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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11641189 No.11641189 [Reply] [Original]

Anons who will be spending the holidays alone, what will you be eating?
>doing it because I'm in the middle of a really shitty time and didn't buy anyone anything and I can't face my family right now
>broke for the first time in five years
Probably going to either make some rice/bean patties (in place of burgers) or just a lot of pancakes and throw some leftover shredded coconut in them for fun.
Poverty meals suck.

>> No.11641209

you should be with your family anon. go home and eat with them instead of eating ketchup packets on an algerian camel racing forum.

>> No.11641273

I just can't do that right now.
>really needed a break
>the holiday absolutely trainfucked me
>I'm behind on my rent by almost two months
>probably getting evicted in a month when my lease is up
>asked my family not to get me anything on multiple occasions
>I know they will anyways
I'm a grown fucking 6'3" dude who has never asked his family for money once, and I know for a fact I would break down in fucking tears if someone gave me something. I can't do that in front of my father and younger sisters.
>inb4 faggot
I'm definitely being a colossal fucking nancy right now, I just don't want to look like one in front of my family.

>> No.11641277
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>Family on the other side of the country
>No tree, no presents, no special food, not acknowledging the holiday in any way

>> No.11641312

Jealous. Desu I am now thinking about some shitty stove top stuffing and those instant potatoes. I'm too old to steal, otherwise I would grab some bleu cheese, but I might just buy a packet of insta gravy.
What are you planning on eating?
My family are shit tier cooks. They don't really do a meal in the first place.

>> No.11641382
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>broke for the first time
>getting evicted
>never asked family for money
>feels the need to mention height

Jesus christ cut the macho shit and just get some help. They're your family, it's okay so long as you don't make a habit of it and genuinely strive for a life where you don't the help. It's only bad if you unabashedly NEET it up for fun.

>> No.11641392

Gonna be eating Malt o Meal fruitty pebbles with almond milk, frozen pizzas, diet mountain dew, and honey buns like a GOD, FUCK family and FUCK christmas

>> No.11641407


>> No.11641432

Just trying to make it a little less pitiful before it gets really really bad. My family is also super poor as well, that's why I moved out when I was 15.
They can't help me, the only option is a place to stay and I can't even fit my stuff there. It will just look like I had a complete mental breakdown like a tard.
What are you eating for the holidays, anon?

>> No.11641456

Sorry to hear that anon. Somebody else mentioned it, but you can get boxed stuffing and instant mashed potatoes that doesn't taste too bad for next to nothing. If you're open to the idea, you can go to church and have Christmas dinner there. Maybe it would do you better than hanging out online with the tendie fiends.

>> No.11641460

but that’s what they’re there for anon. your family is still gonna love you if you break down in tears, in fact your relationships with them will be stronger because of it.

maybe they can’t help you. maybe you will cry like a faggot. you should still go be with them.

>> No.11641470

>I just don't want to look like one in front of my family.
at least they won't talk about you if your there.
I won't even get an invite, maybe a cold text that I don't want. and my dad moved to another state to be with his stepsister and didn't even tell me. how did I come from this mess

>> No.11641551

I've been living off of bakery/café leftovers.
I think the cashier knows, he keeps calling buddy and gives me this look of pity...

>> No.11641566

Some rice, maybe going to little caesars the day before. I don't really enjoy christmas much either, this year was really hard, both parents had health scares. They wanted to treat themselves to a vacation, so I'm here all alone. Not really spiteful just, I don't have anything to celebrate, or be cheerful for. Bet your ass I'll be grabbing all that delicious, cheap ass candy from walgreens on the 26th though, and gorging my fat fucking face.

>> No.11641577

Nothing special. Just hiding out until the holidays pass.

>> No.11641602

I'll be making Christmas dinner for myself. Going to have prime rib.

>> No.11641663

>Anons who will be spending the holidays alone, what will you be eating?

Mostly the same things I would normally eat. I might order a pizza on Christmas day, lots of the pizza places are owned and operated by Pakistanis/Indians so I bet some of them will be open.

>> No.11641665
File: 389 KB, 1715x1020, 1543897650126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash on their couch and put your stuff in a $25 a month storage facility. No matter how poor you are you always help your family. When shit hits the fan you do what you can to survive, and work towards having a better tomorrow. You're still a family, you're still a unit, you're still there for eachother no matter what because you love eachother.

shit anon i'm getting drunk and rambling, I just want you to know that i've been there and I know you're going to make it you just gotta use whats available to use and right now your family is available to you, cherish them

I'm going to be having filet and shrimp this xmas. Apparently it's my aunt's tradition, I just moved to her part of the country and I'm getting to see that part of the family more, it's nice.

>> No.11641699


Probably just some leftovers. Maybe nothing. Or maybe some takeout Chinese.

My girlfriend and I were supposed to visit my family for Christmas, but her dad died a few weeks ago and she's worried she's going to get overwhelmed with being in a family environment so she's bailing.

