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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11649123 No.11649123 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into Grocery store
>select my Food from the shelves and walk to the register
>Do you have a "[REDACTED] card"?
>Say no
>asks for my phone number
>say no
>looks at me like I'm an alien
>starts scanning and bagging my stuff
>recite starts printing
>say in a commanding tone that I don't want a receipt
>his muscle memory is too powerful
>trys to hand it to me with my change
>tell him I don't want a receipt again
>he throws it away
>"have a nice day"
>take my change
>count it
>he short changed me by a dollar
>bring it up with him
>he counts the change 3 FUCKING TIMES
>gives me 4 quarters
Is it that hard? really?

>> No.11649130


>> No.11649131

just use your mom's phone number, always works for me

>> No.11649135

Who the fuck pays with cash, are you 80?

>> No.11649136

Maybe 6 of these lines actually happened

>> No.11649138

fuck all this loyalty card shit stfu take my money so I can leave

>> No.11649145

Everywhere I go that isnt a restaurant asks me for a rewards card or my email. They phrase it like it's required too which is super weird. Every time I ask if they need it for the purchase the cashier gets flustered and says no but then acts like I'm some kind of weirdo or an asshole. I dont get it

>> No.11649149

most people don't do that therefore making you weird

>> No.11649150

if you're a real one you can leave without paying

>> No.11649156

>a real one
a real what? nigger?

>> No.11649164

I dont think it's that weird to not want to give out personal info to a grocery store

>> No.11649172

Why would you not trust a big corporation? You might need re-education.

>> No.11649180

You right

>> No.11649190

ok, but judging by the worker's reaction it must be weird regardless of whether you consider it so

>> No.11649193

>we shouldn't trust "corporations" with meaningless information

>> No.11649200

>have loyalty card
>Cashier asks me if I would like to sign up another account to access digital coupons.
Wtf how many accounts do I need?

>> No.11649201

Man I wish he would've asked to see your receipt and when you said you don't have one he told you to take a step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE

>> No.11649209

Because without one you can end up paying 2-3 times the price they have for rewards card members only and they don't want you to come back and ask why you didn't get the rewards card only price.

>> No.11649213

Rewards program purchases are commonly sold to insurance companies

>> No.11649226

That old wives tale.huurr duur too many alcohol purchases you claim is denied.
Its like I'm on a 2005 era email list.

>> No.11649231

I worked for a large chain of gas stations that did this m8

>> No.11649233

Not all stores force you to have a loyalty card and put one in for you.

Most stores start out with a th physical loyalty benefits then the digital Era happened and they add to their website.

>> No.11649242

and they do what with it?

>> No.11649248

Based Ron Paul, cash carrying freedom fighter

>> No.11649250

When they ask you for your phone number, just tell them 867-5309. No, I’m not trolling you - I can virtually guarantee you that at any grocery store, anyplace, someone has put that number down on the application form for a store card instead of their real number, so it will absolutely ring up as valid. Trust me, this will work every single time.

>> No.11649251

Adjust premiums based on the areas common purchases. So if a state that has a very high rate of poor diet choices, the insurance companies adjust their coverage prices accordingly. No different than if a land area is prone to flooding. It's not an individual basis. Its overall trends

>> No.11649252

Well it is a good song...

>> No.11649261

Yeah they pay big money for individualized purchases when they can general data free from the state reports. Makes perfect sense champ.

>> No.11649264

When has this ever happened?

Also why do they need your personal information to be able to do this. If the store is willing to sell the info storewide sales would provide the exact same information

>> No.11649269

would this not be beneficial and fair to charge the people who provide the least risk the lowest rates?

>> No.11649271

Seems like it'd be easier to just buy a spreadsheet from the stores every year

>> No.11649288

Its no different than an insurance company offering incentives for going to the gym x times a month for a discount. They have to pay for that info as well. The state doesnt give out yearly data on this stuff like these companies can and not nearly as accurate

>> No.11649298

See >>11649288
A lot of insurance companies also offer incentives for yearly check ups and what not

>> No.11649305

That's basically what they're doing, however if need be, and you do have a program showing all your individual purchases they can have it on hand to fuck your ass.

