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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11650459 No.11650459 [Reply] [Original]

Upping my chilli powder game.
What ratio do you guys use for tacos and chilli?

>> No.11650469
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I make my own mix because I know how to cook unlike most of /ck/

>> No.11650478

two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickes, onions, on a sesame seed bun.

>> No.11650485

that's the most self-absorbed """"recipe"""" that i've ever had the misfortune of reading

fuck you for puting anyone through that

>> No.11650676

c'mon guys. I risked life and limb going into "that" part of town. Yikes, I can see what they mean when they say "their not sending us their best"

>> No.11650723

I always stick to jalapenos and cayenne because I am a fag.

>> No.11650856

1 ancho
1 chipotle
1 guajillo
1 cascabel

Ground up in a coffee grinder with a tsp of sea salt, a tbsp of cumin and a 1/2 tsp of oregano.

Works great in tacos, burritos, chili, etc.

>> No.11650897

How new are you?

>> No.11650924

everything old
is▲new again
▲ ▲

>> No.11650933

>newfag doesn't remember vertical recipes
Fuck off, this is just how the internet used to be.

>> No.11650940

for a pound of beef, i use roughly:
3 tablespoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes
teaspoon of salt
teaspoon of pepper
tablespoon of cumin
teaspoon of oregano
teaspoon of onion powder
teaspoon of garlic powder
little bit of cayenne pepper if i feel like it

>> No.11650941

of course remember them and they didn't die

but that has nothing to do with my assessment, newfriend

>> No.11650953

Okay if you know that link you must have been here for some time. How the fuck have you managed to not see that chili recipe until now? It used to get posted all the time.

>> No.11650955

just lucky, i guess

>> No.11650976
File: 21 KB, 473x350, 1543618910201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. Sorry for calling you a newfaggot. That wasn't very cash money of me.

>> No.11650979

no sweat, dude. relax. it's gonna be ok. just be cool.

>> No.11650989

It doesn't count if you put the top one in the middle of a sentence. You're supposed to do it like this

▲ ▲

>> No.11650990

>3 tablespoons chili powder
what's in your chili powder?

>> No.11651006

I like Mexican grocery stores becaise they have inca cola

>> No.11651008

idk chili peppers, probably some other fillers the manufacturers use to cut costs but the label only has chili powder as an ingredient. i buy it from the store, never got around to making my own chili powder

>> No.11651111


>Blasts the seasoning mix
>Uses constituent seasonings from the same company

Just because it required more effort on your part doesn't mean it's better if they're using literally the same exact shit.

The rest of this "recipe" can fuck off as well, pretentious as all hell.

>> No.11651123

but in the future you shouldn't state obvious.
Enjoy your 4channel browsing good sir.

>> No.11651162

Thanks. I will.

>> No.11651176

More than half arbols. Use the other peppers for adding heat and complexity. Also include lightly toasted cumin seeds. Add extra cumin for tacos.

>> No.11651208

i don't think i'd like my powder that hot.

>> No.11652077

i'm pretty sure that japmoot disabled the 255 thing


>> No.11652147

It wasn't Japmoot, dead moot killed triforce before he sold the land and set us adrift.

>> No.11652153

>this never fails to get people to take the bait
it's nice how everything old is new again sometimes

>> No.11652214

This fucking greedy slant-eyed dog-eating yellow zipperhead-gook kike mook and his """4channel""" bullshit. Wish moot came back.

>> No.11652228

a faggot to the very end (and beyond).

>> No.11652988

Serious question. Do you take the seeds out first of do they blend up in the coffee grinder?

>> No.11653189

you should yes.

>> No.11653886

The standard base is anchos. I think guajillo is added more often than arbols to mixes. And pasillas rather than arbols would be nice. Since you want a ratio, how about 4-2-1 with the ones pictured?

>> No.11654021

For a typical 1lb of chili which also makes a nice burrito filling I'll use 3 guajillo, 2 anchos, 2 pasilla, 4 chipotles and @ 7 arbols. I slit them open, remove seeds, toast them briefly and rehydrate in a beef or venison stock, blend and strain the resulting sauce.

>> No.11654141

To be hoenst ave you ever read the ingredients on th eback of thos epacks? Fpull of salt and shit, and it swears no msg but it has a bunch of shit that doesn't sound like spices or food but a science project in it.

Granted not all spice mixes are the same, but going form experience, anon in the pic did the right thing. He's still a pretentious asshole, but its the internet trying to 'teach' someone how to cook when there are literally hundreds of recipes on the internet to wade through if you actually want to make something good.

>> No.11654154

Anchos and guajillos as the base. My rule is 2 anchos and 1 guajilo per pound of meat.

From there you can add hotter peppers as you like. I normally use a good fistful of dried arbols and a few chipotles in a pot as well.

>> No.11654388

>dissing on pasillas
They provide a hint of fruiriness, faggot, get better.