It's going to break my mom's heart to see me get ghosted again, so I think I'm just going to stay home so I don't have to see the look on her face when I show up alone and she has to try and make me feel better. And I know she'll be especially disappointed because she planned a bunch of neat stuff for my girlfriend.

fuck my life

>> No.11641822

I have too much stuff, can't afford a truck, and can't afford a storage facility. Thanks for the advice, though. This shit is about to either crash and burn, or I'll work it out. Right now it is seriously looking like the former, but I'll try for you senpai.
I just can't do that right now. My dad will be gone by the time I'm evicted and I could possibly deal with that then. I'm doing my best to work things out in the mean time.
That was me that mentioned I was thinking about cheap gravy.
Yo there is a bakery semi close to me that I could get to. I've dumpster dived before, but only for doughnuts. I wasn't even broke, just a trashbag full of doughnuts was ill.
Fucking champ. I'm legitimately happy for you.
Where do you live where that's a thing? Most places near me are chains, or locally owned that will still be closed. I can't afford it anyways, just curious.
Fml too. I can;t let my mom know that I am this broken after keeping up appearances, no matter how bad things really got over these last five years.

>> No.11641841
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Poverty meals don't have to suck or be avoided
>be me, 33
>got married b/c retarded, now getting divorced
>mom was going to come 700 miles to visit but i cancelled xmas
>no local friends to give srs fucks about
>got dollar tree gifts for anyone who can even bother to chat or email me semi-monthly
>so, three gifts
>no extra funds, all the money this month that squigglycunt isn't burning to move is for my /o/ needs
>no mass transit here, really need an auto
>get to apply for a job on xmas eve I am 99% sure i won't get
>bills are due tomorrow, so do i pay rent or bills?
>shaping up to be a real classic xmas
>like the kind where dad would be found under the tree amongst the presents
>time for luxurious poverty plans

appetizers: spamsticks
>crushed cereal coated spam fingers
main course: crockpot beans and pork sirloin roast with caramelized onions and mushrooms
>secret ingredient: 'rach and probably vietnamese beer
dessert: waffles
>waffle sauce options: maple syrup, pnut butter, pnut and butter mixed, butter, budder, brown sugar

morale enhancer: budder, probably vietnamese beer (6/$4) or possibly hard colas (6/$3)

decorations: the xmas lights i haven't taken down for 3 years

entertainment: star wars xmas special

>> No.11641857

Pay the rent in full if you can. Depending on your utility company, a lot of them won't turn off your shit for months so long as you pay *something* and contact them. Some even have special payment plans that don't overdo it on interest. Then again, I don't know if you've ever been delinquent on either.

>> No.11641917
File: 377 KB, 1357x789, 68213 - artist_mundanesalad game_metal_gear_solid_2 solid_snake streamer_vinny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost positively going to do utilities actually
landlord won't like it but he has a decent sized safety deposit and i can probably work something out
however if i stiff utilities my credit will get worse and i don't have the money for a large downpayment so i can resume services if/when housing resumes
HOWEVER if i get that 1% chance job i could swing rent and maybe some utilities, albeit a week late
>WEW LAD never gonna happen prepare for January car living

>> No.11642196
File: 375 KB, 1280x1233, polite-cat-on-canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you luck anon. happy holidays

>> No.11642703

I will be eating steak pot pie

>> No.11642724

>Anons who will be spending the holidays alone, what will you be eating?

Will be eating Bratwürste with potato mash. As I did my whole life on Christmas.

>> No.11642844

Family and going to pig out the entire day with outside junkfood.

>Misal, Samosas,Vada Pav and Dhoklas

Still will be finishing the breakfast but might throw in some Maggi for fun

Nice and simple Rice and Lentils with some nice potatoes and peas sabji. I'll be adding lots of ghee to the rice to wake up 12 pm the next day.
I can not wait for christmas even though I don't celebrate it

>> No.11642884

I’m going to be drinking for Xmas. Fuck family, fuck Christmas and fuck jannies.

>> No.11643317

will any of you kill yourselves this holiday season?

if so what will your final meal be?

>> No.11643321

Prime rib, but not many sides. Probably some kind of potato dish and asparagus, or brussels sprouts. Wife works Christmas at 5pm so it'll just be me.

>> No.11643331


>> No.11644745

We all have our ups and downs anon, stay strong. You're at the bottom now but that means things will get better.

>> No.11644751

>ups and downs
He's fucking 22.

>> No.11644767


>> No.11644779

T. Someone living off of dadys money

>> No.11644783

You can always go lower. Theres no true rock bottom

>> No.11644784

Jesus Christ. There's nothing worse than an insufferable faggot with pride coming out of his ass, but with nothing to be proud about. Enjoy actively choosing to have a worse time during the holidays when there are people who are reminded every year that they don't have the opportunity you're choosing to ignore you poor babby.

>> No.11644828

I'm with my family this Christmas but I've spent a lot of past ones by myself for job or "other" reasons.
Even when it was just myself I'd cook up something nice, though. Why wouldn't I?
You can get duck legs or duck breasts or whatever in stores if you can't finish off a whole bird. Or you can do a small ham and use it in sangewedges for days after.
Being alone on Christmas doesn't mean you have to eat something intentionally miserable, man.
Hell, get a chicken and two cheap bottles of wine. Make cock au vin with the bird and one of the bottles and drink the other one while you eat it.
If you just want to wallow in self pity you should go to r9k instead.

This seems legit, though. I hope things get better for you.
Maybe there's one of those food banks you can go to and at least get some carrots and onions. Stew isn't bad food, you know.

>> No.11644861

>you should go to r9k instead
Found reddit

>> No.11644883

Crybaby, you are young and still have people that care about you. Cherish them especially during times like the holidays. When you are older they might not be there for you anymore and you will regret it.