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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11661321 No.11661321 [Reply] [Original]

*dabs on the frenchies*

>> No.11661335
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French press is a 90s fad that needs to die

>> No.11661366
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>implying French press isn't the superior coffee preparation method
Leave the meme gadgets aside

>> No.11661390

french press is basic as hell. it's no different to a teapot except it has a built in strainer.
aeropress and moka are the best options.

>> No.11661397

Looks like some bizzaroworld sextoy from the 1970s

>> No.11661445

>basic as hell
it's the purest form of coffee you heathen

>> No.11661451

an aeropress and a french press literally do exactly the same thing.

>> No.11661463

Apparently this is the coffee thread. What's a good entry level burr grinder?

>> No.11661465

You don't make coffee in a teapot you fucking mongol, but yes they both involve submerging.
Submerging the coffee grounds instead of running hot water through them steeps them like you would steep tea.
If you want to define a classic tool like a teapot or french press as "basic", then you're an abnormal faggot.
Aeropress is just a fad for s*yboys and Moka is a meme that burns the shit out of your coffee.
Just look at this faggot try to explain how to use an Aeropress. This is who this was designed for:

>> No.11661473

If you want a cheap, entry level grinder, then look into the ones you crank by hand. Otherwise a good burr grinder that's electric is gonna cost you at least +$100.
Don't get an "entry level" electric burr grinder that's $50, doesn't grind uniformly, and will just break in a year. It's a waste of money.
Get a hand grinder then splurge on a more expensive grinder when you notice the difference in your coffee and can see yourself using it regularly.

>> No.11661475

no they don't at all.
in a french press, the coffee steeps in hot water, and then the 'press' strains out the coffee. there is no pressure involved. it's just coffee brewed in water, like a tea.
in an aeropress, the coffee steeps only for 30 seconds or so, and then the rest is pressure. less than a real espresso machine, but it produces a similar result.
it is exactly like a teapot you pleb. it's a container that you fill with water and brew things in. the 'press' part is nothing but a built in strainer.
>needing a youtube video to explain how an aeropress works
wew lad
enjoy your watery coffee tea

>> No.11661489

French press is unfiltered and aeropress is filtered

Dumb mutt

>> No.11661505

Isn't the screen plunger in the French press a type of filter?

Perhaps you meant to say one used a finer filter than the other?

>> No.11661519

wew, aeropress shills seem irate
>it is exactly like a teapot you pleb
please relearn english and what the word exactly means
>the 'press' part is nothing but a built in strainer
no shit, that's why you add water proportionate to your coffee grounds
nobody is jerking themselves off about the press function being pivotal or superior,
the only one I see jerking themselves off to how "revolutionary" their method is, is you.
>enjoy your watery coffee tea
kek. You tried to shill your s*y fad by knocking on timeless classics like the teapot and french press,
but you just made yourself known as a shill.

>> No.11661532

It's for passportless rubes who think appending the word "french" in front of everything makes it seem more fancy.

>> No.11661539

wew, french press fags seem irate

>> No.11661545

This higher end breakfast spot near my house gives the table a French press if anyone orders coffee. Pisses me off. I drink good black coffee but something about French press flavor grosses me out. Also some coffee grinds inevitably slip out and go into your cup. Gag

>> No.11661589

Fair enough, what I meant was paper filter vs no paper filter

>> No.11661648

Is it worth getting the stainless steel filter or just buy a million paper ones?

>> No.11661653

Graef cm 702

>> No.11661717

>fad toy makes better coffee than timeless classic
Frenchfags btfo

>> No.11661739

I like a black coffee but unfiltered French press has some sort of oily after taste that I find gross

>> No.11661751

depends how you prefer your coffee. for me, the paper filter takes out some of the acidity than can upset my stomach.
but i love the oiliness of a real espresso

>> No.11661753
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Aero press is made much better by the fellow prismo filter. More better cavefes

>> No.11661756

The coffee only brews for a shorter time because you use a finer grind. The "pressure" in an aeropress is HALF OF ONE (0.5) fucking BAR, you goober. Espresso uses NINE (9.0).

Christ, you shills are retarded.

>> No.11661768

whereas a french press uses zero pressure, so it isn't comparable with the aeropress at all, which was my entire point.
french press makes coffee infused water. it's not even filter coffee tier.
aeropress and moka are the closest you can get to an espresso without spending $500

>> No.11661771

this looks great. thanks for sharing.

>> No.11661774

I've heard the prismo doesn't really have too much of an impact on flavor, but it negates the need for inverted style and comes with metal filters. What are your thoughts on it?