>> No.11649317

Is there any evidence of this ever happening?

>> No.11649319

Read any user agreement. Phones, rewards programs, iTunes, etc. They all say they are lawfully able to sell your purchase information to third parties

>> No.11649329

Saying that doesnt make it true. The EU doesnt give a shit about murrican corporations

>> No.11649335

>In a headline-making case from August of 2004, Philip Scott Lyons, a firefighter from Everett, Washington, was arrested and accused of arson after a police canine unit sniffed out a fire starter unit hidden in his home with a Safeway label attached. Safeway provided the Lyons' purchasing history to the police, revealing that they did buy the fire starter a month earlier

>> No.11649336

ok, but when has any third party ever used such personal information in a way that was bad for me

>> No.11649338

Well that is individualized data that the account holder provides to insurance. It isn't obtained via a 3rd party.
You're talking about two completely different things that are in no way related.

>> No.11649340

If I worked there and some fucking idoot says no to using a way to cheapen their groceries/get points for shit, I'd use my own fucking number. I'd be happy for running into regards like you so I can get .99/gal gas.

>> No.11649344

The end of this story was that he didnt actually do it, btw

>> No.11649345

>police are a private organization.
They can subpoena information from anywhere as they are agents of the State.

>> No.11649351

How is this evidence of them selling your information to evil corporations to fuck you over?

>> No.11649355

Based if real

>> No.11649363

Imagine being this entrenched in surveillance society. Thank God I'm going to be dead before your type lets the world become a literal dystopia.

>> No.11649369

>Prior to CVS' Extra Care debacle, General Nutrition Centers' Gold Card users had their personal information posted on a Web site by one of the company executives in 2003. The executive was selling the information to a partner company via a "loophole" in its privacy policy.
Here's another example for you. It's fine if you guys blindly trust giant companies to be straightforward about their intentions.

>> No.11649390

So what's the fucking story?
An exec did something illegal.

>> No.11649393

if you aren't doing anything illegal you literally have nothing to lose, and 2% cash back to gain (not to mention the convenience)

>> No.11649398

what the fuck is dystopian about not using cash?

>> No.11649399

They did nothing illegal due to the terms of agreement

>> No.11649404

>select groceries
>have store's card
>use self-checkout lanes
>pay with credit card

The only time I have to interact with a staffer is if one of my coupons doesn't scan.

>> No.11649405

Oh no big brother knows what kind of groceries I buy but if I used cash it would be impossible to trace me

>> No.11649409

And what concrete negative effects to his customers came of that instance a decade and a half ago?

This has nothing to do with blind trust in businesses, its just the knowledge that this data is not harmful to me even if the businesses sell it. Its not being a paranoid fuck and being worried about absurd risks. What you are doing is akin to refusing to fly because you are afraid of a crash

>> No.11649412

yes, they did. It was an exec not the company.
That would be like an insurance agent selling soc security numbers on a website.
Link me the full article. and not a fucking sentence.

>> No.11649425

>targeted marketing
>higher risk of personal information being leaked
>unknown third party sales
Yeah nothing weird about it m8. Who's stopping that third party from selling the info to others? Who's worrying about protecting that info?
It's not paranoia it's simply not wanting to hand out personal info to save a dollar on a bottle of fucking shampoo

>> No.11649479

Here's a general article about the practice for you. You know you can google all this on your own right?

>> No.11649487

>online info
>loyalty cards
Fucking stay on topic dumbshit.
I wanted info on the GNC thing. Goddamn you're retarded.

>> No.11649488

What is wrong with targeted marketing? Its obviously a mutually beneficial practice, it allows websites to make more money advertising making more products and services free for us to use like news, 4channel, email and everything google does for that matter. And at what cost? A higher percent of ads that you see are related to your interests? And this is a bad thing? What kind of madman would rather see irrelevant ads than things for products and deals he would be interested in?

