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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11660703 No.11660703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11660707

Nice vegan bait thread fellow redditor. I assume you heard about how these types of threads get the most replies from a screencap on /r/4chan too?

>> No.11660709

lab-grown meat

>> No.11660712

Piss off hippie freak, go join a cult in san diego. You might even "meat" with my hot ex-gf who I was lucky enough to not marry but went whacko in the head.
You two might get along.

>> No.11660713
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Do those faggot normies seriously have a whole forum devoted to shitting up 4chins?

>> No.11660716

Of course, it could be some shit like "meta-4" or some crap. Somthing like my ex-gf with a marketing degree would copy from me, hot but really stupid.

>> No.11660719
File: 185 KB, 500x639, beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pythagoras also thought it was evil to eat beans. There goes your protein.

>> No.11660720

Beans aren't the only source of protein.
Hindsight is always 20/20 anon.

>> No.11660722

I'd have to look into that, but the fact is that people with their own ideas back then had to be very carful otherwise be burned at the stake or worse excommunicated. They believed that the church had control of their souls.

>> No.11660724
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I'm not sure I follow you, dude.


Why were all those early mathematicians nuttier than monkey crap?

>> No.11660725

Yeah, meat is a good one too. Vegans will always mention lentils, soy, chickpeas, when you ask how they get protein. Beans, all of them. What else is there? Grains?

>> No.11660726

does this include plants

>> No.11660727

Aren't beans supposed to be the best plant foods for protein though? But even they only have like half of what some animal products have and their protein isn't as good too.

>> No.11660728

>Why were all those early mathematicians nuttier than monkey crap?

The earliest mathematicians were akin to religious philosophers. Pythagoras was as much a crazed prophet as he was a mathematician.

>> No.11660729

Not sure if bait or genuinely feeble minded from malnutrition

>> No.11660730
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Nigga, Pythagoras lived like a gorillion years before the catholics' medieval shenanigans.

>> No.11660732

>Why were all those early mathematicians nuttier than monkey crap?
>Some researchers believe that historical suspicion about fava beans could be rooted in favism, a genetic disorder more common in the Mediterranean than anywhere else. Named for the triggering bean, people with favism develop hemolytic anemia from eating favas, or even inhaling the pollen from its flowers. After consumption or contact, red blood cells start to break down, which can cause anemia-like symptoms, jaundice, and even heart failure. Even today, one out of 12 people affected die of favism.

>> No.11660733


Yeah, I guess it kinda makes sense when you put it into that context.

>> No.11660737
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>...even inhaling the pollen from its flowers.

Holy fuck dude.

>> No.11660738

There were still idiots who were against him, that happens in any time as it does now, especially if Cathothic... say something that's truthful but against the church and they threaten you with excommunication, they're what's wrong.

I don't know what's right for so many people, but what they're on about isn't right.

I will not give my own mind to someone wearing a robe... that will never happen, but that's the 4c and &t and others in me.

>> No.11660742

>nuttier than monkey crap
The expression is "nuttier than squirrel crap". Because squirrels eat nuts.

>> No.11660743

It could be idiots buying road apples because some cult tells them to?

>> No.11660745

What the fuck is reddit

Have you tried this yet?

>> No.11660748


I have no idea myself, I've been there maybe 3 times, found it annoying and that's that.
I do find it funny though that people here accuse others of that, but then how would they know unless they themselves are from there? Like fucking faggots? I don't personally care about reddit or whatever, I do find it funny that you motherfuckers care so much about 4c.

>> No.11660752
File: 212 KB, 2002x1370, 5c1414a5e1f056d758b2d11e_vegan-plantbased-mcdonalds (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the vegetable deluxe

>> No.11660753
File: 80 KB, 609x480, Josey_Wales-corbis-42-19582648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given what's going on, now 4chan and 4channel, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to merge this somehow with reddit.

>> No.11660758

For me, it's a couple peacemakers, see >>11660753

>> No.11660760

Pythagoras was said to have compared a deshelled bean to a virgin body, which some interpreted to abstain from them.

>> No.11660765

They were great people back then.
But then hindsight is always 20/20.

>> No.11660773
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/k/ here, those are 1847 Walkers, not SAAs.

>> No.11660778

Didn't he murder people that disagreed with his little cult?

