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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 700x700, HEYGUYZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11674329 No.11674329 [Reply] [Original]

I'm here in my jamas here to talk to you about umami, sponsored by Blue Apron. More of that later.

>> No.11674446
File: 7 KB, 240x196, 1515644947731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm Babish and I'm a Reddit girl's wet dream.

>> No.11674507

>Implying Babish would prefer being ass fucked by his cameraman or roommate.

>> No.11674755

is he?

>> No.11674781

Negro pls u gay

>> No.11674796

>/ck/ salty because he's successful despite being a thoroughly average cook
never gets old

>> No.11674799

I thought this was Vsauce

>> No.11674967

/ck/ is salty because he's Reddit in human form.

>"Sorry if the hair on my arm looks weird guys, I've just got some fresh ink!"
>"And pour yourself a nice scotch while you wait"

That kind of shit.

>> No.11674974

I'd watch a vsauce cooking channel

>> No.11675000

how do you know that's reddit? do you go there often?

>> No.11675098

Yes, I used reddit a fair but before I started using 4chan. I was already growing sick of the site before frogleaping to here and using 4chan was the final nail in the coffin.

>inb4 redditfag refugee.

>> No.11675101

actually stop existing

>> No.11675114

>tattoos are reddit
>scotch is reddit
>engaging with the viewer in an ironic fourth wall way is reddit
can you not?

>> No.11675132
File: 21 KB, 639x452, GTijP1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Mr. /ck/. everything is reddit.

>> No.11675554

Jesus Christ

>> No.11675561

his latest video on fried rice is an absolute abortion. it's like he literally did no research whatsoever and just assumed HURR DURR JUST FRY RICE IN A PAN, GUYS. AUTHENTIC AS FUCK.

>> No.11675570

It wasn't that bad other than the fact that he pre-cooked the eggs

>> No.11675695

You clearly don't know shit about reddit if his "Sorry my hair looks weird caused I've got fresh ink!" that no one would have noticed had he not pointed it out didn't strike you as such.

>> No.11675701
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 1545864594633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses fresh rice that he baked in a fucking oven
>cooks proteins, eggs, and vegetables all separately
>"don't use a cast iron or carbon steel wok, guys. use a shitty nonstick frying pan. trust me on this one."
>uses nonstick because he did literally no research and the fresh rice was undoubtedly a total failure off camera
>"hurr and then we'll finish this authentic asian cuisine off with even more vegetable oil and butter."
>"what? sesame oil? wtf is that lol?"
>and there it is, guys. please buy some shitty blue apron food so i can make more hipster adaptations of international food, you mongrels.

>> No.11675737

Camera is angled way too low to be him

>> No.11675743

>how do you know blacks don't have fathers, are you black?

>> No.11675746

Or his episode on bar essentials.

>"Hey guys, now I'm going to teach you how to do a classic! The dirty and dry martini!"
>Pours Smirnoff vodka into a shaker
>Pours sweet vermouth into a shaker
>Pours olive brine into the shaker for the "dirty martini"
>"Not how I take my martini guys, but who am I to judge?"
>Shakes the fuck out of the vodka, sweet vermouth, and olive brine mess.
>Does the same shit for the "dry martini" sans the olive brine and uses no garish.

Jesus Christ, Rea.

>> No.11675785

He did that?

holy fuck

His recipes aren't terrible in general and most of the videos he puts out are decent for basics but you do have to develop them quite heavily.

>> No.11675831

based the critic poster

>> No.11676183 [DELETED] 


his spaghetti carbonara video is also an embarrassment.

>> No.11676278


his spaghetti carbonara video is also an embarrassment.

>> No.11676854

>you're going to want to put the wok away for fried rice

>> No.11676891

He looks like that pathetic faggot on some channel that plays guitar to cats.

>> No.11676896

Why should it be an embarrassment to you? You didn't make it. It's an embarrassment to him and anyone stupid enough to watch his shows.

>> No.11677021

He's entertaining to watch at least. I'm an amateur chef too and really just watch his videos for ideas on things. I don't know enough about cookery to act like an expert but it's nice that someone is sharing their passion online with others so that they can enjoy it too.

