastebuds. I've cooked for family who served and they had the same issue, so I'll go with what I did for them.

First you have to get your salivary pumps shifted into high gear. I did this with making really strong, sharp reduction sauces that used berry vinegar rather than wine. You'll be pumping spit like a pro in no time. Put that on something that has little flavor on its own but will soak up flavor from sauces, like chicken breast. Run the gauntlet of the strongest flavors like sweetness, saltiness, sourness and acidity and put them on things like pasta, potato and stuff like that. Run these foods all over every part of your tongue while you chew. Train those tastebuds to do their job. When you feel ready, try other stuff with a myriad of different flavors. If you can't taste each individual sensation, you must train some more.

>> No.11686392
File: 107 KB, 500x428, enrolled-to-fight-in-the-middle-east-not-the-midterms-37401820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally nothing wrong with joining to help pay for school or something but if you unironically join for pic related you're a stupid and also possibly evil motherfucker

>> No.11686401

>muh reens

>> No.11686909

This. People who signed up voluntarily for a hazardous job that has great training and benefits for life don't deserve any special praise or "thanks for your service" bullshit. They get plenty from our tax dollars as it is, and are usually assholes or retards (see OP).

>> No.11686934 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 279x394, some faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The U.S. military hasn't won fuck all since WWII where the g'damn Russians did most of the work in the ETO. They couldn't even defend themselves from faggots and feminists, and there's millions of illegal aliens colonizing the nation, so they're LESS than worthless as a "defense" force.

>> No.11687040

that's where the wars are cooked up now, son

>> No.11687056

I never knew /ck/ would get so triggered over someone in the military

>> No.11687070

B-but muh Commander-in-Chief Bone Spur said we was kangs 'n shite!

>> No.11687071
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>Defend the country

>> No.11687090

>OMG OMG, I signed a contract to get shot at, blown up, stabbed, maimed, deafened, and/or potentially murdered and/or somehow disabled
>gib money pl0x

>> No.11687103


Is that why you live with your parents?

>> No.11687116

>it's just one person guys
try to keep up

>> No.11687119

missed your mark, WAY off

>> No.11687143


My bad, I couldn't tell with how badly you were trying to sound like a retarded child.

>> No.11687194

Become a model.

>> No.11687205

Is that why you wanted him to join the armed forces?

>> No.11688182

being a cop or a firefighter or a logger is unironically more dangerous than being in the military lmao

>> No.11688217

This thread is strange to me. Aren't poltards supposed to encourage a bigger military and more spending on it?

>> No.11688228

You're on /ck/, buddy. People here are capable of feeding themselves, so they have more libertarian leanings than the basement dwellers.

>> No.11688234

This much gatekeeping

>> No.11688235
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>everything outside of reddit and facebook is /pol/

>> No.11688236

no, /pol/ is anti-interventionism and would rather have a military of a few hundred thousand BTFOing mexicans trying to cross the southern border than millions engaging in interventionist wars on behalf of Israel halfway around the world.

>> No.11688266

It is but meanwhile I think I have PTSD from being a cop in a large city and these military fags have claimed that for their own. I should go see someone about it but I'm staving it off with a healthy liquor regimen at the present.

>> No.11688461

Jodie will take you out to 5 Guys.

>> No.11688499

Every year I go about 3-4 months on a contractual deployment where I'm generally living somewhere arid, the water generally tastes like the smell of gasoline, I have to shit with the natives and I don't see a green vegetable for the light of day. I think I know your pain anon.

>> No.11688662

Not that anon, but I joined to the military to shoot shitskins, and the army couldn't even do THAT right.

The military was once a defense force for the nation, but than the communists subverted our government, and now our military is nothing more than an expensive SJW police force designed to protect politicians and their donors.

>> No.11688682

>but I joined to the military
Didn’t take advantage of the educational or English language programs I see, Hernandez.

>> No.11688684

Sure, if you're some fucking leg support faggot instead of airborne Infantry or SOF. I'd like to see you try to coordinate a raid of over 150 assaulters with supporting fires, CAS and IDF in the dark WHILE UNDER FIRE without getting anybody killed that shouldn't be getting killed. It's not as easy as cutting a log, writing a ticket, carrying some hose, or writing a shitpost, pumpkin.

>> No.11688688

>the communists subverted our government
go back to the Qanon threads

>> No.11688702
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>The DNC and their college useful idiots haven't been spewing communist dogma for 40 years now
Yea, fuck off child.

>> No.11688722

Oh yeah the super powerful DNC who bend over backwards for the republicans at the drop of a hat.

>> No.11688766

I suggest a nice chili. Or biscuits and gravy with two sunny side up eggs. Or if you can swing it, an arbys roast beef and cheddar with extra horsey sauce. Or if you can, a nice steak with lots of horseradish sauce.

>> No.11688786

Just because they're limp-wristed pussies doesn't mean they're any less of a communist.

>> No.11688814

Serious answer: go to a place that serves a really good cheeseburger and milkshake.
Get a Double-Cheeseburger with everything on it and a Strawberry Shake. Fries or onion rings optional.
Eat slowly. Savor each bite. Sip the shake and let it sit in your mouth for a few extra seconds.
Use all your senses to process the experience.
And thank you for your service.

>> No.11689580
File: 103 KB, 382x497, fight for israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a good goy, thank you for your service.

>> No.11689590

just know I would kick your fucking teeth in if I found out where you faggot "huh" posters lived.

>> No.11689611

show me a copy of your ERB

>> No.11689615

Jej, I feel like you're the type who let's their tard child wear those stupid fucking hats that show your only worth.

>> No.11689621

Don't you mean my DD 214, pumpkin?

>> No.11689732

burger king foot lettuce

>> No.11690234

Where u stationed? That would help.
Semper Fudge

>> No.11690248

I haven't eaten in 12 years and I'm not even hungry. Get on my level, bitch.

>> No.11690267

Why don't you blow a homeless guy and swallow his nut?.

>> No.11690286

Make it grapefruit juice to activate bitter as well. Also throw in a stock cube.