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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 112 KB, 1500x1001, turkish-delight-521388_20_preview-5b15a4c643a10300361eddb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11664619 No.11664619 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth betraying your siblings for?

>> No.11664624

Yes. My brother stopped going to all family gatherings years ago, leaving me to deal with every shitty family gathering alone. Fuck him.

>> No.11664627
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That depends. Does Onee-San have plump, pouty lips?

>> No.11664644


>> No.11664650
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>> No.11664652

What makes you so edgy? The real Shadow is like a thousand times edgier than you, I bet.

>> No.11664719

Welcome to Funland, Sonic.

>> No.11664723

Only if it's rosewater flavor and not that assorted fruit with nuts shit.

>> No.11664724

why dont you stop going yourself then. dumbass.

>> No.11664727


>> No.11664741

You don't blame him. You envy him for making a decision you wish you had the guts to take. But you're too cowardly and too thirsty for that inheritance to do what he did.

>> No.11664864

If you were a small child living during the sugar rationing of WW2, said siblings were just done yelling at you, and you really didn't understand fully the way you were betraying them, sure.

>> No.11664889

so he doing you a favor?

>> No.11664892

No. He's still the golden boy and will probably get more than me. I on the other hand would get completely cut out if I did what he did.

>> No.11664898

>tfw family is poor as fuck and I wont inherit shit
Oh well, more reason not to ever speak to those fags again I guess.

>> No.11664941

Plus it was literally enchanted with magic to make him addicted to it so I'm sure that must have played a part.

>> No.11664977

You're like the Freys in ASoIaF, bending over backwards to ingratiate yourself to the old fart and he's not gonna give you a single thing.

>> No.11664979

Sounds kind of like Game of Thrones, too. I guess a lot of fiction uses the same storyline. It's kind of an obvious plot point, really.

>> No.11664981

>Sounds kind of like Game of Thrones
Perhaps because ASoIaF is the name of the series of books that the TV series Game of Thrones is based on.

>> No.11665798

What a weird thread this ended up being.

>> No.11666378

>inb4 your brother gets it all

>> No.11666412

is this what it's like when a brother cucks his lesser self?

>> No.11666447

what in the fuck is this gay ass shit?

>> No.11666461

>He's never had pinkubes
Stay jelly faggot

>> No.11666486

I haven't. so, what the fuck is this gay ass shit?

>> No.11666491

I feel bad for you that you can't even pick up the most basic of literary references

>> No.11666535


>> No.11666565 [DELETED] 

i would betray them for fucking the fecund witch bitch in her sweaty cunt with my swollen, phismotic dick if you guys understand what I am getting at.

>> No.11667224

i seriously thought the witch was gonna seduce edmund

>> No.11667265

Can't risk it, she might say the forbidden spell when she orgasms.

>> No.11667783

She's uglier then she was when I was 8. Also much younger

>> No.11668006

HUH? HUH? *opens and closes hand in front of your face*

>> No.11668027

Turkish delight is actually pretty shit like most old fashioned candies.

>> No.11669036

Such as?

>> No.11669040

The mass produced stuff is certainly a bit unpleasant, but the "authentic" stuff is great.

>> No.11669052

We read the book as a class in 3rd grade and the teacher brought some in for us. I remember it being awful so no.

>> No.11669071

I think it's interesting that they teach LWW but you never hear of anyone teaching The Last Battle. Because that's when Lewis really went off his rocker.

>> No.11669082
File: 748 KB, 1258x914, 1535343072488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

during, and within, a time where such things as internet porn and Doritos don't exist? probably. milfs kidnapping me with candy sounds almost as hot as babysitter teens convincing me to do homework before bed with the promise of touching my peepee.

>> No.11669165

Hi newfriend! This is /ck/. Seems you need:
You’re welcome. Don’t rush back.

>> No.11669176

Honestly I've only read LWW. After they made that new movie it interested me enough to get the other other books from the library but I don't think I ever read them. At least I don't remember. I think for 8 year olds it's just a nice fantasy adventure story.

She did the same thing when we read Little House on the Prairie though. She brought in head cheese.

>> No.11669193

Probably less because of the kooky shit and more because Kitty, Bitch, and Wardrobe is the start of the series and doesn't need any background but you'd need to read the rest of the series to get the full impact of The Final Battle (alright, you could skip Horse and Boy and maybe Magic Nephew, but not really any of the others).

>> No.11669205

what kinds of tea do they drink in turkey?

>> No.11669211
File: 43 KB, 900x900, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black tea, hot and strong, maybe with sugar but never milk.

>> No.11669214

ah thanks

>> No.11669391

turkish delight is shit

they should have used rhubarb and custard boiled sweets

>> No.11669438

I don't like lokum and I am turkish

>> No.11669516

>you could skip Horse and Boy
You would however be missing out on the best book in the series.

You are completely correct though.

>> No.11669527

No, it's top tier shit.

>> No.11669540

>"Turkish delight is shit"
>"No, it's shit"

>> No.11670616

I bet you think you're pretty epic for posting this dab of a tweet

>> No.11670652

I already betrayed my family after what my sister and I did together. It's a long story, but i'm not welcomed back to the house or any gatherings.

>> No.11671872

Fuck you, nerd.

>> No.11672158

>after what my sister and I did together

Did you make passionate love together?

>> No.11672305

We have had our close moments before but that wasn't the reason.

