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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11650169 No.11650169 [Reply] [Original]

Sugar and carbs won't make you fat. Fats will make you fat.
2+ years McDougall and Kempner diet devoted here. 33 y.o., lifting weights and currently in the best shape of my life at less 10% bf.
Dropped 75 lbs in one year with no calories restriction, just switching to carbs. But not vegan (I am continuing to eat the occasional meat when invited or dining out with friends or coworkers).

Eat carbs.

Carbs and some exercise (not too much) will make you lean, pumped and healthy. Don't listen to keto and paleofags. Make your own searches and switch to the thruth.

>> No.11650181

Post body

>> No.11650188

Durianrider is a fantastic troll, as a cyclist I salute him for triggering basically everyone including other cyclists

>> No.11650193

how much did your squat go up that one year?
400lbs 450?

>> No.11650195
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Carbs, fat, protein, doesn't matter. Eat in excess and you'll put on weight. Just eat/drink a moderate amount of whatever and you'll be fine. If you weigh 300lbs and you think you ingest a normal amount of calories, you're fucking stupid. Go to a nutritionist or a dietician and actually talk about portions and control. It won't be nutritionally healthy, but you can keep a set weight with only carbs, only fat, or only protein, as long as you control your calories.

>> No.11650210

If you're fat carbs will make you maintain the fat. Hence why a keto diet can reverse your fatness.
If you're a healthy weight a balanced diet is best, of you're aiming for below average fat index, then fat should be avoided. It's a bell curve.

>> No.11650249

Eating a 'balanced' diet of proteins, carbs, and fats, is the cause of obesity.
Fat should be avoided as much as possible.

>> No.11650254
File: 449 KB, 1195x665, Schermata_2018-12-23-01-06-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, at least in my experience.
More carbs, more leanness. No calories restriction. This is just a 6 month before after pic, before starting weight lifting.

>> No.11650260
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 1528516386421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat bulge....

>> No.11650272
File: 641 KB, 1199x1191, Schermata_2018-12-23-01-13-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, a more recent pic (2 months ago), even if now I am better and more muscled. Keep in mind that, due to work, I can hit the gym just 2 - 3 days a week.

>> No.11650281

Looks like 80% ballsack, your thirsty whore.

>> No.11650286


>wanting attention for your body like a woman.

Jesus warned me about you gays.

>> No.11650295
File: 75 KB, 500x471, fat-fuck-pepe-2662015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw eating large pizza

>> No.11650297

>somebody said to do a thing!
>but i tried the other thing...
>and it worked for me! wtf!
people's bodies respond completely differently to different diets. no need to get dogmatic about it, m8.

>> No.11650300

Go back to /fit/ faggot, this is a cooking board not a cocksucking board.

>> No.11650301

Yeah, this is pretty weird pictures to post. Nobody cares what you like and it doesn't prove anything.

>> No.11650312

This. My number one recommendation when asked about diet and exercise is to go talk to a nutritionist first and then figure out what you need to do physically to get the body that you want. Matching the correct diet with the correct amount and intensity of physical activity is the most efficient way to lose weight.

>> No.11650313

>Yeah, this is pretty weird pictures to post. Nobody cares what you like and it doesn't prove anything.

Another Anon asked for body pics, so I posted.
I am just tired to read everytime about carb shaming on this board.

>> No.11650321

This, but it does appear that we've found the faggot that keeps demanding that vegans and ketofags post photos of their bodies for him to critique/cum tribute.

>> No.11650325

I'm going to regret joining this shit show but whatever. I had someone call me fat once, I was feeling feisty so I posted ONE picture of myself from the neck down, WITH my shirt on. It was a tight shirt, completely adequate for discerning that I have a chiseled physique. I apparently won the argument because they didn't respond.

What you're doing is some weird exhibitionist fetish shit, hence why people are responding the way they are. If you want to parade your weird naked photos of yourself that's ok, this is 4chan, I come here to act like an asshat too. Just don't get indignant when people laugh at you.

>> No.11650342

You're dense. Have you ever stopped to think about why there's hundreds, if not thousands, orlf different diets all saying different things? Do you stop to think why some work for some people while others don't? Every body is different and responds differently to different diets. There's not a blanket diet that fixes everything and works for everyone. What works for you will not work for everyone. Dense faggot.

>> No.11650343

veggie bean chili with a toasted bagel is a great carb meal, fren. macaroni mixed with frozen veggies and spices is also great. oatmeal, instant potatoes, squash, yum. carbs are in fat is out.

>> No.11650346

>brown nipples
>elongated nipples

>> No.11650350

>Fats will make you fat.
overeating, not exercising, and not getting enough protein will make you fat.

>> No.11650360

High insulin causes the adipose cells to store fat. Insulin resistance causes chronically high insulin levels. Carbs are the only macronutrient that has been proven to have the ability to cause insulin resistance, and conversely restriction of carbs have been proven to lower insulin levels and reverse insulin resistance. If you are not insulin resistant, and don't have the genetics that make you susceptible to insulin resistance, then carbs are harmless. If you lost the genetic lottery for insulin resistance then frequent consumption of carbs can be dangerous, the way frequent consumption of alcohol can be for someone with a family history of alcoholism.

>> No.11650361
File: 95 KB, 753x502, 33559883-41fd-4e85-9ae3-fe269d7e4f5d--2017-0418_meera-sodha-s-perfect-basmatic-rice_julia-gartland_116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, right.
So I will stop just postimg fluffy steamed basmati, my preferred meal.

