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File: 67 KB, 679x399, CelestialSleepytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11642634 No.11642634 [Reply] [Original]

Is the only God tier tea available?

>> No.11642635 [DELETED] 


>> No.11642640
File: 77 KB, 488x488, 4FAF1CA7-5D3B-48C5-A6D3-89027EF3ACE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11642655

typical american shit coffee drinker

>> No.11642772

I really like Tesley's BOLD. And sleepytime too, I love that bear.

>> No.11642779
File: 95 KB, 700x875, Kava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't even have any real sleep inducing ingredients. This one will actually put you to sleep.

>> No.11642801 [DELETED] 

>trusting shit sourced from non-white countries

if i need sleep inducing ill just read your autobiography

>> No.11642807

Sleepytime Extra is better get on my level pleb

>> No.11642808 [DELETED] 


>> No.11642832

you saying that just cause it's POPULAR or is it actually GOOD

>> No.11642842

I only drink black or earl grey and pg tips is my go to brand. If I have it on hand and want tea it’s what I’ll choose over others. I don’t give a fuck how popular it is in britbongistan

>> No.11642900

Kava isn't some experimental new compound you idiot. Unless you're implying they don't even use kava, which is also retarded. Unlike with chamomile which is complete bullshit and can't be verified as doing anything at all you know when you take kava because it actually works to the point where historical indigenous populations have preferentially opted for drinking it over drinking alcohol and missionaries have had it banned.

>> No.11642928 [DELETED] 


>> No.11642941

Chamomile is bluepilled. You're drinking the placebo effect.

>> No.11642958

My name is Phillip and today I am dressing up as a goat and going to a Sharia law zone. We are going to see how long it takes for an Islamic asylum seeker to come up and try to fuck me through the goat costume. Wish me luck.

>> No.11642959

I have the mug that goes with that tea, comfy af.

>> No.11642962

Also we are going to be wearing Small Gucci clothing and getting a perm so that we look like Syrians. We are going to trick 16 year old white girls into having tantric sex with me, a white male. But of course my identity will be hidden, and I will tell them I am a hashish dealer named Muhammad.

>> No.11643047

You fucking moron. You absolute buffoon. You think the best tea comes in a bag? What you posted is literally not even a tea but a mere tisane. I can't believe how fucking dumb you are, Jesus Christ.

>> No.11643060

Post pic?

>> No.11643062 [DELETED] 

Fuck you.

>> No.11643811

Sleepytime extra is the best because it has valerian

>> No.11643836


>> No.11643869

Lol I bet you voted for trump you israel lover.

>> No.11643879

>chamomile which is complete bullshit and can't be verified as doing anything at all
chamomile in high quantities has an effect similar to low doses of benzodiazepine compounds. It's pretty well documented senpai

>> No.11643884

You should drink a ton of this and drive on the freeway you faggot

>> No.11643955

Ahmad Early Grey (loose leaf) tea is SS tier by itself.

If you want to use it to sleep, look up how to make stem tea with loose leaf tea. Puts my ass down within an hour.

>> No.11643959


>> No.11643967

Shove your loose leaf up your ass hipster

>> No.11643986

>paying for tea dust

>> No.11644044

>paying to get teabagged by corporate shills

>> No.11644050
File: 43 KB, 450x450, food constant comment tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside, you plebs!

>> No.11644084

I don’t like it. The flavor is just not that great to me.

>> No.11644095

if you don't drink earl grey you need to be hanged

>> No.11644114

You forgot how valerian tastes and smells like pickled butt

>> No.11644135

it smells like cow butt actually, but surprisingly you can't smell it much in the celestial seasonings blend

>> No.11644280
File: 17 KB, 175x225, DjgTOI8U0AAJmUk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy time

>> No.11644384

>It's pretty well documented senpai
Even came out worse than placebo on total sleep time. Fuck off with your "well documented" conveniently nonexistent source.
>METHODS: We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial in 34 patients aged 18-65 years with DSM-IV primary insomnia for ≥ 6-months. Patients were randomized to 270 mg of chamomile twice daily or placebo for 28-days. The primary outcomes were sleep diary measures. Secondary outcomes included daytime symptoms, safety assessments, and effect size of these measures.
>RESULTS: There were no significant differences between groups in changes in sleep diary measures, including total sleep time (TST), sleep efficiency, sleep latency, wake after sleep onset (WASO), sleep quality, and number of awakenings. Chamomile did show modest advantage on daytime functioning, although these did not reach statistical significance. Effect sizes were generally small to moderate (Cohen's d ≤ 0.20 to < 0.60) with sleep latency, night time awakenings, and Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), having moderate effect sizes in favor of chamomile. However, TST demonstrated a moderate effect size in favor of placebo. There were no differences in adverse events reported by the chamomile group compared to placebo.