>> No.11677033
File: 16 KB, 500x486, 1452751838839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You clearly don't know shit about reddit if
saying this like it's a bad thing

the absolute state of things

>> No.11677036

I’m also gay like him so maybe you guys should bat for the other team too!

>> No.11677091

>Yes, I used reddit a fair but before I started using 4chan. I was already growing sick of the site before frogleaping to here and using 4chan was the final nail in the coffin.
every time, this explains so much. everyone who bitches about reddit is someone who came here from reddit and sees it in everything. fuck off and stop posting

>> No.11677150

so you fuckfaces understand: he’s doing “entertainment” not a how-to video on cooking. He was waaaaay more interesting when it was “copy a recipe from a show/movie” but his branch off projects are utterly terrible for the reasons you cu/cks have pointed out. Watch him for the lulz, or dont, but def dont try to learn how to do anything from him

>> No.11677808

You suck at cooking is much better

>> No.11677845

You're an idiot

>> No.11677900

If he's sponsored by Blue Apron why is his apron black?

>> No.11678061

I enjoyed watching this guy for about 2 months then got bored of him, but I don't vehemently hate him. Why is /ck/ so autistic?

>> No.11678406

Please get tired of 4chan soon

>> No.11678412

Because most cu/ck/s are not half as good at cooking as Babish, or are just really salty that he is doing great unlike them

>> No.11678452

>"Babish is associated with Reddit because he's the kind of thing people who post on Reddit absolutely love. Some suburban yuppie in a New York apartment making food from TV shows and cartoons and making you giggle at his antics while he does so. It's just so sanitized and kitschy that you must be from Reddit if you like it because they fucking adore that shit. For the most part 4chan doesn't like stuff on Youtube because of how low-quality it is and how it thrives on clickbaiting retards.

And when you come here starting a thread like this it's practically the same as saying "hey /ck/ check out this sweet Hell's Kitchen scarf that my girlfriend knitted for me." This isn't the place to be talking about that because we don't care. Reddit however will care a great deal. So it's not as malicious as you'd think when we say "go to Reddit," we're not so much saying "we're better than you" as we are "you don't belong here, and there is a place full of people like you where you will have a much better time."

>> No.11678466

imagine being this vitriolic at another man's success lmao

>> No.11678493
File: 79 KB, 680x1020, 1545340637970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual reddit faggot calling everything reddit
Thank you for confirming what everyone already knew.

>> No.11678557

>Implying 4chan is riddled with converts that LARP as oldfags that have never touched reddit

>> No.11678659

I don't think you know what Larp means.

>> No.11678825

I agree, here we are much more interested in huhposting, debating which fast food sandwich is the best, alcoholism generals, watching people eat 20+ year old military rations, /deenz/, and bait threads about amateur YouTube food channels.

>> No.11678860

>everything is reddit

>> No.11678873

Why is it everybody that bitches about Babish seems to have a raging boner for him?

>> No.11678880

Understand that people's rejection of you is entirely legitimate. You don't understand how insufferable you are.

Anyone who has a reddit account should be banned.

>> No.11678937
File: 24 KB, 480x360, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone insufferable while engaging in some nerd crusade against another website
Blind to your own autism, eh?

>> No.11678952

>tfw I don't understand the hate of everything from reddit
>probably bc I used to use reddit

>> No.11678954

I drank and enjoyed scotch before Reddit even existed. Theres nothing Reddit about enjoying the classiest, best gentlemen drink of all time. Reddit is for faggots who make a sour face when they take a big swig.

>> No.11678965

Destroy yourself. It's impossible to insult you in any constructive way because of how stupid you are. So just kill yourself. Honestly. Living? Breathing? That's reddit shit. If you really want to fit in here you have to kill yourself.

>> No.11678966

Go back.

>> No.11678969

It was really bad.

>> No.11679018

The thing I hate most about babish is that he constantly makes references to chef john on the far superior food wishes channel, and yet the quality of his cooking makes it seem like he's never watched a single video in his life. I refuse to believe that someone can be a fan of chef john, call themselves a "chef", and still be that bad without going out of their way to not absorb information.

>> No.11679029

Chilean sea bass from Jurassic Park not Frasier. Fuck this prick teasing cunt.

>> No.11679032

That's every video, his cheesesteak video was the worst I ever saw.

>> No.11679045


Yeah I noticed this and its a shitty thing to do. Bish is brand new and should not be lifting material from other channels.