Would you rather live in a world where all of the internet is behind a paywall, and all ads have nothing to do with anything you would ever want? Targeted ads are a wildly beneficial practice for all of us

>> No.11649492

It's literally all the same you retard. You register your loyalty cards online now. Hence the email bullshit

>> No.11649495

>>higher risk of personal information being leaked
Personal information that is useless that even if leaked does not harm you. Oh no, now some Russian hacker knows what brand of deli meats I buy! Hopefully they don't somehow use my occasional purchases of Boars Head meats against me in some terrible way!

>> No.11649497

>doesn't know the difference between LANs and WANs
yeah, same thing. Stick to kitchen talk since you have no idea how IT works.

>> No.11649503

You don't need a loyalty card to be tracked online, retard.

>> No.11649504

>hey sign up for our loyalty program, just agree to our terms and conditions and provide email
>hey sign up for your facebook account, just agree to our terms and conditions and provide email
Yeah big difference

>> No.11649512

>>hey sign up for our loyalty program, just agree to our terms and conditions and provide email
Never gave email on my kroger loyalty card.
congrats! mommy does the shopping doesn't she?

>> No.11649514

Hello anon, we see that you are interested in becoming a politician, we see that you have been making purchases with your Visa card from some rather embarrassing websites, in addition we see that you have recently purchased laxatives and hemorrhoid creams. It sure would be a shame to have these little details released to the public during your election campaign wouldn't it? Don't worry, we'll make sure that doesn't happen if you agree to sponsor some bills for us.

I guarantee this has already happened to someone, the big tech companies know everything everyone does, do you think they won't take advantage of it?

>> No.11649515

>these companies dont sell your info idiot!
>provide article stating otherwise
>its not the same idiot
Okay guys

>> No.11649523

This has literally never happened.
Also, why should your actions not be relevant? Especially if you are to be a politician. Perhaps all purchases of all politicians should be mandated to be public knowledge, I don't see hw that would be a bad thing

>> No.11649527

Nobody has yet to explain why it's bad that useless information gets sold beyond "insurance premiums for a general area may be influenced"

>> No.11649538

>>provide article stating otherwise
we already know facebook/internet tracking that's old news and you don't have a loyalty card to do that. We are discussing loyalty cards mainly at grocery stores. Not one grocery store has sold your data since nobody will want that data other than the fucking grocery store collecting it.

>> No.11649541

Pretty sure there was just a big debacle over a politicians porn preferences based on their online information

>> No.11649550


>> No.11649552

um, I must have missed that one. What happened?

>> No.11649558

Once again, real basic google search comes up with plenty of articles on this stuff

>> No.11649563
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>link without comment

>> No.11649567

Nope. Once again you're fucking retarded.
>4channel your grandparents email chainmail.

>> No.11649575

>, the big tech companies know everything everyone does, do you think they won't take advantage of it?
If they are taking advantage of it they are doing a really bad job. Politicians are wildly against tech companies or booming newer industries and new technologies in general in favor of old shittier industry with a more entrenched lobbying effort. See taxis vs uber in almost every city, or craft breweries vs bars, or airbnb vs hotels, those electronic scooters vs public transit operators, Google vs boomers trying to write absurd privacy laws

If tech companies really have this cache of data on all politicians to blackmail them they have been incredibly ineffective at wielding it as at almost every term older, less competitive industries strike concessions from newer better industries because of they better political connections and anti-capitalist sentiment

>> No.11649576

It's amazing how much information on this topic there is that you're just not wanting to look at

>> No.11649585

>not wanting to look at
I already know about facebook/internet tracking.
Too bad that's not the topic of discussion.

>> No.11649910

>if you aren't doing anything illegal
Spoken like someone who has no knowledge of the legal code. You're always in violation. We live in a tyranny of arbitrarily applied bloated legal code and on top of that intelligence agencies can make whole cloth accusation from aggregated data with no oversight.

>> No.11649922

>t intelligence agencies can make whole cloth accusation from aggregated data with no oversight.
Pretty sure if they are doing that the data from a grocery rewards card won't really be necessary for them

>> No.11649929
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>> No.11649978

He's right though.

But there's a lot to be said for 'ignorant bliss' and I often wish that I had your level of ignorance.

