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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11678348 No.11678348 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between submarines, footlongs, grinders, hoagies, and heros?

>> No.11678350

I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.11678354

Probably some dumb american shit that nobody gives a fuck about, pip pip.

>> No.11678356

footlong is a BLACKED reference for cuckholds
grinder is a faggot app and will be used as a database for people who will be put into camps
hoagie is a wrestler. HH brother 1488
hero doesn't even make sense.

The only acceptable name for a sub is a submarine, preferably the former though as sub flows from the tongue well.

>> No.11678451

Down here we call them Long Sandwiches

>> No.11678456

The state you live in

>> No.11678461

Where you’re from

>> No.11678470

Who’s yo DADDY!

>> No.11678473

It makes a world of difference, faggot.

>> No.11678674
File: 50 KB, 472x785, hikkykostaja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American autism where every fucking city needs to have their signature sandwhich with retarded name, and the locals will then keep posting about how only single shitty place makes REAL ones. Then they keep posting about how this kind of bread with this kind of cheap meat and veggies is the greatest food of all time, but only if you get it from that shitty place they always get theirs from, because all the actually popular places dont server the REAL stuff. Sandwhiches are the worst offenders, and after that come hot dogs, and third place is shared between barbeque and pizza.

>> No.11678717

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.11678729

I call 'em po boys

>> No.11678810
File: 20 KB, 358x462, frost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no difference, the roster has sex with all of them.

>> No.11678960

Agreed. Brand loyalty isn't exactly a bad thing though, but people will defend their shit to the death because they identify with the food.
Sub 100 IQ with extra cheese

>> No.11678990
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 15064812478492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 4chan posts brimming with cynicism make me feel less lonely

>> No.11678991

Isn't that kind of the same thing as different Euro cheeses?

>> No.11679003

Long and average width, the kind you get at Subway.

A sub sandwich that is one foot long.

Similar to a sub except that the bread is connected.

Shorter and thicker than a sub.

Can have characteristics of all of the above, except that it tends to be stacked higher.

>> No.11679008

that's a tasty looking sub

>> No.11679010

where you live

>> No.11679047
File: 62 KB, 666x436, bocadilloserrano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonw of them are as good as the bocadillo

>> No.11679068

If you're wondering why itt's spelt Nonw and not none you disgusting American pig, its because in ESPANA None is spelt Nonw
me cago en tu muertos

>> No.11679070

This, and the american proclivity to guy "WELL YOU SEE SON WE SERVE THE WORLD FAMOUS XXX"


>> No.11679391

Literally nothing.

Hoagies are hot sandwiches though.

>> No.11679732

the difference is the sandwicher's intention

>> No.11679736

They've all just different types of tacos

>> No.11679744

Mah nigga

>> No.11679798

Had one of these at an airport in Mexico and it was amazing :)

>> No.11679848

My sister bought me a sandwich near check-in at MEX, but it only turned out ok. I also got a craft organic juice that reminded me of being back at work

>> No.11679851

yes, where do you think you got it from

>> No.11679852

haha long boi

>> No.11679861

>another /pol/dditor making the same tired jokes about niggers and jews on a board about food

Please get some more content. The lack of variety and effort is just sad at this point.

>> No.11679863

hoagies and heros is a fucking great band name.

>> No.11680630

Where you live.

>> No.11680645
File: 178 KB, 278x271, ray 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spanish Jamon
>In Mexico
You filthy pleb. GTFO, faggot.

>> No.11680698

>hoagies, and heros
What in the living fuck are those?
Literally never heard of them.

>> No.11681057

Except that's wrong.

>> No.11681070

footlong refers to subs that are one foot long grinders hoagies and heros are just dumb regional terms for subs. No one says submarines

>> No.11681072
File: 18 KB, 189x215, dagwood5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they all is delicious sammiches?

>> No.11681168

They all fit in your moms cunt.

>> No.11681186

About a thousand miles.

>> No.11681869

how about you call it a fucking SANDWICH U NONCE

>> No.11681889

The hunchbacked grease ball it pisses off.

>> No.11683052

Hero = gyro are both corruptions of yiros, which is a Greek wrap with lamb, vegetables, and yoghurt.