>> No.11661777

>metal filter
Kinda defeats the purpose of an aeropress desu

>> No.11661782

>I've heard the prismo doesn't really have too much of an impact on flavor, but it negates the need for inverted style and comes with metal filters.
hmm... not sure it's worth spending £25 (same cost as the actual aeropress) just to 'negate the need for an inverted style' if the end result is more or less the same.
i've no complaints about the aeropress when it comes to flavour anyway. the only thing it lacks is a proper crema like a real espresso.

>> No.11661786

how so?

>> No.11661790
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I've seen a lot of stupid shit in a lot of coffee threads, but this post just really takes the fucking cake

>> No.11661798

>t. piss drinker

>> No.11661824


It seems like if you're going through this much trouble to make coffee in the woods you'd be better off using a decent instant coffee. Seems unnecessary to get muh perfect roast in the woods where you shit on the ground.

>> No.11661826

>instant coffee
pick one

>> No.11661830

The namefag whore needs to gtfo this board before something bad happens.

>> No.11661831


Again, decent is just well enough. I've drank bottom of the barrel prison coffee that tasted like liquid smoke and turkish coffee at a wedding and I stand by my statement instant coffee would be better for camping then masturbating to thought of drinking artisan coffee in the words

>> No.11661837

Yeah that's how I felt. I wanted to hear from someone who has actually used it, thanks anon.

>> No.11661866
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>> No.11661869
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>> No.11661918

just got a Lido ET for christmas :)

>> No.11661947

>it's no different to a teapot except it has a built in strainer.
Um no teapots don't have enough space in the filter for the amount of coffee you need.

>> No.11661955
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most teapots don't have a filter dummy, you use a tea strainer, and it's probably not beyond the wit of man to make one large enough to catch a load of coffee grounds.

>> No.11662028

I can never get aeropress coffee right, it feels for every 1 amazing brew i manage to make 5 undrinkable ones. French press feels a lot harder to fuck up in comparison.

>> No.11662045

hmm, best stick with the teapot anon
far less moving parts to confound your brain

>> No.11662701
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11662729

French press is the one that's usually inconsistent for me. If you do everything right an aeropress can put out a great coffee, but even if you fuck it all up and halfass everything, the aeropress still always puts out at least a decent coffee every time. I have an aeropress at work specifically because it's so easy and fast.

I use a Hario slim, it's way cheaper than electric grinders and it works for me.

>> No.11663026

>puts a metallic taste in your coffee
heh, nothin personal, amico

>> No.11663407

Got a stainless one and zero metalic taste.

>> No.11663412

Goddammit, the 90s look like such a better time to have been a young adult.

>> No.11663524

>aeropress and moka are the closest you can get to an espresso without spending $500

>> No.11663786

I have a stainless steel one, no matter how much I clean it whether with or without soap, the next day I unscrew it and it smells all funky like rancid coffee and metal.

I wash that out and make more coffee and it still has that weird metallic taste to it.

>> No.11663791
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Pic is the future of faux-presso guys

>> No.11663810


>> No.11664006

The bar for not being a friendless loser was much higher, though. Cliques were much tougher to break into.

>> No.11664116
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Give me one (1) reason other than MUH PLASTIC for why I shouldn't use a Melitta® over any other dripper or press?

>> No.11665089

>over any other dripper
Are there any advantages to it. Aren't all drippers just glorified hipster funnels to put a paper filter and coffee on?

Compare ease of cleaning, portability, and ease of brewing

>> No.11665100

>the need for inverted style
How wrong can one man be?

>> No.11665104

MUH PLASTIC is hard to deodorize and looks cheap. Are you seriously getting preemptively butthurt over something you know is going to be a problem?

>> No.11665113

Eat before you drink your coffee, anon

>> No.11665134

99% of the time i can't eat anything until i've been awake for a couple of hours.

>> No.11665138

If it wasn’t for the disposable filters I would agree

>> No.11665208

>disposable filters
>a bad thing

>> No.11665404

you can buy a steel filter for it you know

>> No.11665436

>the coffee steeps only for 30 seconds or so, and then the rest is pressure. less than a real espresso machine, but it produces a similar result.
there's almost no pressure, the "pressure" makes the water go through the filter, it doesn't keep going up except for the minimal bit it needs to push the water out

>> No.11665441

how do you fuckup an aeropress coffee? unless you are messing the temperature i don't see how

>> No.11665443

>almost no pressure
still more than a french press (zero), which was the point of my post.

