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11656757 No.11656757 [Reply] [Original]

Tried this today and it’s WAY TOO FUCKING SPICY

>> No.11656769

wait until tomorrow

>> No.11656774


>> No.11656779
File: 497 KB, 1876x782, Terminal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that anon.

>> No.11656780

Which one? You have two different versions in your picture and one of them isn't as spicy as the other.
Assuming you're OP and not the huh-poster, he means wait until you shit and have to feel that capsaicin chemical burn sensation on your anus.

>> No.11656784

what a pussy
its just a tasty packet of noodle with bit of kick.

>> No.11656785

I had the red one

>> No.11656794

That's the spicier one.

>> No.11656798


>> No.11656801

What a fag, stop whining weak little bitch.

>> No.11656808

Whiteoid detected
>Ooh, just spicy enough for me!

>> No.11656826

Try it with some turkey heh

>> No.11656831

You probably think store bought salsa is spicy too.

>> No.11656836

I’ve only had Pace but yeah it’s kind of spicy

>> No.11656855

Christ, how white are you? I have to add carolina reaper hot sauce to those to even make them have any flavor at all.

>> No.11656891

>subhuman needs to give himself chemical burns to enjoy food

>> No.11656898

How much tobacco use?

>> No.11657208

Never liked that brand. Tasted too much like soap.

>> No.11657231

>nation's entire collection of cuisine revolves around one single spice that's fucking shit anyway

>> No.11658156

>Capsaicin is an acid
The state of US education

>> No.11658381

He might not be american because "acid" doesn't appear anywhere in the bible and that's their textbook.

>> No.11658386

kek the white people seasoning meme is real

>> No.11658406

I also just had the black one for the first time today and it was pretty good.

>> No.11658559

No it's not. black is hotter

>> No.11658615

Have you tried putting it in your mouth instead if your vagina?

>> No.11658661

Weakling. I love this shit.

>> No.11658821

the black one isn't

>> No.11659103

>kimchi is a spice
>implying that Japanese food isn’t entirely derived from other cultures
Huh. Made me think

>> No.11659107

>add carolina reaper hot sauce to those to even make them have any flavor at all

disgusting american piggu, try using less water.

>> No.11659114

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11659249

Wait is black spicy or not

>> No.11659262

You do know you can get chemical burns from a variety of different chemicals, not just acids?

>> No.11659271

I'm gay btw not sure if that matters

>> No.11659298

>No it's not. black is hotter
What made you believe that lie? Trust me, you're completely wrong. I've plenty of these and red is hotter than black, not the other way around.

>> No.11659303

Both are spicy, but red is spicier than black. Red was the original version and black was made later on to be a new premium type variation. Aside from being less spicy black also has an additional garlic and beef broth flavor packet. If you wanted you could just add the beef broth flavor packet and skip the spicy flavor packet and then it wouldn't be spicy at all.

>> No.11660983

No it's not t. A fucking Finn

>> No.11662252

underrated kek

>> No.11662269


Imagine being the babby that cannot even handle black pepper

Like, yeah, they have too much, but it's not even hot, its gross.

>> No.11662305

Absolute puss puss

>> No.11662604
File: 344 KB, 1321x1500, 91JnfFg1mVL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note, has anyone tried this?

>> No.11662619

Yes it’s pretty bad

>> No.11662639

the sauce is weird, but the noodles are actually nice
it could be actually great, but the sauce really doesn't benefit from the dehydration/rehydration process

>> No.11664660

attention all non-whites/niggers in this thread

flaming hot cheetos does not substitute for a balanced meal

>> No.11664667

goddamn whites

>> No.11664701

Whats wrong with me?

I eat Chilli with EVERY meal I've had since I was fifteen (im 28 now), but for some reason I still cannot handle anything hotter then Tobasco Sauce? Like, anying else is just too fucking painful.

How do I build a tolerence, is that even a thing?

>> No.11664942

u have the taste buds of a soyboy

>> No.11664943

its really good if u remember to drain out the water until u leave just a tiny bit to mix with the powder

>> No.11665575

Eat peppers and eat a whole bag of flamin hot cheetos. You will be prepared for anything.

>> No.11665585

>How do I build a tolerence
Eat more chilis. you said you eat them with every meal. If that's true, the ones you're eating aren't hot enough.

>> No.11665591

I see this a lot on here.
Is it a regional spelling?

>> No.11665721
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i'm just here to watch the weebs fight amongst each other and pretend that they're not all white nerds getting butthurt over spice tolerance levels.

>> No.11667456

I thought you posted the meme ramen at first but you're saying Nongshit is too spicy? Grow some balls jesus fucking christ dude

>> No.11667804

Ive eaten so many of these they arent spicy anymore. I remember my first bowl making my eyes water. Now they are annoyingly mild. The black bag of Samyang spicy chicken settles my need for heat but even that is already losing its heat. I fear the day I can eat the 2x regularly and not even feel a kick

>> No.11668010

Not everyone tolerates spice the same. Fuck off

>> No.11668835

try mi goreng. it's a dry noodle but it's not as hot as that.

>> No.11669063

I put like 4 slices of American cheese in, makes it way better. They also tell you to use way too much water.

>> No.11669076

Based Tabasco spelling autist

>> No.11669185

Tried it 3 times, got hives 3 times; The version I had had sea cucumber in it though. It tasted good at the time.

>> No.11669270 [DELETED] 

so his diagnosis is to fuck pussy?

>> No.11669278

>shit ramyun
proof that american pigs will eat anything.

that garbage is acidic bland and gross.

this shit wouldn't fly here in Japan, people have standards here, we're not swine like americans

>> No.11669292
File: 234 KB, 1024x576, raoh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you western pigs have never tried japanese made instant cup ramen.

try it.

it will be like a swine and fine dining,

it may love it or it may not even care....it's a swine after all it eats anything

>> No.11669494

korean samyang noodles is 50 times spicier than that

>> No.11669505

>conquer the world for spices but never use them

Do non whites actually believe this?

>> No.11669537

> tfw made the mistake of scratching my balls in the shower after preparing samyang black chicken noodles

never again.

>> No.11669591

imagine thinking ramen isn't more than fast food tier food lol

>> No.11669594

All I get is salty broth and tasteless noodles, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.11669935

food tiers are dumb

>> No.11669960

yucking whyte pypo....