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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11650158 No.11650158 [Reply] [Original]

>told my dad there's no reason to put olive oil with the pasta when you boil it
>he called me an idiot
thanks guys

>> No.11650170

Don't worry tard frog. You were wrong. Play chess or read books.

>> No.11650173

He's the idiot. Olive oil and water don't mix. Putting olive oil in water, the olive oil will float on the top. You're supposed to put the olive oil in after youve drained the water.

>> No.11650175

Stand up to the old bastard. Give him a sock in the mouth if he won't listen to you. He'll respect you more for it.

>> No.11650183

>comes to /ck/expecting legit advice on cooking

You are most welcome brainlet.

>> No.11650184

>after youve drained the water.
Throwing away pasta water is foolish.
You just pass the pasta through the oil slick on top of the water and wala! oiled pasta.
You keep the water to add to your sauce.
OP's dad was correct and he's a tardfrog.

>> No.11650192

Oil keeps the sauce from sticking to the noodles. Wallah, shitty mom pasta.
>mom freaks out when you brine the water.

>> No.11650233

There's no reason to add oil to the water. Just stirring the pasta while it cooks is enough to make it not stick. You're wasting oil by adding it to the water, and unless you're also using an oil sauce after, the sauce won't stick to the pasta.

>> No.11650234
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Tell you're father he is wrong. Wait for pasta to come to a roaring boil, and dump it on his head. That'll teach him.

>> No.11650237

you are an idiot, though not for anything to do with your post.

>> No.11650240
File: 77 KB, 402x462, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.24_[2018.06.15_22.53.43].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no reason to stop pasta from sticking together
Yeah your Chad dad was right, sorry man

>> No.11650264

>his sauce doesn't contain oil
Mom, you don't even know whats in that jar do you!

>> No.11650276
File: 43 KB, 500x333, spaghetti-aglio-e-olio-with-sundried-tomatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude, I hate when the oil keeps the oil from sticking.

>> No.11650302

Now tell him you’re also a dumb frogposter and see how he reacts

>> No.11650306

a bold move, you're outrageous

>> No.11650319


Get a load of this fucking redditor

>> No.11650337

>this one type of sauce won't be affected so that means all the other types that aren't oil-based won't be either

>> No.11651047

wouldn't putting butter in the water have the same non-existent effect?

>> No.11651060

>italian sauce
>doesn't have oil in it
What fucking fantasy land do you live in?
Even marinara has a fucking qtr cup of olive oil in it.

>> No.11651129

ok, Marie

>> No.11651139

that crazy bitch wasn't kidding.

>> No.11651145

A splash of oil on the cooking water keeps the pasta water from boiling over. any more than that and you're a tard tho

>> No.11651147

you add the olive oil to the pasta after draining it
you're a disappointment to your mother and i

>> No.11651151

>if you use anymore than my non-specific amount then you're retarded.
You tried.

>> No.11651154

try a wooden spoon instead of adding oil to everything, you're fat enough as it is

>> No.11651225

>Taking advice from a Boomer who thinks Olive Garden is "Authentic Italian"
Yea, love your dad, just not his opinions

>> No.11651271

And you just took it like a little bitch didn't you? Fucken beta.

>> No.11651562

how do i like this post

>> No.11652489

you're supposed to add butter

>> No.11652919
File: 96 KB, 689x795, 1536900421216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell him he is objectively wrong because oil in pasta water makes the sauce less prone to stick to the pasta. Also Call him a kike

>> No.11653296

you deserve it, idiot

>> No.11653310

crack him on the head with a fire extinguisher when he’s sleeping

>> No.11653368


>> No.11653630

Hes not wrong you only need olive oil when its flat shapes or filled pasta according to Antonio carluchio who is considered a world authority on pasta

>> No.11653645

>Saving pasta water for sauce
How does that help at all? Do you want pasta flavored sauce for your pasta?

>> No.11653649

put him on. let me talk to him.

>> No.11653973


>> No.11655043
File: 72 KB, 499x374, 1497838584554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rinse cold water over cooked pasta to stop it from sticking
>dad yells "what are you DOING??"
>gives me a disappointed look

>> No.11655051

was it boiled in tap water too?

>> No.11655053

Your dad is right you fucking disgrace. Why isn't your sauce ready when the pasta is done?

>> No.11655065

Did you explain why?

>> No.11655088
File: 157 KB, 720x960, 1534570627175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sauce is probably more relevant as opposed to the pasta shape. I feel like everybody has taken retard pills and I'm doing a swan dive. Pasta doesn't stick if cooked in the right way. Even if it's oil based like a pesto, I can't see why you'd ever do that. I've seen top tier chefs do it because their mom did, but that doesn't make it correct. Do you know the concept of polar/nonpolar and why water beads against oil? It's the same idea. Look at this duck.

>> No.11655095

If you finish cooking the pasta in the sauce with a little of the water, the sauce penetrates the pasta more effectively.

>> No.11655506

Now your the tard, you save your pasta water to thicken your sauce since the water is full of starch from the pasta, especially if your sauce is oil heavy, mixing in the starchy water with the oil with make the sauce nice and creamy instead of runny and oily

>> No.11655599

Not him, but I've heard this before and it still makes no sense to me. Wouldn't the sauce get just as much starch from being in contact with the actual pasta as it would from being in contact with water taken from that pasta?

>> No.11655616

no the water dilutes anything water soluble, you even lose some micro nutrients into the water