>> No.11683093

Mexican jamon is like Mexican intelectuals, a fake version of the real deal. Get a bit of Spanish jamon, bread, tomatoes and olive oil. Cut bread open, slice the tomato in halves. Rub tomato on the bread, add a bit of oil and the jamon

>> No.11683155


>> No.11683274

I think you're missing the point here. The turn of the 20th Century brought a bunch of new food crazes. These included sandwiches built on some variation of French bread (usually assembled by Italians), hot dogs, chili, all kinds of mayo based salads and the beginning of the popularity of both pizza and burgers. This happened before the Information Age, so no one could agree on just what the new memefoods were. The same ideas took different regional spins. Hot dogs were a ballpark food in some places, a street food in others and a boardwalk food on Coney Island, but by the time the hot dog craze hit the Midwest it got lumped in with the chili house craze and chili dogs were called Coneys. French bread sandwiches picked up regional names because their popularity outpaced any consensus on what to call them or even what exactly they should contain. Pizza and burgers appeared regionally, but didn't gain national popularity until mid-century, leading to a variety of regional styles. Because national chains weren't a thing until the Eisenhower Highway System was built the best examples of these foods were defined by local establishments, meaning the dishes themselves had as much local spin on them as their names implied.

Of course this led to regional rivalry between dishes as people from one place visited others. This is nothing new. It's always been a fixture in sports, so it's no surprise it crossed over to food. It's hardly autism. Just legit regionalism that developed in the days before everyone was eating at the same chains and consuming the same media.

>> No.11683300

Theres always an origin to the name. For example the poboy literally translates to the poor boy sandwich, where a restaurant owner started making cheap sandwiches for people who could pay, and gave them away for free to those who couldn't during the depression. Hence why it usually has fried oysters or some sort of clam, they were cheap as fuck back then.

In the end they are all sandwiches. Just the origin of the name and variation of bread and toppings is different, like American pizza.

>> No.11683302


>> No.11683340

it;s just a baguette but spongey so just call it a baguette

>> No.11683380

>just call it a baguette
Not gonna happen in mainstream US culture where anything French is associated with elitism and thus rankles populist sensibilities.

>> No.11683406

No thanks faguette

>> No.11683455


The problem with this has nothing to do with the fact it’s french and everything to do with people will think of the bread itself and not as a sandwich. It would be comparable to calling a taco a tortilla.

>> No.11683477

>The problem with this has nothing to do with the fact it’s french
Yeah, it does. The French bread craze in the early 20th Century America would have not have been a thing if Italians had not popularized it. This kind of response >>11683406 is a common reaction to using any French word in American English. Calling it a baguette sandwich was not going to fly with the American working class at the time. Names like submarine and hero did.

>> No.11683494

This is wrong, its just what people in Philly call subs. Some places have a weird naming scheme where they differentiate between a cheesesteak and a cheesesteak hoagie, the latter simply means it comes with lettuce and tomatoes.

>> No.11683509

>This is wrong
Sure is. An Italian cold cut hoagie is a cold sandwich, for example.

>> No.11683511

Maybe the Italians didn’t want to use French words in English and would rather link any element of what they were serving back to Italy if they didn’t have an English word for it.

>> No.11683584

Definitely the Italians have a rivalry with the French. But seeing things French as effete in American culture goes back before that. From the start the elites in this country looked to France. Any person dealing with international business spoke at least a little French, and speaking it (even badly) was a mark of being cultured. This goes all the way back in English speaking culture to the Norman invasion, when the English courts were suddenly speaking French while the masses still spoke English. Of course the masses seized on this when mocking the elites, and "parlay voo" entered the vernacular as a mockery. In spite of France's help with the American Revolution this English class prejudice against things French became well established in American culture. A recent example would be the TV character Frasier, who constantly drops French idioms into English sentences just to show out effete and out of touch he is.

>> No.11683630

Letters and sounds

>> No.11684300

>reseteraians have infected yet another board
get the fuck out

>> No.11684692


/pol/ will always be allowed and encouraged on 4chan you nigger sympathizer

>> No.11684695

you forgot po-boys

>> No.11684913

Subs, 'longs, grinders, heroes >all the same thing
Hoagie >one of them but larger in terms of fillings

>> No.11684984

Which one is burger?

>> No.11685068

I don't understand what you are asking.