>> No.11650012

Lmao every little bit helps in a case. They can use surveillance camera+purchasing data to place you somewhere for a crime. Say you bought components necessary to make meth or a bomb or whatever the fuck. Its so easy to frame someone if you know all their business

>> No.11650015

My grocery store loyalty card isn't even mine. I found it in a colleague's desk after he died and I had to clean out his desk.

My drug store loyalty card isn't mine either. I found it on a sidewalk.

>> No.11650018

hardly matters, if you have used it with a card or electronic form of payment then they are tied to your identity

>> No.11650021

>he short changed me by a dollar
>bring it up with him

“Certainly sorry Sir, I just need your receipt...”

>> No.11650024

If they are gonna make shit up about you and frame you for a crime, literally none of this matters

Like you are saying they are framing you for making a bomb, but you also happened to buy all of the proper bomb making materials allowing them to frame you? This is absurdly specific, and its just wild to believe first that anyone cares about you at all, and second that if they had the motive to frame you they would need to dig for weird shit like this to do it

But really, most importantly, none of us matters and no one cares, corporations just want our sweet metadata to make their advertising more effective. The government framing you for crimes is entirely outside the scope of this

>> No.11650025
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>'ignorant bliss' and I often wish that I had your level of ignorance.

>> No.11650039

Hello citizens, the government has enacted a new program to reduce violence and racism in our country, from now own we will create a database of every person in our country using data collected from their online usage and purchasing histories, this database will be used to determine if someone is a danger to our society or themselves, if our algorithms determine you are a threat you will be required to attend a mental health evaluation, if it is determined in the evaluation that you are not mentally fit then we will forcibly detain you and ensure that you are properly treated with medication and therapy.

>inb4 this will never happen

China already does this, how soon will your posts on 4chan and shopping histories doom you to a mental hospital with no rights?

>> No.11650045

Signing up for a loyalty rewards card is the same as state sponsored surveillance.
Kek, that's how retarded your sound.

>> No.11650047

it literally is though, they sell the data to anyone and you can bet the NSA is collecting all of it, how stupid are you that you don't realize this after everything that came out in Wikileaks?

>> No.11650049

Why not just give them bullshit info? My brother signed up for one at stores with a made up name and number. They dont even check to see if a number is valid.

>> No.11650055

What doe the south park rat up mr. slaves ass have anything to do with loyalty cards?

>> No.11650056

In Australia communication providers required to retain records of every site visited and phone number contacted by every person. And every security scare, even acts of terrorism overseas, is used as an excuse to go just a little bit further. That information is definitely going to a central database before the end of 2030.

>> No.11650062

>it literally is though,
not it literally isn't, zoomer.

>> No.11650067

Unbased and Bluepilled

>> No.11650527

What I don't understand are the people (usually leftists) who have more of a problem with companies trying to deliver you services knowing things about you than the government

>> No.11650583

Do you think all government organizations haven't had your data for ages? They sure as fuck didnt need you to sign up for a card at a business to get it. All those businesses do is sell it to advertisers.

>> No.11650600

So do you get paid in cash or do you walk up to a machine that literally has a camera pointing right at you to get your cash?

>> No.11650617
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>dealing with cashiers at all
and before someone comes in with the
Lrn to use them properly. I haven't had an issue with self checkout in years.

>> No.11650766

damn I wish that girl on the screen would remove an item from my bagging area if you know what I mean

>> No.11650777
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I too like Bill Burr's old material before he married a nigger

>> No.11650832

I give them fake phone numbers all the time. Same thing when places insist on my email.

>> No.11650991

Just say you don't have one

>> No.11651007

Only a retarded neet faggot wouldn't make an account with their grocery store. You're throwing money in the trash because you're too sc-sc-scared of human contact to spend 5 extra seconds talking to the checkout boy.

>> No.11651012

Yeah, I get you 100% It would be so much easier if the machine just removed the item itself instead of telling you to do it.

>> No.11651042

It's more fun to lie.