>> No.11665450

you can buy a steel one for $5 or less, and the paper ones you get 350 for free, which you can use like twice each, so for 700 coffees, and you can buy another 350 for less than $5 , so you have to spend $5 each 700 coffees, which seems acceptable to me

>> No.11665453

doesn't mean is noticeable on the taste in any sense, which is what you'd have to prove, you also get no cream which is part of the point of pressure

>> No.11665459

the difference in flavour between french press and aerepress is huge, and that is down to the pressure, as little as it is.
brew some coffee in a french press for 30 seconds and see how it tastes without that added pressure an aeropress delivers.
and as i said in another post, the crema is really the only thing lacking about the aeropress, but a french press doesn't give you one either, so it's a moot point.

>> No.11665468

why don't cafetiere fags just admit they don't actually like coffee?

>> No.11665470

>the difference in flavour between french press and aerepress is huge, and that is down to the pressure, as little as it is.
i prefer the Aeropress too, but i am skeptical about how much of it is the pressure (i'm thinking not much), and how much of it is that with the Aeropress it's easier to control the time of contact, the temperature being probably lower, and the filtering being better

>> No.11665481

can some science anon explain to me,
if the aeropress generates '.35 to .75 bars of pressure', and earth atmosphere is a little over 1 bar, does that mean the pressure inside the aeropress is around 1.35 to 1.75? or am i being stupid?

>> No.11665501

>does that mean the pressure inside the aeropress is around 1.35 to 1.75?

>> No.11665567

I got a hario coffee syphon for xmas. Not a gift it, I found it in a family members garage and they said they never used it before so I should take it.

Does anyone have any idea what brew methods it's similar to, or what kind of roast it's best for.

>> No.11665574

>push down too hard, cup goes flying spilling hot coffee and grounds all over the place

>cant make two cups without changing out the filter / rinsing out grounds

Other than that its aight.

>> No.11665751

seems like a reverse moka to me

>> No.11665754

>>cant make two cups without changing out the filter / rinsing out grounds
i still like how fast it's to clean, just pushout the shit and lightly rinse the lid, and done, less than 10 seconds

preparation takes a bit more though, so changing the filter can be annoying if you have to prepare coffee for more than 1 or 2 persons

>> No.11665761

cool thanks

>> No.11665850

I just chew and swallow the coffee beans directly, you get the entire range of flavor and some fibers to help with the shit you inevitably have to take after. It's the simplest, cheapest and cleanest method.

>> No.11665888

>0.35 bar
Might as well drink instant, your moms vagina cumming on my dick probably generates more pressure

>> No.11665892

how much pressure can you apply with your jaw? is that basically the same as an espresso?

>> No.11665925

The lower end of the average is 150 psi so a bit over 10 bar. Espresso machines are typically giving 9 to 15 bar so the human jaw is good enough.

>> No.11665973

>got moka during thanksgiving break
>washed and assembled it last time I used it
>back for winter break
>inside is all oxidated because inside was still wet a month ago
I scrubbed it out but there are still big stains in the boiling section, can I still use or will it give me cancer?

>> No.11666001

I guess "need" was the wrong word but some recipes call for it and I've heard that the prismo makes that unnecessary

>> No.11666028

vinegar and warm water

>> No.11666032

Vinegar would help like the other anion said but also paper towels and salt as an abrasive. Use a fork or something to push the paper towel wad around where you cant fit your hand.

>> No.11666033

>inverted style
what's the point of this? is it just so all the water stays in contact with coffee for longer and doesn't filter down?

>> No.11666058

pretty much.
wet the coffee grounds ,30 sec bloom, add the rest of the water, invert and press.
it's better than the 'official' method imo

>> No.11666063

*syphons in your general direction*

>> No.11666090

thanks for advice friends

>> No.11666403

Seems like you've been spending too much time on ((((((((((other boards))))))))) to form a valid opinion my friend

>> No.11666406

>press a button on my Keurig
>great coffee 30 seconds later

>> No.11666470


>> No.11666932
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>old good
>new bad qt

>> No.11668621


>> No.11668635


>> No.11668654


>> No.11668972
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>> No.11668974

I just got a French press for Christmas

>> No.11669051
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>blocks your path

>> No.11669073

Jakobs Krönung. Nuff said.

>> No.11669090

I literally just put some coffee into a mug and pour hot water over it. Stop being pretentious faggots.

>> No.11669105

do you drink the sediment or use a sock like in the old times?

>> No.11669116

I drink the coffee and toss the sediment into the trash.

Coffee needs two good things. Good coffee and good water. You go ahead and circlejerk about your meme presses, filters, or funnels made from recycled dildo plastics.
Ima go make me some coffee. Because I like coffee. You like cocks.

>> No.11669123

>I drink the coffee and toss the sediment into the trash.
how do you separate them? with your mouth?

>> No.11669125

It is called sediment because it sets on the bottom.

