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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11660276 No.11660276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You heard her /ck/. Stacy’s trip to Cancun with the bitches won’t just pay for itself!

>> No.11660280

tipping threads aren't really about food or cooking and should be banned as off topic

>> No.11660282

literally who

>> No.11660287


>> No.11660288

She should ask her boss for a raise.

>> No.11660293



>> No.11660301

So get a better job. Not our problem.

>> No.11660390

Yeah, tipping is such a complex notion that only the smartest of single mothers who dropped out of high school can understand while they plop pancakes onto your table.

>> No.11660394
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Pretty much.

>> No.11660409

Maybe I'm poor too, bitch.
>I don't think assholes at restaurants realize that I need to be taken care of
Fuck off.

>> No.11660418
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>barraged with orders and multitasking
>has to do hours and hours of prep
>covered in grease and sweat
>can lose fingers to knives and skin/flesh to heat and oil
>get paid minimum wage

>ask drink orders with fill some glasses
>write down orders
>carry piece of paper to kitchen
>carry food back to table
>keep water cups full
>$20 tip/table/hour and she's doing 4 tables an hour

Front of house is full of the whiniest faggots

>> No.11660428

As bar security, you know what's up anon. I get paid like $20 an hour to fucking fight people, and there's always a few fights. I don't bitch cuz it's part of the job. But the girls behind the bar wearing sexy tops whine cuz dudes gawk at them and they complain when they get less than like $150 in tips a night forget their actual wage on top, and I'm in fucking Ontario where server minimum is like $12
Fuck servers

>> No.11660430

Cooks surely don't get minimum wage, do they? Pay scale should go dish washers < wait staff < cooks.

>> No.11660431

>carry piece of paper to kitchen
It's 2019. There a POS every 5 feet in any modern restaurant.

>> No.11660439

>Cooks surely don't get minimum wage, do they?
Depends on where you work. If you're at Granny Parkinson's Diner on 3rd street, probably. They also don't do prep anywhere big enough to offer employees insurance.

>> No.11660453

itt: people that can't into economy.
tipping prevents welfare for min. wage workers in a service industry.
>tip now, pay less in taxes year round

>> No.11660458

>carry piece of paper to kitchen
>carry food back to table
i hardly ever see this anymore. most of the places i go to have the bus boys double as food runners and drink refillers while the waitresses just use touchscreen pos machines and come by your table once to ask the usual 'is everything okay' and you never see them again because they vanish to the back to go refill salt shakers and ketchup bottles.

>> No.11660459

>don't go to tipping establishments
>stricter welfare requirements
>blow hot farts in their faces and give them pink eye

>> No.11660465

I was a waiter in a small, family-owned restaurant. I didn't get tips *and* I was also my own busboy. I made minimum wage and only minimum wage, there.

>> No.11660467

>stricter welfare requirements
that's not how america works.
if people stop going to tipping places then those tipping places go out of business and then you have cooks on welfare as well.

>> No.11660471

Some day I'll get a reply from someone with reading comprehension. But not today.

>> No.11660477

>he doesn't know that greentext equals list in order

>> No.11660510
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>"I need to make money!!!!"
>Twitter for iPhone

>> No.11660522

>tipping others out
What does she mean?

>> No.11660560

Servers often have to tip out a small percentage of the tips they made to others... host/hostess, bartender, cooks.
I might be a cook, but Stacy is still a whiny bitch.

>> No.11660573

>phones aren't a necessity in the year 2000+18
>smartphones are expensive luxury goods in the year 2000+18
filthy frogposter does it again

>> No.11660597

Bartenddrs gdt autotipped on any drinks they make for someone at a table. Whoever server was attending that table is responsible to autotip the bartender from their own floating till for the night. Basically, for a server, this means they pay from the tip of different patrons if the purchaser of that alcohol doesn't tip. A no-tip drinker becomes a negative tip drinker according to this procedure.

>> No.11660638


>> No.11660644

>he thinks phones are needed when they are only luxury goods
haven't had a phone in 7 years, anon.
it's better this way.

>> No.11660646
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The nineteenth amendment was a fatal error.

>> No.11660661

A cell phone is definitely a necessity for anyone of working age.
An iPhone that sells for well over $1000 when a $200 Android device covers all but the nichest of use cases is not.

Don't spend over 300% price mark up on fashion conformity and then complain that people aren't literally handing you enough money.

>> No.11660665

Having worked in a kitchen (hotel)
Absolutely right.

>> No.11660735

>give my compliments to the chef
>Compliments? I don't need those, tell her to tip me instead

>> No.11660741

This. Even a job a menial as retail you need a phone. My old job needed a rota app and news updates/training app. If you couldn’t afford a phone the company would loan you one.

>> No.11661053
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Roasties will never learn, pic related is the true path

>> No.11661066

What a bleak world this is

>> No.11661078

lets say for a moment your bullshit premise is correct. you still mistake one thing. you assume that the government will lower taxes if it doesn't need that money for existing programs instead of finding new ways to spend that money. in other words taxes won't go down

>> No.11661090


>> No.11661097

That is the most Turkish shirt I've seen in my life.

>> No.11661102
File: 51 KB, 720x960, 48408352_1130087603816252_5694745391723970560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.11661104

>that handwriting
*insert joke here*