Chef John has spent a decade honing his craft and you can see that from his early videos.

>> No.11679049

Bish's "flat mate"

>> No.11679100

No, brainlet. Drinking scotch and appreciating it isn't reddit. Bragging about it, drawing attention to the fact you drink it in a cringe-inducing fashion (like he did when unnecessarily drawing attention to his tattoos), and think it makes you adult and cool is what makes him reddit and is the cherry on top of the shitty hipster cake that idiotic yuppie has constructed.

>> No.11679116

Get a load of his numale cameraman that sleeps with his head resting on the AIDS sufferer's lap.

>> No.11680134

>gets a two-pronged fork tattoo because of that aglio e olio scene from the movie Chef
>cant even make aglio e olio right

>> No.11680215

>"Hey guys, now I'm going to show you a classic and my favourite drink: the Old Fashioned!"
>Pours bourbon into the glass, only coming up to about half the length of the single large ice cube placed in the glass.
>Pours the bitters and simple syrup into the glass, most of it landing on top of the ice cube the bourbon is no where close to touching or covering.
>Stirs a few times in a clockwise motion.
>Proceeds to build a margarita in a tumbler glass.

>> No.11680238

I recommend Chef John to my uncle who is a retired chef, and he absolutely loves his stuff now. It's comfy, when I visit we drink wine and talk about recipes.

>> No.11680432


None of the individual mistakes were that bad, but the accumulation just made him look amateur.

That looked like some bland fuckin fried rice.

>> No.11680512
File: 6 KB, 264x191, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey guys, today I'm going to be showing you how to make AIDs like in Philadelphia. Now I've been preparing to make this episode for months now, hence why I have looked like an AIDs sufferer for the longest time, so all the footage you're about to see is from several months ago and then I'll show you the fruits of my labour, lesions and all. More of that later. Enjoy this footage of Rashid assfucking me so hard my anal walls tear whilst YMS masturbates in the corner."

>> No.11680535

Can someone explain this meme about babish fucking his crew and getting AIDS please

>> No.11680598
File: 244 KB, 1080x1350, v7wcjetbnuj11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Babish is primarily doing the fucking

>> No.11680636

I wish posting e-celebs was a bannable offense

>> No.11680652

I wish your mom would have swallowed

>> No.11680657

>implying I don't wish the same

>> No.11680666


anyone could be a youtube cooking celeb if they had a ton of disposable income and a nice kitchen. really nothing impressive about it but I won't discount the fact that he does obviously do a bit of work for his vids. they just aren't impressive at all

>> No.11680683

and that's how we fucking like it

>> No.11680743


>> No.11680778

I think the main problem is that he doesn't seem to do much if any research on how the fuck things are supposed to be cooked and instead just kinda makes shit up as he goes.

>> No.11680798

Wrong! I'm sitting here sipping my shaken Smirnoff, sweet vermouth, and olive brine classic dry martini courtesy of Babish! It's great and classic. He knows what he's talking about!

>> No.11680819

>phoneposter calling someone a faggot over taking identity with 4chan, ironically claiming the site for themselves
wooooweee newfag go home

>> No.11680901

I never claimed the site for myself because I'm not autistic. I do think it's faggish to identify with "board culture" and speak for the entire site, however

>> No.11681345
File: 98 KB, 1024x788, 1545613415255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditors who heard about 4chan is from /r/the_donald think they are oldfags now

>> No.11681352

How long before Blue Apron goes out of business?

>> No.11681537

Adam eats a sandwich every time he fucks a dog, and now its starting to show.

>> No.11681555

>Claiming op is pretending to be oldfag despite calling out people that LARP as oldfags and pretend like they don't know what reddit is
>Implying 4chan is so shitty people must only hear about it via a shitty reddit sub instead of God-tier greentext stories that rightfully get the attention they deserve elsewhere as comedic gold

Kill yourself.

>> No.11681560

Snorts cocaine and drinks shitty booze day in, day out if Mark English can be believed.

>> No.11681583

I can believe it. He's a gay, a furry, an atheist, and Canadian.

>> No.11682088


>> No.11682205
File: 234 KB, 600x756, Deconstruction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11682346

I'm not going to tell you to go back. Instead, kill yourself. Thanks.