>> No.11644394

i ONLY drink sleepytime extra

>> No.11644431


That bear makes me feel like taking a nap. I think I might. Thanks, Sleepytime bear

>> No.11644470
File: 92 KB, 610x452, D0EB8064-BC21-4590-B45B-FAA895A75695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you’re precious...

now step aside while your betters partake of afternoon tea

>> No.11644482

I like chamomile because it helps me sleep at night

>> No.11644659

sleep tight cubber

>> No.11644670

Btfo anon. Get your shitty pseudoscience off my chinese basket weaving forum

>> No.11644870

The cartoon bear is the only redeeming factor for that placebo sleep tea. Realistically he probably popped some xanax before that picture was taken.

>> No.11644932

Most of Celestial teas are pretty good. I really like their Bengal Spice(caffeine free spice blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, etc) and their Honey Lemon Ginsing Green Tea

>> No.11644935

i'm stoned as fuck right now on chamomile ur gay

>> No.11645069


and have horrendous fever dreams and wake up feeling like shit

>> No.11645077


get out of our comfy thread degenerate

>> No.11645084

Green Tea Constant Comment begs to differ

>> No.11645109

It's not degenerate to use sleep aids that actually work. Pick a real insomnia treatment next time and I won't have to keep pointing this out to you.

>> No.11645113

>horrendous fever dreams
I don't think that's a normal reaction, anon. Do you have brain cancer or something?

>> No.11645213

I use chamomile, it works pretty well you should try it my dude.

>> No.11645226

>I use chamomile, it works pretty well you should try it my dude.
Apparently I can just take nothing and it'll work even better, so no thanks:
>Even came out worse than placebo on total sleep time.

>> No.11645258

I like Raspberry/Wild Berry Zinger mixed with the occasional green tea. Hibiscus tea has higher antioxidant levels than even green tea and I opt for it when I don't want the earthy flavor of green. 24oz of boiling water, 2 bags of zinger steeped for 5 minutes. Take out the teabags, add 2tbps of erythritol and a squirt of lemon juice, then pour it into a 32oz container with some ice and let it cool until I'm ready to drink it.

God-tier refreshing and damn good for you.

>> No.11645280

it's meant to help people fall asleep
the fact that it didn't work to keep people asleep doesn't mean that it doesn't work to make people sleepy

>> No.11645313

It literally didn't work to make people sleepy. Read the study. The total sleep time was the metric where it somehow was even *worse* than placebo. That doesn't mean it was proven effective for any of the other metrics. It was shown to not have any significant advantage of placebo for the other metrics.

>> No.11645339

chamomile rocks dude ur just gay

>> No.11645358

The people in the study were insomniacs though. Doesn't say anything about whether it works for people without insomnia, or if it works as a mild anxiolytic, you ding dong.

>> No.11645520


>> No.11645535

>as a mild anxiolytic
I've never made any argument about it having anything to do with anxiety (not that it even has good evidence for that, the general message I'm getting reading about chamomile is it isn't proven effective for anything), stop moving the goalposts. We're talking about sleep.

>> No.11645554


>> No.11645584


>> No.11645595

dude he probably just smoked a fat dab of bongloads

>> No.11645751

that's not Twinings Lady Grey in the metal tins loose leaf tea

>> No.11645873

Chamomile tea is best tea. I love how sleepy it makes me.

>> No.11646029

The true sleepytime beverage is to chug espresso, then 6 hours later youll get a rush of adenosine and be sleepy

>> No.11646122
File: 125 KB, 900x900, bait- the musical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait taken, I win.

>> No.11646315

he probably smoked the tea