>> No.11651142


>> No.11651350


This. Just ignore the NPCs

>> No.11651393 [DELETED] 
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fuck jannies

>> No.11652484

based op

>> No.11652553

If you dont have a membership use the local area code and 867 5309 it works pretty much every time. I even use it for memberships that you have to pay for like at gamestop

>> No.11652698

>count it
>he short changed me by a dollar
That's why you should have taken the receipt nigger

>> No.11652721


>> No.11652808

Fake. I did it at my local grocery and it didn't come up. Gave the cashier lady a laugh tho

>> No.11652839

>for shit
When you say 'for shit', what you really mean is 'for giving away every last ounce of privacy you have in return for a few pennies'.
Even Judas got more than that.

>> No.11652884

I fucking hate memberships and I refuse it every single time, mostly because you get jack shit in return. Also I'm not invested enough in my local drug store or that store I buy socks from to need a membership

that said, I work in a grocery store who's entire gimmick is that we have retardedly good discounts on certain items that you need to have a membership to get. We've even made it possible to use your regular credit/debit card as the membership card so you don't have to show your id or have another card, but people still fuck it up all the time and then return and get angry at us for giving them the wrong prices on stuff. That's why we ask every single person if they're a member, just to avoid the hassle.
I would however never get a membership in a store i don't regularly use.

>> No.11652891

This person types like a male but has a quintessentially female thought pattern. Many such cases!

>> No.11652894

Finally somebody has the balls to say it. We're all thinking it.

>> No.11652952

Easy on the redpills

>> No.11652965

[A] man walked into a Target outside Minneapolis and demanded to see the manager. He was clutching coupons that had been sent to his daughter, and he was angry, according to an employee who participated in the conversation.
"My daughter got this in the mail!" he said. "She's still in high school, and you're sending her coupons for baby clothes and cribs? Are you trying to encourage her to get pregnant?"
The manager didn't have any idea what the man was talking about. He looked at the mailer. Sure enough, it was addressed to the man's daughter and contained advertisements for maternity clothing, nursery furniture and pictures of smiling infants. The manager apologized and then called a few days later to apologize again.
On the phone, though, the father was somewhat abashed. "I had a talk with my daughter," he said. "It turns out there's been some activities in my house I haven't been completely aware of. She's due in August. I owe you an apology."

>CIA niggers will defend this

>> No.11652967

Snappy joke. Love that punchline. Definitely sharing this at Christmas lunch. I'm gonna be a huge hit.

>> No.11653048


>> No.11653086
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>> No.11653094

Why would you want a personalised shopping experience?

>> No.11653100

>holding up the line with cash instead of tapping and going
I can't wait for you people to disappear.

>> No.11653127
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This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen, no one makes that complaint, what a soyboy corporate cuck, who the fuck wants a "personalised experience" ? That's just marketing buzzwords, I know what I want to buy so does everybody else

>> No.11653135

i see people with digital buying spend more time then myself where i use cash
swipe card-error, low funds, get cash back, go through wallet for a new card, etc

i hand cash, get my change in 10 seconds max
only time it could take longer is if the person is new and not accustomed to dealing with cash, tho that seems incredibly rare nowadays

>> No.11653139

You're obviously poor I see.

>> No.11653143

To spot good bargains on items you that may be of interest to you.

>> No.11653150

This story never happened. Take your blog posts to /b/ and fuck off and die while you're at it

>> No.11653163
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You guys are way too sensitive.

>be me
>be shopping
>have card?

>> No.11653269

>swipe card-error, low funds, get cash back, go through wallet for a new card, etc
Those people should disappear too. Two seconds to open wallet, chip to panel, close wallet, transaction complete.
Though I visited Arkansas this fall and the savages didn't even have the technology in most stores or even restaurants. Fucking neanderthals.

>> No.11653291

yea i got a haircut the other day and a lady who was paying had a problem cause the place didnt have tap and she mentioned thats what she mainly does

(im in Canada and tap isnt everywhere either, i use cash to not deal with all those possible fuckups)

>> No.11653435

Ah, yes. Nothing cheers my soul more than being tricked into an unnecessary impulse purchase.

>> No.11653446

You must be pretty weak-willed to get tricked so easily.

>> No.11653491

if you are not weak willed then why do you need a personalized shopping experience?
that's specifically what it is for, weak willed people to impulse buy stuff they wouldn't have been interested in only to buy because of a "sale"

if you want something and waiting for a sale that's what a wishlist is for, any decent site has that.