>> No.11682562

I've enjoyed how much my brief time of using a reddit account has made you autists REEEEEEEE.

>> No.11682578


>> No.11682582

fuck you redditfag refugee

>> No.11682635

Did you learn that dank meme from r/4chan? Top kek my friend, upvoted.

>> No.11683118

Seethe harder, autists.

>> No.11683151

It's basic rule of 4chan law, if you've ever used any other website, you never did.

>> No.11683158

>Absolutly fucking CROWDS THE PAN
>"We want a nice good browning on the fried rice"
>Just steams the already cooked rice in the crowded pan full of liquid and fucking butter

Man Andrew I liked you at the start but you're really starting to get on my nerves.

>> No.11683264

reddit > 4ch*n
I only post here when my account gets downed and I need to make a new one
you fuckers are unbearable

>> No.11683346

holy shit fucking end yourself you kike, you don't belong here

>> No.11683865

>4chan users must hate reddit
>4chan must also have never visited their sworn enemy and, therefore, not be accustomed to it culture, politics, etc. through first hand experience

What did the seething autists of /ck/ mean by this?

>> No.11683905

>all the buttmad redditors responding to this post

>> No.11683923

i know a lot of people here don't like him but i like watching cooking videos and the gimmick that it's all food from tv shows and movies is fun, i don't really see the problem with him

>> No.11683950
File: 58 KB, 670x978, 1504454585035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fuckers are unbearable
I'm OK with this.

>> No.11683976

I liked it when he was exclusively doing food from movies and TV. Trying to make something so outrageous and/or bizarre work was honestly something that attracted me to his channel at first. Then he tried becoming the next chef John and using all these fancy ingredients that were totally unnecessary to cook, and I lost interest. It's as if Epic Meal Time from way back in the day gave you tips on how to meal prep. Alright, I see what you want to do, it's just not what I'm here for.

>> No.11683982


>> No.11684014

>fun is just a buzzword

>> No.11684041

>he enjoys things

>> No.11684067

Take his interpretation on the roast beast from the Grinch. Strives to replicate it visually until he gets to the red interior, at which point he throws that out of the window and creates some generic stuffing with little pieces of red food in there instead of doing something out there to replicate it as closely as possible. He barely follows his own gimmick anymore, and I can pretty much take the word of others saying he does fried rice or carbonara wrong considering how much he fucked up the episode about drinks.

>> No.11684080

Either that or brainlet faggots that missed the point entirely.

>hurr durr, youre saying scotch is reddit! TIL that!

>> No.11684082

didn't read go kill yourself redditor

>> No.11684139
File: 130 KB, 576x432, 1546130449842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Builds gin and tonic in old fashioned glass.
>Builds negroni in an old fashioned glass.
>Uses smirnoff for "classic dry martini"; correctly uses dry vermouth but refers to it as sweet vermouth and doesn't correct himself at all, thereby misinforming his audience.
>Builds old fashioned in glass; pours bitters and simple syrup into glass, with most of these landing on top of the large ice cube the bourbon only comes about half way up to.
>Builds margarita in Old Fashioned glass.
>Muddles sugar cubes, mint, and whole slices of lime in bottom of Collins glass for mojito.
>Smugly proclaims his job is to inform.

>> No.11684650

I can't believe that so fucking bad recipe can get so many views

>> No.11684849

>"Makes sure to inspect all your ham chunks individually. Number 67 is looking good"

Cringe humour. I can already picture a soiboy giggling like a defective child over this yuppie's jokes and antics.

>> No.11685149

honestly this

>> No.11685495
File: 810 KB, 1500x1065, gnrcbrtndr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a bartender, and watching his (error filled) drink special made me wonder

Do pro cooks notice just as many in his food videos or are they more solid?

>> No.11685567

I think so, hence why some have railed against his carbonara, etc.

I think I find it even more embarrassing that he did use dry vermouth for the "dry martini" but kept calling it sweet vermouth and was either too stupid or too lazy to correct this error with some quick text highlighting this during the video.

>> No.11685895

>and was either too stupid or too lazy to correct this error with some quick text highlighting this during the video
when for example chef john makes a mistake, he says about it in a funny way, and you can really see his passion, while this cuck acts like he knows shit when he literally doesn't know shit