>> No.11650367
File: 373 KB, 1600x1195, 1000000860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my favorite meal, olives and avocado.

>> No.11650376

Biochemist here, you are flat out wrong. The human body actually metabolizes fats quite well, carbs on the other hand are horrible.

>> No.11650391

No, it's the opposite, as Kempner already observed in the 30s. High carb low fat improves insulin sensitivity. The science is on pubmed. And in almost every subject observed; you don't need to be the winner of some genetic lottery.

>> No.11650401

LOL last month you had a bachelor degree in nutritionology or some shit. How long before you decide you have a degree that isnt utterly cringeworthy?

>> No.11650404

Wow that's some seriously up-to-date shit anon. Tell us more about the wonders of prehistoric science!

>> No.11650412

>Biochemist here, you are flat out wrong. The human body actually metabolizes fats quite well, carbs on the other hand are horrible.

On every university book of Physiology available, is stated the opposite. De novo lipogenesis from carbs does not occur in normal conditions. Only dietary fats are the major contributor of adipose tissue.

>> No.11650414

>No, it's the opposite, as Kempner already observed in the 30s.

>> No.11650434

Kempner also had to whip his patients to force them to eat his swill
Do you like to beat people? Fags are into that sort of kink right?

>> No.11650446

>is stated the opposite
Way to completely misunderstand his statement. Are you a non-native speaker of English, perchance?

>> No.11650461

Lol at fucking retarded Kempnerites. The vitamin deficiency from those empty carbs has addled their brains. I thought vegans had the worst vitamin deficiecies, but it looks like we have a new challenger.

>> No.11650479

When fat cells swell in obese people, and build up inside the muscles, called intramuscular fat, they inhibit blood flow, and cause inflammation which both interfere with the absorption of glucose from the blood stream. Inactivity also limits glucose absorption because less blood is flowing in 'cold' muscles, and sitting down and being obese, also put pressure on muscles, making glucose absorption by muscles difficult. Also if the glycogen storage of muscles is full, then you're in even deeper trouble, metabolically speaking. FFA also inhibit glucose absorption and insulin sensitivity.

>> No.11650489

You continue to impress anon. Your knowledge of incorrect and incredibly outdated endocrinology is astounding,

>> No.11650531

HAHAHAHA my little sister has more muscle than you.

>> No.11650559

There is literally no reason to think eating fats makes you more fat than calories from other sources

>> No.11650574

Just eat well below your caloric needs and it doesn't matter, within reason, how much fat and how many carbs and sugars you consume. I know someone who is underweight despite eating fast food and junk food almost daily, as well as not exercising at all.

>> No.11650602

We still run off of a 500 year old false theory of planets and heliocentrism lol

>> No.11650605

>FFA also inhibit glucose absorption and insulin sensitivity
True, and ketards are intimately familiar with this phenomenon. Kempner's theories on the cause and significance of this have turned out to be completely wrong. As for the cause, it turns out that in the presence of high levels of ffa the muscles go into a glucose sparing mode and run on ffa directly instead of glucose - in this environment they prefer ffa to glucose. They do this in multiple ways, by blocking glucose uptake (the glucose receptors will actually retract into the cell walls), by blocking glycolysis of of glucose to Pyruvate, and by preventing Pyruvate from being oxidized to Acetyl CoA, so what Pyruvate is produced is transaminated to Alanine and exported back to the liver for gluconeogenesis, producing more glucose for the other organs. The significance of this is that evolutionarily, dependence of muscle function on ffa is more associated with survival than dependence of muscle function on glucose and its derivatives like glycogen, probably because ffa's have a vastly more efficient storage form with much higher energy delivery rates. The associated insulin resistance turns out to be pretty immaterial, as it is a completely different form of resistance than that which afflicts t2 diabetics, it is not progressive, it reverses as soon as the ratio of glucose to ffa reverses, and - this bit is important to understanding the anti-carb fad - it doesn't matter if you have any form of insulin resistance if you aren't consuming carbs and therefore dont need any insulin at all to regulate your blood sugar levels, because insulin resistance in the absence of insulin is about as immaterial as one can imagine.

>> No.11650608

More input than output = weight gain.

>> No.11651027

why would you listen to some faggot with the body of a high schooler on 4chan when literally every body builder who has ever lived has followed the same basic principle:

high protein, moderate fat, low carb
excess calories for mass (bulk)
restricted calories for definition (cut)

>> No.11651104

Because he speaks the Truth as told by some german sadist during the great depression.

>> No.11651149
File: 685 KB, 766x1024, Screen_Shot_2018-10-11_at_1.56.20_PM_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to website because I've never heard of him
>first picture I see

>> No.11651157

It's simple: Calories in MUST be lower than calories out. If you consume more calories than you burn, you GAIN weight. If you burn more calories than you consume, you LOSE weight.
/thread don't @ me

>> No.11651178


This is true.

The time-tested example:


>> No.11651185


>> No.11651187

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11651194

>click the link
>diet consists of greens, sweet potato, and pork offal
Wtf. They eat like niggers but live forever. Genes are truly all that matters everything else is genelet existential C O P E.

>> No.11651200

Carbs are not bad in itself but they are bad if you don't use them up with physical activity. Most people live sedentary lifestyles and eat a largely carb-based diet.

>> No.11651201

That looks like a tasty low-effort meal.