>> No.11653641

What makes me really unconfortable about rewards programs is how pushy companies are with trying to get you to sign up for them. I was talking to an employee from a store with a rather aggressive rewards club campaign. Apparently corporate really hounds the managers of individual stores about getting everyone who shops there to sign up. They want more than 99% of people who shop there, even just once, to sign up. They punish stores or employees who don't meet quotas for new sign ups or overall rewards card usage for purchases. It makes me wary of it all. If they're so great, there should be no reason you need to force me to sign up. I've had places try to hard to get me to sign up that I just left without buying the things I had at the register. I started telling cashiers that I don't believe in saving money and that if I'm going to buy something, I want it enough to pay full price for it. Otherwise, I wouldn't be buying it.

>> No.11653784

I don't need it, you lilly-livered excuse of a man..

>> No.11653791

They know everything about you and have poured massive amounts of research money into learning how to manipulate you. Thinking you're above it only makes you more susceptible.

>> No.11653889

True. People don't realize just by analyzing your purchases they can build an extremely accurate profile of you. Merge that with tracking your searches, the apps you use and the websites you visit and they can read you like a book. They can even determine if you're a person who thinks they're above marketing influences and direct an effective marketing campaign against you based on that premise.

>> No.11653927

How sad.

>> No.11653941

What corporatist dystopian idea is it to require people to have rewards cards to get sales prices ? Are they insane?

>> No.11653948

Why not tell the chain name u jew fuck

>> No.11653957

i only pay in cash. i have a water/fireproof safe buried in a field several miles away from my house in a vacant plot of land that i own. it's where i put all of my money, several gold bars, and my valuables. i'm a millionaire, but nobody that i know knows it. the banks are going to crash. society is going to crash. and i'm still going to be a millionaire.

>> No.11653963

it's all data mining. the government is going to swoop in, take all of our information and purchase histories from these stores, and then fuck our wives

>> No.11654324

No, I meant what I said. You get points to get shit/for shit. Just give them fake info, you don't need to give them your real details. Idioots.

>> No.11654414


>> No.11654442

>the banks are going to crash. society is going to crash. and i'm still going to be a millionaire.

Yeah all that worthless money because society and banks are what keep it “valuable”.

>mah gold

Can’t eat gold and unless it’s in one gram ingots, you will be ripped off in every transaction and be broke in no time.

>> No.11654460

Should have then demanded a receipt before you left.

>> No.11654529

You will be the specific target of the rogue bands of independent trained military units operating as warlords in the coming apocalypse. And no, your monthly paintball tactics practise when you eat MRE's 'cause you're a tough guy with hidden popguns and MRE's in your obama bunker aren't going to help you. Even if you figured out how to breakdown your weapon to clean it, they'll run over you like a knife through butter.

>> No.11654722

>i'm still going to be a millionaire
you're going to be a broke ass beggar trying to trade with worthless paper scraps and useless metal ingots
if you want a hedge for the apocalypse, buy and hoard tobacco, ammunition, and first aid supplies

>> No.11654741

>i'm a millionaire
No, you're not.

>> No.11655399

you don't know the power of Airsoft guns. i feel bad for you. i'll be just fine when society collapses, i've trained for years

>> No.11655415

>deluding yourself with Fallout fantansies of total societal collapse when the real apocalypse will be living in the horrific technofuture society evolves into over the next 80 years

lol @ fudds

>> No.11655427

based, my mom gives me the fuel rewards points so I fill my tank and a bunch of containers at the end of each month for $1 off/gallon

>> No.11656928
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bootlicker in training

>> No.11656952

mental illness

>> No.11656969

if something doesnt scan, i leave it there.

>> No.11656977

i could see this happening in the uk, maybe parts of the states (cali) but no where else.

>> No.11658865

I always have my loyalty program cards with me. One group literally pays me money for buying their groceries that are cheap to begin with (only reason I shop there) and the other one offers some discouts. I'm not really after discounts but I show the card just in case there happens to be a discount for something I'm buying.

You win, they win, why wouldn't you have your card?