>> No.11660783
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>> No.11660784
File: 891 KB, 1200x857, PBD-Food-Guide-Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it bros.
Uber Eats annual report shows the top trend going into 2019 is plant based foods
>We also took a look at foods that are popping up more frequently in Eats orders, and uncovered a few rising food trends for 2019:
>Clean Eating, Delivered: People aren’t just ordering in Chinese food and pizza anymore. As wellness gets more and more popular, we’ve seen a spike in searches for clean eating staples from meat-alternatives like tofu and seitan, to plant-based foods like bee pollen and edible flowers.
>Fermented Foods: From kimchi to kombucha, more and more people are hopping on the fermented food trend.
>Got Milk? Alternative milk options continue to climb the ranks, with pea milk rising to the top.
>Here are the top 20 foods we’re anticipating will be hot in 2019:
>1. Plant-based foods

>> No.11660785

Is it a famas?

>> No.11660793
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Oh hey, what's up /k/omrade?

>> No.11660795

Yeah it's not much different from people with peanut allergies today. I guess it was their form of it. And it kind of proves that it's not just modern sanitation or something that always causes allergies.

>> No.11660798

Uber Eats is expensive and only wealthier people who already eat that kind of food are having it delivered. Normal people still get pizza and Chinese.

>> No.11660801

I can't imagine being this poor at English, which seems to be your first language based on the idioms.

>> No.11660818

proof that there were cucks even way back in the olden days?

>> No.11660821
File: 60 KB, 590x451, ghetto-blaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your NYC ghetto blaster!

>> No.11660830

one of these days, Apple will make a telephone that big
and people will buy it

>> No.11660841

Fuckn' suckers will buy right into it and pay them to be tracked 24/7.

>> No.11660842

I wish I was a vegan I don't want to be murdering animals daily just to feed myself.

>> No.11660843

piss off faggot, go murder some little bugs instead

>> No.11660846


>> No.11660847
File: 54 KB, 960x886, received_511008376050580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard. Even the trump kids can do it

>> No.11660853
File: 274 KB, 1392x860, 5a1a86f719f3110001eb9f8a_vegan_plantbased_pizzahut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza hut has vegan pizza now dumdum

>> No.11660855
File: 555 KB, 3735x1200, vampire_shillary-henchmen_and_cronies-aka-lamperys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or they can be clinton types complete with henchmen and cronies.

>> No.11660856

The clinton girl got a 450k/yr job straight out of school. Do you honestly think that was on merit or based on access to her parents?

>> No.11660860

Idiots such as you always freak out when called on your hypocrisy.

>> No.11660863

Oh look, a spambot when mentioning trump.

>> No.11660864

Touched a clinton nerve did I, so now I'm a bot, but of course you're not?
Fucking tardo.

>> No.11660866

When was Clinton mentioned? I posted an article. Your response made zero sense. Did you get triggered?

>> No.11660868
File: 18 KB, 280x280, hartz_bonanza_hamster_gerbil-Gourmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that clinton only farts rainbows and pixie dust? But you're not a bot as well? ha ha ha!
Here's a picture of the clinton gourmet.

>> No.11660871

Yeah ok lil boy

>> No.11660881


>> No.11660888

That's not the right way to it with Oracle lingo.
What shit database does it with your lingo?

>> No.11660890

If you dropped the database, the tables would be included, therefore like any clinton supporter, you're full of shit.

>> No.11660897
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends if they scrub tables or databases, and a return can break out of a line. We're talking about Russian teenagers coding here, right lefto?
>using oracle

>> No.11660901

Seperate issue little girls, and it depends on the type of database, are you talking some russian shit database or some real one that you copied from the USA such as Oracle or Sybase?

>> No.11660902

... stuff that's actually used in real business and not in some tribecca open office fag factory?

>> No.11660903

Jealous aren't you little girls?
I bet I get paid more than minimum wage for what I know while you get the russian casting couch.

>> No.11660911
File: 57 KB, 697x742, FB_IMG_1541795236986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This triggers the meatcuck.
You WILL respond to my post.

>> No.11660917

Ewww mr grammerian. I'm pretty drunk and even drunk I'm better than 99% of the population including you. So piss the fuck off, if you don't like my English this Christmas Day then piss of and fuck off too. I just don't care about your opinion, and I'll drink to that.

>> No.11660923

I don't even work in coding. I can't imagine being a keyboard monkey for the shit pay that comes with it nowadays. Lmaoing@your life.

>> No.11661001

Shouldn't it be renamed to r/4channel for blue board posts now?

>> No.11661067

I am fine with eating meat when i want, when it is actual meat and not mutated "meatoid stuff" or tortured animals or fed animals that are fed junk and poison so some assholes can make money.

Veganism of the modern world is a form of insanity.

>> No.11661077

Veganism is pure smuggie