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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 640x500, triplestack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11638284 No.11638284 [Reply] [Original]

McDonald's Triple Breakfast Stack McMuffin is one of the best breakfasts you can have

>> No.11638287
File: 85 KB, 1266x704, Screen-Shot-2017-11-16-at-10.28.21-AM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me fucker

>> No.11638288
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>> No.11638291

Too much oil

>> No.11638294
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>another fast food thread

>> No.11638296

Ah bloo bloo

>> No.11638301

And there are plenty of other threads that aren't. It's food related. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.11638436

an approrpriate christmas gift for a vegan would be an interesting personality so they don't need to substitute their diet for one.

>> No.11638442
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>> No.11638455

If I can get that in biscuit form with the scrambled egg, I'm in. Could maybe use a crispy hash brown on top.

>> No.11638462

Another frog poster

>> No.11638499

For me it's the sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. McDonald's biscuits are loaded with salt and really tasty.

>> No.11638526
File: 40 KB, 640x480, mcdonalds-steak-egg-and-cheese-bagel-sandwich-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this is the best, and it's at mcdonalds

>> No.11638537

>fake egg sponge

>> No.11638560
File: 90 KB, 750x812, t-mcdonalds-Egg-McMuffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$3 for this is kind of overpriced but it's the best breakfast item to get.

>> No.11638574

i love it, but i do take it off and eat it by itself first

>> No.11639200

why do goddamn normies come here

>> No.11639248

>dude carbs lmao
kill yourself

>> No.11640922

>not going to Hardees instead
>not ordering Biscuit and Gravy
>not ordering a side of hash rounds
>not dipping your hash rounds in the sausage gravy

>> No.11641110

what is the price of this muffin sandwich
and why is there not bacon, canadian bacon and sausage on it?

>> No.11641365
File: 1.53 MB, 4214x2387, _20181221_113956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try something different, man

>> No.11641480

that looks incredible

>> No.11641488

These are great

>> No.11641497

Unironically they’re pretty fuckin’ good. Especially when you have a hangover. I drank most of a bottle of Jameson a couple of Saturdays ago, woke up in bad shape, drank a half gallon of apple juice, then went to Mickey D’s And had one of these and two hash browns. I felt *way* the hell better after that.

>> No.11641564

this kills me
I have a great girl we don't get to see each other often but when we do she pulls out all the tricks, she's itallian, cooks good, fucks like a Ferrari, thigh highs, I'm talking the works.

(I cook for her too though)

I feel bad asking her to make brekkie in the AM cuz she puts so much into the PM. So I just tell her, can u get me a Sausage McMuffin combo w Coke, get yourself something too (always recommend she geet the sane cuz it's top teir choice on the menu)

Not once. She refused to do it.

Am I missing something here???
Why won't she get us sausage McMuffin combo in AM?

>> No.11642435

>Deep fried carbs with no nutritional value

At least op's sodium filled monstrosity has protein

>> No.11642441

>fast food is unhealthy
wow what a shocker you fucking queers

>> No.11642466
File: 46 KB, 829x633, 1535250507469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy them in most grocery stores for <$0.35 each. They come in a rack of like 20. Here's some in bulk if you want, save some money:
>cost averaged to $0.22 each

You are on /ck/, not /fit/. Also, humans can live off of nothing but butter and potatoes. Hash browns are literally the perfect food so go fuck your "no nutritional value" ignorant shit. A potato has comparable vitamin C to an orange but your stupid nigger brain can't comprehend that.

>Eating nothing but potatoes and butter, in sufficient quantities, could keep a person alive for an indeterminate period of time.

You are the worst kind of brainlet. You chose the only fucking possible food that humans are capable of eating indefinitely and surviving to say it has no nutritional value. Out of thousands, probably tens of thousands of foods in all of human history you chose the only fucking one to be wrong with your argument because you are stupid as fuck.

t. slav

>> No.11642470

Enjoy your scurvy

>> No.11642471
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>food is less expensive if you get it from the grocery store instead of restaurants

>> No.11642488

>A potato has comparable vitamin C to an orange but your stupid nigger brain can't comprehend that.
Here's the link again, but you are apparently illiterate so it won't do much good.

>> No.11642495

according to wesley willis' obese retarded cousin

>> No.11642739

based slav

>> No.11642747

What do vegans being shite have to do with incels?

>> No.11642855
File: 28 KB, 507x676, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Triple Breakfast Stack McMuffin is one of the best breakfasts you can have
you haven't had a fish mcgriddle

>> No.11642862

>fish mcgriddle
oh that's nasty

>> No.11642904

Wich sauce could be good with this ?

>> No.11643283

McD's does actually scramble and cook the eggs in a similar rig as with the non-scrambled eggs for the mcmuffin. It's just a rectangle, not a circle.

>> No.11643525

these are top tier

>> No.11644518

makes peepee smaller and brain works not so good
she looking out for you bruv

>> No.11644542

where is this from?

>> No.11644596

A hotel breakfast in Saporro.

>> No.11644605

this is true. but it must be ordered without pasteurized process spread

>> No.11644613


>> No.11644614

>posting another reddit frog

>> No.11644620

this was unexpected

>> No.11645173

is that on the menu? I would never order it otherwise.

>> No.11645191

I had one of these this morning before bed. That thing is like a goddamn salt bomb. I could feel my heart rate increase just after eating the damn thing and I couldn't sleep for like 2 hours.
Will never order again.

>> No.11645288
File: 1.62 MB, 3921x2431, _20181222_091518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple can be better than you'd expect.

>> No.11645379

That's not a bacon egg and cheese mcgriddle

>> No.11647185


>> No.11647238
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>> No.11647251

Potatoes have protein, pipshit. In fact, plant proteins are healthy, whereas animal proteins aren't. By the hoo, did you know protein is not something that is needed in high amounts? It is unhealthy in large quantities. The gladiators of Rome were eating a plant diet (no non-human animal-sourced flesh or secretions). They consumed a diet that consisted of Barley (lower in protein by comparison and full of carbohydrates).

>> No.11647261


>> No.11647268
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>wheat bread

>> No.11647546

For me, it's the Double Filet-o-Fish, no cheese, no tartar sauce, add bacon, add sausage patty, add hash brown, swap bun for english muffin.

>> No.11647760

>eating before bed

you deserve it

>> No.11647764
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>> No.11647925

what was the roman diet
I'm willing to try it

>> No.11647929

just like momma used to make

>> No.11647936

are you sitting in a highchair to reach the keyboard right now?

>> No.11647942

OP you are correct sir

>> No.11648609
File: 349 KB, 2000x1131, 37584FE7-BD40-4DF5-9969-60B23CF91D57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a breakfast guy but that McGriddle with sausage is pretty godly. Anyone ever had the Taco Bell breakfast menu? Pretty fucking god tier, was on a job site that had a Taco Bell across the street and I had one of those steak crunch wraps every morning when I was on site, they were pure ecstasy

>> No.11648705

breakfast is for fatties

>> No.11648711

just had that exact one this morning
for breakfast rookies Taco Smell got it right