>> No.11672370

Ate your relatives ? I get they look well fed but dude there are lines not to cross for fatty meat

>> No.11672389


>> No.11672396

Just tell the fucking story dude or I'm going to kick your ass.

>> No.11672405


Welcome to the club. My asshole brother brings his slut of the month girlfriends to every family event and they get treated like one of the family. Meanwhile my wife of 14 fucking years still gets shit from them.

It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.11672408

We robbed a store together. I got caught to let her get away and most of my family has wanted nothing to do with me ever since.

>> No.11672410

Tell the story or I will eat your relatives, and then your ass

>> No.11672421

I have two younger sisters. The one closest to my age is about 7 years apart. We used to fight a lot. Now we're friendly and keep in touch with each other frequently.

The other one is a full on NEET and doesn't do anything or interact with anyone.

I wonder what it would have been like to have a brother. Anons with brothers, tell me what it was like growing up with brothers and how it is now.

>> No.11672430

The NEET probably wishes you were there for her more. You should visit her one of these days and force her to admit her desires.

>> No.11672448

I didn't know how bad I needed this until this post, and I am worse off

>> No.11672563

Over robbing a store? That seems like a weird overreaction.

>> No.11672605

Only thing I don't like about lokum is when they put too much powdered sugar on it. I shouldn't feel like my mouth is drying out from eating some.

>> No.11672618

that's some pussy shit lol

>> No.11672634

Magic nephew is useful for understanding the silver throne if I remember correctly.

>> No.11672638

It’s too religious and confusing for kids. Plus all the main characters die in a train crash before the book even starts.

>> No.11672642

I agree but i guess a lot of my family doesn't want to associate with a criminal.

>> No.11672646

Isn't it basically just a fruit snack with powdered sugar or cornstarch covering it?

>> No.11672939

Never doubt the depths to which lawcucks will stoop in their quest for self-righteousness.

>> No.11672949

They sell it for like four bucks a box at Marshalls. Yeah, it’s GOAT candy, but there’s no need to sell out your family or Jesus over it.

>> No.11672968

the doritos and porn, or the peepee part?

>> No.11672989

Hey jackass, I don't have a say in the matter since I don't have a vehicle of my own and have to rely on some of those relatives for rides every where.

>> No.11673004

I'm original poster of >>11664624 it has nothing to do with inheritance, and everything to do with not burning bridges. My brother is the coward for avoiding the gatherings and for not manning up to tell his wife off. His wife has a problem with my mom so that's why they've stopped coming to the things.

>> No.11673015

I never expected /ck/ of all boards would be such a hotbed of family drama.

>> No.11673028

Mike & ikes are infinitely better

>> No.11673035

It's 4chan anon, no one on this site is normal. Stands to reason that at least a few cu/ck/s would have family problems considering where we are.

>> No.11673682


>> No.11673825
File: 174 KB, 765x1024, 1521863015554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were referring to us as a family, not us individually and our own families.

We have a fine line within our little house here that divides those of us who call it Bang's and enjoy Coca Cola over Barq's and Pepsi, salt and pepper our steaks before or after cooking, eat our meat raw or do only vegan diets, and those of us who enjoy more than just pepperoni on our pizzas. On this side, you have McDonald's. And on this side you have literally everyone else. Over here we have those who believe that Rally's has the best fries, and then the retards over there who would disagree with things like Popeye's or Arby's.

We have our quarks.

>> No.11674169
File: 51 KB, 657x527, dumb crow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a white trash girl.

>> No.11674183

"uhm... my eyes are up here?"

>> No.11675043
File: 43 KB, 550x412, elma-cai-turkish-apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget about delicious Turkish apple tea

>> No.11676765

What's up with Turks?

>> No.11676826
File: 432 KB, 497x503, 1468620068102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11676859

i read i'm supposed to stick a sugar cube in my mouth then drink the strong black tea
is it ok to just put the sugar in the cup?

>> No.11676861

Based retard

>> No.11676863

TO DO WHAT?!!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.11677056

That pic is ancient

>> No.11677231

How many abortions do you think she has had?

>> No.11677517

she can honestly have as many as she likes. curves like that could cure cancer. and if she looked at me like that while touching my dirty places I'd probably be convinced to do literally anything she told me to do.

>> No.11678469


>> No.11678521

That’s called Aplets and Cotlets - which yes, IS a variation of Turkish Delight, but its a specific candy under a specific brand.

>> No.11678538

They probably think he convinced her to help him do it people get absolutely retarded in their minds to absolve roasties of any wrongdoings

>> No.11678539
File: 249 KB, 600x600, 740E3A8B-3F4B-4097-93EA-D67C5CA2A770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image name says it. It’s Turkish Delight. It’s a very sweet, jelly-like candy. The texture is difficult to describe but it’s closest, in my opinion, to a softer, better tasting (natural flavors) variation of pic related.

>> No.11678547
File: 60 KB, 640x784, wSwCTYR_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pussy is a haunted graveyard

>> No.11678561

This too. But still a softer version. More gel like, less chewy.

>> No.11678572

You sound like the type who would fuck anything that moves.

>> No.11678573

But he said she got away, so they wouldn't know she did it. It sounds like something out of a movie. In fact it literally is what happened in the movie Ain't Them Bodies Saints.

>> No.11678797

mah nigga, you saw that webm too?