>> No.11669127

This tho

>> No.11669130

not that cleanly, when you move the glass it mixes a bit

>> No.11669132

You just drink it. Even when you stirr the coffee, the sedimenr will sink quickly. Just try it yourself.

>> No.11669136

Who care?

>> No.11669139
File: 196 KB, 600x449, 712555D7-1D3B-4E43-967A-AEABC5F8B88B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I miss something? Is this a motherfucking TEA thread now?

>> No.11669141

Wouldn't having the ground coffee sitting in the water the entire time that you are drinking cause overextraction and make the coffee bitter? Also wouldn't it be way too hot to drink if you just added the hot water straight to the thing that you're drinking out of?

>> No.11669145

if you are going to just pour the water over the coffee, why would you go through the pain of using a special container for it? just use a glass for everything

>> No.11669159

>a special container for it
Yes, people who regularly drink coffee use a special container called A FUCKING MUG you retard

>> No.11669163

we are calling about not paying for special implements to drink coffee, so a glass is fine retard

>> No.11669172

why don't you all agree, that coffee brewed differently (even the same beans) has a different mouthfeel and this is the source of different tastes. Coffee simply steeped or made in french press or in a dripper/AP with METAL filter will have some of the oils and smallest particles in it whereas coffee filtered thorough paper/cloth (be it V60, Kalita, Chemex) will be much clearer. Just find your own favourite.

>> No.11669175

How the fuck are you going to drink hot liquid out of a regular glass? Do you wear gloves or an oven mitt or something? Mugs literally exist specifically for drinking hot drinks like coffee.

>> No.11669183

just use a piece of paper to grab it

>> No.11669188

Okay, so, let me get this straight... Instead of investing in a ceramic mug to drink coffee out of, you take a regular drinking glass, fill it with hot liquid, and then open your printer tray or a notebook and grab a piece of fucking paper that you wrap around the glass like a sleeve? Even then, wouldn't paper be too thin to even insulate the cup at all? I think that you would still burn your hands.

>> No.11669212

this video would be funny if it was satire

>> No.11669234

The Anon that you are talking to is trolling.
He can not fathom that some Anons like to just drink their ground coffee unfiltered in a mug.
He probably assumes that this is some kind of cost cutting measure, therefore he tries to turn this into a discussion about "ghetto/cheap" coffee making.

When in fact, boiling hot water over ground coffee in a mug is how a surprisingly large amount of adults drink their coffee.
But how would he know, as an underaged hipster, whos experience with coffee amounts to starbucks and canteen machines?

>> No.11669238

What country are you from? Because no one fucking does that here, it's all k-cup machines or drip coffee makers for the most part.

>> No.11669245

not that guy, but I've been doing it for almost 40 years and I live in the US

according to certain flyovers though, I've never even set foot in the US and I want to kill Americans because I don't eat McDonalds 3 meals a day and I don't have a fridge full of 2L bottles of diet coca cola and bulk ranch dressing. so there's that.

>> No.11669246


>> No.11669273
File: 68 KB, 200x428, jacobs_de_loeskaffee_jacobs-kroenung-gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the holy grail of instant coffees.
I drink a lot of this stuff, and the cheap discounter knockoffs or Nescafe do not even come close.
Heck, Nescafe is supposed to be the number one brand, yet their quality control is utter garbage. Tastes different every time you buy a new glass full. Do not even get me started how it is a lot different in other countries. I have tried Russian Nescafe and it is an absolute abomination. Brought the rest of it back home, and even with the softer water that I am used to, it still tasted like a mixture of dishsoap and copper.

Now pic related is something that is actually drinkable. You get a pretty good coffee and the convenience of it being instant coffee. Makes it a winner in my book.

For reference, I usually drink this stuff and Dalmayr Prodomo.

>> No.11669300

>When in fact, boiling hot water over ground coffee in a mug is how a surprisingly large amount of adults drink their coffee.
you are larping, even in my grandpa's time they used a sock

>> No.11669309

>I did not know that people drink coffee like this so he must be a larper.
Grow the fuck up kiddo.

>> No.11669310

>here, have this coffee i brewed an hour ago
yea no

>> No.11669314

Hey, the sock or even this grounds in mug thing is better than percolators. Don't understand how they were so damn popular way back.

>> No.11669319

must be in some meme-food country, like germany here >>11669246, never happened in countries where people have actual taste buds

>> No.11669328
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>I do not know how to keep spinning my delusions on a taiwanese tiquila board, so I attack his nationality.

Get a load of this guy.

>> No.11669332

i mean germany is cool in other aspects, but nobody is going to come and ask you guys how to prepare food

>> No.11669341

You are wrong. In fact this is what happens regularly. But this is a topic for other threads to be had.