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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 702x507, himalyan_salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11681461 No.11681461 [Reply] [Original]

>not exclusively only using pink salt in 2018

do you not want extra minerals and health benefits or something?

this shit isn't even expensive. There's literally no reason left to purchase regular white salt now

>> No.11681472

>2019 in 3 days
>not using black lava salt

>> No.11681479

>Himalayan sea salt from Tibet
Go away ChiCom

>> No.11681586

I don't fall for memes.

>> No.11681624

most pink salt is actually harvested in pakistan.

>> No.11681669

I was trained with Kosher salt. Specifically the diamond crystals red box, the cooks here know what I mean. Every other salt I try is the wrong size and density and I end up getting too much or too little.
Sel Gris or fleur de sel or Peruvian wet salt are my normal choices for garnish work

>> No.11681674

Enjoy the goitre in a few years anon

>> No.11681717

How many soldiers died so we could enjoy this dirty Afghani meme salt?

>> No.11681732

Why do people put so much effort into avoiding iodine fortification?

>> No.11681733

only the finest virgin organic non GMO himalayan pink salt for me

>> No.11681762

pink salt has natural iodine you goof

>> No.11681768

That's the stuff for me. I stopped using plain salt because I don't like to use white things, but then I realized that most white people are really pink. So black lava salt would be really good.

>> No.11681769

>Although pink Himalayan salt may naturally contain some iodine, it most likely contains less iodine than iodized salt. Therefore, those who have iodine deficiency or are at risk of deficiency may need to source iodine elsewhere if using pink salt instead of table salt.

>> No.11681773

>t. thyroidlet
my bad, fatty

>> No.11681788

>It has iodine!
>OK, it doesn't really have much iodine, b-but I bet you're fat and I don't need it anyway!

>> No.11681798

Pink himalyan salt is 2013 tier we /iodized/

>> No.11681799

if you eat this shit you will become a literal cretin

>> No.11681835

>sucking pink salt's fat greasy cock
>literally insignificant trace amounts of minerals
Found the brainwashed retard.

>> No.11681839

point being nobody is avoiding iodine fortification, you're just a fatty for needing it supplemented into your table salt while most people who eat healthy do just fine without it.

>> No.11682461

Kosher Salt and Iodized, anything else and you're fucking up, anons

>> No.11682463

cool ads m8

>> No.11683733
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, slide_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you keep getting weight as an issue here? Are you under the impression only fat people use table salt? I'm Mahatma Gandhi hungry skelly mode, so I'm guessing the real fatty here is either yourself or else your past self before you figured out how to stop eating so much and you're just projecting.
>most people who eat healthy do just fine without it
>most people
>who eat healthy
So not only are you suggesting it isn't a problem unless more than 50% of the world population have it, but you're going even further and saying it has to be more than 50% of the world population "who eats healthy." Do you realize how ridiculously stupid the place you've moved your goalposts to is? How many serious medical problems are currently afflicting more than 50% of the world population, let alone 50% of the world population after filtering out anyone who isn't eating a "healthy diet?" The answer is none, which is the sort of conclusion I normally wouldn't feel the need to spell out except that I'm trying to explain this to someone who might literally be brain damaged from iodine deficiency.
And yeah, only 655 MILLION people have iodine deficiency to the point of endemic goiter, great job thinking this through you absolute retard.
>Over 1/3 of world population live in iodine deficient area; 1.6 billion are at risk of iodine deficiency; 655 million have goiter
Do you know why they call goiter caused by iodine deficiency "endemic?" Go look that word up and then never post here again.

>> No.11683742

>health benefits
Are you really that stupid?

>> No.11683775

kosher for almost everything

maldon salt for finishing

mix in excess zest from lemons or limes with kosher to create salt blends

everything else is a meme

>> No.11683815

The amount of "minerals" in pink salt are insignificant. Eat veggies or fruits retard.

>> No.11684407

>t. fatass

>> No.11684419

im not gonna race mix my salt

>> No.11685024
File: 327 KB, 454x610, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally brain damaged. Switch to iodized salt while there's still a possibility of recovering some of your mental faculties.

>> No.11685029

Ah, PHS. Simpler memes for a simpler time.

>> No.11685059

If everyone used Himalayan pink salt Everest would be levelled in a couple years.

>> No.11685091

>not supplementing with iodine

>> No.11685097
File: 914 KB, 2400x2400, b30fb118-6e3b-421c-9cad-ae4391acd660_1.c5b0b84c98de60313272b65d63e4083d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Morton box is what I grew up on.

>> No.11685115


>> No.11685185

No. I don't know who that is.
Why would you take an iodine supplement when it's already taken care of in normal iodized table salt? It's like you're deliberately trying to find ways to screw up the most idiot-proof disease prevention measure ever implemented.

>> No.11685357
File: 30 KB, 250x323, 250px-Comanche_portraits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think people throughout history from hunter-gatherers on up existed w/o goiters? You're probably the same kind of faggot who thinks flour needs to be "enriched."

>> No.11685367

Only use mined salt to avoid microplastic contamination.

>> No.11685369

>How do you think people throughout history from hunter-gatherers on up existed w/o goiters?
>Goiter has always been a disease of immense interest of the general population due to its widespread prevalence. It is one of the most common medical problems portrayed in ancient paintings.
There you go, idiot.

>> No.11685380

i just pink salt cause i like the color pink :)

>> No.11685394

Sadly that's the least stupid reason for doing this that's been brought up in this thread so far.

>> No.11685427
File: 23 KB, 466x466, 612OjM+2-zL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not licking one of these babies with each bite of your food

>> No.11685432

I do lick babies, but they don't look like that.

>> No.11685455


>> No.11685459

my roommate had one and I licked it, it wasn't salty at all.

>> No.11686484

it's just fucking iron

>> No.11686946


>> No.11686962

I got one of these in the office gift exchange, I licked it and it was salty as hell.

>> No.11686966

This. PHS drones deserve the same treatment as MLM idiots and people that use "detox" and "cleanse" unironically.

>> No.11687029

I by pink salt because it's so cheap now it's equal in price to regular salt and I just like the colour in my cabinet better.

>> No.11687576

It looks like a swordfish clashing with a dagger and touching tips

>> No.11687616

Anyone please mind carbon footprints?

>> No.11687668

too hairy to be Sceak
>No. I don't know who that is.
a /ck/ tripfag who probably died of an opiate overdose, at least we can hope that's what happened.

>> No.11687919

Enjoy consuming your anticaking agents. Natural sea salt is the best.

>> No.11687968

You look disgusting and ill.