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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 137 KB, 820x547, 229D3E12-0E4D-4E18-8C21-09A26763ED21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11656081 No.11656081 [Reply] [Original]

It's been a bad fast food week. This morning I got up early enough to stop by McDonald's for breakfast. It is somewhat novel for me, so I ordered an egg and bacon bagel combination with a large ice coffee.

I was listening to the Misery (Stephen King) audiobook and the line was a few cars and especially slow. I zoned out listening to the audiobook and looked up to see the car in front of me was already at the second window.

I stopped at the first window and no one was around. I waited a minute and thought that maybe the first window was closed at breakfast, so I drove to the second window.

The cashier, who I always see if I go to McDonald's at lunch time, glared at me and said, "I SAID to come to the FIRST WINDOW" in a really aggressive and intimidating manner. She was really angry looking.

Instead of my normal meek and somewhat anxious approach, I kind of snapped and said, "it's isn't that big of a deal, you didn't have to be a bitch" and accelerated really fast out of there. No payment and no food, which was probably a good thing because I had a Wendy's Pretzel Bacon Cheeseburger combination and a caesar chicken wrap for lunch.

Anyway, this McDonald's is literally 3 blocks from my place and I go there 3-9 times a week. Even though she works the morning-afternoon shift, I often go there for an early lunch. She may be a manager now that I think of it.

I guess I can never go back there again unless it is really late and I don't recognize her voice on the PA system. What do you guys suggest? How can I defuse this if confrontation occurs? Should I contact corporate and make a formal complaint?

Thanks, it ruined my whole day and I hope I'm not blacklisted from a McDonald's so close to me.

>> No.11656083

Mcdonalds is garbage and you should kill yourself

>> No.11656088
File: 3 KB, 125x125, HisJob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading all that shit OP, ask this guy

>> No.11656092
File: 975 KB, 842x1181, IMG_1090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to wake up in the timeline where the russians nuked your jewish cancer nigger breeding ground united states in the 80's so today we wouldnt need to deel with this garbage. I am happy your fat retarded mutt face will die of all the worst sicknessed imaginable

>> No.11656102

every non-3rd world country has mcdonalds, including russia. do you live in zimbabwe?

>> No.11656103

in all likelihood she feels bad about it as well, i think you can safely return. if she's a bitch again then you can file a complaint to a higher up or eat at wendy's

>> No.11656106

30 years ago none did. Its the cancer you spread on the globe. Yourshitty plastic food. Your nigger music. Your sexualized violent propaganda you call entertainment. My country used to make its oun refrigirators but now everything
is made by amerikike corporation that replaced your working class with chinese.
>duhuhu mad europoor
>haha blow it out your ass
>hahga america 1#. I love to suck kosher cock
Since you invaded our continent 70 years ago is planet is going to hell

>> No.11656118

America ain't the only sinners buddy

And op don't be such a faggot go if you feel like it, bitch or not she can't stop you and they ain't gonna blacklist ya for calling her a bitch, half her staff probably agrees with ya

>> No.11656150

Just eat at Wendy's for 6-12 mo....

>> No.11656171

god this is ancient pasta

>> No.11656348


You should have done as you were fucking told you idiot.

>> No.11656385

what the fuck is even with this spacing? I don't normally say shit like "reddit spacing" but holy fuck this sucks. not even gonna bother trying to read it. try again.

>> No.11656535

Wrong again, kid.

>> No.11656545
File: 408 KB, 540x541, 1544150065083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont understand this meme. Mak8ng paragraph breaks is easier on the eyes than wall of txt. How is it reddit

>> No.11656548

t. bootlicker

>> No.11656656

Redit spacing would be a space after every sentence. There’s nothing wrong with putting spaces between paragraphs.

It does seem written by a reditfag though

>> No.11656781

Clean it up wagie cuck

>> No.11656849
File: 29 KB, 657x527, 48451568974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another fast food thread